Egypt and Jordan: ‘No concessions’ on Palestinian state

T. Belman. This is music to my ears. As you know, I am pushing the Jordan is Palestine option. The more intransigent the Arabs are, the more likely Kushner will opt for the Jordan solution.

Egypt’s President and Jordanian King reiterate their support for a two-state solution.

By Elad Benari, INN

King Abdullah and Al-Sisi

Egypt’s President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi and King Abdullah II of Jordan on Tuesday stressed there could be no concessions on establishing a Palestinian state.

The announcement, which was made in a statement after the two leaders met in Cairo, came after President Donald Trump’s administration suggested last week it would not insist on a Palestinian state for a Middle East peace agreement.

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“The two sides discussed ways to push the stagnant Middle East peace process, especially in light of U.S. President Donald Trump’s administration coming to power,” said the statement, according to AFP.

A two-state solution “with a Palestinian state… with east Jerusalem as its capital is a nationalist principle that cannot be conceded,” added the two leaders.

After meeting Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in Washington last week, Trump said he would not necessarily push for a two-state solution to the Israeli-Arab conflict.

“I’m looking at two-state and one-state, and I like the one that both parties like. I’m very happy with the one that both parties like. I can live with either one,” Trump said.

But his ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, later tempered this stance, saying Washington “absolutely” supports a two-state solution but wants new ideas on how to move forward.

“Anybody that wants to say the United States does not support the two-state solution, that would be an error. We absolutely support a two-state solution, but we are thinking out-of-the-box as well,” she said.

Tuesday’s statement marks the second time this week that Egypt has reiterated its commitment to a two-state solution.

On Sunday, Sisi’s spokesman clarified that Egypt is doing all it can to see a “just and permanent resolution” to the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solution.

Al-Sisi several months ago urged Israelis and Palestinian Arabs to seize what he said was a “real opportunity” for peace and hailed his own country’s peace deal with Israel.

Egypt’s Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry, made a rare visit to Israel this past July, during which he met with Netanyahu and stressed that his country is committed “to supporting a just, comprehensive and sustainable resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict”.

ne that both parties like. I can live with either one,” Trump said.

But his ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, later tempered this stance, saying Washington “absolutely” supports a two-state solution but wants new ideas on how to move forward.

“Anybody that wants to say the United States does not support the two-state solution, that would be an error. We absolutely support a two-state solution, but we are thinking out-of-the-box as well,” she said.

Tuesday’s statement marks the second time this week that Egypt has reiterated its commitment to a two-state solution.

On Sunday, Sisi’s spokesman clarified that Egypt is doing all it can to see a “just and permanent resolution” to the Palestinian issue based on the two-state solution.

Al-Sisi several months ago urged Israelis and Palestinian Arabs to seize what he said was a “real opportunity” for peace and hailed his own country’s peace deal with Israel.

Egypt’s Foreign Minister, Sameh Shoukry, made a rare visit to Israel this past July, during which he met with Netanyahu and stressed that his country is committed “to supporting a just, comprehensive and sustainable resolution to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict”.

February 22, 2017 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Time to just annex Area C and reserve the right to annex A, B, and Gaza at any future time and to declare the Palestinian Arabs as a fake people with no national rights, whatsoever. A way must also be found to secure Joseph’s tomb which is in Nablus in Area A. Time to notify the world that the PLO Arabs are guests fast over-staying their welcome. Check-out time is on the way. Illegal aliens that need to have their deportation orders served and enforced, starting with the most violence-prone ones. Where is Israel’s Trump?

  2. Jordan option??????? Kings wants no part????? At this point and very likely in the future he will be in charge.

    Palestinian’s in Jordan are Israels enemies so why again is this a good realistic option. Forget that we solve for the west the appearance of their is your Pal State.

    Security matters most. Having an active enemy on our longest Border again is not a great prospect. This somehow eludes those who talk about the Jordanian option.