Democrats Lose Big Time After Appeals Court Denies Request to Reconsider Whether Date Requirement for Mail-In Ballots is Enforceable in Pennsylvania

T. Belman.  It looks like Pennsylvania is in the bag for Trump.

By  Apr. 30, 2024 5:40 pm

Last month the Third US Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that mail-in ballots with no dates cannot be counted by Pennsylvania election officials.

Democrats use this tactic frequently to add more ballots to their candidate’s totals following election day.

“Mailed ballots that arrive on time but in envelopes without dates handwritten by Pennsylvania voters or with incorrect dates should not be counted, a three-judge panel of the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Wednesday. Their 2-1 decision strikes down a lower court ruling.” NPR reported last month.

“The main legal issue surrounding what are often called “undated ballots” is whether not tallying them violates the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which says a person’s right to vote cannot be denied for “an error or omission” that is “not material” in determining voting eligibility.” NPR reported.

Democrat lawyers requested an en banc review (a decision from the court’s entire slate of judges) and the appeals court ruled against them.

In a 9-4 vote, the Third Circuit Court of Appeals on Tuesday denied a request for en banc review to reconsider whether the date requirement for mail-in ballots is enforceable in Pennsylvania.

Tuesday’s decision will likely send the fight to the US Supreme Court.

The Democrats used mail-in ballots to steal Pennsylvania for Joe Biden in 2020.

Recall that in 2020 the Pennsylvania Supreme Court ruled that mail-in/ballots with no dates or handwritten names/addresses on the outer envelopes can be counted.

In 2020 Trump’s legal team argued that the General Assembly set forth in the Election Code the requirements for how a qualified elector can cast a mail-in or absentee ballot.

A voter is required to “fill out, date, and sign” the declaration on the outside envelope the Trump campaign argued (citing 25 P.S. §§ 3146.6(a) and 3150.16(a)).

The Trump campaign argued that the Pennsylvania Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that the requirements of the sections of Election Code impose mandatory obligations that the ballots cast falling short of these requirements cannot be counted.

The Philadelphia Board actually argued that the Election Code set forth by the General Assembly does not require them to set aside “timely-filed ballots” for “merely missing handwritten names, street addresses, and/or dates on the signed voter declaration.”

Cristina began writing for The Gateway Pundit in 2016 and she is now the Associate Editor.
May 1, 2024 | Comments »

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