The election campaign contained no end of bizarre machinations and obsessions on the part of the prime minister. Now they may open the door to earth-shaking changes in his government.
The evening of Tuesday, May 27, was dramatic. Midnight was the deadline for presidential candidates to register. The panic in the prime minister’s residence was palpable. The last card – containing the image of the Jewish-American writer Elie Wiesel – was pulled from the shameful deck and quickly put back. Mickey Levy, the deputy finance minister, was celebrating his son’s marriage in Jerusalem with members of his party, Yesh Atid, and other politicians. Finance Minister Yair Lapid, head of Yesh Atid, accompanied by his wife, spoke with candidate Reuven Rivlin.
“Hello, your honor, the next president of Israel,” he said in greeting.
“It’s too soon,” Rivlin replied.
“I mean what I say,” Lapid said, and repeated, “Good evening, Mr. President.”
Rivlin, inferring from this exchange that Lapid would bring him the overwhelming majority of Yesh Atid’s 19 MKs, started to fantasize about winning in the first round of voting. The fantasy soared after MK Benjamin Ben-Eliezer (Labor) was forced out of the race, but it turned out that the road to victory would be long and hard, and include a showdown with MK Meir Sheetrit (Hatnuah), who came out of nowhere. Which proves that Rivlin, even after decades of political experience, is still naïve.
Lapid apparently kept his word and voted for Rivlin, but did not go out of his way to persuade his party colleagues to do likewise. The estimate is that in the second round, about half voted for Rivlin and the others for Sheetrit, thanks to the energetic campaigning of Social Affairs Minister Meir Cohen, from Yesh Atid.
The details don’t matter now. In any case, everything about the day Rivlin was elected has already been over-analyzed: the ultra-Orthodox about-face; the support Rivlin garnered from Meretz, Labor and the Arab factions (between 11 and 13 MKs from the left side of the House apparently voted for the right-winger); and the growing obsession that seized Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who fought for Sheetrit until the last minute.
It’s been noted in this space before that the prime minister’s moves in the past few weeks have no real rational explanation and that their source may lie in other realms, deeper and more private. But to send people to muster votes for the opposition candidate? To want to hand a huge political triumph on a silver platter to Labor, Meretz and Hatnuah (which is still in the coalition physically but not in spirit)? To inflict a humiliating defeat on his Likud faction and touch off a brushfire among the party’s rank-and-file who longed for the election of their beloved Jerusalem Betar soccer team fan? To pull the pin from the grenade lying under his seat and bring everything down on himself? To cut off his nose to spite his face?
Those questions become more acute in the light of what the chairman of the Knesset’s Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, MK Zeev Elkin (Likud), related on Wednesday, the day after the election. At the Knesset on Tuesday he had heard for the first time about the deals concocted the previous evening at the post-wedding ceremony for the newlywed daughter of Shas leader MK Aryeh Deri. It was nothing short of a return to the Gay Nineties: political manipulation spawned in the courtyard of Reb Aryeh and under his auspices.
At the event, Hatnuah leader Tzipi Livni and Labor Party head MK Isaac Herzog huddled together – as Elkin looked on, not understanding what he was seeing – and decided to join forces and back Hatnuah candidate Sheetrit to offset the Ben-Eliezer fiasco. Afterward they recruited Meretz leader MK Zahava Gal-On, and some say Lapid and MK Ofer Shelah (Yesh Atid) – though only partially and probably only for tactical reasons – to prevent Dalia Itzik from making it to a possible second round.
After making a few calls, Elkin had the plan (a “trans-party move,” he called it) figured out: If Sheetrit were to win, Yoel Hasson would replace him in the Knesset on behalf of Hatnuah. Apart from the joy of victory, that would give Livni an absolute majority within her party – five MKs out of Hatnuah’s six who would back a move for the faction to leave the coalition and hook up with Labor, bringing about the government’s fall and an early election.
Elkin conveyed the message to the Prime Minister’s Bureau immediately: It was essential to back Rivlin, because any other result could prove disastrous. Nothing doing. Netanyahu’s aides were relentless: Sheetrit, Sheetrit, Sheetrit. All of those advisers objected, to put it mildly, to the mission that forced upon them, but hey, go argue with the boss and the boss lady.
