Elections have consequences.

Peloni:  Batya is quite correct.  Elections have consequences, and any attempt to alter those consequences should be recognized as a coup.  If Biden won his primary, and that is what I would characterize as an interesting ‘if’, his voters have the candidate they chose.  He is no more demonstrably past his sell by date today than he has been seen to be in the past, and the buyer’s remorse coursing thru the Dems and their surrogates should be recognized to be exactly that.  Biden’s handlers have been handling things for some time now, and those who were themselves too incompetent to discern this fact have no right to act upon their newly obtained discernment of reality.  In fact, overthrowing the Dem’s choice for their 2024 candidate should be as reprehensible as was the overthrowing of the public’s choice for president in 2020.  Elections have consequences, and this is why voting is more of a responsibility than a choice, as we are all responsible for the choices we choose in life.  In truth, the Dems have the candidate they deserve, even as the world does not deserve to see him twice placed in office against the will of the American electorate.


July 6, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. I can’t find this article on Batya’s “x” site. I can’t confirm from looking through the site that it exists. Peloni should republish this column here if indeed it exists.