Egypt’s President Sisi Survives Assassination Attempt

JaFaJ  Intelligence Report   Apr 30/22


1. JaFaJ has confirmed that the President Sisi of Egypt has survived an assassination attempt. The attempt took place on April 29, 2022. Sisi was injured in the attempt, but the shock and injuries are reported to be superficial. Reportedly, the assailants were rouge members of the Presidential Guards whose job is to protect Sisi and his family.

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2. JaFaJ has confirmed that Sisi has been injured and remains hospitalized within one of his most protected presidential compounds while he recovers from his injuries and shock.

3. Intelligence available to JaFaJ has established that the assassination attempt were “an inside job”, and that the assailants were army officers from the Presidential Guards elite units. While it is not clear yet who was behind the attempt, the sources have confirmed that Egyptian Military Intelligence itself is investigating and the President’s eldest son, Mahmud, is following up on the progress of the investigations by himself.

4. In the attacks, at least one assailant was killed, and several presidential guards and army officers have been arrested. The common suspicion within Sisi’s inner circle is that the attack was facilitated by rouge senior army officers and not just a small job by junior officers.

5. The President’s family, including in-laws and grandchildren, have been put under beefed up security and gathered in the Presidential compound where Sisi is recuperating. Sisi has met with his family and is reported to be very emotional.

6. Strict orders have been issued to keep the story from being leaked to the media. JaFaJ has learned that a very small number of army generals and senior intelligence officers are aware of the details, and they are already in the process of planning a vigorous round of public appearances in an effort to thwart any potential negative rumours. They have planned on letting the President deliver a speech for the Eid, at the end of the Muslim month of Ramadan fasting.

7. Conclusion: This attempt on Sisi’s life came from his inner circle. To his luck, the assailants were not successful. Nonetheless, it exhibits the unmistaken reality that the Egyptian establishment, represented by the military regime, is upset with Sisi. This assassination attempt signifies more unrest is on the way unless Sisi manages to turn his image around and win both the angry Egyptian army and the Egyptian people who have been suffering under his ruthless grip and unprecedented economic austerity measures.

See JaFaJ’s report on the Egyptian army’s grievances with Sisi and the growing dismay with him amongst Egyptian army generals

May 1, 2022 | 2 Comments »

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  1. This is very disturbing. This is even more of a relevant concern since the Western power brokers who displaced Mubarak for the Muslim Brotherhood are back in power in the US and might support doing the same again to El Sisi.