IDF withdraws division from Gaza, leaving no troops actively maneuvering in southern Gaza


The IDF says that the army’s 98th Division has left the Gaza Strip and that no troops actively maneuvering in the southern Strip.

The army explained the move as the outcome of the exhaustion of all intelligence and combat operations in the region, denying it is the outcome of a U.S. demand from Netanyahu.

An army official said that “the logic that leads us today is mistaken… We are willing to operate whenever we’re needed, but there’s no need for us to remain in the sector without an [operational] need… The 98th division dismantled Hamas’ Khan Yunis brigades and killed thousands of its members. We did everything we could there.”

The official add that exiting Khan Yunis would allow the displaced Palestinians to return to their homes after sheltering in Rafah. He clarified, however, that the army “will continue to operate there according to the operational needs.”

“Our mission was to dismantle Hamas’ Khan Yunis Brigade, and we succeeded in that,” he added. “Our second mission was to return the hostages, and we failed in doing so. The operation in the Al-Shifa hospital compound contributed to the decision to change our perception concerning the fighting in the southern Strip.”

In the near future, the IDF plans to designate three divisions near the Gaza border, from which army forces will be able to deploy into the Strip whenever needed. Forces will also be stationed in the Gaza border Kibbutz of Kissufim.

April 7, 2024 | 30 Comments »

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30 Comments / 30 Comments

  1. Irish Antisemites live in space not in reality. Israel will score a big victory here.

    Get yourselves ready to be defeated and take your ingrained Jew Hatred with you



    And rot in hell along with Hamas

    Israel victory of IDF youth commanders will have plenty big repercussions

  2. It is a little obvious.

    Bibi is a different person after October 7. People do change. Actually he has shown leadership.

    It is a coalition war cabinet.

    They’re in no hurry to overthrow Bibi

    The structure in Israeli government bound to change
    ..forced to change

    The young commanders have more says…a good thing

    This is major defeat for Biden and Europe

    Remember that Cromwell won by means of the New Model Army being into politics so the IDF young commanders

    That is good

    Bibi will continue to duck and dive which is a style thing but the content is very different.

    The transition is not one day

    It may be decades and the presence of Israel will be in everything

    The Rafa is going to be the way out for Gazans…one way though.

  3. @Bear

    I do not believe in coincidences and that a pullout happen the day after Biden demanded a unilateral ceasefire

    Well, two things can be true at the same time, ie that the timing of the Israeli withdrawal took place due to US pressure and that Israel will still deal with Hamas Rafah and the rest of Gaza.

    As to the hostage deal, there will be no deal so long as Israel is not pressing its war in Rafah. There is no pressure which will strip Hamas of their human shields. Or so it is my belief.

  4. @Peloni hope you are correct that we will finish Hamas because we have no choice. Biden does not care if we finish Hamas nor what Israelis unified goals are in the war.

    I do not believe in coincidences and that a pullout happen the day after Biden demanded a unilateral ceasefire from Israel I believe was ordered by his royal asshole Biden.

    If ceasefire and hostage deal happen soon maybe it will turnout okay. I am not so sure we can get to a deal with Hamas as they want Israel to pull 100% out of Gaza and go back to Oct.6 circumstances. Meaning they survive and keep ruling th Gaza strip. This is NOT agreeable from an Israeli standpoint no matter the political persuasion.

  5. @Bear

    My intellectual gut tells me that Bibi and Gallant saying the withdrawal from Khan Younis (one day after Biden demands to Bibi) is to rest the soldiers prior to an attack in Rafah is just a smokescreen to cover up that Biden gave Israel the shaft right in the posterior!

    Prior to an attack in Rafah, the civilians must be evacuated from Rafah. The removal of Israeli troops from Khan Yunis provide Israel the a location in which to finally make this pivotal preparatory transition and clear civilians out of Rafah while also keeping the genocidally intent civilians outside of any contact with the Israeli army.

    Vacating central Gaza also relieves tension in that area so that the terrorists can feel at ease to reassemble as they did at Shifa Hospital. As occurred at Shifa, Israel will make use of this same gambit in the future, focusing their efforts, minimizing their losses and maximizing their gains.

    Israel now is in a very weak position to get the hostages back and finish Hamas.
    Which is why Israel can not leave things as they are as your gut is telling you. Such a conclusion to the war would not be possible even if this were the goal of the govt, which it clearly isn’t. The hostages will only come home by forcing their release thru continued operations in Rafah, and this requires the operation in Rafah to materialize, which I would suggest it is impossible to believe that it won’t. Still, time will tell.

