Like bookends at the beginning and end of a week, two significant events occurred recently which, because they conflicted with the received unwisdom, were simply ignored by the mainstream media.
The first, reported below, was the Dispatches TV documentary about Britain’s radical mosques. This provoked virtually no comment from either the media or politicians. The second was the encounter between the London Mayor, Ken Livingstone, and the American scholar of Islam and director of the Middle East Forum, Daniel Pipes, at a day-long event organised by the Mayor to discuss whether or not there was a clash of civilisations. Since this was an enormous left-fest on Livingstone’s home turf, with virtually no speakers other than Pipes and his seconder Douglas Murray (and elsewhere in this jamboree, Oliver Kamm) to put up any opposition, and with an audience overwhelmingly composed of people who thought that American neoconservatives had horns and a tail, it was assumed that Pipes would be disembowelled and his head stuck on a Greater London Authority turnpike. So great was this certainty that Pipes was advised of his terminal foolishness in accepting Livingstone’s deadly invitation.
How wrong everyone was.
By all accounts, it was Livingstone and his seconder, Birmingham councillor Salma Yaqoob, who were eviscerated by Pipes and Murray. Pipes, with his gentle, scholarly demeanour and authoritative learning, would doubtless have disarmed his audience by his steadfast refusal to demonise Islam and all Muslims; not at all what would have been expected by those who had previously been fed the ludicrous propaganda caricature of the ‘Islamophobic’ anti-jihadi. Murray, meanwhile, went straight onto the attack and in a series of devastating blows apparently took apart both Livingstone and Yaqoob and brought the audience cheering to its feet.
The blogosphere has duly recorded this victory; you can see the links here on Pipes’s website, as well as his own take on the event. But although, as he writes, some 150 journalists attended the day, not a single word has been written about this in the British press. To read a mainstream press account by a British writer of this British event, you have to go to America. In the New York Sun, Daniel Johnson entertainingly notes:
The audience — eccentrically attired and coiffed, sporting cranky badges and sandals — were atypical political activists, and to judge from their questions, heavily inclined to the left. ‘This is liberal hell!’ muttered one New Yorker, contemplating the ‘Free Palestine’ and anti-racism stalls to which the mayor was giving house room. Yet the loudest cheers were not for him, but for the Daniel who had ventured into this lions’ den. As soon as the self-styled ‘young British mom’ in a hijab who was seconding the mayor, Salma Yaqoob, referred to the July 7 London suicide bombings as ‘reprisal events,’ I felt the audience shudder. There was another shudder when Ms. Yaqoob refused to utter the word ‘Israel.’
The victory by Pipes and Murray was surely a development of no small significance in these savage and degraded times. Here were two neoconservatives, both staunch anti-jihadis and robust supporters of Israel and America, making the case to thousands of progressives in a left-wing bear-pit that London’s very own version of Che Guevara was helping promote and endorse an evil ideology — and the audience, which might have been assumed to be viscerally anti-America, anti-neocon and anti-Israel (which interestingly, and hearteningly, was never mentioned) duly turned not on them but on Livingstone.
This remarkable reaction provokes two reflections. First, the reason why Livingstone has got away with it for so long is simply because he has been allowed to do so. Thanks to a media that slavishly laps up his every utterance and largely supports his odious world-view, and opponents who tend to be intellectually spineless (think of the Tories, who can’t find one single candidate able enough to stand against him) he has never effectively been held to account. Faced with opponents who are formidably well-informed and intellectually fearless, he is promptly exposed for the empty ideologue that he is and duly crumples.
The second reflection is that, despite all the opprobrium that fashionable opinion generally heaps upon the Pipes/Murray view of the world, despite all the name-calling of ‘Islamophobe’ and all the rest of it, below the surface at least some people have clearly been listening hard and thinking for themselves. They have undoubtedly noted that the Islamists are not exactly committed to fundamental human rights, and that the alliance between sections of the left and those committed to the genocide of the Jews, the killing of homosexuals, the beating of women and the extinction of individual liberty is as loathsome as it is lethal. In other words, opinion has shifted. That’s why they cheered. And that is immensely cheering.
It was a defeat for the totalitarian left and a move towards sanity and decency. And that, no doubt, is why it has not been reported.
Wrong Ted.You have not thought this through very well at all and are being unduly influenced by others very close and dear to you, who ignorantly defend Kamm as a friend of Israel (and presumably,ipso facto,the Jewish people no matter whether they live in Israel or not).
Ted, it is not enough to use soothing words to protect Jews only in Israel. The key requirement is that one must protect all Jews from Islamofascist mass murderers wherever Jews live in other parts of the world like Kosovo and Bosnia and elsewhere, if one has any kind of consistency, integrity or conscience to speak of as a defender of the Jewish people as a whole, and not just merely those living in Israel alone.
