Peloni:  Here is the fifth installment of Joseph Shellim’s 12 Deceptions, an excerpt from his important work, Philistine-To-Palestine.  We are posting one Deception each, and here the links to the previous installments:

Deception 1: The Name Deception

Deception 2: The Balfour Deception

Deception 3: The White Paper Deception

Deception 4: The Jordan Deception

Joseph Shellim 

  • “In Judea and Samaria, the Jews are not foreign occupiers. We are not the British in India or the  Belgium in the Congo. This is the land of our forefathers. No distortion of history can deny the 4,000  bond between the Jews and the land of the Jews.” – [Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu  speech; of Jordan’s illegal changing the 4,000 year Hebrew names of Judah and Samaria to West Bank  in 1951/ US Congress, Aug 25, 2012. PBS]

Erasing 3,000 Year Hebrew names. 
The revered 3,000 year historical imprints of biblical history became covered up with a fictitious one;  its implementing was made illegally by the Jordanian regime. The anointing of this land portion as  West Bank is a tremendous corruption of history. It made the birthplaces of King David and Jesus  Christ, instead of Bethlehem of Judea, as Bethlehem of West Bank; it isolated Hebron, the recorded  birthplace of Israel away from the Jews and barred to them; and it flaunted Britain’s own pledges and  the world of nations that executed the San Remo Resolutions. Thereby it sought to negate Israel’s  3,000-year heritage and replace it with one that evolved recently or that never existed before, via elicit  name corruptions and the UN’s two-year Arab Heritage criteria of the 3,000 year Hebrew icons.  Surprisingly, it was not attended by the Christian communities, and its acceptance by the world and the  UN is also confounding. The negation of Israel’s most sacred land portion is akin to the negation of  Israel. The title West Bank is an illegally anointed name, enacted when Jordan annexed west of the  river, territory allocated as part of Israel. Thereby, its recognition is based on the legitimizing of both  an ancient and modern historical corruption, thus qualifying as a ‘deception’. 

Britain’s actions of condoning the transfer of the name Palestinian marks the duality in its supporting  of the West Bank name of this land; both are parallel deceptions, one following the other in close  succession and indicative of a designed stratagem. It is not an exaggeration but fitting to class this  action as a genocide premise via a heritage denial, a continuing display that was followed by the name  transfer of Palestinian from Jews to Arabs, and the carving away of the most widely acknowledged  biblical sites of the Jews, namely Judah and Samaria, as depicted in all historical maps and archives  prior to 1948. 

It is more than an illegal annexation by Jordan. Britain was a signatory to the Palestine Mandate that  forbid further land displacement to the control away from the Jews; it was illegal: 

  • “The Mandatory shall be responsible for seeing that no Palestine territory shall be ceded or leased to,  or in any way placed under the control of the Government of any foreign power.” – (Article 5 of the  Palestine Mandate) 
  • “This purported annexation (by Jordan) was, however, widely regarded as illegal and void, by the  UN, the Arab League and others, and was recognized only by Britain, Iraq, and Pakistan. – (The  international law of occupation; Princeton University Press, p.108) 

In the White Paper Policy’s aftermath, Britain and the Arab regimes never ceased attacking the Jews.  In 1948, both factions continued referring to the land west of the Jordan as Palestine, namely Palestine  now became Israel and Jordan, while both the British and the Arabs still referred to Jews as  Palestinians, and again using the term Arabs, not Palestine or Palestinians for the territory and people  of Jordan. 

The British pledged Jordan as the land created for the Arab peoples ‘east’ of the River, and the rest of  Palestine was for the Jews; this was Britain’s proclaimed 2-state in her historic compromise of a 2-state  in Palestine. Thereby, Britain’s 2-State division should have rendered the land portion west of the  Jordan as allotted to Israel, and the name Palestinian should have remained as applying only to Jews or  the citizens of Israel; Britain did so, then turn on the Jews again. Churchill will describe the land of  Palestine as exclusively the homeland of the Jews for 3,000 years, impressing that the Jews are not  invaders or illegal occupiers in Palestine, that Palestine is a reference to the Jews and their historical  homeland, namely that the Arabs are not its native inhabitants: 

  • “The coming into being of a Jewish State in Palestine is an event in world history to be viewed in the  perspective, not of a generation or a century, but in the perspective of a thousand, two thousand or even  three thousand years.” (Declared in the House of Commons on 26 January 1949; Churchill by Himself,  p175).

Thereby, the term of occupation is one that rejected Churchill. Yet the eloquent proclamations of  Churchill will later acquire a dual edge by succumbing to his nation’s deeds; Britain will not  implement them. The aspiring words of ‘Historic compromise’ and ‘granting two states in Palestine’ was now being flaunted again from the Balfour Declaration. Now a 3-state was emerging with another  new name as a new region called as West Bank, and Britain will promote a 3-state as a 2-state. It  becomes difficult to determine the true import and significance of Churchill’s words and the deeds of  Britain, whether this was his true view or one ceded to the British agenda that was overwhelming.  While upholding Israel’s 3,000-year history, Churchill was fully supporting of the new term of ‘West  Bank’ on the heels of his historic, but not historical, 2-state division pledge that created Jordan.  Clearly, the premise of a 2-state in Palestine is a contradiction with a West Bank region; it will emerge  as a 3-state demand in Palestine by a new group called as Palestinians that will emerge for the first  time in 1964, and it will be regarded as a native heritage title that transcends the nativity of Israel. 

