In December of 2011 Egypt sent the United Nations a report detailing the
reasons for which Israel owes the government of Egypt $500 billion for
damage sustained by the Sinai Peninsula when it was controlled by Israel
between 1967 and 1982.
Following one year of inaction by the UN, the report has now been sent to
the US administration in the hopes that it will press its ally, Israel, into
paying the debt.
The monetary demand is based on the claim that in its occupation and exit of
the Sinai Peninsula, Israel disabled all ways of life and methods for
progress in the region. It is based off of Article VIII of the 1979 peace
agreement between the nations, which said, “The parties agree to establish a
claims commission for the mutual settlement of all financial claims.”
The report notes that former president Hosni Mubarak did not introduce
claims regarding any of the stolen goods or physical damage throughout his
time as ruler.
The 750 page report describes the plethora of ways in which Israel shattered
the local economy. It asserts that Israel destroyed the fishing industry and
40 percent of the coral reefs; took valuable oil, gold, and gems, leaving
only “worthless” rock behind.
It goes on to say that maritime trade through the Suez Canal was disrupted
between 1967 and 1975, thus depriving Egypt of millions of dollars’ worth of
revenue; Israel stole just under $50 billion worth of sand; and conducted
excavations, stealing valuable artifacts from both the land and museums in
the area.
Israel also allegedly took 30 percent of the region’s freshwater sources,
redirecting them towards its own population.
Militarily, the report claims that Israeli soldiers ransacked all Egyptian
banks in the Gaza Strip following the conclusion of the 1967 war, and Israel
obliterated the Egyptian Air Force in 1967.
Now, Egyptian leaders are asserting their rights to reparations for the
wrongs committed through the 1970s’. The timing is important, as Egypt is
desperate for funding right now.
Talks with the IMF regarding a $4.8 billion loan will be restarting shortly
@ yamit82:
Oops. Honest mistake (still can’t figure out how I got the numbers wrong)
…it.s really difficult to stop laughing
Even the UN is trying to escape. HOw come the news didnt cover this, did they think it was satirical? Hope springs eternal!
Its as absurd as the “palestinian” people(and the world listened to that hooey)! The arabs are saying “if they bought the Palestinian people lets see what we can sell them next; HMMM, how about the brooklyn bridge or reparations for destroying our planes in the 67 war(haw, haw haw)?
@ the phoenix:
the phoenix Said:
#16 not #5
@ jo_moe:
Yamit figured it out for you.
See comment #5
easy paid commit 50mill a month from the 100mill collected for the terrorists occupying J and S
Well, we built the pyramids and haven’t been paid yet. Can someone calculate the cost of building those pyramids 3000 years ago, the accrued interest as well as the visiting fee rights we are entitled to? I am sure it belittles the $500B
@ Canadian Otter:
I agree with you about satire and reality here and you are more knowledgeable on Israel than most Israelis.
Thanks for Buchwald and here I also agree the young Buchwald much better and cutting than the aged Buchwald was. Guess not everything improves with age.
Daniel HaCohen Said:
Whah! Whah! Whah! Noch a jackass.
@ NormanF:
Their pride is foolish pride, rooted in hatred and ignorance, I expect nothing less from them!
@ Shy Guy:
No like your whining useless comments! Mind your own business.
David Shapiro Said:
You mean like your whining, useless comments?
@ Michael Devolin:
Leave it to Michael Devolin to use such a base description.
Are you going to whine and moan like a woman to Ted when you don’t like someone, as you did before?
@ yamit82:
Sometimes readers take satirical talkbacks seriously. And who could blame them. The degree of ABSURDITY in the Israeli-Arab conflict is so high that an average American or Canadian with only a vague idea of the situation (like me) can get very, very confused. Reality sounds too much like satire, and it’s hard to tell the difference between the two. Thank you for the link. It is quite good. I’ll save it and I hope they’ll keep on posting. There’s no lack of subject matter.
I managed to get a collection of Art Buchwald’s books a while ago. He was the master of gentle satire. Although he was quite liberal, I really like his earlier columns. He just wasn’t as funny in his senior years, though. For those not familiar with him, here is his online archive. A real treasure.