I strongly object to people like Kamm, Lantos and Lieberman who say they are all 100% for Israel – which is still, for the time being, a sovereign Jewish nation state – but then in the same breath, by default, support Islamofascist mass murderers of Jews, Romanies and Serbs in the Balkans by de facto siding with their terrorist leaders (eg., Alija Izetbegovic, Ramush Haradinaj, Agim Ceku, Hashim Thaci) who go around killing Jews, Romanies and Serbs by beheading, disembowelment and throat slitting and using the pretext of de facto siding with these terrorists because they allegedly “want to prevent genocide and ethnic cleansing”. It would be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.
Such statements could just as easily be used against Israel in the very near future!
It is a dire warning to us all!!
These Islamofascist terrorists mentioned above are the ones who engage in this barbaric racist Nazi practice and not the Serbs who are demonstrably and historically anti-fascist and explicitly tolerant, as demonstrated by the hundreds of thousands of Muslims, Jews, Catholic Christians and Protestants who live in Serbia in peace and with full rights as equal citizens – especially during the explicitly tolerant Socialist multi-ethnic Milosevic Federal Republic of Yugoslavia [Serbia & Montenegro] era from February 1992 to October 2000.
It is Kamm who has become “hysterical” and “lost it” in his “zeal” to attack, libel and defame people all over the world who disagree with him on the true character of Milosevic and Izetbegovic. You say that just because Kamm by default took sides in the war between Izetbegovic’s Bosnian muslims and Karadzic’s Bosnian Serbs by calling for the bombing of Serbia over unproven claims of genocide in Bosnia by Karadzic, that this does not make Kamm a supporter of Izetbegovic?! Please, you are straining the laws of cause and effect here. Of course Kamm, Lantos, Lieberman et al could have forseen what was going to happen if they sided with the KLA and Izetbegovic: the documentation on their terrorist nature was already public for many years, as for example the reports made out by Yossef Bodansky from 1992 onwards as director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare and by his 1995 and 1996 books Offensive in the Balkans and Some Call It Peace: Waiting For War In The Balkans:
Kosovo’s entire Jewish community along with 350,000 Serbs and Romanies were brutally expelled in Kristallnacht style pogroms by the KLA. This is documented fact and is all in the public domain and has been for many years. There is no possible way in the world that Kamm, Lantos and Lieberman could not be aware of all these crimes Have any of them condemned the KLA? No!! Instead not only do we have Lantos and Lieberman on record as calling on the Clinton Administration to arm the KLA but to add insult to injury for Kosovo’s Jews, Romanies and Serbs, we have the infamous public statements of Senator Lieberman to the Washington Post back on April,28, 1999,a full month after the bombing had commenced that:
Izetbegovic was a notorious anti-Semitic Israel-hating pro-Palestinian Islamofascist terrorist hell bent on creating an Islamist fundamentalist fascist theocracy and imposing Sharia law on all of Bosnia and expelling or murdering any Jews, Serbs amd Croats (despite his initial alliance with the Ustasha Nazi Franjo Tudjman) who resisted being turned into subservient Dhimmi status. Again this is all in the public domain and has been for many years. There is no chance in hell that Kamm et al, could not have been aware of it.
What if it was Israel Ted? If an individual called for massive NATO bombing of Israel over the alleged massacre of Palestinians in Jenin in 2002 because they thought a massacre had just occurred, would you also claim that while the bombing of Israel’s civilian infrastructure and the killing of thousands of innocent Israelis by US/NATO Depleted Uranium bombs was a horrible thing to have happened, the individual in question was not to blame since “they were taken in by propaganda”, that by calling for the massive bombing of Tel Aviv, Haifa, Jerusalem, etc, “in order to protect innocent Palestinians from monstrous Israeli genocide” they were not taking sides and not supporting Arafat’s PLO/Fatah against Israeli security forces?!
If then in a telephone conversation some mutual, very close friends of yours in Canada and the US jumped to their defense by saying that while the destruction of Israel and the killing of thousands of Israelis by US/NATO bombs was regrettable, at least their intent was quite noble since all they were really doing was wanting to allegedly “prevent further massacres like that in Jenin” and “don’t forget they were long time supporters of American and Canadian Jews”, and “he has said many nice things at many different Canadian and US Jewish organizations’ conferences and helped Canadian and American Jews in many practical, charitable ways over many, many years!!”
I am sure you would want to hang up the phone on such a person and never speak to them again.
Kamm is a specialist in sophistry who attempts to silence the truth concerning those who expose his egregious lies against Milosevic and his whitewashing of Izetbegovic’s WW2 Nazi past. There is no question that Izetbegovic was a prime recruiter for Heinrich Himmler’s and Hajj Amin al Husseini’s 13th Waffen SS “Handzar” division via Izetbegovic’s membership of the Bosnian “Young Muslims” Islamist organization modelled after the notorious Egyptian “Muslim Brotherhood”, forebears of todays al Qaeda and Wahabbi type Islamist extremists.
