Did the US sober up?


In response to Panetta’s new tune, Elliott Abrams says

    “Whatever steps are necessary to stop it” is very strong language with very little wiggle room. Perhaps Panetta or others in the administration came to realize the foolishness, indeed the danger, of having the Iranian regime believe it can pursue its goals unhindered by the U.S. Perhaps they came to realize that any chance of a negotiated resolution with Iran was undermined if the ayatollahs came to believe there was no real military option “on the table.” Perhaps this has been the administration’s bottom line all along, and an Iranian nuclear weapon is truly “unacceptable” to the president. Whatever the explanation, this is the way our secretary of defense should be speaking in public about Iran.

‘Military option against Iran is executable,’ says Dempsey

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    U.S. Chief of Staff Gen. Martin Dempsey is formulating a plan for a U.S. military attack on Iran, he told CNN in an interview published Wednesday, to go into effect should U.S. President Barack Obama decide to stop Tehran’s drive for nuclear weapons.

    “My biggest worry is [the Iranians] will miscalculate our resolve,” Dempsey said during the interview, which was conducted from Afghanistan. “Any miscalculation could mean that we are drawn into conflict, and that would be a tragedy for the region and the world.”

    Dempsey confirmed that despite the recent loss of a U.S. drone in Iran – which was reported to have been used for surveillance in the country – U.S. spying efforts there have not ceased.

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    “If you are asking ‘are we gathering intelligence against Iran in a variety of means?’ the answer is of course,” Dempsey told CNN. “It would be rather imprudent of us not to try to understand what a nation who has declared itself to be an adversary of the United States is doing.”

    In similar comments made by other U.S. administration officials, the U.S. chief of staff said “all options are on the table” with regards to Iran and that the options are feasible.

    “I am satisfied that the options that we are developing are evolving to a point that they would be executable if necessary,” Dempsey said.

    Asked about speculation surrounding a potential Israeli strike on Iran, the U.S. general said there is no guarantee Jerusalem will give the U.S. prior notice if it decides to move forward with an attack. However, the U.S. continues to share intelligence with Israel, he said.

    “We are trying to establish some confidence on the part of the Israelis that we recognize their concerns and are collaborating with them on addressing them,” Dempsey noted.

    His comments come as the Pentagon on Tuesday tried to soften U.S. Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta’s remarks on Monday that Iran will be capable of developing a nuclear weapon within a year.

    On Monday, Panetta told CBS News anchor Scott Pelley in an interview on the news magazine “60 Minutes” that, “It would probably be about a year,” before Iran could obtain a nuclear weapon. “Perhaps a little less. But one proviso is if they have a hidden facility somewhere in Iran that may be enriching fuel.” Panetta, who has cautioned against a military strike against Iran, said the U.S. does not want Iran to obtain nuclear weapons, saying that would constitute “a red line for us and that’s a red line, obviously, for the Israelis.”

    Pentagon Press Secretary George Little clarified Panetta’s comments one day later, saying, “The secretary was clear that we have no indication that the Iranians have made a decision to develop a nuclear weapon. He was asked to comment on prospective and aggressive time-lines on Iran’s possible production of nuclear weapons, and he said if, and only if, they made such a decision. He didn’t say that Iran would, in fact, have a nuclear weapon in 2012.”

    At a speech at the Washington-based Saban Center for Middle East Policy on Dec. 2, Panetta said that U.S. President Barack Obama has not ruled out using military force to stop Iran. Panetta said that an Israeli attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities would “at best” delay its nuclear program by one or two years. “We have to be careful about the unintended consequences” of an Israeli or U.S. attack, he said. Among those unintended consequences would be an increase in regional support for Iran and the likelihood of Iranian retaliation against U.S. forces and bases in the Middle East. An attack also would have harmful economic consequences and could lead to military escalation, he said.

    Israeli government officials were listening carefully to statements made by White House and Pentagon officials recently concerning Iran, and were hoping that the Israeli warning of time running out to stop Iran’s nuclear program was being taken more seriously now.

    The Prime Minister’s Office did not comment on Panetta’s statements, but Defense Minister Ehud Barak said on Tuesday, “The U.S. is standing behind Israel in a way it has not done for a long time now, with more determination and depth in everything related to Israel’s security. We are very aware of this, and thank them for it.”

    A senior defense official said on Tuesday, “As of now, there is a big gap between what the Americans know and what they are doing. We hope that Panetta’s statements indicate a change in policy that will lead to much tougher sanctions and more serious threats against Iran.”