Thereby, the status of Churchill’s proclamation of its 3,000-year history was negated and corrupted;  Churchill will readily accept Jordan’s erasing of the 3,000 Year Hebrew town names, while also  casting a negative view of the Arab people, indicating a duality of speech difficult to quantify: 

  • “A degraded sensualist deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and  sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute  property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the  faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men. Individual Muslims may show splendid  qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it. No  stronger retrograde force exists in the world.” – (The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-250  London). 

A Half-Naked Fakir. 
India, a land and people that benefited Britain enormously, also earned a double-edged underlying  portfolio. Churchill determinedly battled against India’s independence, describing Mahatma Gandhi as  a “half-naked fakir” and Indians as a foul race. India is a 5,000-year nation, one that has not invaded  other peoples’ lands or destroyed native inhabitants, and one that has shown much hospitality to  millions of refugees with open arms since time immemorial, even when Britain will forsake the Jewish  refugees in its White Paper Policy that India welcomed. 

Seeking independence is never a foul disposition; invading and exploiting other lands is. The diatribe  against India continues, forgetting fully Britain’s deeds toward the Jews: 

  • “Power will go to the hands of rascals, rogues and freebooters. All Indian leaders will be of low  caliber and men of straw. They will have sweet tongues and silly hearts. They will fight amongst  themselves for power and India will be lost in political squabbles. A day would come when even air  and water would be taxed. India is merely a geographical expression. It is no more a single country  than the equator.” – (“Gandhi & Churchill: The Epic Rivalry That Destroyed an Empire and Forged  Our Age” by Arthur Herman; The Nile Book Publishers.) 

Britain’s role as a caretaker of this region becomes confusing how it failed to foresee a series of actions  incurred in her watch. For 3,000 years the land that became the West Bank was called Judah and  Samaria till 1950; today Israel still rightly upholds these names as active and subsisting as her true  heritage marks. For no amount of political manipulation should cover heritage annihilation, even by the  acclaimed Churchill: the term ‘West Bank’ applying to this land was illegally created by Jordan under  Britain’s watch. Jordan’s annexation west of the River was not recognized by the International  community and the UN; yet Britain did recognize it. Very confusing.

Jordan also simultaneously barred all Arabs in this region from entry into Jordan, a contradiction of  Britain’s only given reason of its creation; yet Britain’s proclamation of ‘one state for the Arabs’ in  Palestine was thereby a corruption that will meet silence from the Christian community. In 1948,  following the UN establishment of Israel, the illegal occupation was not by Israel but the Arabs: 

  • “Egypt & Jordan illegally occupied Gaza, East Jerusalem and the southern towns to preclude the  creation of Israel.”[20]

The Dead Sea Scrolls message was correct. Both actions, the illegal name change of this historical land  portion west of the river, and the barring of the Arabs into Jordan, were violations of Britain’s 2-state  proclamations. This action also created the false premise of Arab Refugees; falsely, because Britain’s  2-state division of Palestine created a vast country called Jordan precisely to house the Arab peoples,  those who migrated here recently and were not indigenous or native to Palestine, and because it  contradicts Britain’s proclamation of a 3,000-year history in Judea and Samaria. Britain should have  been assisting the Jews in Europe and Arabia at this time, not engaging in their further demise. 

Significantly of the agenda behind the creation of Jordan, had Britain voiced her objections, and had  the Arabs in Palestine not been barred entry into Jordan, there would be no Arab refugee issue, no  West Bank and no Palestinians today; the Arabs could have amply re-located to Jordan or the countries  they came from. Britain failed to negate any of these illegal and un-historical implements. Here, it is  required evidencing that the Arabs calling themselves as Palestinian natives of this land is also a  deception. 

The Palestinian Deception. 
The census conclusions of 17th and 18th Century Palestine verify that the people west of the Jordan  were not this land’s ancient inhabitants; that these arrived here only after the Jews began developing  this land. There was no reason for the Arabs west of the river not to go to Jordan or to the countries  they came from, accept that they preferred to live with the Jews than the regimes created by Britain.  The Arabs west of the River also had a host of new Arab states provided by Britain. The Palestinian  name deception clarifies the reasoning why Jordan annexed west of the river and barred those Arabs  from entry east of the river. 

