Defending Mike Huckabee’s Appointment as Ambassador to Israel from Hamas’s Hebrew Useful Idiots 

by Gerald A. Honigman

By Gage Skidmore from Surprise, AZ, United States of America – Mike Huckabee, CC BY-SA 2.0

The appointment of Governor Mike Huckabee, magnificent human being and devoted friend of Israel and the Jewish People, is being fought by the Union of Reform Rabbis and other “Progressive” Hebrew nut cases. See here:

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I say this not to be hurtful, but to ask those unappreciative folks to wake up and realize that we as a People, who’ve been blessed to live at time to see the Prophesied but still miraculous resurrection of our original homeland, should not be treating the few true friends we have as enemies.

The Reform Movement born in the 19th century was so hateful of its own Jewish Peoplehood identity that its members sought only to be identified by a much watered down version of the Jewish FAITH…one of the three essential elements defining Jews: Faith, Peoplehood, and devotion to the Promised Land—Eretz Yisrael.

Whether one chooses to believe this or not, it’s in the Torah, the first Five Books of the Hebrew Bible and elsewhere within those scriptures, and from there made its way into the two other Abrahamic faiths
which sprang from it as well. A reading of the Qur’an is like a reading an Arabized version of the Hebrew Bible. See here:

These three defining elements are illustrated beautifully in the Book of Ruth when the Judaean (from the Tribe of Judah) woman, Naomi, tells her Moabite daughter-in-law, Ruth, to return to her own homeland during a time of drought. Ruth’s husband had died, and Naomi was poor.

Ruth responds with the haunting words which still ring true to this very day:

“Whither thou goest (the LAND of Judah/Israel…Bethlehem in particular), I shall go. Your PEOPLE shall be my people (PEOPLEHOOD), and their G_d, my G_d (the FAITH aspect of Jewish identity).

For this reason, many female Jewish converts are given the Hebrew name Ruth.

In Bethlehem, Ruth would meet a wealthy landowner and work in his agricultural fields….And history would be changed forever afterwards.

King David was the distant scion of Ruth and Boaz, and like Yehoshua/Jesus of Nazareth two thousand years later, was born in Bethlehem of JUDAEA—not the “West Bank,” as the Lefty Hebrew useful idiots of Hamas proclaim.

Read the New Testament’s Gospel of Mathew to see if Bethlehem was in Judea or the “occupied” West Bank, if the Hebrew scriptures aren’t enough evidence.

19th century Reform rabbis even proposed changing Shabbat to Sunday to look more like the various Christian societies in which their congregants lived….Pathetic.

This was partly a response to Napoleon’s freeing Jews from the obligatory ghetto, where they were forced to live, and his granting them greater rights than they ever had in a Christian society before.

Most Jews did not join this movement, but those that did simply decided that they’d do everything possible to never return to their previous humiliating condition and chose to assimilate as thoroughly as possible, resulting in the abandonment of the Peoplehood and Promised Land components of their new “Reform” identity as Frenchmen of the Jewish (watered down) faith, Germans of the Jewish faith, etc. and so forth.

This would soon explode in their faces when reality once again struck during the infamous Dreyfus Affair, when a French officer “of the Jewish faith” was framed as a traitor and sent disgraced to Devil’s Island.

During his trial, the most vile antisemitism was displayed not only by the rabble, but by the “enlightened” French intelligentsia as well.

A distinguished and also fairly assimilated Austrian Jewish journalist, Theodore Herzl, witnessed this and subsequently wrote Der Judenstat—the Jewish State—at the turn of the 20th century as an answer to this apparent eternal antisemitism that could not be overcome.

The rebirth of Israel thus occurred out of necessity for survival and a fulfillment of Biblical Prophecy as well.

Jews would finally return to the land they had over 3,500 years of continuous residence in, and from where, after fighting  several serious wars with Rome and Byzantium, most, not all, finally fled or were exiled from. See here for an example of evidence of this struggle:

Note that the coin of conquest is a Roman Iudaea (Judaea) Capta coin, not an Arabia or Palaestina Capita one.

It’s no accident that most Reform Jews opposed the very rebirth of Israel and rejected Zionism all together. For them, Israel would only remind Gentiles that Jews were indeed also a distinct PEOPLE….something that made/makes extreme assimilationists cringe.

While this eventuality changed to a degree, along with the ultra orthodox morons of Neturei Carta and other Satmar Chasidim types, those Left of Lenin “Progressive” Hebrews joining Students for Justice in Palestinel and other Hamas-linked Arab genocidal organizations parading by the thousands on television (J Street, Jewish Voice for Peace, etc.) are modern examples of Korah, Dathan, and Abiram, who opposed Moses in wanting to end Jewish suffering in Egypt by going to the Land G_d told Abraham and his descendants to dwell in… Israel, and wanting instead to remain in the Galut…exile, instead. They preferred return to Egypt.

