Enough is enough! Gantz – end 54 years of anti-Jewish discrimination!

The Regavim Movement’s recent High Court of Justice petition targeting Defense Minister Benny Gantz’s refusal to revoke an anti-Jewish law still in force in Judea and Samaria is approaching the next stage, and Regavim has released a video highlighting the issue.

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“The situation is so ridiculous, it’s difficult to explain how it has continued for so long,” said Tamar Sikurel, Regavim’s spokesperson. “The State of Israel continues to enforce a law that discriminates against Jews and bars them from purchasing land in the heart of the Land of Israel. Discrimination of this kind would be immediately struck down in any other modern democracy – but here, in our ancestral land, the government of the Jewish state is afraid to protect the rights of the Jewish People. It’s an outrage, an affront to justice and equality, and a badge of shame”.

Nearly two months ago, the High Court of Justice issued a conditional order to repeal Jordanian Law #40 in response to a petition filed by the Regavim Movement; the government and the Minister of Defense were given 60 days to file arguments in defense of their continued enforcement of the law that prohibits the sale of land in Judea and Samaria to Jews.

As the deadline nears, the Regavim Movement has called upon Defense Minister Gantz to adopt the professional opinion of former defense ministers Lieberman, Netanyahu and Bennett – an opinion shared and supported by the Ministry of Defense’s experts and legal advisers – and repeal the racist law without delay.

“Defending this indefensible law will only add insult to injury,” added Sikurel. “Defense Minister Gantz – don’t wait for the High Court to intervene. Strike down Jordanian Law 40 today!”

June 27, 2022 | 1 Comment »

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  1. the Regavim Movement has called upon Defense Minister Gantz to adopt the professional opinion of former defense ministers Lieberman, Netanyahu and Bennett – an opinion shared and supported by the Ministry of Defense’s experts and legal advisers – and repeal the racist law without delay.

    The consent of a military governor is only required because Israel has continued to refuse to certify her ancestral lands as her own. She needs to act with determination and resolve that this is purely an Israeli issue not subject to foreign input. These Jewish lands are not occupied with settlements and settlers, rather simply Israeli lands with Israeli cities and Israeli citizens who deserve the recognition and support of Israeli law which does not subject them to foreign rules or govt by military fiat. As Israel continues to accept every pretense that she has invaded some distantly unrelated satellite territory such as Zimbabwe, she only feeds into the TSS narrative that Israel is an occupier, holding territory that is not her own.

    Jordan, counter to the agreements under which Abdullah I was awarded control of Jordan, invaded her sister nation of Israel on the eve of the British evacuation. This illegal seizure of Israeli property was the only basis upon which this racist law was created. Supporting the continuation of this Jordanian law proscribing the property rights of Jews requiers either legitimizing Jordan’s theft of the land or legitimizing Jews as non-citizens in the Jewish state. This must end.