It is also irrefutable that Izetbegovic revived the very same “SS Handzar” Islamofascist division in early 1993.
Please don’t try and excuse him by saying he could not possibly have known who Izetbegovic was or could not have forseen the consequences of what the KLA would do to the Albanians, Serbs, Jews and Gypsies once NATO intervened on their side as the “KLA’s Airforce”.
This documentation on Izetbegovic and the Handzar Albanians in Kosovo and Macedonia was all in the public domain in the UK British press as early as December 1993!! Kamm lives in the UK. Where has Kamm been since this report was published well over 13 years ago in the British press? In a cave in Afghanistan or in a coma perhaps?
The report outlining Izetbegovic’s revival of the infamous murderous WW2 Nazi 13th Waffen SS “Gebirgs division Handschar Kroatische” notorious for its massacres of Jews,Serbs and Gypsies in 1943, was published in the UK Daily Telegraph newspaper, under the headline: “Albanians and Afghans fight for the heirs to Bosnia’s SS past”
Here is an excerpt:
I can send you reams and reams of documentation supporting the above from other sources. It is utterly impossible for Kamm to have been unaware of this information for the last 13 plus years unless he was in a coma or living in a cave in Afghanistan.
I did not libel or “defame” Kamm in any way since the proper definition of a “libel” is to publish a public statement that is false . What exactly did I write that Kamm claims was false? What specifically, pray tell did I say that was untrue? That Kamm by default supported Izetbegovic who was a known genocidal mass murderer? There is no question Kamm supported Izetbegovic since he sided with the Izetbegovic faction by default when he called for the bombing of Serbia for the now utterly discredited claims of “aggression” and “genocide against Bosnia” “perpetrated by Karadzic,Mladic and Milosevic”. Outrageous claims which have been proven false umpteen times here on Israpundit.
Kamm has not once been able to substantiate any of his outlandish, outrageous claims against Milosevic, but yet keeps deafeningly silent when confronted with hard documented evidence of Izetbegovic’s monstrous crimes of genocide against the Serbs [documented here on Israpundit umpteen times] or simply whitewashes it all by using sophisticated casuistry and sophistry. Not only that, but Kamm viciously attacks,slanders and publicly libels anyone who disagrees with his ridiculous portrayal of Milosevic as a “Stalinist/Fascist/Nazi supporter of genocide and ethnic cleansing” (See Neil Clark’s blog for proof of this)
Kamm brushes Izetbegovic’s massive crimes against Serbian civilians aside, sweeps them under the carpet so to speak, by being deafeningly silent on the documented crimes perpetrated by Izetbegovic and his Islamist Nazi warlord Naser Oric, because acknowledging that Izetbegovic was a heinous Nazi mass murderer would mean acknowledging that the so called “neo-cons” in the CFR and their Globalist pro-Islamist agenda vis-a-vis Iran, Iraq and Saudi Arabia would be exposed.
Like I wrote earlier:
I think it is clear that Kamm continues to vilify Milosovic. He obviously believes his facts and rejects yours and those of Ed Herman and Chomsky. You shouldn’t thus conclude that he is an “islamist wolf” or that he continues to “defend Izetbegovic’s genocide” without specific proof of that defense.
I agree that it is incumbent on all leaders and opinioin makers who supported the bombing, Kamm included, if they agree with your facts, to acknowledge their error.
Because of the ongoing controversy all such leaders have an obligation to revisit the allegations and to determine the truth.
Furthermore they must also deal with the consequences of that bombing to either deny your facts or take a position with respect to them.
Kamm did not attempt to silence the facts but to stop the defamation.
I see no reason to believe that Kamm supports Islamofacism. The fact that he supported the bombing of Serbia does not get me there. In a way you impute motive to discredit their facts.
Sorry for repeated postings but my mind is being drawn to different aspects of this very complicated situation.
It is made so complicated because the world has been treated to a mountain of lies about the Serbs, and Kamm and his friends in Britain have been part of this anti-Serb propaganda.
I take it that it is the first sentence of Nathan that is in question.
“Beware of the Islamist wolf, Oliver Kamm. Anyone who can support the Bosnian Islamofascist mass murderer, Alija Izetbegovic, is no real friend of the Jews or Israel despite the abundant layers of sheeps clothing.”
Kamm is called an Islamist wolf here because he supported Izetbegovic.
He did support Izetbegovic and he did support the Bosnian Islamists.
And today when we have so much evidence of what these Islamists did to the poor Serb small farmers in their isolated households, and their linking up with Al Qaeda, Kamm and his friends in Britain are working through their silence and blocking tactics on their blogs and Media, to hide this truth.
