Douglas MacGregor Exposes: “Massive Russian Offensives are Underway to Terminate Ukraine”

June 9, 2024 | 6 Comments »

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  1. The international community doesn’t care about Ukrainian suffering because they aren’t “palestinians” and it’s not Israel that’s bombing them. Where is all the outrage over Ukraine not receiving electricity and children dying?

    Davydov also reports a massive increase in suffering and loss of life by Ukrainian civilians in recent weeks. One cause is Russian success in destroying much of the country’s electrical grid by bombing and shelling. Another cause is the destruction of very large numbers of residential housing units, mainly apartment buildings, also as a Rusult of Russian bombing and shelling. This has led to a massive increase in homelessness. He reports that large numbers of Ukrainians are living in unheated tent cities, with some people, mainly children, dying of cold. Ukraine has also been found to be lacking in underground bombing shelters, mainly as a result of funds be siphened off by corrupt officials. He says that Ukraine has finally begun to dismiss and sometimes prosecute corrupt officials under American pressure. One way that has been used to remove corrupt officials to the front is to remove their draft exemptions and send them to the front. This method has faced some constrainsts, however, as many corrupt officials are too overweight and in generally poor physical condition to pass their physicals.

  2. Is this Israpundit or Russapundit. It’s amusing that people get offended when they are accused of being pro-Russia and pro-putin while the while posting material that is pro-russia/pro-putin. Doesn’t even matter that they are antisemites or that russians are antisemites.

  3. Davydov also reports a massive increase in suffering and loss of life by Ukrainian civilians in recent weeks. One cause is Russian success in destroying much of the country’s electrical grid by bombing and shelling. Another cause is the destruction of very large numbers of residential housing units, mainly apartment buildings, also as a Rusult of Russian bombing and shelling. This has led to a massive increase in homelessness. He reports that large numbers of Ukrainians are living in unheated tent cities, with some people, mainly children, dying of cold. Ukraine has also been found to be lacking in underground bombing shelters, mainly as a result of funds be siphened off by corrupt officials. He says that Ukraine has finally begun to dismiss and sometimes prosecute corrupt officials under American pressure. One way that has been used to remove corrupt officials to the front is to remove their draft exemptions and send them to the front. This method has faced some constrainsts, however, as many corrupt officials are too overweight and in generally poor physical condition to pass their physicals.

  4. The blogger who calls himself “Constantine,” who published the podcasts “Inside Russia,” claims Russian society is “disintegrating” because of labor shortages and the ineptitude of some Russian local officials. In particular, he claims that Russia lacks the silled manpower to put out the wildfires burning in the taiga country in Siberia, during the Spring-Summer “fire season,” are all at the Ukrainian front fighting. He claims that there is also a water shortage for Russia’s urban fire departments, forcing fiirefighters in Moscow to use dirt rather than water to quench fires. According to “Constantine,” the problem is not a lack of water in Russia but deteriorating water pipelines to cities. “Constantine” also claims that elevators in Russian apartment buildings are deteriorating, leading Russia’s deputy premier to request additional funding from the Russian duma to repair and/or replace them.

  5. The podcaster who calls himself “Joe Bloggs” claims that Russia is no longer earning enough money from the sale of petroleum and natural gas to other countries to finance the war. As a result, he says, Russia has decided it has no choice but to increase taxes on Russians to finance the war. He says that Russian taxpayers have enough money to pay these taxes, but predicts this decision will be unpopular, in Russia as anywhere else.

  6. Dennys Davydov claims Ukraine has blunted Russia’s offensive since the arrival of new weapons supplies from the U.S. and other NATO countries. He even claims a successful limited Ukrainian counteroffensive .Also ,claims Ukraine has damaged an airfield, an ammunition depot an oil refinery , andthe Kerch bridge connecting Crimea with eastern Ukraine, using either ATACM missiles or Ukrainian “home-made” . drones. Finally, claims Ukraine has sunk a Russian tugboat.