Linda Goudsmit: Fundamental error? I don’t think so! The globalist elite and their leftist lackeys have DELIBERATELY opened the borders of western countries to Muslim immigrants with hostile norms, in order to collapse western countries economically and culturally from within. We are a world at war whether people acknowledge it or not: Globaliasm v. Nation-states. Open borders is a powerful weapon of war that will succeed unless the affected countries, including the United States, end the population jihad that is funded and fomented worldwide by the globalist elite, and advanced by their radical leftists Democrat puppets and the activist judges who consistently rule in favor of population jihad.
By Alan Joseph Bauer | Frontpage | Mar 21, 2025
Click on link to read article:
Mike Doran and Tony Badran, both of whom have made this statement in just the past week – Badran in the Tablet article, and Doran in the recent Israel Update. To be honest, I count Badran to be one of the most important analysts on all matters related to the Levant, his reputation has been built upon a very long history of accurate reporting.
Sorry for the delayed response.
Your source(s)?
I didn’t mean to infer you suggested intervening on behalf of the Alawites, just fyi.
What facts do you think he is ignoring with his theories?
I don’t think this point was made in that article, not that I read in any event. Badran has been fully in support of Israel doing everything militarily in Syria and Lebanon to suit its own needs, and he very much supported Israel’s bombing of Syria’s weapons & stockpiles.
The increasingly coordinated attacks against the Al Jolani regime would indicate this, but we lack specific proof of it.
@Peloni “reported as atrocities” Right. I think Badran is more invested in his theories than in the facts. I never suggested Israel should intervene but he seems to be defending the Syrian jihadists whose weapons Israel is widely bombing. Where did you read that Hezbollah is defending the Alawites?
The Alawites chose poorly. They sought support from the Iranians who used the failed state of Syria as their lifeline to Hezbollah, much as they used Egypt as a lifeline to Hamas. Some might ask what were they to do given their circumstances, but the reality is just this simple: they have to deal with the consequences of what they did do. Israel can not save them, and if they did, they would be saving the remnants of a regime which empowered and enabled Hezbollah to reign down missiles over the past 18 months. Israel must measure its capabilities and consider its own interests, and while it is true that it is in Israel’s interest to frustrate the consolidation of power around the Turkish proxy in Syria, it is simultaneously true that it is not in Israel’s interest to aid Iran’s proxy in Syria in any way. Consider the irony of Israel and Hezbollah coming to the aid of the Alawites, even as Hezbollah is continuing to fire missiles into Israel, and that is exactly what the Alawites are proposing in their plea for salvation. Instead, Israel should optimize her own interests in the region, as Syria continues to falter amid the contest between these two radical arms of Jihadism, both of which have publicized their intent to see Israel undone.
This is not in dispute, and Badran explains this in his brilliantly article. The Alawites are loyalists of Assad and after refusing to lay down their arms, rebelled against the Al Jolani govt, likely with Iranian and Hezbollah coordination. The result of this has been a great number of deaths, and the recorded scenes reported as atrocities against Christians have in fact been the result of this struggle to resist the Sunnis displacing the Alawite/Shia alliance in the country.
Alawite leaders in Syria beg Netanyahu: ‘Save us from the regime’
I 24 news
Alawite Syrians to ‘Post’: We need Israel’s help from jihadist atrocities – exclusive
This article which sources Arutz Sheva, which, in turn, sources multiple news sources, doesn’t say they are Christians but the massacres of Alawite civilians is real.
Syrian Apocalypto: terrorists rip out a heart and eat it
The German Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss said, lashing out at progressive relativism, “if everything is the same, then cannibalism is just a matter of taste”. Opinion.
Giulio Meotti
Giulio Meotti
2 minutes
Mar 18, 2025 at 8:46 AM (GMT+2)
I posted the link to Badran’s article here:
It is an important article which warrants discussion, if either of you have further comments.
The Tablet article Sebastien Zorn refers to is not odd at all. It’s written by Tony Badran, who is of Lebanese heritage, and knows what he’s talking about. Carlson is devious. I’m glad Badran took time to write his article, because it explains a lot. American should be aware of this angle on what’s happening, and the dirty work Carlson is doing.
There is a very odd article in Tablet claiming there is no massacre of Christians in Syria.
No doubt that this is deliberate…
What is that thing about feeding others to the crocodiles so that they would be the last to be eaten??? The “elites” (I don’t regard them as elites) have no idea that their nasty fate awaits them; that their (vested) power will disappear as soon as the Islamists fully establish themselves.
And lets not discuss the global disarming of the common folks…