That is surely what they are doing and that is surely what has already been proven by Neil, by Nathan and by many others.
For example Ted read the very sober analysis in Franciscos article which lays all of this out. Is there one word of that which can be disputed.
And Kamm continues to support all of that Islamist activity because if he did not support it then if he was a principled man he would say…Look I got drawn into this and now I have learned such and such and now I must put the record straight.
But he does not do that.
He takes the road of trying to shut up his opponents.
It really, really is most disgraceful.
There are many people now in Europe who are trying to get at the truth. They will not stop at Yugoslavia. The best of them will go on to make an analysis of Fatah and Hamas et al.
Do not pull back. Help them to see what happened in Yugoslavia and what Kamm’s role was and is towards all of that.
As regards Lantos and Liebermann, the very same applies. If they are real men then they will come clean about the Bosnian Islamists. If they are not real men then the Jewish people need to know.
Kamm is not so lily white.
I read many things on his blog that are really very shall I say evil.
Last night I read on his blog something about Gerry Healy. Kamm called Healy a bonehead, but he also called him a “Rapist”.
Healy is now dead. What are the ethics of calling a man a “rapist”.
Can one call a person, dead or alive, a “rapist” because I am certain that Kamm cannot prove that and it has not been proven anywhere.
What I have read of Neil Clark is that he should not be placed in the Guardian camp. I think he is a freelance and his articles appear anywhere he can. Do not confuse the Guardian with its open blogging forum.
Clark is a good case in point. He has written material which is most useful in explaining that Izetbegovic was an Islamofascist. The importance of Clark in this respect is that this material is on the web, we know that Kamm has seen the material, we know from that that Kamm has at least had a chance to read and study Clark on the points that Clark makes about Izetbegovic and the whole Islamist scene in Bosnia, but that Kamm has refused to answer Clark on any of these points.
This is terrible important for Jewish people.
Kamm claims to be for Israel etc, but instead of answering the points about Islamofascism in Bosnia Kamm answered not a point from Clark, and instead turned to attacking Neil Clark and his sources etc.
But then Kamm was supporting the US and EU attacks on the Serbs who were in turn supporting the Islamofascists of Izetbegovic.
I ask you Ted where does that place Kamm and many others like him in Britain and in America.
Then there is this basic proposition that my friends like Nathan keep placing in the front of the discussion:
How is it possible to support Islamofascism, even at a remove of supporting the US and EU support for Islamofascism, and be opposed to the same Islamofascism which is attacking Israel, and for that matter which is attacking Iraqi working class people.
That is of course the contradiction.
That is the contradiction which we will simply not let go of!
To get out of that contradiction Kamm and his ilk will have to try to dissemble about Izetbegovic.
That I believe very strongly is what is happening.
Ted you are from the right of Canadian and American politics as are Jerry, Bill et al.
But you are first and foremost Jewish people. Jews have nowhere left to run to. This is the objective basis for your openness in political debate.
This debate about Yugoslavia cannot be closed.
OK Clark may have bought into the Palestinian lie machine and myth. But do you not see where this is leading Clark. He is going to also have to make a serious analysis of Palestinianism, its roots in the Balkans actually under Hajj Amin el Husseini. Clark also is caught in the cobweb. To progress he can only go in one direction, and that is to analyse again what is meant by Zionism, which is the oldest national liberation struggle the world has ever seen.
Clark represents many on the Left. Me for example!
Ted you write:
You would not believe how superficial that statement comes across to me.
If we can prove that Kamm is hiding all the material about Tudjman, about Izetbegovic, about the KLA, and the merest glance at his blog would indicate that he is not exactly bursting to tell us the whole story about the Balkans, but on the other hand we see Clark doing so, then who do we go with! We go with Clark! We may not agree with Clark on Israel. But we go with Clark on his evidence about Yugoslavia. Then we see.
You see Ted your attitude to Clarke above shows your weakness. You in your approach to what happened in Yugoslavia are taking a very narrow nationalist petty-minded view.
I said earlier to that incomprehensible man Yoram, it is not “you scatch my back I scratch yours”. Jews must support Serbs because they are right, Serbs vice versa. The poor fella did not even understand me!
(For goodness sake Yoram do not come back in here. I cannot take more from you. I retract that if it will avoid me having to see you again!)
Just let us find out Ted what happened there!
The more I read and the more I reflect on Nathan’s attack on Oliver Kamm, the more I want to distance myself and condemn it. Nathan has lost it. He has become hysterical in his zeal. His attack was egregious and greatly defammatory. And those that endorsed his attack are equally wrong.
I greatly respect the work they have done to ferret out the facts and make them public. They as well as others have put the lie to the commonly held narrative. That being said, one should not condemn all people who supported the bombing of Serbia for being supporters of mass murderers or ethnic cleansers and Islamist wolves.
