Europe has Returned to Pre WWII

See also: Britain to Support PA Financially Despite UN Bid

By Giulio Meotti, INN

When kippah-wearing Jews and non-Jews march in Sweden to show that they have no fear, I know fear.

When anti-Semitism is again the most common currency of politics in Europe, I know fear.

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When the Chief Rabbi of Lyon receives death threats with menacing photos, I know fear.

When a rabbi and his daughter are assaulted in the middle of Berlin, I know fear.

When guards patrol the streets near Rome’s Jewish school with metal detectors, searching for explosives, I know fear.

When I, a non-Jew, receive letters saying “dear feces eating insect, scratch around the Zionist dung as it’s natural for you” and my name appears in the list of the “mafia ebraica”, I know fear.

When Bruxelles debates the criminalization of “Islamophobia” like the Soviet Union did with “deviationism”, I know fear.

When circumcision is persecuted in Germany, like during the Shoah when the Jewish ritual could bring with it a death sentence, I know fear.

When Hizbullah officials speak at the Sorbonne University, I know fear.

When cartoonists’ houses are protected as bunkers with cameras, I know fear.

When the office of French magazine Charlie Hebdo is attacked by a firebomb, I know fear.

When even the pencils of visitors of Geert Wilders are searched by the police, I know fear.

When the brave German journalist Henryk Broder is sued for using the term “anti-Semite”, I know fear

When Israeli historians escape lynchings in London by keffiyah-clad Muslims, I know fear.

When in Tolouse Jews are gunned down and nobody cares anymore, I know fear.

Today, fear dominates the heart of the very few writers and journalists who are willing to say the truth.

When many of them are put on trial because of their ideas, I know fear.

Because Jews and journalists are like the canary in the coalmine.

If Europe fails to protect them, it must be feared that soon nobody will soon feel safe in Europe.

Eric Zemmour, Jewish journalist and author, has been found guilty of racial hatred after telling a TV chat show that drug dealers were mostly “blacks and Arabs”. A few weeks ago, Zemmour was dismissed from his radio show.

The late Italian writer Oriana Fallaci went on trial in France and Italy, where anti-racist leftist associations compared her to Osama bin Laden.

Alain Finkielkraut, a distinguished French philosopher, has been sued for racial hatred for having said that if the ghetto riots of 2005 “were whites, like in Rostock in Germany … everyone would have said: ‘Fascism won’tbe tolerated’”. Since then, Finlielkraut has been silent. That’s why I fear.

Because attacks work.

If the writer Michel Houellebecq was on trial for his novel “Platform” and for interviews where he criticized Islam, other journalists became refugees in their own countries.

In the Netherlands, where filmmaker Theo van Gogh was killed by a Muslim for his criticism of Islam, cartoonist Gregorious Nekshot uses a pseudonym to protect himself. At the University of Leiden, Rembrandt’s city, the office of Law Professor Afshin Ellian, who escaped the Iranian religious dictatorship, is protected by bulletproof walls and policemen.

The French philosopher Robert Redeker has been sentenced to death in an Islamist website that, in order to facilitate a potential assassin’s task, provided his address, telephone and a photograph of his home. Redeker told me how he now lives: “I cannot go out to buy bread or newspapers or for a glass of wine. I cannot walk in the streets. I am a refugee in my own country. I cannot take the train, bus or subway. I receive mail in a place far from my home. I have no contact with the people of the area where I chose to live. The police guards my house. To avoid the waiting room, a doctor comes to my home. A friend cuts my hair. Friends have become rare. My gaze on mankind is no longer the same. It’s full of melancholy”.

Demonization and persecution hunt down everybody dissenting from political correctness.

The latest case is Richard Millet.

Before August 24th, Millet was one of the most important of France’s literary editors. He works for the renowned publisher Gallimard, where he played a decisive role in publishing best sellers like “The Kindly Ones” byJonathan Littell. Millet is a celebrated writer himself, whose important books won the Académie Française’s essay award.