In light of revelation of Sheetrit’s secret severance agreement with his former housekeeper, it can be said that this was not the finest hour of Labor MKs Herzog and Eitan Cabel, Hatnuah MKs Livni and Amir Peretz, or Meretz MKs Gal-On and Michal Rosin (the latter, former director of the Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel). Ultra-feminists all. It’s unlikely that this is a chapter that will feature in their memoirs.
The story of the agreement with the housekeeper – who, after being fired in 2013, reportedly sued Sheetrit and his wife on charges including sexual harassment, but dropped the suit in return for a payment – was hushed up until it was reported by Channel 10 News before the presidential election. It’s pretty fishy. Who gets 270,000 shekels (now $78,000) for two years of employment? Where do you sign up for work at the Sheetrits’?
None of this prevented the espousers of morality, transparency and corruption-busting – who hadn’t yet recovered from the trauma of the Ben-Eliezer case – from backing Sheetrit. In the name of “peace,” you know. It’s always for the sake of peace.
Understandably, these folks couldn’t go with Rivlin, a right-winger who supports the settlements and the one-state-for-two-nations idea. But they could have inserted a blank ballot into the envelope. A rain of blank ballots would have been a good solution under the circumstances. Because if Sheetrit had won – and it was close – we might have woken up Wednesday, as in a recurring nightmare, with a president suspected of sexual harassment (though it has to be said that the presumption of innocence devolves on a man who hasn’t even been questioned by police).
There could be no worse scenario. There could be no greater shame and disgrace for this country. The beneficent God was merciful to Herzog, Livni, et al. They would do well to recite the prayer of thanksgiving, as a gesture to the Haredim who overwhelmingly voted for Rivlin in the second round and saved them, the leftists, from themselves.
Brother vs. brother (I)
The president-elect began the first day of the rest of his life by making a rare visit to the Prime Minister’s Residence. Netanyau was waiting, tense and jumpy, his face ashen. The man who did not want Rivlin as speaker of the Knesset was now receiving him as president, as the country’s No. 1 citizen, and his wife, Nechama Rivlin, as First Lady – as Rivlin himself described her in his speech at the Knesset.
Netanyahu called Rivlin on Tuesday evening. “I know that you are the president and that protocol requires me to come to you,” he said. “But it would be unpleasant for me to come to your home. I suggest you visit me at home tomorrow morning.” Israel’s 10th president accepted the invitation immediately. They spent over two and a quarter hours together on the veranda, about an hour and a half more than was allotted in the PM’s daily schedule. And not because they enjoy each other’s company.
In the first part of the meeting they “aired the dispute” that has arisen between them. Everything was on the table. Even after this confessional, Rivlin still doesn’t understand why the prime minister was so furious with him. Where the obsession came from. In any event, it was reported on Wednesday that Netanyahu voted for Rivlin in both rounds. He did not tell Rivlin that.
Rivlin later likened this part of the meeting – preceding a more routine update between prime minister and president – to the meetings in which he straightened out things with his brothers after quarreling with them. “It was a spat between brothers,” he said, “though I have to say that this level of anger never existed between me and my brothers. We know,” he added after reflecting on it, “that fratricidal hatred is the worst there is.”
Brother vs. brother (2)
The most commonly heard remark these days in the ruling party lately is, “Bibi has lost it.” In the uninhibited, morally unrestrained campaign he conducted with the aim of foiling Rivlin’s election, Netanyahu succeeded in losing a key ally – Interior Minister Gideon Sa’ar, who was always with him, at his side and behind him.
The presidential saga left Sa’ar no choice: He placed himself as the chief obstacle in the face of the caprices of the couple from Balfour Street in Jerusalem. Every trick and shtick that Netanyahu came up with and tried to implement encountered immediate countermeasures by Sa’ar: Facebook posts, media interviews and the creation of united fronts with the leaders of the coalition parties.
Sa’ar acted as a one-man preventive force – against the idea of eliminating the institution of the presidency, against the attempt to change the system of government, and against the desperate and lunatic search for other candidates, some less off-the-wall than others. Wherever Netanyahu turned, there he found Sa’ar, blocking, foiling, torpedoing.