To further call into question his friendship of the Jews is outrageous. Oliver Kamm has a long history of protecting Jews and Israel and nothing in his position on Serbia tarnishes that record.
Finally Nathan should never have written “Kamm,…has the brazen audacity to defend Izetbegovic’s genocide against the Christian Serbs during the 90’scan take away from that fact.” Nathan has offered nothing to substantiate this calumny and he should retract it.
Not only is Kamm the object of his attack but he includes Leiberman and Lantos among others. Nathan. These are good people. Get a grip.
In further defence of Kamm he has a long standing feud with Chomsky and often takes him on with respect to many of his far left opinions in general and his attacks on Israel. Furthermore if Neil Clark who writes for the Guardian and is an enemy of Israel, is at logger heads with Kamm, Kamm must be doing something right.
Finally Kamm has written in support of GWB and the Iraq war. How many Liberals can you say that about? Lastly, Melanie Phillips seems to think he’s OK.
Felix asks why the bombing of Serbia which Kamm supported, should not be held against him. It is one thing to say to such supporters, look what you wrought. It is another thing to accuse them desiring such an outcome. As we know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.
Many Israelis supported the Oslo accords which essentially invited into Israel its greatest enemy Arafat to lead a peace process. Arafat brought death and destruction to israel. It is one thing to tell the Oslo supporters, look what you wrought by your foolishness. Its another thing to blame them for the consequences thought they of course brought them about.
Similarly we could claim that the left in Israel are the enemy of Israel because they favour the peace process.
All I can say to that is that their actions have a good intent but a bad effect.
There are of course some of them that also have a bad intent and want the end of Israel. One must distinguish between them.
LOL Did I say in the above Oric Nasir! It should of course be Nasir Oric!
It is worthwhile reading up on this and to question why the Hague Court let this man go. And ask what Has Kamm ever written about this Toronto Star report. That would interest me a lot!
BELGRADE, Yugoslavia – When Bosnian Serb commander Gen. Ratko Mladic swept triumphantly into Srebrenica last week, he not only wanted to sweep Srebrenica clean of Muslims – he wanted Nasir Oric.
In Mladic’s view, the powerfully built Muslim commander had made life too difficult and too deadly for Serb communities nearby.
Even though the Serbs had Srebrenica surrounded, Oric was still mounting commando raids by night against Serb targets.
Oric, as blood-thirsty a warrior as ever crossed a battlefield, escaped Srebrenica before it fell. Some believe he may be leading the Bosnian Muslim forces in the nearby enclaves of Zepa and Gorazde. Last night these forces seized armored personnel carriers and other weapons from U.N. peacekeepers in order to better protect themselves.
Oric is a fearsome man, and proud of it.
I met him in January, 1994, in his own home in Serb-surrounded Srebrenica.
On a cold and snowy night, I sat in his living room watching a shocking video version of what might have been called Nasir Oric’s Greatest Hits.
There were burning houses, dead bodies, severed heads, and people fleeing.
Oric grinned throughout, admiring his handiwork.
“We ambushed them,” he said when a number of dead Serbs appeared on the screen.
The next sequence of dead bodies had been done in by explosives: “We launched those guys to the moon,” he boasted.
When footage of a bullet-marked ghost town appeared without any visible bodies, Oric hastened to announce: “We killed 114 Serbs there.”
Later there were celebrations, with singers with wobbly voices chanting his praises.
These video reminiscences, apparently, were from what Muslims regard as Oric’s glory days. That was before most of eastern Bosnia fell and Srebrenica became a “safe zone” with U.N. peacekeepers inside – and Serbs on the outside.
Lately, however, Oric increased his hit-and-run attacks at night. And in Mladic’s view, it was far too successful for a community that was supposed to be suppressed.
The Serbs regard Oric, once Serb President Slobodan Milosevic’s personal bodyguard, as a war criminal.
But they don’t want to send him to the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands. They want to track him down and kill him.
The only songs they want sung of Nasir Oric are funeral dirges.
Read the whole article on the wonderful website Emperors New Clothes, an everlasting memorial to truthful reporting.
Because of the controversy which has grown out of this thread I have given more thought to this issue.
I notice in more detail the way that Phillips raises the name of Kamm. The picture she paints of this notorious conference hosted by Livingstone is this: On the one hand there is the whole pro-Islamist renegades led by Livingstone, and his credentials on this can hardly be disputed. On the other side there is Pipes, somebody else I had not heard of before, AND Oliver Kamm.
And I do not think that anything could be clearer as regards the impression being created by Phillips. That Kamm was a leading fighter against Islamism or Islamofascism.
Am I wrong in reaching this conclusion on what Ms Phillips has written?
And what I am saying is that this is simply not true, if we are to go on the record of Kamm, and his support for the destruction of Yugoslavia by NATO, for the bringing to trial of Slobodan Milosevic who was the President of Yugoslavia and for much else.