It is Egypt who owes Israel Billions in reparations–Israel owes Egypt nothing!
Gotcher reparations right here, Morsy baby.
Israel to Muslim Brotherhood: “Kiss my Jewish ass!”
yamit82 Said:
brilliantly written.
but very very sad…
@ Canadian Otter:
Israeli Satire Laboratory
Israel Pretense Forces Bravely Escape Armed Conflict
ISL – Jerusalem, 11 December, 2012 – In another heroic action, highlighting the courage and vigilance of Israel’s Pretense Force, an entire squadron of veteran combat soldiers faced off a fierce group of stone-flinging Arab youths, escaping just in time to avoid quelling the disturbance in a professional and decisive manner and without inflicting any kind of physical or spiritual damage upon the Arab hooligans.
Secretly filmed footage of the action was inadvertently released on the internet yesterday, allowing the public to witness firsthand the perils of service in the Israeli Pretense Force. Most of the public, as well as Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu and many other MKs from the entire political spectrum, were supportive of the action and the IPF, praising the bravery of the soldiers and their determination to uphold the strictest, most humane rules of combat ever set up by a scarred nation fighting for its very existence. Israeli PM, Netnayahu, released a statement saying that “A new and better generation of soldiers has emerged in Israel, a generation that forgoes the base, physical aspect of combat in order to achieve pure, metaphysical victory on the moral plane. They are the pride of the nation.” Minister of Pretense, Ehud Barak, also known as “Runaway Ehud”, for his successful, groundbreaking midnight retreat from Lebanon and other military failures, said that “Not since the Disengagement have we seen the IPF act in such a decisively moral manner. This is a proud day for all defenders of important Jewish values such as ‘turning the other cheek’ and ‘Loving your enemy’.
IPF Chief, Benny Dunce, later admitted that three soldiers were moderately wounded in the action, but said that “Moral victories are never cheap, and sometimes, if not always, Jewish blood is the price of conquering and maintaining the moral high ground, which is the only real ground there is and therefore our most important military objective.”
My comment got spammed again.
We could always send the the bill for 250 years of unpaid slave labor at min wage. Estimated 15 million Jews working12-15 hrs a day X 7 days a week? Now we add the interest rate of say 6% compounded and the amounts are well over a trillion dollars today. We can attach all of the pyramids (we built them after all) and the canal if they can’t pay. We could loot the Egyptian Museum? We love mummies. Egyptian sand could extend hundreds of square miles to Israel by extending our territory out to sea much like Holland.
Myriad of possibilities but if we don’t the IMF Banksters will for pennies on the dollar just as they have done in Greece and other countries. That’s how they loot national assets. I can’t see Egypt agreeing to the required IMF austerity regimen as their standard conditions for giving loans to failed states. Maybe they can sell all the military hardware Obama and Bush gave them to “CHINA”, even the Saudis for half the price they pay the Americans. Everybody likes bargain-basement pricing.
They could let the Egyptian People starve to death.
Canadian Otter Said:
dear otter,
i am with you 100%. in fact, i made a very similar comment on the “redefining (failure as) victory”.
it as all in the mindset. whether that be the mindset of a proud victor or a nebbish dhimmi.
and in as far as the musloid brotherhood demand for jizyia…and sending this demand to their allies at the u.n.
why, this only comes to substantiate the discussion i have had with bernard ross, in this forum, regarding ‘legal approach’ vs ‘2×4 approach’ as championed by me.
i am in complete agreement to use legal war where one KNOWS that the case will be heard in a fair court and not the cangaroo court that this totally useless muslod entity, known as the u.n. has become.
in such a case, i say ‘why bother?’
we KNOW that there will be a fake cry of indignation by all the , oh so enlightened other nations… (sarc/off)
the goal should be as previously described by mr arnold harris, to take over all these jewish STOLEN LANDS and by all means, as yamit advocates, use napalm or any such item to achieve the goal.
so not only is this unwashed musloid not going to see a ‘agorah’ but he should lose it all!
Israel should accept the proposal… on condition the Egyptians take all the Arabs Of Eretz Israel with them.
They can contribute to the development of the Sinai.
