By Tony Lentini  July 28, 2024

Too many obvious unanswered questions, too many stupid decisions and justifications, too many inconceivable major failures, too many unidentified gunshots, too many unsecured locations, too many planning “mistakes,” too many denied Secret Service security requests, too many broken protocols, too many historical parallels, too many “existential threat” narratives, too many unprecedented political attacks by government agencies for the event that took place in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13 to be anything other than a planned and executed operation by our corrupt government.

At the very least, the attempted assassination of former President Trump was a passive-aggressive move by the powers that be to rig the size, composition, and competence of “Hitler-Trump’s” security detail and then just let nature take its course.  That in and of itself would be treasonous and criminal.  But I believe it far more likely to have been a Deep-State-sanctioned hit job gone wrong, with Crooks as the patsy and other shooters in other locations quietly slipping away amidst all the confusion.  

Our “democracy” depends on a full and open investigation and accounting, but it won’t happen because too many powerful people have far too much to lose, should the truth come out.

If you don’t believe government elites are capable of murdering people, think Seth Rich, Jeffrey Epstein, and Ashli Babbitt.

Rich was a young Democratic National Committee (DNC) staffer shot in the back and killed in Washington, D.C., in July 2016 whom many believe was the source of leaked documents showing the DNC favored Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders as the party’s presidential nominee.  Unsolved.

Pedophile and procurer Epstein, who hosted many elites at his U.S. Virgin Islands sexual retreat, was found hanged to death in his cell after prison cameras “malfunctioned” and guards disappeared.  Unsolved.

Ashli Babbitt was the unarmed Air Force Veteran shot to death through a door by Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd on Jan. 6, 2020.  Barely even investigated.

If you don’t believe the Democrats and their FBI/Intelligence agency allies are capable of nefarious plots, remember the unpunished FISA lies and abuses that provided the pretext to open sham investigations into Trump supporters so that the Deep State could spy on his administration.  Remember the FBI’s entrapment of five innocent Americans, later acquitted in a fake scheme to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer.  Remember Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser’s dismissal of National Guard assistance requested by President Trump on Jan. 6 and the FBI undercover teams and Capitol Police that helped direct election-theft protestors into the Capitol that day in a classic false-flag operation.

And remember all the loose ends and inconsistencies that remain unanswered decades after the assassinations of JFK, MLK, and RFK.

Half the country believes there is much more to the assassination attempt than meets the eye. Having the proven-Trump-hating FBI investigate is like having Himmler’s SS investigate the Holocaust.  There must be a parallel effort by red-state investigation bureaus with full access to everything.  Everything. Otherwise, conspiracy theories will only grow, as they should, under these circumstances and with this government’s track record.  People’s trust in our institutions, already at a low ebb, will continue to erode.  And should another rigged election or assassination occur, it could even precipitate the unthinkable:  Civil War.

July 29, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Hi, Rafael. This country (the US) is de facto policed by probably dozens of unelected agencies, such as the FBI, CIA, IRS, ATF and many more. I favor a dismantling of most of this bureacracy, but am not holding my breath waiting for the process to begin. I think we will do well, if an election is allowed to happen.

    I think Mike Adams has made a good forensic analysis of the assasination attempt:

  2. If Donald Trump becomes president again, on Day One he should disband the FBI, Day Two, the CIA, Day Three, The whole Justice Dept, Day Four, the IRS, Day Five the Fed, Day Six, the State Dept. And on the Seventh Day, just like G-d, he should rest. There will be plenty more to do in the weeks that follow.