  6. My intellectual gut tells me that Bibi and Gallant saying the withdrawal from Khan Younis (one day after Biden demands to Bibi) is to rest the soldiers prior to an attack in Rafah is just a smokescreen to cover up that Biden gave Israel the shaft right in the posterior!

    Their be limited actions in Rafah or elsewhere in Gaza but Israel now is in a very weak position to get the hostages back and finish Hamas.

  7. Pathetic!
    Was it part of a hostage release deal?
    Was it a demand made by Biden?
    Was the economic burden finally getting to be too much for Israel?
    Why let anyone return to their homes? They are a hostile population.
    End result: Hamas survives to fight another day.

  8. Laura,

    I’m just thinking out loud here, but the following might justify some of the doubts I expressed:

    Israeli companies move business offshore as war increases instability – Aman Group
    “People don’t buy from conflict zones,” he said. “This is a problem that is starting to have an effect that we can see becoming more and more significant,” he added.”

    I think the fat lady has already begun to sing — in Israel, and also probably in Ukraine. The US and Israel are both in way over their depth.

  9. It’s all turned into a shitshow.
    Another pipsqueask, Leon Panetta, says that Israel shouldn’t destroy Hamas, only eliminate the leaders.
    1.Good luck with the Mossaad getting into Qatar to do that.
    2. According to Panetta, I assume he would have been ok with just taking out Tojo and a few of the Japanese admirals who were responsible for Pearl Harbor.
    Obiden’s coup seems to be picking up steam.
    @Laura- You’re right about the ‘jew’ Blinken. I’d add Myorkas, Garland, Schiff, Schumer, and a bunch of others to that list.

  10. Gallant claims the war is not over and Israel still intends to attack Hamas in Gaza. We will see if this is true!

  11. So to sum up…

    I have learned.

    The IDF youth. And four killed from a tunnel yesterday. All about 19 or 20

    Biden and Blinken implicated

    So right now we have the IDF and the Israeli people.

    I would say the same to an Irish young person and I hope to

    All the best Laura. Kind regards.

    With truth we still do have a chance to win.

  12. Laura

    I wouldn’t say I know them all but I know enough. They are all fake. Like the “Marxist” Chomsky or the “Trotskyist” NOT


    Jared Israel spotted how the state was pushing forward Richard Perle in the media. Very much the politics of the neocons. Known as a Jew.

    Jason said that was to have Jews associated with Perle

    Also this new pair Spain and Ireland.

    That did not happen accidentally or spontaneously

    Some things happen spontaneously yes but much does not

    Ok so this didn’t work. Are we back to square 1?


    The army performed
    The people performed

    That’s what we have. Everything else is to be questioned.

    But all must stop taking on board whatever they feed us

    (To help Wikipedia is useful for facts but be aware it is also bad and dangerous)

    Let’s just go forward and examine EVERYTHING a little dispassionately

  13. I have no idea what to do next. What confounds me is why you continue defending marxism when marxists aside from muslims, are the world’s greatest enemies of Jews and the Jewish state.

    Laura etc al

    Indeed I echo your invectives

    There’s a big difference. On my shoulders rests a long centuries of class struggle and class and national liberation

    And Trotskyism is going to be tested.

    So concretely Laura what lessons do you draw and what to do next.

    Same applies to all including or even especially those who swear at Marxism

    And otherwise insult Marxism

    Nows your opportunity to tell the world your answer

  14. Laura etc al

    Indeed I echo your invectives

    There’s a big difference. On my shoulders rests a long centuries of class struggle and class and national liberation

    And Trotskyism is going to be tested.

    So concretely Laura what lessons do you draw and what to do next.

    Same applies to all including or even especially those who swear at Marxism

    And otherwise insult Marxism

    Nows your opportunity to tell the world your answer

  15. I guess the first paragraph means that Hamas is really quite indistinguishable and inseparable from “Gazans”. So they could move at will despite all and set up in al-Shifa hospital. The second is sadly without much meaning.

