Dinesh D’Souza: Big Lies About Charlottesville – No, White Nationalists Are Not on the Right


So the white nationalists are once again coming to Charlottesville. Get ready not only for some bombastic theatrics, but also for a replay of the progressive media’s Charlottesville narrative: Hey, look at those racists in MAGA hats! This proves that, whatever the history of Democratic Party bigotry, racism today is in the Trump column. Bigotry now is on the right.

But this narrative is a lie. First of all, no one has ever conducted a valid empirical survey of neo-Nazis or Ku Klux Klansmen to prove they voted for Trump. This is why the media needs visual images that seem to confirm an unproven thesis. In the aftermath of the initial Charlottesville, I was struck by a solitary white supremacist in a MAGA hat being interviewed by more than a dozen reporters. This one guy — otherwise culturally and politically impotent — was portrayed as visual proof that white nationalism is a malevolent Trump phenomenon.

In my new book, “Death of a Nation,” I examined the lives of the leading white nationalists in America today. Virtually without exception, they are on the left. Let’s start with Jason Kessler, organizer of last year’s Charlottesville rally. The Southern Poverty Law Center looked into his background and was astounded to discover that he had been an Obama supporter and active in the left-wing Occupy Wall Street movement.

What could be more interesting than to examine why an Obama supporter could become a white supremacist? Or how an Occupy activist transitioned into a defender of the white cause? Yet the progressive media went dead silent on this one. Only one local Charlottesville newspaper, The Daily Progress, bothered to dig into this, noting that Kessler’s previous tweets, his neighbors and several of his friends “attest that he held strong liberal convictions.”

Laura Kleiner is a Democratic activist who dated Kessler for several months in 2013. According to the article, “She said Kessler was very dedicated to his liberal principles, and that he was a strict vegetarian, abstained from alcohol and drugs, embraced friends of different ethnicities, and was an atheist.” Kleiner added of Kessler, “He broke up with me and a lot of it was because I was not liberal enough. I am a very progressive Democrat, but he didn’t like that I’m a Christian.”

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I mentioned Kessler’s leftist background on social media and he lashed out angrily by releasing a video denouncing me. The video itself is rambling, incoherent and laced with obscenities. The most interesting thing about it is that Kessler attacks me as a rich brown-skinned guy who only stands up for big business and special interests. In other words, notwithstanding his disavowal of my portrait of him, Kessler sounds just like the left-wing racist I made him out to be.

Andrew Anglin is the co-editor of the neo-Nazi website Daily Stormer. In March 2007, Anglin posted about Donald Trump, attaching a video clip from a roast of former New York mayor Rudy Guiliani. Giuliani appears in the video in drag, and Trump rams his face into Giuliani’s chest. It was all apparently in fun. Even so, Anglin describes them both as “fags” and writes that Giuliani is clearly involved in a “twisted homosexual transvestite affair with Donald Trump.”

Anglin visited Southeast Asia in 2010-2011 where he became a rainforest activist, dated Filipina women, and railed on his podcast against Christian missionaries. “You see the way white people — and it is white people — went around the whole world and f***ed everybody. I think the white race should be bred out.” This was a sentiment he routinely expressed.

Lisa Turner, women’s coordinator of a white nationalist group called the World Church of the Creator — which is interestingly enough an atheist organization — insists that the greatest problem in the world is Christianity. “The philosophy behind Christianity,” she says, “is utterly poisonous. Turn the other cheek, love your enemy — these kinds of ideas have put a guilt trip on the white race. The biggest enemies we have out there are the Christian churches.” Doesn’t sound very much like Trump to me.

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Finally, there is Richard Spencer, the poster boy of white supremacy, who is so controversial that when he showed up to speak in Florida the governor declared a state of emergency. Spencer is unfailingly portrayed in the mainstream media as a right-winger. To check this out, I interviewed Spencer for my new movie “Death of a Nation.” The film is now out nationwide, and when the audiences hear Spencer describe his convictions in his own words, they gasp out loud.

Why? Because it becomes clear that Spencer is no conservative; in fact, he is firmly on the left. He flatly rejects the idea that “all men are created equal.” He insists that rights don’t come from God; they come from the centralized state. He rejects the Reagan agenda of individual liberty and free market capitalism, embracing the concept of an expanded welfare state including nationalized health care. He doesn’t think Reagan was a great president, naming as his favorites a series of Democratic presidents including Democratic Party founder Andrew Jackson. At one point he breaks down and confesses he’s a progressive.

What really blows away the audience is not merely Spencer’s left-wing politics, but the full realization that we have all been victims of a bogus narrative. Some white nationalists collaborate in this narrative, because it brings fame and notoriety to their otherwise powerless group. In exchange they provide the mainstream media with an ideological script extremely useful to the left. But the script is fake, because in reality conservatives and white nationalists are not only in different camps, they are in opposed camps.

August 12, 2018 | 6 Comments »

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6 Comments / 6 Comments

  1. Ah, another false-flag operation. I must add this one to my list. Here are my top five.
    1. The 9/11 attacks were caused by us Jews in order to induce the U.S. to go to war in the Middle East.
    2. The 2014 Ebola outbreak was a CIA plot to cull the African population and blame it on the disease.
    3. The creation of ISIS was a U.S government black-op designed to gin up war fervor and make money for the military industrial complex.
    4. The Sandy Hook shooting was a hoax staged by the U.S. government as an excuse to take away citizen’s rights.
    And now moving into fifth place to replace the previous no. 5:
    5. The Charlottesville rally was organized by Leftist White Nationalists pretending to be Rightist White Nationalists in order to attack Trump and his followers.

  2. Good job, Dineesh. I had never realized, before reading your article, what sort of people were actually involved in the story behing the news. Charlottesville was essentially a blatantly leftist mob attacking a conspiring leftist false-flag operation in order to attack President Trump and his conservative followers.

  3. @ Joe S:

    Joe S: That’s kind of the point Dinesh is making. If they called it just another rally for progressives, it would not have gotten much attention, and certainly would not have been as effective at demonizing the Right. And I will further point out that the Left, which seems unable to come up with any substantive arguments against the Right, simply falls back on accusing the Right of the things that Left is itself guilty of. Russian collusion? Look at Hillary and the Clinton Foundation. Racism? How about the racism of low expectations, fostered by the Left. In example after example, the best the Left can do is project its own unpleasant behavior on to the Right. The GOP spied on the DNC in the last election? How about the FBI being caught actually having spies within the Trump campaign? Sorry about all the “what abouts”, but they truly apply here.

    In the cases Dinesh uses here as examples, Leftists achieve this projection by actually playing the role of a “right wing white supremacist,” and the media soaks it all up without any concern that, just maybe, these white supremacists are not really what they claim to be. Why? Because with Progressives, the ends always justifies the means. The Left lied, people died (at last year’s false flag rally).

  4. If White Nationalists are not on the Right why did they call the Charlottesville rally “Unite the Right” and today’s rally “Unite the Right 2”

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