In contrast to the impression created by the media in the past few days, Sa’ar has not decided to run against Netanyahu for leadership of Likud. From the outset, he wanted only to help his old buddy, Rivlin, get elected Israel’s president. But Netanyahu is convinced, of course, that Sa’ar is already putting together his campaign team and is forging alliances with all the prime minister’s abominators, internally and externally: Noni Mozes, the publisher of the mass-circulation newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth; the Haredim; the left, right and center; various other demons and genies; and of course the president-elect, who will entrust the formation of the next government to Sa’ar.
It’s said that even if you’re a total paranoid, that doesn’t mean that no one is after you. Netanyahu, not for the first time, is undermining that assumption. He is creating threats for himself, inventing dangers, suggesting horror scenarios, scaring himself to death and drowning in apprehension and suspicion. The question that is preoccupying Likud activists these days, senior and junior types alike, is whether there will be a reconciliation between him and Saar, or whether we’re in for a head-to-head battle. Is what we saw in the presidential campaign the overture to the great war?
In the meantime, it’s clear that Netanyahu did Sa’ar a fine service by helping him position himself as an alternative – in the same way that the prime minister made Rivlin president, and similar to the way in which he forged Naftali Bennett’s campaign for him on the eve of the last election, when the premier railed against him time and again and turned him into the leader of the right wing. That’s one ability he definitely hasn’t lost.
Staking out territory
The events of the final stretch of the presidential election campaign, which contained not a dull moment, not even after the voting booth was unceremoniously taken back to the Knesset storeroom, produced what those in-the-know say is nothing less than a tectonic shift in the coalition.
The peace plan put forward last week by Yair Lapid calls for withdrawal from uninhabited areas of the territories and the evacuation of isolated settlements. “The money is buried between Yitzhar and Itamar,” Lapid uttered in his sound bite, referring to two extremist settlements.
It took him time, but though he tarried, it’s good he has finally arrived. Or, as Leah Rabin said to those who came to offer condolences after the murder of her husband, “It’s too bad you didn’t come before, but it’s good that you came now.”
More than a year and a half after he launched his election campaign in the West Bank city of Ariel, Lapid has seen the light and reached the conclusion that without an agreement and without peace talks, and with the continuation of incessant construction in the territories, the Israeli economy will go bust. He was assisted in internalizing this truth mainly by two party colleagues: Science and Technology Minister (and former Shin Bet security service chief) Jacob Perry and MK Ofer Shelah. They have been giving him the word since before the election and have done so more intensely ever since. They dug and drilled, explained and reasoned – until he got it.
Lapid’s shift to the left is strategic politically, too. And also personal. From the gut, not from the head. His strategic adviser and pollster, Mark Mellman, advised him to stick with the original message that garnered him 19 seats in the election: the need to deal with the plight of the middle class. Lapid decided to do something quite different.
It’s not that he thinks that his peace plan will be implemented or become government policy. In the end it’s the prime minister who decides. But the finance minister definitely wants to stick his foot in the policy door and stake out some territory of his own.
yamit82 Said:
I don’t know about dreams my life is an un-ending round of housework:
yamit82 Said:
Your MacBeth ????
einkerem Said:
You’re just boring ????????
einkerem Said:
Oh your a College boy play grown-up.
einkerem Said:
einkerem Said:
Do you make a habit of looking under the kilts of every traditional Scotsman wearing a Kilt??
Is your thing diving for every sailors open fly???
honeybee Said:
You are trying to hard too sound hip, cool blah blah.
The stuff of dreams:
Contrived and phony as an AH who used to post here who conceived of himself as an aesthetic wannabe poet.
In the end it was shown that he was neither an aesthetic nor a poet worth the time to read. He was Nuts and as psychotic as any troll posting on this site.
Turned out he was in real life a stalker of women, was jailed several times and at 75 years of age was just an old man fantasizing assuming a myriad of personae and screen names.
You remind me a lot of him, at least the MO is similar.
“Where do you live Devolin? Name of the country? Nothing more?”