Thus, unlike any other refugees anyplace else, these cannot be allocated as refugees without a place to  go. Instead of negating Jordan’s actions, Britain supported the illegal ‘West Bank’ annexation in the  land that Britain pledged to the Jews on two separate occasions: in its Balfour Declaration of 1917; and  when it created Jordan in 1948 at the UN as its historic 2-state division of Palestine; here there was no  mention of a division of Palestine or of a Saudi Kingdom in Palestine. Hereafter Britain will actively  promote a third state in Palestine; a new group of people will be created and it will adopt the name of  an ancient one. Thereby, some 30% of the Arab peoples for whom Jordan was created were barred  entry into Jordan and were accounted as refugees; these will swell with the British assistance and the  UN’s new refugee accounting of a two-year habitation for any Arab and all their families. It is a factor  that clearly defines entrenched corruptions and the intended rejection of Israel. Unlike Israel absorbing  850,000 Jewish refugees from Arab controlled lands, Jordan and the surrounding states barred the  Arabs west of the river from returning. These will become Palestinian refugees. 

Thus did the southern portion of Israel’s most historical regions, including its towns’ 3,000 year  Hebrew names of Judah, Samaria, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Bath-El and parts of Jerusalem, become  changed to West Bank; and Israel was charged as illegally occupying her most sacred lands. It is from  this source point a plethora of new charges will emerge to become the most pronounced denunciations  of the modern world against any nation; and new terms that will enter the world’s vocabulary, media,  libraries, education institutions, encyclopedia and religious sermons:

  • ‘Occupied Territory’. 
  • ‘Disputed Territory’. 
  • ‘Illegal Occupation’. 
  • ‘Arab Palestinians’. 
  • ‘East Jerusalem’. 
  • ‘Palestinian Refugees’. 
  • ‘Two-State’. 
  • ‘Green Line’ 
  • ‘Oslo Plan’ 

Missing in the Discourse: The Balfour Mandate; the Palestinian Mandate; A Caliphate doctrine that  forbids a state for the Jews; charters of genocide; that Israel has never occupied another peoples’ land  throughout history; that the name Palestinian belonged to Jews for 2,000 years; that Arab Palestinians  

are not natives of this land; that Jordan was a 2-state in Palestine and the West Bank a 3-state. These  are not irrelevant factors by any accounting, yet they are not in the discourse. 

Of Poor Arithmetic. 
Why is a 3-state in the same land called as a 2-state by Britain? Two factors answer this numerical  deception: 

  • That a 3-state in the same landmass can be seen as false, an overt corruption of the previous 2-state  British proclamations and appearing as an annihilationist premise; it would be awkward to implement  with credibility. 
  • That a new region with a new name must be created to obscure its deception. It will appear highly  farcical to claim lands with the names Judah and Samaria as illegally occupied by the Jews; these were  the 3,000 year Hebrew names of the southern portion of Israel in 1950 and depicted in all geographical  maps by those names. 

Today, the Arab states entirely omit Israel from the map of Palestine and most western states omit the  names Judah and Samaria. The West Bank creation is a major propaganda stratagem component, one  that has no historical alignment with the land portion it claims by displacing a validated one of another  people. The means of changing the Hebrew names of ancient towns allows Israel to always be accused  of illegally occupying Israel, and thereby be subjected to more negative UN Resolutions than all  nations combined. Such a paradigm will be implemented after Israel accepted all demands upon it by  Britain. The Scrolls message was more than an archaeological relic because it fully negated the  corruption of the West Bank creation; this aspect was disregarded by the world communities, yet it  cannot be denied. 

Jesus of the West Bank? 
The ‘Illegal Occupation’ as slogans, banners and posters hoisted in protest marches throughout the  world and cited in all assessments by a multitude of institutions and media, has no legal or historical  justification. These are instituted via recognized funding inducements and filler busting sessions of  International Law at the UN that would not be tolerated in other instances with other peoples. Thereby  it becomes a latent agenda to erase Israel’s history and by default, the Christian one by negating their  most sacred sites. Here, all the revered figures of Christianity become not from Israel but a fictional  new region called as West Bank.

  • “In 1948 General Glubb lead the Jordanian Arab Legion commanded mostly by British Officers to  expel all the Jews from Hebron, East Jerusalem and the West Bank. Not only they did ethnic cleansing  but they destroyed dozens of ancient synagogues and 60,000 Ancient Jewish Tombstones in the Sacred  Ancient Jewish Cemetery of Mount of Olives to try to erase all evidence of Jewish History in the West  Bank. In 1956, after his service in Jordan, the criminal General Glubb, responsible for ethnic cleansing  of Jews, was knighted by the Queen. General Glubb was appointed Knight Commander of the Order of  Bath by Queen Elizabeth.” – (Knesset Should Declare British General Glubb a War Criminal; The  Conservative Papers) 
  • “It was President Truman again who prevented the British from sharing out the mandate Palestine  among their Arab clients, having already taken a big chunk of it to create an emirate for its Hashemite  protégés” – (Milestones: 1945-1952; US State Dept; Office of the Historian) 

The reason why none can produce a Muslim Palestinian prior to the 20th Century is finally not an issue  to be denied anymore; it is a historical fact. Palestinians are an invented people of the 20th Century  condoned by Britain and impressed upon a worldly community via deceptions. The Arabs of Palestine  were not a people that inhabited this land from time immemorial, a claim made by Arafat and  accommodated throughout the Christian community’s leaders at the UN.

Episode 6. The Time Immemorial  Deception.
[See Next week]

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