Deep state in Israel too

By Avshalom Zellinger

What is the idea of  the deep-state [in Israel]?

large group of old-generation government officials who were never elected in the election, most of them  graduates of progressive foreign funds [in expensive foreign University] in collaboration with military and intelligence personnel [and now under the control of the foreign organization- Wexner  Foundation which paid their study], loyal to a collapsed archaic regime that fails to return to power, secretly band together and manipulate to return to power.

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Until the goal is achieved, they disrupt any national policy in their activities. All the fundraisers in the government offices have embittered Netanyahu’s life for 20 years and a large part of them are as prosecutors and lawyers in the 4000 [“fake evidence”] Netanyahu case and they are all constantly against Netanyahu.

Here is the Deep state next 100 Days Program:

The people of the deep-state are the pioneering force whose job it is to prepare the ground for a day when their people will suddenly win elections and come to power and realize the vision of the deep-state people and their 100-day plan is ready for action when no one can thwart it and control the government.
The connections between the deep-state people. Are done through closed sites that contain only group members, or are coordinated in meetings and sites abroad that are far from the matter.
The State of Israel is declared “in a deep state.”
At present, the State of Israel is declared [NOW] de facto a state “in a deep state” as the conspirators and rowers approach to achieve their mission in the methods described below.
The first sign of Deep State’s activity was the extension of the retirement time of senior officials and judges to, they claim, help Yair Lapid slide well into the post of prime minister.

The plan is underway

Already last Wednesday, 6-22-22, a law was passed in the Knesset [Parliament] that allows senior state officials and judges to extend their work by another year to 71 years.
The law is ostensibly intended to allow the people of the deep state to assure the people of the various foundations who have been waiting in power for decades to assist Yair Lapid, a leftist, when he will took office as prime minister.

The “square context” of Deep State officials

 For those who do not understand how the government in Israel is run: there is what is called the “square connection” behind the deep state state, when this connection is like an unkind thread that connects all the gatekeepers and presses the throat of the democratic state, by those who were not elected! Until the “crowning” of the candidates of the State of Deputies into the hands of their people in the service of the state.
All bodies like State Controller, Supreme Court, Police, Prosecutor and the media are all connected in one wire with no disconnection capability. And one defends the other and in the end they run the candidate of the left and the funds him – Yair Lapid, whose father was from the plot that determined who would go to study abroad, funded by the Wexner  Foundation.

What is the “square context”?

The “square context” is a context in which 4 “ideological gatekeepers” among civil servants, strangling the state and its leaders in cooperation with the deepstate members of the various ministries, prosecutors, police, army, state comptroller, media, waiting for their people to come to power – Levant and Torch.
The “hidden connection from the public under the guise of law-abiding institutions called” gatekeepers “when one institution” gatekeeper “protects the other institution and they are all protected by the Supreme Court and the media

Now we only have to follow the activities of the officials who graduated from the funds and see if they tend to the right or the left and how they help Yair Lapid

June 30, 2022 | 3 Comments »

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3 Comments / 3 Comments

  1. Don’t know if it’s relevant but the ties to Jeffrey Epstein and GW Bush jumped out at me. Plus, Wexner is formerly Romney Republican never Trumper, who left the Republican party in 2018, so, presunably a neo-con?

  2. In Israel we have to give ID at doctor, national park, bank, hardware store, phone – almost every move is tracked & traced.
    5G towers line every highway and are found in every city & town, except Shoham.
    Maybe few other places.
    They don’t want 5G near their homes.
    Medinat Israel IS the deep State personified