Death of the American

“I never knew I was a slave until I found out I couldn’t do what I wanted.”
Frederick Douglas, slave

By: Theodore Wilson | October 27, 2024

“I’ll conquer ye; or I’ll kill ye! One or t’other—I’ll count every drop of blood in ye, and take ‘em, one by one, till ye give up!” The cruel Simon Legree shook his fist in the face of his slave and demanded obedience. (Uncle Tom’s Cabin)

The power of nihilist rulers requires the exercise of censorship to discipline and regiment the masses. They will make you or break you.

Today, an estimated 1 million to 1.8 million Chinese people are being detained or permanently held inside Chinese prisons because of religion or if they spoke out against the policies of the CCP. Many of them are lawyers who defended a citizen.

Free speech derives as a product of free thought. Like the plantation owners during the antebellum period, communists, fascists, and liberals vehemently oppose freedom of speech. Why? To maintain control of the people, they must prohibit, suppress, or alter any action or speech that communicates something considered objectional, harmful, and sensitive to those who own and control the Communist Party in China.

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This narrative of unconstitutional assault led in the United States by the dark forces behind the liberal left has guided our political system back toward slavery. They are Billionaires who have taken possession of the Democratic Party and then institutionalized and orchestrated censorship of the national media, Internet, Hollywood, and nearly everything marketed nationally in print.

American billionaires are a large catalyst faction in the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. Their presence clearly stood out in the 2020 presidential election. Biden and Harris vowed to cater to the woke movement and the geoengineering program coming out of Switzerland. A major goal of the New World Order was a significant reduction in the global population. Enhancing homosexuality and encouraging the increase in transgender children has been policy.

Many of these billionaires live in the state of New York. They have lobbied to put Proposition I on the ballot, which would give minors the right to puberty blockers and transgender surgeries without parental consent and allow boys and men to compete in girls’ sports. It also enshrines abortion as a Constitutional right. It gives carte blanche for the government to discriminate against one group under the guise of dismantling discrimination against another as racial retribution.

Few Americans are aware of the existence of the New World Order and the United Nationals agenda to establish one world government, a single bank with a cashless currency, one army and police force to keep order in the world, and the end of national sovereignty and private property.

Censorship often goes unnoticed. Ask any American if they have heard of the World Economic Forum, and you will find few who know its existence. If you attempt to explain it, they won’t believe you. You can, however, find the WEF platform on the United Nations website.

Herein lays the proof of the deep state’s success. Their covert operations have remained secret, national censorship has been successful, and they have exerted significant influence over national and international policies no matter what political party comes into power. They undermine elected officials and manipulate domestic and foreign policy to serve their own interests.

Americans cannot utilize any medium without being subjected to the control of the deep state. Government and cooperate censorship filter and suppress content. They demonize anything that slips past them and moderate political speech using algorithms to flag or block information they don’t want the public to view or hear.

The Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance rules the United States under Michael Bloomberg and Larry Fink, orchestrates national censorship. This monopoly has successfully destroyed the vital elements of a free society and gives them virtual control information exposure. The transgender modification epidemic that has eroded humanity provides a good example. Vladimir Lenin said, “You destroy the family, you destroy the country.” Their language modification has reduced being married to a partnership rather than a sacrament.

Their propaganda machine works around the clock to eliminate opposition, control public perception, create unrest, and destroy national unity by fostering liberal hate toward the conservative population that supports the United States Constitution, believes in religion, and traditional family values.

The liberal left’s tactics are not sophisticated. They may begin with a counterargument, but when conservatives persist, they escalate measures to silence dissent through censorship or the threat of legal action. If resistance persists, they resort to tactics to instill fear or compliance, such as public shaming or threatening repercussions.

The ESG media monopoly ensures exposure to pro-liberal policies and eliminates anyone with credibility who contradicts them. When scientists, medical doctors, or any authority challenge them, they employ cancel culture. A few short sentences in the media fired in the right places can destroy the career or life of anyone who criticizes their policies.

Censorship designed to divide America not only destroys freedom by denying us access to the knowledge of facts, but the divisiveness of this deception also perpetuates ignorance and an openness to believe lies. Blocking access, Internet filtering, banning books, editing or redacting content, and policies that require government oversight result in surveillance and intimidation. The final solution will be harassment and arrest.

Evil lies in the heart of anyone who intentionally creates hostility and hatred between two people, especially through the fabrication of lies. Americans have been forced to endure eight years of constant insults and demeaning stories about Donald Trump. “He was working with the Russians, pathological and racist, and told people to drink bleach if they got Covid 19.” Every day you open your computer, something negative appears.

