Defense Minister: We will neither ‘contain’ rockets nor kites

Liberman at cabinet meeting: ‘I hope Hamas draws conclusions. If not – they will pay a heavy price.’

By Hezki Baruch, INN

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman spoke at the start of a cabinet meeting about the latest escalation in the Gaza Strip and the possibility of continued kite terrorism under the auspices of the ceasefire reported last night.

“There is no intention to contain rockets or kites and anything,” Liberman said. “I hope that Hamas will draw conclusions, and if they do not, they will have to pay a heavy price.”

This morning, Sunday, ministers Naftali Bennett and Yisrael Katz criticized the government’s policy vis-à-vis the Hamas terrorist organization that controls the Gaza Strip.

Minister Bennett said at the cabinet meeting, “For three months, we have been witness to incendiary terror of about 1,000 balloons on residents of the Gaza vicinity. In recent days alone, the residents of the south absorbed about 200 rockets. In timing that is convenient for it, Hamas dictates that there will now be a ceasefire.”

“Let it be clear: a ceasefire without stopping terror is not a deterrent – it is surrender. I and the justice minister [Ayelet Shaked] will oppose any ceasefire that allows Hamas to rearm and continue to fire balloons at the residents of the south. The time has come to act,” he added.

Minister Yisrael Katz (Likud) added that he expects Defense Minister Liberman to present the cabinet with a proposal for a clear policy vis-a-vis Gaza.

“The collapse of Hamas and the elimination of terror, or separation from all civilian responsibility and the creation of a boundary line with full deterrence – as with Syria and Lebanon. There is no option of continuing in the current situation. It is not fair to the residents of the Gaza vicinity and harms the security of the State of Israel,” Katz said.

July 15, 2018 | 25 Comments »

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25 Comments / 25 Comments

  1. @ Felix Quigley:
    You are mistaken. I am. You have not read what I have written on the matter. What’s more, you are changing the subject. I gather you concede the point. As for my being a bore, while that may be, one does not get to choose one’s antagonists, though feel free to ignore me if you wish; unlike some people, while I don’t especially crave attention, I will answer anyone when I have something to say, come what may.

  2. Sebastien me boyo, let’s face it, you are an interminable bore. Get over it. I am very busy and am full of admiration for the President Trump alliance with Putin. And so should you. But you are not.

  3. @ Felix Quigley:
    Since irony escapes you, while your goal of extending Jewish sovereignty to all of the land west of the Jordan and getting the Arabs to leave is proper and commendable, your observation that Jordan, now under the King and not later under Mudhar Zahran, would ever tolerate what you propose betrays a complete ignorance of history, the present situation and your intended audience. Did my reference to scheduling a meeting in September escape you? Google, “Black September,” if you don’t know or have forgotten. The King, who does spend most of his time on the Riviera or the equivalent, will never tolerate a mass exodus of Palestinian Arabs into his territory and will never give them equal rights. That’s the point. That’s the main point of this web site and the cause it champions within the National Camp. Hello, anybody home?

  4. @ Felix Quigley:
    Yes, I was a proud Stalinist, the real thing, not a CP hack, the kind who used to show up at Left demonstrations carrying portraits of Uncle Joe while other people looked at us as though we were crazy towards the end of my Left romance (which is why I have some understanding and pity for you). I have mentioned that. So? And, yes, I was, uhh, joking, if you didn’t catch on by now. Whew! Talk about cluelessly humorless! And, all this talk about cliques! Sounds like you’d enjoy a good purge, yourself, right about now, if you could muster it. At the end of the day, the only difference between Trotsky and Stalin was in who won. They were both equally murderous to the extent that they got the chance to be. And just as pointlessly.

  5. @ Felix Quigley:
    An example of Marx’s wicked sense of humor lies in his naming of the work, “The Poverty of Philosophy.” Does anybody know what his inside joke was here? If you don’t, it’s mentioned in the second sentence about the book in Wikipedia.

