EU demands Israel capitulate rather than negotiate

Israel rejects not peace but capitulation.

The EU and the US concede that Israel has the right of self-defense but demands that it not exercise that right.

The EU and the US concede that the final solution of the conflict will be solved by direct negotiations but deny Israel the right to negotiate as Israel sees fit. Instead they demand that Israel accept an outcome dictated by them. Furthermore they say that if Israel rejects their dictate, Israel is not interested in peace. This is a lie. Negotiations to end a conflict require reciprocal compromises. Barring such compromises the conflict remains. But to suggest that Israel’s refusal to accept the dictate is tantamount to rejecting peace is a libel. Israel is seeking compromise while the PA backed by the world is seeking Israel’s capitulation. Ted Belman

Once again, EU says the future of its Israel relations depend on ‘commitment to peace’ – following their agenda in the Middle East.
By Arutz Sheva Staff

Construction site

The European Union (EU) on Friday condemned Israel’s plans to build 2,610 new homes in a Jewish neighborhood in Jerusalem, calling it “highly detrimental” to diplomatic efforts for Israeli-Palestinian peace, according to AFP.

Brussels called on Israel to “urgently reverse” actions leading to expansion in Jerusalem, which the Palestinian Authority (PA) hopes to claim as the capital of a future state, following a smear campaign against the project launched by extreme leftist group Peace Now.

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“This represents a further highly detrimental step that undermines prospects for a two-state solution and calls into question Israel’s commitment to a peaceful negotiated settlement with the Palestinians,” the EU’s diplomaticservice said.

The housing units, which have been slated for construction since 2012in the neighborhood of Givat Hamatos, were given final approval last week.

The EU also condemned Israel for allowing Jews to move into buildings legally transferred from Arab to Jewish ownership in Silwan, a neighborhood close to the City of David historical site and the Western Wall.

The EU took the opportunity to once again threaten Israel, saying that the “future of EU-Israel relations” depends on Israel’s “commitment to peace.”

The bloc has threatened Israel multiple times to further its agenda in the Middle East, dangling unprecedented aid packages to both Jerusalem and Ramallah if a two-state solution is implemented. Despite this, it has denied threatening Israel – or promoting the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctionsmovement – on multiple occasions.

The project has also drawn sharp criticism from France, as well as the United States, with President Barack Obama on Wednesday telling Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu of Washington’s “deep concern” over the proposed development.

In response, Netanyahu issued a sharp rebuke, reportedly telling Obama during an in-person meeting to “check the facts” before issuing criticism.

October 3, 2014 | 13 Comments »

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13 Comments / 13 Comments

  1. @ yamit82:

    “Bravado from a slime who has no skin in the game!”

    No slime here. And hardly ‘bravado’ either. Rather, calm clear-sightedness (something PresentCompany could use a bit of, judging from the huffy, judgmental tone in which his post was written).

    What’s more, if I’d suggested capitulation to EU’s demands, you’d have made the opposite charges of ‘cowardice,’ blah, blah, blah. So transparent.

    It’s easy enough to see the game you’re playing, bubba — and you don’t impress me with it.

    “I suupose you can make up for: 12-15 billion dollars in lost Israeli exports, tens of thousands of Jobs to those who need them…”

    Europe isn’t the only fish in the sea. India is a humongous market (to cite just one example among several), with a friendly new PM, who visited Israel in ’06 (as Governor of Gujarat State), and probably will again, as PM — and who is very interested in Israel’s agriculture and hi-tech, and entrepreneurial outlook — to say nothing of military development in dealing with common enemies.

    There will be plenty of money in ALL those things.

    “…and a few billion in grants to research institutions and universities?”

    Europe needs Israeli research & hi-tech. To boycott Israeli universities or deny them grants would be tantamount to EU cutting off its OWN nose to spite its face.

    “I would expect from such an opinionated genius…”

    You would expect that only you can express opinions around here, unless they happen to mesh with yours

    — and then only if YOU get to express them first. Well, stuff it.

    I stand by what I said:
    Catherine Ashton & friends need to be told in the sharpest of tones precisely what they can do with their bribes & their threats. Call the game.

  2. @ dweller:

    Bravado from a slime who has no skin in the game!!!! I suupose you can make up for: 12-15 billion dollars in lost Israeli exports, tens of thousands of Jobs to those who need them and a few billion in grants to research institutions and universities?

    Where you going to get that kind of dough, from your savings on using public computers and easting frugally at home instead of eating out?

    I would expect from such an opinionated genius to have and offer constructive suggestions as to where we can on the fly make up our economic losses before suggesting we cut off our noses to spite our faces.

    Then genius you have none because you don’t think further than the tip of your tongue and I doubt it’s as long as K.I.S.S’s.

  3. europe is the perennial serial stalker of the Jews…..the one true enemy of the Jews…..Lets hope the muslims keep them busy trying to stay alive….and vlad too. perhaps Israel can give them both a hand.

  4. “The EU took the opportunity to once again threaten Israel, saying that the ‘future of EU-Israel relations’ depends on Israel’s ‘commitment to peace’…”

    Israel’s commitment to what kind of ‘peace’?

    — the peace of the grave?

    For such a deal, it’s better that the ‘future of EU-Israel relations’ die in the present.

    Europe needs Israel more than Israel needs Europe.

    “The bloc has threatened Israel multiple times to further its agenda in the Middle East, dangling unprecedented aid packages to both Jerusalem and Ramallah if a two-state solution is implemented.”

    Threats & bribes — that’s about the sum of it.

    Catherine Ashton & friends need to be told in the sharpest of tones precisely what they can do with their “aid.”

  5. SHmuel HaLevi 2 Said:

    Netanyahu will not allow a single unit to be built for Jews.

    The world does not care if Arabs build. It gets upset only if Jews build. So international community criticism is anti-Semitism? There is truly nothing new here under the sun.

  6. Do I care the Eurotrash hate Israel?

    No – I don’t and Netanyahu is not even the problem. The Jewish people have the initiative to ensure Jerusalem and the entire Land Of Israel remain Jewish forever.

    Let the nations in their impotence – rage.

  7. Beside our ideological and political difference BB is responsible by his building freezes of destroying the Israeli economy creating an artificial housing shortage bankrupting established building contractors and suppliers of services and materials to that large and essential market.

    Building freezes create severe social stress on the middle class and the young singles and young couples. Severe housing shortages drive up rentals due to excessive demand and overvaluation of existing real-estate. It takes years to to get approvals for new housing and and up to a year or two for actual construction.

    He has created an artificial mega bubble that when it explodes, will take the whole economy with it.

    The freeze inhibits immigration and encourages emigration not exactly a Zionist or Israeli national ideal

    In short BB the cowardly eunuch is the pits.

    Let’s just say He Sucks!!!!