What does my country have to do with my statement (and your non-existent reply)? Give some examples of Netanyahu’s genius. I was not referring to his genius when I mentioned his imprudent move of releasing the terrorists into the ranks of Israel’s enemies. Did you not understand the statement’s gist? What does my country have to do with my statement? If you can’t respond to my questions, if you can’t perceive simple suggestion, then I will not respond to you.
“University of Life” means what? This is a boast? Please tell me about what you’ve learned. You sound like a troll. Trolls are never capable of verifying their ambiguous statements. You fit the bill already. Are you a Christian? Or maybe you’re pretending to be Jewish…I can’t find anywhere you state what “faith” you follow. You sound like a Christian to me.
honeybee Said:
Sugarbabe, you post your resume! If you got the hots for Yamit go for it. I have a strong hunch you just might be a little “old” fashioned for my style. You catch my drift?
I am sorry you easily bore. I am anything but bored – ever!
einkerem Said:
Suga, post you resume. But from what I’ve read on you previous post, you can begin to compare yourself to Yamit82, and I am easily bored.
honeybee Said:
You speaking from experience honeybee?? If so, you ain’t seen nothin yet. No no baby. You ain’t seen nothin yet!
einkerem Said:
Sugie Darlin, what is unhealthy for the every day male is red meat for Yamit82. It makes him the superman of Lovers.
honeybee Said:
Not sure why I should trust you if you are advocating something unhealthy! On the other hand, if you are hinting that Yamit82 is in an unhealthy relationship, I’m not surprised!!!
einkerem Said:
Trust me Suga, the unhealthy are more fun !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
M Devolin Said:
Unfortunately, I don’t think you get anything. Did I ever refer to him in any of my comments or do you just have a fetish with this guy that makes you feel like I remind you of him?
M Devolin Said:
Where do you live Devolin? Name of the country? Nothing more?
@ M Devolin:
Not Sunday school, sorry guys. This is what I learned in the University of Life. If you have a different experience of life, let me hear it. Big Bang maybe? It’s all random and meaningless? Speak up.
OK, now I get it: You think you’re the reincarnation of John the Baptist.
“Netanyahu is one of the sharpest, most brilliant strategist in politics not only in israel, but around the world.”
You mean like when he released the “Palestinian” terrorists back into the arms of their mothers? This is the movement of the world’s “sharpest, most brilliant strategist in politics”? What are you smoking?
Took the words right out of my mouth, Yamit.
einkerem Said:
The way I have heard the story it was Lieberman’s idea and BB only consented because all polls showed the Likud and him getting whipped good. Lieberman thought he could use the deal to get back into the Likud as his base was in decline but then and now most Likud Voters hate his guts and don’t want him back in the Likud so now he is toying with other parties. There is a strong feeling of Buyers re morse
within Yisrael Beteynu. I’ve seen poll analysis that the Likud lost seats due to the unity deal with Lieberman.
Even if and I’m not convinced the Likud will garner the most votes in the coming elections the awarding of party to form the next coalition will go to the party who best shows they have the votes to form a coalition…This is why BB was so much against Rivlin for President… He is afraid Rivlin will do to BB what BB did to Rivlin and others like stabbing them in the back (with a smile even).
BB has admitted to stealing furniture but gve some lame excuses for the theft.
Re: his taking bribes from millionaire Jews in “BB tours”: Again he does not deny most of the allegations but claims they were not criminal but then neither did I allege criminality only that they were unethical and probably criminal at least some of the allegations fall into that category. AG of Israel do not like to prosecute PM’s of Israel so they obfuscate and kick the can down the road rather than indicting and or prosecuting Israeli leaders. It took years to get Olmert.
“einkerem” meet “dweller”.
Huh?? Do you mean my sex organ or my heart??
yamit82 Said:
Then it’s time you got circumcised!!!
yamit82 Said:
ADS? How did Sharon get into this picture?
The bottom line is that BB got all the Yisrael Beitenu people to vote Likud. Genius! And polls show BB and the Likud still getting more seats than any other party if elections were held today.
yamit82 Said:
I beg to differ. So far you have only dealt with alleged facts and BS.
yamit82 Said:
That’s right Yamit. Everything is part of God’s plan. Even your obsession with BB, your fear of coming home, your loneliness and lack of being in a healthy relationship etc.