Ironically, one of the most respected Islamic scholars of all time, M. Ibn Khaldun, blamed such meekness as the Reform movement displayed as the reason for Jewish suffering. He called their loss of their Peoplehood/proto-national, group identity and feeling, which gave them collective strength (“asabiyah”), the reason for their exile and other calamities.

See Ibn Khaldun’s remarks here in excerpts from his Muqaddimah:

Source: The Insight International
These are horrendous times for the Jewish People and their sole, minuscule, constantly embattled nation.

As someone who has spent practically his entire life enmeshed personally, professionally, and academically studying the region of MENA and the plight and quest of its various peoples for their own fair share of justice, there’s no doubt what we as Jews should be doing now.

And it isn’t cowardly jumping onto the vast antisemitic bandwagon which has resurfaced yet again, and right at a time when we as a PEOPLE were hit hardest in butchery since the days of Auschwitz and Birkenau.

Israel did not ask to be wantonly attacked repeatedly by Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Fatah, and other assorted Arab Islamist jihadis— but it has repeatedly been.

The Arab enemies Jews face grant “their” kilab yahud—Jew dogs—no rights at all in a region they proclaim to be “purely Arab patrimony,” by virtue of their 7th century C. E. jihadi conquests of Eretz Yisrael and millions of other square miles of territory stolen from other native non-Arab peoples like Egyptian Copts, North African Amazigh/Kabyle/“Berbers,” black Africans, Hindus, Sikhs, Buddhists, and others on the Indian subcontinent, Kurds, Assyrians, Armenians, and so forth.

In most Arab mindsets, none but themselves can have any sovereign rights in the vast territories of the conquered Dar ul-Islam.

That’s why— LISTEN CLOSELY— no matter how much Israel yields to try to reach a compromise with such folks, it will never be enough.

Don’t expect Israel to never make mistakes in its fight to survive. That’s impossible in war, let alone one fought in urban settings.

Nevertheless, despite the lies and calumnies cast in its direction, Israel tries harder than any other nation in having its army fight as humanely as possible given the supremacist, rejectionist nature of the genocidal, butcher enemies it faces
Enemies which routinely target, massacre, and mutilate Jews, and then run to hide behind their own women and children, using them as human shields.

Finally, please see what this leading military expert has to say about how Israel has conducted this war against an enemy whose charter calls for the total destruction of Israel and all Jews everywhere—and which was elected to power by “ordinary” Arabs in Gaza, many of whom gleefully partook in the atrocities of Simchat Torah, October 7th, 2023 and posted photos on the internet of their atrocities. See here:

Here’s John Spencer’s assessment from West Point:

“Let’s put away our military history books. There is no comparison to what Israel has faced in Gaza—certainly none by which Israel comes out looking the worse.”

March 16, 2025 | 3 Comments »

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  1. I have not been to a Reform temple in ten years so I don’t know what is going on there now. But when I was there, I realized that the members were by and large apologists for radical Islam and they could not tell the difference between radicalized Muslims and Jews.

    Instead of being interested in finding out about Israel and the people of Israel and what was on their minds, they wanted programming on the Palestinians because they identified more with the Palestinians.

    To them, the Palestinians were victims (which they are) of Israel (which they are not). The temple members could identify with any victim. But Israelis do not think of themselves primarily as victims, but primarily as agents of their fate.

    After the 7th of October this became even more true although they were, in fact, deeply and horrifyingly victimized.

    The beautiful thing about the Israeli people is that in that moment of terror and recognition of the collapse of all hope for peace with the Palestinians, the Israeli people, while experiencing intense trauma, rose to the occasion and became agents of their fate.

    The left cannot understand or comprehend this. All they know is victimhood. People who experience themselves as victims lose their sense of agency unless and until they can turn the tables and make other people their victims. This is why people on the left are so violent in America.

    The sad thing is that assimilationists chose that route out of deep fear. They feared the pogroms, they feared the helplessness of religious Jews who were obviously Jewish in the face of Jew hatred. They feared Jew hatred so much that they experienced their only hope in trying to be as un-Jewish as they could.

    We can attack them, or we can try to understand where it came from.

    Only Jews who side with radical Islamists are essentially the enemies of Jews. Assimilated Jews who don’t hate being Jewish but still fear in their hearts being destroyed by Jew hatred aren’t our enemies, they are Jewish at heart but do not know how to find their way back to accepting their Jewishness and being open about their Jewish faith and love of Israel, with all the risks that that entails.