Because during this whole operation to destroy Yugoslavia the US entered into a type of coalition with the Islamofascists of Bosnia led by Izetbegovic.
The US is shown by accurate evidence that it ferried Islamofascist killers from Arab and Iranian lands into the fight in Bosnia and we have evidence, photographic evidence of a type that you would not allow the children to see, of the terrible deeds done by the Bosnian and Arabian Islamofascists against Serb civilians.
At another level in Bosnia we have the evidence of a Bosnian Islamofascist commander (Oric Nasir) of the Bosnian Army led by Izetbegovic who shows videos and talks to reporters about decapitatiing and murdering Serb people, and it seems that there were Serb civilians among his victims and perhaps indeed mainly Serb civilians, most likely small farmers because the bulk of the Serbs in Bosnia are that, and often live in isolated homesteads, as they have done for centuries.
These were the type of forces and people that the American Government and the EU lined up with against the Serb people led by Milosevic and the excuse now being put about by Oliver Kamm and many others is that they wanted to defeat Milosevic and that they were unaware who they were allied with.
But surely NOW they have read all of the evidence that has been gathered by many sources about the nature of these Bosnian Islamofascists led by Izetbegovic and surely now that they have read all of this, including the report on Nasir Oric, surely now for goodness sake if they are honest people they will say “Hey, we got this very wrong, we did not know who we were allied with and we issue a deep apology to the Serb people and to the relatives of Slobodan Milosevic”
Not that an apology can be greatly appreciated by somebody if they are dead, murdered by the very people you have allied with.
If you want to find out who this guy Izetbegovic what might the first step be that you would take!?
If you knew nothing about the guy then I think the first step might be to google his name and if there is a suggestion of Islamofascist you might add Islamist. When I just today entered the two words in the Google Box what came out at the very head of the page was the following. Note I did not have to do any scanning. It was number 1 at the top.
It says:
And when I press the button again, this is what I find about Mr Izetbegovic. It seems that he has written a declaration of his principles some of which are:
This is the type of politics that the US and the EU were supporting in order to ensure the break-up of Yugoslavia and the destruction of the last remains of communism.
From this I earlier drew a basic rule which went something like: If it is in the interests of the US and the EU Empire to support Islamofascist Jihad then it will do so”.
What I conclude from the above is that this Mr Izetbegovic was an Islamofascist. I do not have to strain my intelligence very much to see this.
But moreover it is inconceivable that the US and EU with all their massive resources could not put together this basic information about who and what he was.
Of course they knew! The question is now. Even to this day, as far as I am aware, Kamm has not addressed this issue of Izetbegovic being an Islamofascist. Does he believe Izetbegovic to be something other than an Islamofascist?
If words mean anything what do the words above which I have placed in shaded block mean?
In what way then is the Bosnian Islamofascist Government any different from say Hamas?
And what then are we to make of people who say that they support the Bosnian Islamofascist regime in the Balkans but are opposed to Islamofascism in the Middle East!
So then this lady friend of Ted above writes:
I wish to ask this friend of yours Ted why not? Why should it not be held against Kamm?
As the lady says he has supported western bombing in Bosnia. Well a bit more than that is it not. Has he not also supported the alliance which the west made with the above Izetbegovic, and what the evidence above seems to prove, Islamofascist Government.
As Israelis look over the nearby hills and see a horde of similar Islamofascists being assembled, under the guidance of Rice and Bush in the form of a Palestine Jihadist state, intent on obliterating Israel, in the way not unconnected with how Yugoslavia was obliterated, why the hell should we not hold that against Kamm and all the others in the circle around Kamm which seems to me to be particularly strong in Britain. I would tentatively suggest placing the loquacious website Harrys Place in that group.
This is what genuinely puzzles me about all of this. I mean it is not every day in the week that a country, Yugoslavia, simply disappears off the map. Should Jewish people NOT ask questions? And if evidence is produced should it not be answered. Rather than firing threats to sue a Jewish website about the place.
As one Irishman to a Brit, all I can say to Kamm is:
Shame on you!
Oliver Kamm wrote to complain about what has been alledged in these comments,
I agree with him that such charges are unacceptable and wrong.
A mutual friend of ours whom I greatly respect, wrote to say
I fully agree with her.
I also agree with Felix and Nathan who argue that
1. Izetbegovic was a Nazi supporter and an Islamofascist.
2. That Milocovic was not the monster he was made out to be by the West
3. That as a result of the NATO intervention Islamists came to power in Kosovo and effected ethnic cleansing and mass killings.
That is not to say that all supporters of Izetbegovic intended this to happen. They didn’t.
It is also not to say that all supporters of western bombing were supporters of Izetbegovic.
