Under the auspices of the UN’s Committee on the Exercise of the Inalienable Rights of the Palestinian People, a “Conference of Civil Society in Support of Israeli-Palestinian Peace” will take place on August 30-31 in Belgium.
These meetings are part of a round-robin of anti-Israel gatherings organized year-round by the UN’s 16-member Division for Palestinian Rights. It all dates back to 1975, when these mechanisms were installed within the UN on the same day that the General Assembly adopted its infamous “Zionism is Racism” resolution. What is new, however, is the venue: the European Parliament in Brussels.
What the conference will pronounce is pre-determined. Carefully pre-determined: the UN’s Palestinian Division runs a tightly-controlled operation that accredits only anti-Israel NGOs and speakers. And recently they’ve become quite clever. Without altering the virulently anti-Israel nature of their meetings, the organizers instead seek to mask their activities – under such innocent-sounding titles as “support for Israeli-Palestinian peace.” Moreover, to add credence to their cover, they invite specially approved “Israelis” – a select group of radicals who openly espouse hatred of Israel, claiming the license to do so because of their citizenship. Both tactics give conference organizers the cover they need for their allies and enablers to then use the material.
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