  6. @ Felix Quigley:
    Uhh, in case you hadn’t noticed, I was the only one who actually responded to anything you said, even if it was only to make fun of you. As Marx said to his debating partners – who he made fun of all the time — in one of the many prefaces to Capital Vol. 1, (paraphrasing) “I don’t wish to be insensitive but as the saying goes, ‘if you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.'” Buzz just asked you if you could imagine why nobody was responding to you after I broke the silence. Do you seriously think any of the posters on this group are getting together privately to discuss you? Are you seriously so unaware of how irrational your posts sound to other people, even if you don’t think of them as such, which I can respect? I assure you, I belong to no clique. I am a devout contrarian of one who sometimes agrees and sometimes disagrees (and sometimes is completely ignored) by various other posters. If you would prefer to be completely ignored — I mean you could also engage in a little irony, if you choose — I am happy to oblige.

  7. Sebastien Zorn is not worth talking to anyway so who cares if he discusses issues with me. His problem! His loss! I have anyway at the very least exposed that Zorn is a small time clique operator.

  8. LOL. Did you ever wonder why nobody responds to you?

    No I do not wonder at all. I know. It is because I tell the truth and am fearless and small minded people are afraid that I will expose their shallowness. I have many Jewish friends but they do not form a clique.

  9. Felix Quigley Said:

    “What is needed is get rid of the Arabs from west of the river Jordan…I think the only route now is by Jordan.”

    Why don’t you speak to the King about that next time you two have lunch on the Riviera? He probably hasn’t thought of it, not being well-schooled in Lenin and Trotsky. A monarch’s education isn’t what it used to be. It’s probably too late to schedule for the Summer. Perhaps in September?

  10. @ Buzz of the Orient:
    You guys do not have a clue. Why do you differ in your approach so much from Martin Sherman. He is concerned with an overall strategy, you with oil and napalm. There is such a contrast. You have a gem of a leader in MS and yet you “indulge” your emotions. And above all you NEVER respond to me…

  11. @ Denis86:

    Sprinking oil will lead to Israel being accused of chemical warfare – Israel gets blamed if a Gazan gets a hangnail. May as well make it worth while. Hamas lights Israel on fire, but Israel can’t follow suit?

  12. To talk of napalming Gaza or even just the Gazan side of the border is madness – and truly incendiary. Do we have no recollection of what JUSTIFIABLE horror was expressed by all and sundry when it was perpetrated in Vietnam ?

    It is also quite unnecessary. After a short warning period – three days should suffice – a couple of Israeli drones should release a fine mist of vapourized oil over a strip 100 metres deep on the Gaza side of the fence.

    The inhabitants of the Strip, and not just their political and terrorist leaders, should have been bombarded with explicit warning of their extreme peril if even one fire is lit in the zone. They should be advised to flee; or when that is impossible, to shelter with enough food and water for several days in any tunnel or underground cell.

    At the same time, the Jordanian kinglet and the Egyptian dictator should be discreetly advised of the propaganda value to them of taking in any innocents not seeking self-immolation.

    There is a world of difference between napalming Vietnam (or firebombing Hamburg and Tokyo in W.W.II) and allowing idiots to contrive an auto da fe.

  13. LOL. Good idea. Send all the Palestinians west of the Jordan in a ship called the ‘Exodus 2’ into the open and welcoming arms of Merkel.

  14. These comments are very disturbing to me.

    Before I start I say that Bibi and Sara must be defended totally by us all.

    I think I know what needs to be done but I cannot get even close to doing it because I, not me personally, need the power of the state.

    I will not mention Lenin and that is the saddest part that I do not because you people will prick up your ears and give me the silent treatment. But Lenin understood about STATE POWER. So I censure myself.

    I need a Trotskyist party in Israel. You people need a party. You people also need a party of your own. My Trotskyist Party would seek to help you…if you would accept it.

    The aim must be to capture state power. Then use that state power.

    Do you think that Shaked and Bennett will play that role. Answer is no. But they can act in a useful way IN THE MEANTIME.

    What is needed is get rid of the Arabs from west of the river Jordan.

    Since so many want to leave and since el Sisi will not help, then I have thought why not open the other borders, I think the only route now is by Jordan. But help them all move to Europe, say Norway among others, certainly Britain and Ireland.

    The justification in the world media argument is against Antisemitism.

    I would forget napalm as answer to kite condom gas burning of Israeli crops. Must keep the high road. In this my only care is…I personally want to preserve nature. But if there is a protection zone with Lebanon and with Syria that is the way to go…immediately.