But as Lawrence Summers said regarding divestments initiatives, they are “anti-Semitic in their effect if not in their intent,â€. Similarly the intervention by NATO, had the effect of empowering Islamofascists, ethnic cleansing and even mass murder of Serbs, though it may not have been the intent.
Not for a moment do I attribute that intent to Kamm, nor do I think that Felix and Nathan should.
Yes, you are absolutely right. Israel has nukes and those are the only reasons why – apart from love of Israel by the wonderful American people – that NATO/EU governments or the Muslim Arabs have not dared to bomb Israel – yet.
As far as an alliance between Serbia and Israel, look at my comments on this thread.
The people of Serbia – depsite their love for the Jewish people & Israel – are in a hopeless situation, being held hostage by a Washington/Brussels pro-EU/NATO puppet government installed by Washington in an illegal coup in October 2000.
The EU/NATO is pro-Arab and anti-Israel.
Until this pro-EU/NATO Washington puppet government in Serbia is removed from office, such an alliance will be worth only as much as Israel’s alliance with other EU governments would be worth: in other words, not worth the paper it is written on.
I’m definitely in agreement with what you say; the whole climate of lies simply takes the breath away.
But what I’m saying is that unlike the Serbs, the Israelis have what some call the “Samson Option,” and the rest of the world ought to consider that… unless of course they are too stupid or too arrogant (or both) to pay close attention to it.
Perhaps Serbia is another alliance that the Israelis should be working on, although it’s somewhat late…
there may be superficial qualitative differences (eg the Islamofascists the Serbs have been fighting since the early 80’s in Kosovo,Raska and Bosnia are not Arabs or Persians) but the parallels are too many to be ignored and more importantly, the essential principles of fascism vs anti-fascism are the same.
For an insightful and very well informed Jewish and Israeli Zionist view of the reasons for Western government and corporate media support of Islamism and Nazism in the forced breakup of Yugoslavia and its inextricably linked connection to Western government policies towards Israel and the Jewish people, Yohanan Ramati, the Director of the Jerusalem Institute for Western Defense, has written a number of highly revealing articles which throw a very bright spotlight on the deception and lies perpetrated by Western governments and media against both Serbia and Israel.
Yohanan Ramati made this crucially important connection between Western policy vis-a-vis Israel and the Muslim Arabs with its parallel in Western government policy towards Yugoslavia/Serbia – the Western support for Bosnian and Albanian Islamists in Bosnia/Kosovo and Croat neo-Ustasha Nazis in Croatia/Krajina – all the way back in the early 1990’s in New York’s “Midstream – A Monthly Jewish Review” magazine.
Yohanan Ramati is described by respected and distinguished specialists in the field as “an expert on global affairs, including the threat of Islam”.
Note especially Ramati’s comment: “Those deliberately promoting radical Islam in Europe will promote radicalism and Islam everywhere.”
That preceding statement by Ramati is of course referring to the type of people Felix and I have exposed on Israpundit: Oliver Kamm and Michael Ignatieff – hypocrites and Islamist wolves in sheep’s clothing who pretend to be friends of the Jews and Israel whilst simultaneously supporting Islamofascists and Nazi mass murderers of Jews and Serbs in Kosovo and Bosnia (both Kamm & Ignatieff have defended the Ceku/Haradinaj/Thaci KLA Islamofascists in Kosovo and the Izetbegovic SDA Islamofascists in Bosnia in their genocide and ethnic cleansing of 350,000 people – including the brutal expulsion of the entire Jewish community in Pristina – since EU/NATO troops & UN officials took over the province of Kosovo in June ’99).
Here’s Ramati explaining the principles and similarities in his article: “Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics”
I think there’s a qualitative difference between the Yugoslavian situation and the Israeli situation… but that’s a whole other arguement… Ultimately this whole layer of liars and hypocrites will be dealt with…
Which brings me to the topic in the article.
Melanie Phillips’ article is very interesting. It does seem, as she says, that despite the overt bluster from the “loonie left” there’s a great discomfort about Islam (and/or Islamists) lurking under the surface of many people – even those who talk the talk about “Palestine” and all that. From what I read, it only takes someone of honest disposition to let people open up to the truth.
Now, I just read that Hilary Clinton fancies modelling herself after Margaret Thatcher – the Iron Lady. I myself must admit that until now I felt a huge antipathy for Ms Clinton, most likely based on an antipathy I have for Mr. Clinton. But when I view the lady, I have to admit that the “iron look” she has, and which I felt was a turn-off, may actually signify something: the ability to say it like it is and make it stick.
Now when you add what Melanie Phillips said about this “discomfort” waiting to be scratched aside, it could be that Clinton – through some blunt Thatcheresque talk – could just be the person to shake the Democrat supporters out of their stupor, just like Pipes did. And this possibility is all the more interesting BECAUSE she’s a “liberal” Democrat just like her hubby. ABut perhaps not so liberal.