    As always Israel now has to assess and learn and advance on a more correct path

    (0n twitter I learned 4 IDF youth murdered yesterday from a tunnel)

  16. Reading between the lines; the war is over, hamas prevails and Israel didn’t even get its hostages out. Sickening. Go to hell joe biden, blinken and kirby. And I’m EXTREMELY disappointed in Bibi. If he’s going to be out as Israel’s PM, he should have at least gone out fighting and with a victory for Israel. A great day for the world’s Jew-haters.

    The operation in the Al-Shifa hospital compound contributed to the decision to change our perception concerning the fighting in the southern Strip.”

    In the near future, the IDF plans to designate three divisions near the Gaza border, from which army forces will be able to deploy into the Strip whenever needed. Forces will also be stationed in the Gaza border Kibbutz of Kissufim.

  17. The following two paragraphs of this missive states really that the present leadership has lost. Israel is still intact and independent, not defeated, and its Jewish people militant and in advance of it’s leaders.

    The operation in the Al-Shifa hospital compound contributed to the decision to change our perception concerning the fighting in the southern Strip.”

    In the near future, the IDF plans to designate three divisions near the Gaza border, from which army forces will be able to deploy into the Strip whenever needed. Forces will also be stationed in the Gaza border Kibbutz of Kissufim.


  18. The democrat party would throw their grandmothers in front of a train to get votes. These are sick evil creatures. They are not only willing to sacrifice Israeli lives to stay in power, but the lives of Americans. The marxists are now in control of the democrat party and the marxists want Israel destroyed and America to have no borders and ultimately destroy America. So that’s what biden is doing to stay in power which he cannot do without the support of the marxists and the concentration of muslims in MI. Biden is a genuine psychopath. His wife is worse. She knows he is not mentally fit to serve but she doesn’t care because she too wants to stay in the White House. Jill biden is a also a psychopath.

  19. Why do you doubt that?

    I doubt that it’s all that full of gung-ho nationalists, willing to go “all the way”.

  20. I hope to God this is the plan. Joe biden is hitler.

    Israeli TV military reporter said the soldiers withdrawn will rest and equipment will undergo maintenance. These same soldiers likely will re-enter Gaza and finish Hamas in Rafah.

    Hopefully that is true. Nahal troops are still in Gaza in the Netzarim corridor which divides Gaza in half from the Sea to the border with Israel.

  21. I call bullshit to that explanation.

    The army explained the move as the outcome of the exhaustion of all intelligence and combat operations in the region, denying it is the outcome of a U.S. demand from Netanyahu.

  22. According to the article and the comments, the remaining hostages can only be freed by appeasing Hamas and delivering on every demand they present. This, of course, places enormous pressure on Israel and especially on Netanyahu. In the end, it means that Biden has won the war and all the rest have lost. There will be repercussions sooner or later, but as mentioned below, the immediate result was the resumption of rocket fire from the Rafah region. This means that only Israel has to cease fire.
    Very good work, Biden and all the rest. I just wonder if they will continue their commitments of weapon deliveries to Israel. Somehow, I doubt that because “the risk is too high that Israel will resume firing” albeit in self-defense.

  23. Israeli TV military reporter said the soldiers withdrawn will rest and equipment will undergo maintenance. These same soldiers likely will re-enter Gaza and finish Hamas in Rafah.

    Hopefully that is true. Nahal troops are still in Gaza in the Netzarim corridor which divides Gaza in half from the Sea to the border with Israel.

  24. Israel is never allowed to finish its enemies as the poor relation to its big brother USA. Biden it appears has dictated to Bibi to stop the fighting. IDF has pulled most ground troops out Khan Yunis and immediately a couple of rockets were fired at Israel.

    I do not think the USA will allow Israel to finish Hamas in Rafah. This means Hamas will survive the war. Badly damaged with about 80% of its terrorist/fighters killed or severely wounded.

    Hostages still held by Hamas. If we are not putting military pressure on them then we have no leverage to get the hostages.

    Will Israel keep building the buffer zone of one km from the North to the South of Gaza or will the IDF completely have to pull out of Gaza.

    This is a disaster. Who will want to return to their former homes near Gaza (if they are standing or need to be rebuilt) if Hamas is not totally finished.

  25. “Our second mission was to return the hostages, and we failed in doing so.

    Admitting defeat concerning them, and essentially throwing them under the bus, seems to me as perhaps the worst thing we could do at this time. Israel was full of people who would give their lives to rescue the hostages. I doubt that it’s all that full of gung-ho nationalists, willing to go “all the way”.