    Just militarily create it using that argument

    But main target is open that border and on second thoughts do open the border with all these countries out…only out…with Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan, but also Syria, hence make friends with Assad and Putin. That power is there. Israel can do it.

    Help the Palestinians who wish to get to Europe (their beloved Palestinians)…so to recap have a real war with peace initiative at same time, which means totally destroy Hamas and the PLO outfits, create these freedom zones at the borders, open the borders OUT, use data measures of out registration…but as MS says so correctly that is all a STATE issue.

    Is this any kind of answer? Please tell me what you think!

  15. “Army head said to rebuff minister demanding lethal force against kite launchers
    Gadi Eisenkot tells Naftali Bennett dropping bombs on Gazans preparing to send incendiary kites and balloons over border is against his moral position, according to Hadashot” report

    Eisenkot should never be replaced because “A sinecure — (originally “mind,” which also works here if you think about it) is a terrible thing to waste.”

  16. @ Buzz of the Orient:
    @ Buzz of the Orient:
    In fact if Israel does Napalm the Hamas fields and forests in retaliation and does hit buildings that are housing terrorists without warning them the UN and EU will do their usual whining, call for more useless resolutions, call in the uselessly biased ICC etc. Just business as usual when Israel actually does little or nothing. Hamas leaders will be killed and they and their minions will suffer real losses and (may or may not even), be deterred from continuing he terrorism. But as it is, there is no possibility of deterrence whatsoever. Israel must make their threats mean something real to these people and the UN.

  17. @ Edgar G.:

    “They want to avoid any condemnation from the EU and others. BUT …no matter if they just sat and suffered which is basically what they’re doing now, they are still scoriated and condemned.”

    Absolutely, what difference does it make since the “underdog” that the western left wing cherishes will NEVER be Israel unless the fences are torn down and the Israeli citizens are decimated – then maybe they will say “the poor poor Israelis” and chastise the victorious terrorists.

    As I said before, it’s time to stop the pussyfooting since it makes no difference to world opinion anyway – fight fire with fire. Every time a fire kite or balloon lights a fire in Israel, NAPALM the Hamas forests and fields – firghting fire with fire works when fighting forest fires, so use it, or are Netanyahu and the Likud government a bunch of pussies or the war-mongers the rest of the world calls them anyway?

  18. Hey guys just waiting for e u or u n to come up with a plan to allow us to retire with our tail between our legs

  19. This Israeli govt. seems to have a curse or spell on it. Doesn’t seem to know what to do that will work. They want to avoid any condemnation from the EU and others. BUT …no matter if they just sat and suffered which is basically what they’re doing now, they are still scoriated and condemned.

    They made a big deal about bombing a building the other day where Hamas leaders normally meet, big headlines, but in small print they also said that they warned the tenants beforehand that they would be bombing. So the destroyed another empty building The numbers of empty cars and buildings that the expensive IDF, flying 10-20 mill. dollar planes have destroyed, have given a boost to the EU car manufacturers, as well as more business to Israel and the EU to supply more building materials…….GREAT…WONDERFUL….

    Anyway we are reassured to delirious happiness that…. “THEY WILL PAY a HEAVY PRICE””… Now where have we heard those words before…. they sound awfully familiar……. Isn’t this what they govt. parrots every time another atrocity is committed on the long-suffering-spongy, absorbent Israeli public…..”Yes, I’m sure it is…

    But the “heavy price” is always paid by Israel, the Jews, literally. I mean that they send up $100,000 missiles to hit $25 rockets from Gaza, after having spent billions to develop the technique…They spend hundreds of thousands to destroy a Molotov cocktail hanging from a 50 cent balloon, which they do destroy…but not before it’s set fire to valuable crops worth mounting-up millions. The other day they shot a Patriot Missile ($4 mill), to knock down a tin-can Iranian robot that could have been destroyed at $1000th of the price. So, again, Who is “pay(ing) a heavy price…”???

    The same sort of crude, inept platitude that people mutter as a condolence for bereavement. “Sorry for your troubles”….

    The one thing we DO know is that HAMAS is NOT paying that heavy price.