Tucker Carlson: “This is the end of the Democratic Party”

Tucker Carlson’s segment last night dealt with the failings of the Democratic Party and how because of that, they are trying to scare you and ruin your Christmas.

The Fox News host explained that the Democratic Party can no longer run America because of one key fact, the latest Marist poll has only 33% of Hispanics supporting Joe Biden. That’s a massive blow. There is no way a Democrat president can be re-elected, or elected, with numbers that low in that demographic.

Tucker goes on to explain how those in the Democratic Party believe they are the party of oppressed minorities and they are the only ones who can protect them from evil white racists.

In fact, the Democratic Party is not the party of oppressed racial minorities, it’s the opposite, it’s the party of entitled White liberals and pretty much only entitled White liberals. Democratic donors live in Aspen and Martha’s Vineyard in Bel Air. Democratic voters live in Brooklyn and Chevy Chase. In Newton, Massachusetts, in Boulder, Colorado. And increasingly, those are the only places they live, Tucker said.

Tucker describes the Democrat Party as a lady at an airport, having a meltdown, screaming at you to put a mask on. No one likes that kind of person, right? No one in their right mind would vote for a person like that, right? Well, not most people. He went on to say that because of that, the party is toast and that there won’t be any more Democrat presidents for a while (Great news!).

Because the party is failing so completely, they are pulling out the old fear machine. What do Dems want you to be afraid of now? Omicron! And just in time for Christmas.

It’s a terrifying new variant of COVID, which you remember is a name they picked to conceal the fact that the entire pandemic was likely created in a lab by the Chinese government with the help of American tax dollars, Tucker notes.

Democrats don’t want you to talk about COVID coming from China. They’ll call you a racist if you do, he said.

And now omicron is here, so there’s no time to think. Your job is to be afraid. And unfortunately, many people are afraid they haven’t had time because they’re so afraid to check the numbers and discover that as an epidemiological matter, this is all completely insane. Far more Americans have died this month from choking on entrees than have died from omicron. That is factually true. The CDC can confirm it for you.

Tucker explained how Joe Biden is attempting to cancel Christmas for those who have chosen not to get the vaccine:

JOE BIDEN: And I know some Americans are wondering if you can safely celebrate the holidays with your family and friends. The answer is yes, you can. If you and those you celebrate with are vaccinated, particularly if you’ve gotten your booster shot. If you are vaccinated and follow the precautions that we all know well, you should feel comfortable celebrating Christmas and the holidays as you planned it.

So there you go. If you’ve had at least three Joe Biden-approved vaccine injections, you can celebrate Christmas. That’s the word from our Botoxed Napoleon. Otherwise, you can’t celebrate Christmas. How long before they tell us you can’t vote in person without the vaccine? That’s coming, obviously.

In conclusion, Carlson gives us the good news. Americans aren’t buying what Democrats are shoveling. Americans are done with the fear-mongering, done with being told that they can celebrate Christmas or any other holiday unless they follow government dictates, they’re done being told how to live their lives. They’re going to live free and celebrate when and where and with whom they want. That coupled with the predictions about the future of the Democratic Party and that we most likely won’t have another Dem president anytime soon (and that the House will most likely flip Red in 2022) make for a great Christmas present for the country.

December 23, 2021 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. Old news, actually. Here’s a riddle for you.
    Q: How are American elections now like the sails of an 18th century ship?
    A: It’s all a matter of the rigging.

  2. trudeau to have won re electon must have taken a a vast crooked Lberal Conspracy as well as poor Concervative leadership who were looking at their navels. What a shame that Harper felt he had to resign. Why won’t he come back into politics we NEED him.ii

  3. This is great news (should it pan out). I’m in braindead Canada. What will it take to get rid of the vacuous, virtue signaling former drama teacher Trudeau?

  4. We can only hope “this is the end of the Democratic Party.”

    However, conservative pundits were proclaiming this in the run up to the 2020 election. So I view this statement with more than a grain of salt.