Donald’s economic plan: The obvious Trumps the important

By Alex Markovsky, NY DAILY NEWS

Donald Trump’s economic plan, which he unveiled recently in Detroit, includes among other things reducing taxes, lessening regulatory burdens, increasing energy production, and redefining trade policies.

Those measures will undoubtedly reignite the economy, but will not be sufficient to pay for the new infrastructure and additional military expenditure that Trump also proposed, nor will it pay for the reduction of the nation’s $20 trillion debt, which he did not even mention in his speech. This is the obvious.

The important is that despite substantive ideas, Trump and his advisers suffer from conservatism — conservatism of thinking, and therefore are missing a host of very significant developments in the capitalist system taking place over the last 20 to 30 years.

What distinguishes this period from others is that until recently, only the government could handle projects on the scale of the Hoover Dam and the Interstate Highway System.

At present, however, large corporations and investment funds have accumulated enormous amounts of money and have sufficient resources to build projects on any scale.

This state of affairs has set up some interesting dynamics. There is no longer an imperative for the government — federal, local, or otherwise — to finance, own and maintain the country’s infrastructure when private capital is available.

Privatization of infrastructure such as roads, bridges, tunnels, etc., will open a new frontier for capitalism. It will attract private capital for rebuilding the infrastructure, shrink the size of government and, in conjunction with Trump’s economic proposals, create colossal wealth, and subsequently millions of high-paying jobs.

Meanwhile, selling off government assets, such as land, real estate and national parks, should reduce the debt substantially.

I call this new era of capitalism the Economy of Mass Prosperity, and see it as a way to facilitate the transition from socialization of the country back to capitalism.

Trump said, “I want to jumpstart America and it won’t even be that hard.” I hope he will adopt the concept of the Economy of Mass Prosperity.

Then it won’t be that hard indeed.

Alexander G. Markovsky, author of “Liberal Bolshevism: America Did Not Defeat Communism, She Adopted It,” was born in the Soviet Union and now lives in Houston, Tex. He holds degrees in economics and political science from the University of Marxism-Leninism. He is a contributor to and his work also appears on and

August 23, 2016 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Never heard of anything like that. Sounds fascinating. Is there really enough privates capital to pull it off, though? Anybody have any numbers to share?