It’s God that calls ALL the shots, not you me or BB.
yamit82 Said:
More proof that you have no idea of what you talk write about. The sickness is yours buddy. Learn to deal with it. Maybe professional help if you can afford it. Why do I have the feeling you are a piss poor misfit whose life is a total mess?
yamit82 Said:
Look under,” Obama”s Childrens’ Crusade” # 25. I think it extensive covers your proclivities.
I shall hide in a cave on the Mesa, hope the cougar has moved, but I rather face him then you.
honeybee Said:
I am like Keelie a Kilt wearing Scotsman.
@ honeybee:
Give me the link and I’ll look t what you listed.
@ yamit82:
I wrote mar55 a long list rues necessary to “get along” with you, you might peruse those rule for any additions.
yamit82 Said:
Darlin, do you think maybe your loincloth is on to tightly today.
einkerem Said:
Maybe that’s why Sharon trounced the Likud leaving them with 12 mandates and in the last elections BB and the Likud got 20 seats (mandates) out of 120. Ever occur to you that the piss poor showing of the Likud is dafka because BB was heading the Party list?
Comparing BB to Moshe and me to Korach?
BB is G-d’s wish for us? Then so is Abbas, Arafat, Hitler, Stalin, Mao etc.??? Maybe you are right, they exist to punish us, especially the brain-dead fools among us.
Man you have lost it. I deal in facts not apologetics without empirical foundations.
I can only assume you are on BB’s payroll a relative or just a totally obtuse brain dead acolyte of BB’s.
In either case you aren’t worth more of my time.
@ yamit82:
“There are at least 3 people who think so:
BB Sarah And You.”
Did you forget about the vast majority of Likud members? And how about the hundreds of thousands of Israelis that voted Likud? Once again, your obsession with BB makes you look retarded.
“In my opinion everything that SOB touches turns to shit.”
You are saying this about the longest reigning Prime Minister Israel has ever had? He must be doing something right to get that title!! Again, your obsession blinds you to reality!
“He is real sicko, corrupt, cheap and indecisive in his decision making. Israel deserves better.”
There is no better Yamit. That’s why he was elected PM. Maybe one day there will be better, but not today and not yesterday! Besides, you of little faith, he is the PM because that is God’s wish! You want to fight with God? You are in good company. This week’s parsha is Korach. Read what happened to him when he decided to fight God!
“A Channel 10 report alleged that”
The magic word is alleged. Channel 10 is as left and biased against BB as they get. All your sources from the media hate BB and his wife. You want to put yourself in their camp? Go for it you lefty weasel traitor!
“The Channel 10 report included a list of dozens of trips allegedly”
Again the magic word.
Maybe you forgot to read the recent news on how Peres overspent his budget by 35% which means tens of millions of shekels out of the tax payers pocket! But you like Peres, right??
If BB did anything illegal the press would be all over him. All your claims against him are what? jealousy?? He’s the PM. They get lots of perks that come along with the job. Every PM gets them. But no, you are obsessed with what BB takes, no one else.
“the channel published a private list of Jewish millionaires who allegedly could be “relied upon” to finance the Netanyahu family’s holidays abroad. The channel claims the Netanyahus did not pay for any of their flights or the hotels and resorts where they were put up”
Surprise, another alleged claim. You know why they alledge these things Yamit? Because they have no basis in truth. They can alledge from here to eternity about anything they want. They can alledge that you are a gay transvestite pedophile and you can’t do a thing. Yet once again, because of your obsession, if they alledge anything negative about BB, you read it as if it was written on the “luchot ha-brit!!”
“BB could be in breach of the Knesset’s ethical code that forbids acceptance of gifts and sponsors who have business dealings in Israel, and he is also being investigated for bribery” Is this what Yamit alledges? Because I have read nothing to this affect anywhere in the press.
Bottom line Yamit82, BB is going to be PM for a while to come. Either learn to live with it, or guy buy a gun and end your misery. Because you are in real misery!!
honeybee Said:
Run To The Hills
@ yamit82:
I left a warning about you Darlin, but nobody listens to me.
einkerem Said:
There are at least 3 people who think so:
And You.