    Speaking to French news agency AFP, an official in the U.S. government said on Tuesday that U.S. intelligence has not changed its assessment of Iran’s nuclear program.

    In another interview by AFP, David Albright, president of the Washington-based Institute for Science and International Security said, “It’s definitely misleading. The likelihood that Iran could have a nuclear weapon within a year was a low probability, as any shift to weapons-grade uranium would be exposed by inspectors and Israel would almost certainly take military action.”

    Meanwhile, Iran has reinstated an offer for U.N. nuclear agency officials to visit Tehran, but is not saying whether they will be able to focus on suspicions that it is secretly working on nuclear arms — a key condition set by the agency, diplomats said Monday.

    The renewed invitation to the International Atomic Energy Agency comes after a previous offer was withdrawn. It appears to reflect Iranian efforts to deflect pressure over mounting allegations that Iran is experimenting with components of a nuclear weapons program.

    A senior diplomat — one of four who agreed to discuss the confidential issue only on condition of anonymity — said a top-level IAEA mission could fly to Tehran in late January.

    But, he told The Associated Press, that would only be likely to happen if Tehran agrees to meet IAEA calls to supply information on its alleged secret weapons work. He added that a Dec. 14 letter from Iran to agency chief Yukiya Amano offered no such specifics beyond saying that such a trip could take place.

December 21, 2011 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. Is there a Deal with Obama and BB? Are the settlements Israels contribution?

    The US Administration is ALWAYS trying to extort the settlements and more out of Israel; but I don’t think that’s the price here. Bibi lives in Israel, and doesn’t want to see his fanny fried by an Iranian nuke. I believe he and his emphatically relayed that info to Obama, which explains the American rush to at least appear to accomodate him. Israel certainly has the Samson option if it IS attacked, and some of the pillars in Dagon’s temple are likely in America as well as Iran. Also, if and when Israel does attack Iran, Iran will more than likely retalliate by attacking US ships and attempting to close the Strait of Hormuz. I think BIBI is serious, and that made Barry O sit up in bed.

  2. Is there a Deal with Obama and BB? Are the settlements Israels contribution? If Obama attacks Iran before the elections, how will they effect his chances? BB’s crackdown on the settlers seems to me to indicate that there is a grand plan to remove the settlements and the settlers.

    America has not really left Iraq there are thousands of contract mercenaries and most of the troops removed from Iraq have just been transferred to the Gulf states and I hear Jordan as well. Removal of Syria as a proxy of Iran I believe has always been the primary goal of both the US and Israel.

    Could be a game changer all around. The ME, The United States and Israel. It might if successful keep Obama in office and blunt opposition to BB if he trades settlements for Iran being denuked. Here is where the “Bradbury Butterfly Effect” Kicks IN.

  3. Pentagon plays down remarks by Panetta on Iran

    The Pentagon on Tuesday sought to play down remarks by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta who has suggested Iran’s nuclear program could be on a faster track than previously suspected.

    In an interview with CBS News, Panetta said Iran could have a nuclear weapon in a year or possibly sooner and that the timeline might be different if Tehran had a secret “hidden” site.

    “It would be sometime in around a year they would be able to do it [build a nuclear weapon],” Panetta said in the interview aired Monday.

    “Perhaps a little less. The one proviso is if they have a hidden facility somewhere in Iran,” he said.

    But Pentagon spokespersons said Panetta was speaking “hypothetically” and that the defense secretary was not suggesting there was new intelligence pointing to secret facilities.

    In the interview, Panetta also refused to rule out military action to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons but unlike previous statements he made no mention of the potential risks associated with a strike that he has warned of repeatedly.

    “If they proceed and we get intelligence that they’re proceeding in developing a nuclear weapon, then we will take whatever steps are necessary to stop it,” Panetta said.

    To read more: http://www.nowlebanon.com/NewsArticleDetails.aspx?ID=344758#ixzz1hBjgc2UN

  4. Israel-US to hold largest-ever missile defense drill

    Joe Wouk says: (I don’t believe the attack will be withheld till spring. This is more “laying the PR groundwork” in advance of the attack. Obama is signifying unity with Israel every way he can think of. )

    IDF and U.S. Army ‘Strengthen Cooperation’
    Commander of the Third Air Force of the U.S Military is in Israel in preparation for a joint training exercise.

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