@ NormanF:
There is no irony. These are not beggars but people with PR we in Israel should envy, they are talking international Jewish conspiracy, genocide of Sinai, and nothing amusing about it.
@ Dean:
There are many ‘opportunities’ like that/ We in Israel do not take advantage of them, allow our opponents to set the agenda and pay in blood.
I have a blog called – “All the News tat should have happened- missed opportunities, and it is not hard to find content every day.
Israel is typically asleep and has been allowing this to occur., being responsive and never proactive. What about
– all of the improvements to Sinai including hotels at the allegedly broken reefs
– reparations to Israeli Jews of Egyptian descent. The recent invitation from a government official to Israelis of Egyptian descent was rescinded with the usual ‘ no came dung in our country’ etc etc.
– What about the failure of Egypt to live up to its’ end of the ceasefire and prevent tunnels.
The government here (in Israel) is long overdue for a rehaul
I suggest that Israel capitulate to the demand and give the Egyptians 500 billion … kicks in the arse.
@ Canadian Otter:
I totally agree with you. If Israel does not respect it-self, do not expect respect from the world. A better question is why so many “jews” are rabidly against Israel…Is it because the reform-conservative vs halachic divide?
GOVT GHETTO MENTALITY BRINGS THIS ABOUT. When the Israeli government adopted a Ghetto Mentality, the country itself became the Ghetto Jew for the rest of the world. Doesn’t this and so many other acts of extortion, contempt, vilification, discrimination, humiliation and viciousness remind you of the old status of Diaspora Jews in Europe and in Muslim countries? ~~~~~ The world’s perception of Israel has been largely instigated by a government inclined to solve conflicts by bribing adversaries, and by subjugating itself to those it deems to be superior – either as protectors or aggressors. This perception has already extended into the 21st century when Israel is the most disrespected nation on Earth, and Jews the most despised group anywhere. ~~~~~ PA textbooks call for the destruction of Israel and the Jews, and PA-TV routinely incites against Jews and Israel – but Israeli top officials have actually defended those textbooks and never utter a word of complaint against PA demonization of Jews – all the while calling on those same Arabs to please take more Jewish land. ~~~~~ Israeli authorities’ acceptance of world mistreatment, their gradual implementation of dhimmitude status on Israeli Jews, and their need to ingratiate themselves with everyone has produced increased contempt in the Middle East and elsewhere.
That was not the case after the 1967 War, when Israelis themselves showed their courage and self-respect, inspiring soaring admiration in the rest of the world. The Israeli government soon made sure to correct that perception by sharply veering towards policies of growing dhimmitude and self-abasement. ~~~~~ What many Jews still don’t understand is that the demand to extend full sovereignty over ALL the heartland is not about real estate but about self-respect. It goes beyond religious, historical and legal motivations. It rises out of a need by the Jewish people to assert themselves and to resist a government that uses the people’s own army to force them to retreat into an ever shrinking ghetto.
Shy Guy Said:
$4.8 billion? They see Israel as been able to do for them what the IMF cannot. There is something to the anti-Semitic stereotype of the rich powerful Jew running the world behind the curtain. In the eyes of the enemy, the Jew has an almost supernatural life and death presence upon this earth.
NormanF Said:
@ Shy Guy:
New Years’ gifts from the Little Satan and the Great Satan.
Go figure.
Something else Morsi wants
Shy Guy,
Arab shnorrers?
I never thought I’d see the day when the proud Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood was begging the Jews for money!
Its delicious irony. We should just enjoy how low our enemies have fallen now that they come with tin cup in hand, to the hated Jews for a handout!
What are they? Jews?!?!?!?!?!?!
Charge the Islamists 30 trillion dollars for a doctrine of terror that has spanned the millennium – rape, pillage, destruction of property, war, jihad, hundreds of millions of lives lost to conquest, billions of people, especially women, whose lives have been ruined and oppressed by Islamic rule. The State of Israel could have been much greater in terms of scientific, technological and social development were it not for warring fascists out to destroy Judaism on its borders. The world has been hampered by the retarded development of believers in a medieval cult that is inherently hateful of others and working full-time to destroy non-believers.