Ed Dowd: Trump Needs to Hop Off the Vaccine Wagon, or He’s Done [VIDEO]


“Unfortunately, Trump is still hanging his hat on this vaccine. And he’s either got the worst advisors, or he’s got a bunch of Gríma Wormtongues (LOTR reference) whispering in his ear.”

Full Video: https://banned.video/watch?id=63c76a833315ed1aa69924fa
January 22, 2023 | 10 Comments »

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  1. “Die Unfair Arbeitskommission”
    A long but important read on the travesty of reason, justice, and law in Australia as applied to the Spike injections.

    when the courts are captured, what the government says goes

    and this is the flaw in the system which keeps the system from being henpecked with accountability or oversight.

  2. @ketzel2

    Trump’s support of the vaccines has never wavered. Nor has his support for the public’s right to not take the vaccine he advocates. Nor has his support for the public’s right to access medicinal treatments beyond the ‘vaccines’, ie HCQ and IVM. Additionally, Trump has spoken, albeit briefly, of the need for the govt to follow the ‘vaccines’ and investigate potential consequences of the vaccines.

    I have my suspicions, but in truth, I do not know Trump’s true motivation in promoting these shots, even now as the evidence against them continues to grow, but I am unconcerned about the vaccines once you de-fang the govt’s forced application upon the public, set it on at least an even field of easy access to useful medical treatments, and pursue the vaccine injuries as if they are a concerning issue. Doing all of this will result in a proper response to the vaccines, irregardless of who supports them and who does not.

    Beyond this, and irregardless of Dowd’s statement to the contrary, Trump is the only candidate who can wield the MAGA coalition. Neither Pence, Pompeo, Hailey, Desantis nor any other contender can actually hope to do this. It is not that they will not try, but they lack the ability to do so. Perhaps, the MAGA coalition is not enough to overwhelm the system and take the country back, but if it is not, then a subset of it, which is the most any of Trump’s detractors can hope to gain, will certainly fail.

    Additionally, an even more pivotal point of interest for the choice to challenge the totalitarian regime which was Selected to replace Trump, is who will actually challenge the Deep State’s control over the nation. In fact, this is the very group which set in place the agenda which led to the murder of so many during the Covid Scam – recall the actions taken by Woodcock and Bright to countermand Trump’s order, not request, to make HCQ available to the people, which would have led to the end of the fake pandemic. Are we to believe that any of Trump’s detractors/competitors will even attempt this goal when they refuse to even support the obvious election fraud going on around the nation.

    One more point to consider, which is specific to Desantis. Recall that Desantis has the ability to explore the massive discrepancy between the 2020 election results in his state and the discrepancy found in the canvassing report from a year ago. Should we actually believe that Desantis will challenge the Deep State and restore transparency to representative govt as president when he has failed to even attempt to do so as governor? I seriously doubt it.

  3. @Sebastien

    I don’t live in FL and don’t know if it’s been enforced, but I’d guess probably not, because the sites that post this story don’t refer to anyone being force vaccinated in FL. All the comments I’ve read about this are about DeSantis not being what he pretends because he signed that law. There is still time to find a real candidate before we vote for either hack.

  4. @ketzel2 I was unaware of this – and was it enforced in practice? – but he has apparently changed his mind. Has Trump? I see he still boosts the vaccine but I think he opposed mandates

  5. @Sebastien: I hope the things I read about DeSantis are wrong, but there is some evidence that he has baggage. Here’s a link to an article describing the legislation he signed, which allows forced vaccination in an emergency. It’s been in effect all along. The link you posted describes proposed legislation, but that’s not on the books yet. There are many articles on this emergency exception, it’s common knowledge.


    Also, there’s an old video clip of DeSantis authorizing lockdowns, before he changed his mind about it. I’d have to look for it. But he really isn’t the perfect candidate I wish he were. I’ll vote for him or Trump, but both are pretty bad actually. Politicians at a high level are guaranteed fake and compromised. Look at Israel, the other article on this page about Netanyahu appointing liberal hacks, even though the people voted against that. Completely rotten, all of them.

  6. The problem with Trump is that DeSantis has even worse baggage, he seems to be promoted as the alternative to Trump, but like many “alternative” leaders, DeSantis has some old WEF ties and other red flags like the Florida legislation allowing forced vaccines in an emergency, which DeSantis continues to allow. So Trump is still my preferred candidate, because stupidity and narcissism are better than being a WEF asset.

  7. Mr. Trump was lied to and conned by his Deep State advisors into pushing the phony, toxic “vaccines.” He should have been at least a little skeptical back then, but he was lied to by all around him, so we must give him a pass for that. But now, with all of the information currently available, that the “vaccines” are NOT vaccines, that not only do they not help but cause grievous and often catastrophic harm, he needs to admit he was wrong and change his tune.