But after he published a short pamphlet about last year’s Norway massacre, Millet become a demon to burn at the stake. He wrote that Breivik’s acts are the consequence of Europe’s “nihilistic multiculturalism”, of its “desperation”, “loss of national identity,” “Islamization,” and “irénique fraternity,” which is the illusion of living in harmony with Islam. Reasonable, but enough to make him a pariah.

Newspapers such as Le Monde promoted a campaign against the writer, calling him “islamophobe” and charging him of being a former Lebanese Phalangist fighter. The Francophone Muslim author Tahar Ben Jelloun called Millet’s book “disgusting” and asked his publishing house, Gallimard, to fire him (“Millet can’t be part of this organization”). Millet will probably lose his job and his books will be boycotted.

It’s true that the honor of Europe will be saved by few writers armed with pens and courage. But it’s also true that these writers are alone, that Islamic intimidation works, that the West capitulated, that fear dominates also the tribunals and that anti-Semitism is reaching epidemic proportions again. In Lyon, the old days of Klaus Barbie, the cruel Gestapo’s cityhead, are back and rabbis are threatened to death.

Europe’s streets are very dark these days and you feel like a Jew in Berlin in the ‘20s. It’s always better to watch your back.

How many “pro-Israel” friends can the Jewish State really count on these days?

One day I reached my office, the stairs had been vandalized with red paint and the words “Free Palestine”.

I know fear.

The writer, an Italian journalist with Il Foglio, writes a twice-weekly column for Arutz Sheva. He is the author of the book “A New Shoah”, that researched the personal stories of Israel’s terror victims, published by Encounter. His writing has appeared in publications, such as the Wall Street Journal, Frontpage and Commentary. He is at work on a book about the Vatican and Israel.

September 2, 2012 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. @ lily:

    Europe, the Cradle of the Shoah, “chose” the Muslims/Islam over the Jews.

    Tehillim – Psalms – Chapter 2
    “He Who dwells in Heaven laughs; the Lord mocks them.”

    Request of Me, and I will make nations your inheritance, and the ends of the earth your possession.

    “Europe, who would not protect it’s Jewish citizens are now inundated with aliens who use and abuse them. Gang rapes up by hundreds of percentage points in their nations, murders, robbery, their prisons bulging with these alien predators. They now replace the Jews you murdered and pushed out ..multiplied many times over.

    They are YOUR REWARD.

    Those 20 million are people YOU INVITED IN! Now live with it. Drink it in deeply and choke on it. This is what you preferred to Jews. Now enjoy it.Savor it..there is the main course still to come.”

    “The time will come for Jews to leave the nations either physically or mentally… both American and European and leave them to their own devices to destroy one another. Of course the problem is that they seek to take the holy land from us as they are great believers in “whoever has the ball last wins the game” and they long for the legitimacy that the har habayit (temple mount) would seemingly give them, just as Esav longed for the garments of Adam.

    This is why they lament the temple not being built /They want to replace Israel.

    No, the right is not our friend and neither is the left.

  2. Mr. Meotti, even uses the word “Shoah”, what a splendid and courageous human being. But, twriting a book exposing the Vatican in its relation to Israel and to the Shoah? One of my expressions is, “You can’t play with the ‘Big Boys “/ establishment; and the Vatican is certainly one of the Big Boys. This may be even more dangerous for Mr. Meotti. These few entities live by different rules and are never held accountable.

    Europe, the Cradle of the Shoah, “chose” the Muslims/Islam over the Jews.


  3. The Jewish Bleaching Cream of Anti-Zionism.


    Meotti: Why did Frankfurt’s “Judenrat” honor an anti-Zionist? –

    Frankfurt, headed by Jewish mayor Peter Feldman, has awarded prize to Jewish anti-Zionist Judith Butler.


    Certain Jews think that by applying the Bleaching Cream of Anti-Zionism to themselves, they will become a little less Jewish, and a little more acceptable to their friends.

  4. the children of those who facilitate or ignore those developments will be forced to prostrate themselves on prayer shawls 5 times a day. Those who succumb to PC today will find the PC tomorrow in a burka. Durope appears to be getting its second chance and appears to be repeating its former path exactly.