Your credit to BB’s to being “…one of the sharpest, most brilliant strategist in politics not only in israel, but around the world.” is an opinion without merit or empirical evidence. In my opinion everything that SOB touches turns to shit.
The references I cited on this thread go to the personal character traits of the current PM of Israel. He is real sicko, corrupt, cheap and indecisive in his decision making. Israel deserves better.
A Channel 10 report alleged that, in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Mr Netanyahu took lavish foreign trips at the expense of Jewish organisations and private philanthropists.
The Channel 10 report included a list of dozens of trips allegedly taken by Mr Netanyahu and his wife Sarah – and in some cases also their two sons – to Europe and North America.
In addition, the channel published a private list of Jewish millionaires who allegedly could be “relied upon” to finance the Netanyahu family’s holidays abroad. The channel claims the Netanyahus did not pay for any of their flights or the hotels and resorts where they were put up.
BB could be in breach of the Knesset’s ethical code that forbids acceptance of gifts and sponsors who have business dealings in Israel, and he is also being investigated for bribery.
einkerem Said:
Runnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ yamit82:
Yamit, your obsession with Bibi makes you look more crazed than Shimon Peres. And the author is completely speculating. Netanyahu is one of the sharpest, most brilliant strategist in politics not only in israel, but around the world. We are living in an age of double-speak. The things people hear are meant to be heard. There is no war between Saar and Bibi. There will be no war between Rivlin and Bibi. Rivlin will never have to choose between Bibi and Saar. Rivlin will play by the rules when elections come around just as Peres had to give Bibi the first shot at a coalition even when Livni’s party had one more seat. Watch as Bibi gets re-elected the next time around.
Report: Netanyahus took furniture from PM’s residence for private home
Prime Minister’s Office says the acquisition for Benjamin Netanyahu’s private home meets regulations; attorney general following up on claim.
Attorney General Yehuda Weinstein will follow up on a complaint that the Netanyahus took garden furniture designated for the Prime Minister’s Residence to their Caesarea home, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Thursday.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office first said the furniture was in his official residence in Jerusalem, but later added that the acquisition of the furniture for his private home met regulations.
According to Yedioth, an official at the Prime Minister’s Office ordered new furniture identical to the set in the Netanyahus’ home in Caesarea at a cost of tens of thousands of shekels. When the furniture arrived, the old set was apparently moved to the official residence, while the new furniture was delivered to Caesarea.
The complaint reached State Comptroller Joseph Shapira, who sent the file on to the attorney general based on regulations for cases in which criminal activity is suspected.
Benjamin Netanyahu accused of ‘corruption’ over home furniture
Israel’s prime minister is facing the latest in a barrage of allegations over his use of public money to buy furniture for his private home
Benjamin Netanyahu accused of ‘corruption’ over home furniture
Israel’s prime minister is facing the latest in a barrage of allegations over his use of public money to buy furniture for his private home
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Benjamin Netanyahu accused of ‘corruption’ over home furniture
Israel’s prime minister is facing the latest in a barrage of allegations over his use of public money to buy furniture for his private home
Benjamin Netanyahu is facing a fresh row over his use of public finances following revelations he spent £5,100 of taxpayers’ money on furniture that was installed in his private villa.
One opposition politician accused the Israeli leader and his family of corruption after it was disclosed that the furnishings had been originally bought for the prime minister’s official residence in Jerusalem but were later moved to his own house in the exclusive seaside resort of Caesarea.
Mr Netanyahu’s wife, Sara, ordered that the garden furniture be taken to Caesarea just days after it was purchased, Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper reported. It replaced identical items at the private residence that had become worn and corroded because of the proximity of the sea. The older furniture was repainted and taken to the prime minister’s official Balfour Street residence in Jerusalem’s up-market Rehavia neighbourhood, according to Yedioth.
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In this instance Verter a long time student of BB nails it.
Good synopis of who and what BB is and says pretty much what I have said here on Israpundit in a myriad of posted comments.
BB is a real sicko and so is his Boss Sarah.
How much danger can a weak psychopath with sociopathic tendencies do to our nation can only be speculated on, but I submit that he can do irrevocable harm and the sooner we are rid of him and his dominatrix spouse the better.