And perhaps if she started talking the Thatcher way before the primaries she would “break through” to the people and start an avalanche of straight talk. Perhaps.
Overall, truly intelligent women tend to have a far more incisive outlook on the world (read – human survival) than do men.
So I’m rethinking my prejudices…
Felix, you are absolutely 100% correct. Here are the kind of people the UN,EU/NATO governments, Oliver Kamm, Michael Ignatieff, Marko Attilo Hoare, British website “Harry’s Place”, Senators Joseph Biden & Joseph Lieberman, Congressmen Tom Lantos, Benjamin Gilman, Henry Hyde, Eliot Engel,Frank R.Wolf,Steny Hoyer et al, support giving independence to in Kosovo (click on the links below):
KLA Cut Off People’s Heads: Murderers’ Bloody Feast!! (photo of UN backed & funded “Kosovo Protection Corps” KLA members smiling with cut off Serbians’ heads)
Persecution of Kosovo Christians Said to Reveal Larger Threat (Video of Islamofascist Kosovo Albanians engaging in ‘Kristallnacht’ style pogroms against the Serbs: desecrating dozens of Orthodox Christian churches as EU/NATO troops & UN officials do nothing but watch )
UN & EU/NATO backed former self-styled “Prime Minister of Kosovo” Ramush Haradinaj: mass murderer of civilians in Kosovo in 1998, including children in a cafe, freed after serving no time in prison by the Hague ICTY “war crimes tribunal” kangaroo court, at the insistence of KLA & Albanian mafia largesse beneficiary, ex-Assistant Secretary of State under Clinton: Richard Holbrooke(Link contains photos of the corpses floating in a canal)
Recent guest of Condoleeza Rice in Washington: UN & EU/NATO backed self-styled current “Prime Minister of Kosovo”, former Croatian “Operation Storm” commander under the fascist anti-Semitic Holocaust denier, Franjo Tudjman in 1995: ethnic Albanian and KLA military commander in 1999, Agim Ceku and his bloody crimes in Croatia against Serbian civilians in Operation “Medak Pocket” in 1993, witnessed by Canadian UN peacekeepers
Serbian lobbying group, American Council For Kosovo, protests recent visit to Washington by former KLA military commander and mass murderer of Serbs in Croatian Ustasha Nazi “Operation Storm” ethnic cleansing campaign, Agim Ceku, invited to Washington at the insistence of Rice.
I agree.
And it is not just Kamm, but it is a whole layer of people who do this.
There are many people who say they support the Jewish cause in the Middle East but when it comes to the Serbs are on the side of the Croatian fascists of Tudjman and the Islamofascists of Izetbegovic.
There is a Jihad against Israel and Jews in the Middle East and there is a Jihad against the Serb Christians and Communists in what was Yugoslavia.
It is this Jihad against the Serbs which has been denied.
Kamm is one of the leaders of this denial, as is the whole of the leadership in the website in Britain called Harrys Place.
They are favourable to Israel they say, some of them, but are the bitter enemies of the Serbs and justify the Jihad against the Serbs.
And they will now be getting ready to cheer whenever Kosovo is handed over to Greater Albania which was the aim of the Albanian Fascists in the 30s and 40s.
But it is impossible. Time will expose these agents of the Jihad.
Beware of the Islamist wolf, Oliver Kamm. Anyone who can support the Bosnian Islamofascist mass murderer, Alija Izetbegovic, is no real friend of the Jews or Israel despite the abundant layers of sheeps clothing.
Kamm, as a supposed friend of the Jews, even has the brazen audacity to defend Izetbegovic’s genocide against the Christian Serbs during the 90’s and even denies Izetbegovic’s WW2 SS Nazi Muslim “Handzar” division background as an SS auxiliary member of this notorious division, via his recruiting activities in the Islamist Nazi Bosnian “Young Muslims” organization, in early 1943!
Izetbegovic acted as an SS auxiliary by volunteering as a prime recruiter for the 20,000 plus strong Himmler-created Waffen SS “Handzar” division during WW2 in Bosnia.Kamm denies this irrefutable fact of history.
50 years later, in early 1993, Izetbegovic even named his 6,000 plus strong personal praetorian body guards the “Handzar” division in honor of the WW2 Handzar Muslim SS division which was notorious for its heinous atrocities against Serbs, Jews and Roma!!
Kamm of course either denies or tries to whitewash all of this by giving it his own personal “spin” on history.
If Kamm can support Islamofascism in Bosnia over a period of 15 years, he cannot be trusted not to support it in the Middle East, despite outward appearances.
Oliver Kamm is similar to Michael Ignatieff (although far less clumsy & more subtle in public): both of them pretending to be pro-Israel but in reality Islamist wolves in sheep’s clothing and enemies of the Jewish people.