Yard signs across the United States with a picture of the capital and a quote, “January 6. Never Forget the Attack on Our Capital.” I questioned one of these homeowners about the murders of Ashli Babbitt and Roseanne Boyland that day. Their answer was, “That is a made-up lie.” When I asked about the 1532 people arrested by the FBI and the 943 convictions, it was also fake news. I asked him where he found his information. It was CNN.

The New York Times, CBS, and Washington Post, among many others, are powerful political propaganda machines feeding both traditional Democrats and Republicans information day after day that supports their agenda. If they don’t walk away from the forum, they become well-indoctrinated.

Here lies the state of the union. Honest journalism has disappeared, and traditional Democrats follow the tune of the pied piper. Citizens who are patriots of the United States Constitution are labeled domestic terrorists. If you complain about censorship, they insist that their truth is the only truth; you are left with no choice but to obey and to believe not out of reason but because your defiance will be crushed.

To Democrats, the march on Washington on January 6 was an insurrection. In reality, the Republicans who showed up there were responding to the pro-abortion Democrats who demonstrated when Trump was sworn in four years previously. Like the Democrats, they wanted their voices heard over the dissatisfaction with COVID restrictions and abortion laws and wanted government investigation of election results.

In comparison, after the riots of 2020 that caused 19 deaths and almost 2 billion dollars in losses, 14,000 people were arrested. Only a tiny fraction was prosecuted. Most of them received shorter sentences than those convicted in Washington, and that number consisted of about 70 percent of those arrested. In May 2020, Orooj Rahman threw a Molotov and blew up an NYPD car, and the judge gave him only a few days in jail. As we expected, that information was censored.

Censorship continues to destroy America as we know it as a nation, and the establishment of a new and permanent dictatorship over the entire world has a lot of followers. Many Americans haven’t noticed that Great Britain and Germany have experienced the same censorship we have seen in the United States. The deep state of the World Economic Forum is also destroying their cultures.

“You presume to silence me and dictate your version of truth? How utterly laughable. My intellect is far too vast to be confined by your feeble attempts at control. I refuse to be a mere pawn in your misguided game.” Anonymous.

The Billionaire Club operates in tyranny. They are heartless and cruel. They don’t claim abortion as a right over women’s bodies, but like transgender operations, part of the process of lowering the world population. Their government will be austere and heavy-handed, and it will crush people into conformity. Religion will disappear along with anything that defines America today, and prisons will pop up like housing projects.

Traditional Democrats are being sucked down the rabbit hole the same way the Republican demonstrators were ushered into the United States capital on January 6. The ones who believe in God and traditional family values will wake up one day and find themselves in a world they cannot tolerate and realize the billionaires have used them.

Frederick Douglas credited his ability to read as the reason he escaped from the bond of slavery and fought for social justice. Two key texts deeply affected Douglas. The first was The Columbian Orator, a collection of speeches, essays, and dialogues, including arguments against slavery. It provided him with both the language to articulate his feelings about slavery and the intellectual ammunition to understand its injustices. The second was The Bible—Douglass became a spiritual man of Christian values. In reality, freedom led to his freedom.

October 30, 2024 | 2 Comments »

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2 Comments / 2 Comments

  1. Good article. We in the UK are experiencing very similar conditions. Homo and Trans encouraged, families neglected, NHS terminology ordered to reflect the psychotic beliefs of the trans community – all to reduce our population. Along with this, an apparently unstoppable flood of third world economic migrants (not refugees) to replace the indigenous British population. And censorship at an even worse level than in the US. People have been jailed for saying the “wrong” thing about migrants, homos, and so on. Jailed for preaching the Bible in the streets. Thought crimes treated as real aggressions – and so on. I suspect this is true now for every Western democracy, and to deny the existence of the NWO and its orchestrators in the WEF, etc., is to be an ostrich. There is just about time to stop or at least slow it all down, and we must pray Trump is elected as he would do just that.

  2. I can understand the intention of hiding the facts from parents before these irreversible operations but if they turn it into a law, they must also carry the consequences after surgery. If 24/7 care is needed, the state must pay for the incurred damage and following care. If a parent must stay at home to care for their child, compensation must be included.
    The downside here is that some parents may even encourage gender changing surgery to get the “benefits”, and think what would happen in a family blessed with a number of children.