DNA Contamination Found in the COVID shots & Preliminary Evidence of DNA Integration

Chief Nerd | X | February 23, 2024

Genomics Expert Kevin McKernan Shares a Summary of the DNA Contamination Found in the COVID mRNA Vaccines & Preliminary Evidence of DNA Integration

“The fact checkers who told you this DNA won’t get into the cell are proven wrong by this data. We can see DNA in there. It’s a very high copy number…

We’ve also found two genome integrations. This has not been replicated like all of our qPCR data, so this is very early, but we have fusions of DNA between the spike sequence and Chromosome 12 and between the spike sequence and Chromosome 9. This needs to be confirmed with long read sequencers where we can span the entire integration event…

But we shouldn’t be seeing any of this…So a little bit more validation to do in this but still a little bit concerning.”

*From the 2/23/2024 International Crisis Summit-5 (ICS-5) in Washington DC. Quote is taken from the 9:50 mark.

February 25, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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  1. @Felix

    these claims by a other commenter Evri 1

    EvRe1’s comment was quite well made and quite accurately described. You might care to read the research exposed by Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt. Another keen source which is under reported is Christie Laura Grace.

    You should not be intimidated by the overarching dictates of experts. You are an intelligent man, capable of great understanding. The Virologists are not the source of everything, far from it, and in fact the virologists are not entirely in agreement with those virologists whose opinions you value above all others. Also it is not about the personalities involved, but the science which they relate. Reproducible results are important, as is clean unbiased data collection on which the results are based.

  2. Ted consult Israeli virologists

    These articles that regularly are appearing on Israpundit must be ended immediately. It’s not a matter of the free speech of the editor but of fairness to the Jewish people, that false information is being presented on a drip drip basis

    The end purpose of this are these claims by a other commenter Evri 1 which call scientific research on viruses “biowarfare” as here:


    “This is not about the FDA not doing their due diligence. It was never the FDA’s responsibility to begin with.

    it is about a Congress that has been captured by globalist predators and the US Military, who have passed laws making murder by injection legal.

    It is about a permanent US government that uses information warfare on its people to such a degree that the people clamored for these “vaccines” in the hopes of being let out of lockdowns, with no idea that an indeterminate number of people were going to be injured or killed by these shots.

    We need to end all biowarfare research. We now know that it is inconsistent with the survival of our species to continue it.”

    End quote

    Ted Belman is not a scientist and he needs to contact and consult seriously with Israeli virologists about the content of these articles

  3. The problem of DNA contamination, namely that DNA from contaminants can get inside the human cell nucleus and possibly combine with human DNA thus changing the cell line forever, is not an issue of regulatory capture by the FDA.

    This is important for everyone to understand. These injectables were produced by pharmaceutical companies based upon a contract with the US DoD. The contract was not for a “vaccine,” not for a drug, not for a pharmaceutical, but for a prototype medical countermeasure.

    As such, the contract was under OTA: Other Transaction Authority. OTA contracts are used by the government when the government turns to a private corporation to do something that would otherwise be illegal for the government to do, but is not illegal for a private company to do.

    OTA medical countermeasures are not considered drugs or medicines and are not considered experimental pharmaceutical agents. Therefore they fall OUTSIDE OF ALL REGULATORY AGENCIES of the federal government from the beginning. There was nothing the FDA could have done to “regulate” a medical countermeasure acquired under an OTA contract.

    The DoD realized that people were not going to take the shots unless they thought the FDA gave approval for them, so the DoD ordered the FDA to give “Emergency Use Authorization.” The FDA did so, but it did no tests whatsoever. There were no safety tests REQUIRED by the FDA given that these substances weren’t under their authority to begin with.

    So you can say the FDA committed fraud, which it did, but it will be dismissed in a court of law because the pharmaceutical companies essentially produced the fraudulent substance the DoD asked them to produce. This is how the Brook Jackson Pfizer fraud case was dismissed.

    In addition, the PREP Acts provide a liability shield for all doctors, nurses, hospitals, etc. so none can be sued for any reason as long as these individuals did what the government told them to do.

    What is needed is not just a revamping of the FDA but understanding and repeal of the thicket of laws that have been passed since the 1980s that made the US bioterrorism program and the use of a bioweapon on all human beings legal.

    This is not about the FDA not doing their due diligence. It was never the FDA’s responsibility to begin with.

    it is about a Congress that has been captured by globalist predators and the US Military, who have passed laws making murder by injection legal.

    It is about a permanent US government that uses information warfare on its people to such a degree that the people clamored for these “vaccines” in the hopes of being let out of lockdowns, with no idea that an indeterminate number of people were going to be injured or killed by these shots.

    We need to end all biowarfare research. We now know that it is inconsistent with the survival of our species to continue it.