Darkness Descending in England


The arrest of over 53 people in the United Kingdom is the beginning of the end for once-great Britain. The leaders of the English Defence League (EDL), Tommy Robinson and Kevin Carroll, were among those arrested, as well as Paul Weston of the British Freedom Party (BFP). I spoke with Kevin Carroll about his recent arrest and that of Robinson and Weston, and he told me the appalling details.

Carroll told me that British authorities tried everything in the book to stop him from running for police and crime commissioner (PCC) for the Bedfordshire Police Authority. Nonetheless, he officially won the right to run for PCC last Friday. But then, the very next day, British authorities carried out these mass arrests of EDL and BFP members, stripping them and forcing them to wear white paper overalls like those given to incarcerated terrorists. They were allowed no phone calls.

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Meanwhile, British police raided the homes of Carroll, Robinson, and three others who had been arrested. “They absolutely ransacked mine,” Carroll told me. “They smashed the door off and wrecked my home. They took my only vehicle, with all the tools of my trade inside, and impounded it, as well as Tommy’s car.” The police, the bomb squad, forensics teams, and sniffer dogs spent seven and a half hours stripping Carroll’s van to the bone. “When they finished,” he said, “they found nothing! They loaded it up with bugs and GPS monitors and threw everything in the back; it looks like it’s been in a blender.”

After smashing the door to Carroll’s home off its hinges, police officials repaired it, got a locksmith to put on a new lock, and left with the new keys, leaving Carroll locked out of his own home. When Carroll was released, still wearing his white paper prison suit, it was dark and raining; true to form, police officials offered him no transportation, even though it was late at night on a Sunday.

Robinson is being held in Wandsworth prison, an old and antiquated structure with a large population of Muslim prisoners. Weston was arrested and later released without charge for refusing to leave a reception area without information about Robinson. And it is clear why officials would not want that information to get out: not only has Robinson been placed with the general prison population instead of segregated for his own protection, but prison officials have even put him in a cell with hostile Muslims. He was allowed to call his wife Jenna, and he told her that he knew it was going to be “lively” in the cell. That was an understatement: prison officials have deliberately put Robinson in physical danger and even imperiled his life. Carroll contacted a high-ranking police official to request that Robinson be segregated, and she received a promise that he would be, but it hasn’t happened yet — and Robinson has even been denied bail.

“They are really coming at us with everything,” Carroll told me. “I’m even on police bail at the moment for ‘conspiracy to cause a public nuisance.'” This is a politically motivated and trumped up charge, but in Britain it can carry a life sentence.

According to Carroll, Robinson was incarcerated for leaving the United Kingdom and entering the United States fraudulently for our September 11, 2012 Stop Islamization of Nations free speech conference in New York City. Robinson could get twelve to eighteen months in prison just for that. “They are really turning up the heat here, Pamela,” said Carroll. “They are going after all of us, especially Tommy and me.” The EDL said in a statement: “Tommy has been dragged from one court to another — almost always without any serious chance of conviction — simply in order to help disrupt our activities and to prevent us from voicing our legitimate concerns about the spread of Islamic extremism.”

Carroll’s bail hearing is set for November 30, which gives him just two weeks after the November 15 elections to prepare his defense. Anyone who can vote for Bedfordshire police authority commissioner and who loves freedom should vote for Kevin Carroll; it could be your last hope to preserve the freedom of speech and the principle of the equality of rights for all people in Britain.

Clearly the establishment elites in Britain are extremely worried that Carroll might win and upset the entrenched culture of accommodation to Islam and sharia; in fact, one of the briefs in Carroll’s case actually stated that this was why he was arrested — because he is running for PCC. The dhimmi elites understand that this could be the beginning of their end. “The police,” said Carroll, “are out to finish us on behalf of the establishment.”

This is a defining moment in British history, as significant as any major turning point. It is in many respects like the Night of the Long Knives, which marked the point of no return from Nazism for Germany. With these outrageous and politically motivated arrests, Britain has entered a dark and dangerous new era. Said Weston: “The full power of the State appears to be concentrating on shutting down any political dissent. This does not really feel like a democratic country anymore.”

Carroll is organizing a demonstration outside Wandsworth prison this coming Saturday morning. All free citizens in Britain should be there. And is there no one is the political establishment in the U.K. who has any decency, integrity, or spine? No one who will stand up against these outrages?

Pamela Geller is the publisher of AtlasShrugs.com and the author of the WND Books title Stop the Islamization of America: A Practical Guide to the Resistance.

October 26, 2012 | 19 Comments »

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19 Comments / 19 Comments

  1. I await further evidence before jumping on this bandwagon, particularly since very little appears to be readily available – rather surprising considering that the EDL and other similar organisation have access to a reasonable amount of resources. Certainly enough, One would think, to enable them to take photographs of the damage allegedly caused by police and publish them along with relevant charge sheets, court documents etc. widely around the Web.

    Has Geller seen any evidence about this, or is she simply relying on the word of those involved?
    Does Geller even care about ascertaining the facts? I know Debbie Schlussel has made serious allegations against Geller – referring to her as “Scamela Geller”. My Jury’s currently out on that one.

    One wonders whether this event is just another false flag – a decoy – designed to distract the so-called “Counter-Jihad Movement” from the real issues it needs to deal with. This point should come into further focus when it involves individuals and organisations who are rather less than impeccable. While I realise that Wikipedia is not necessarily an unbiased source, its entry on Tommy Robinson should nevertheless be pondered – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tommy_Robinson_%28English_Defence_League%29

    I’ve long maintained that the so-called “Counter-Jihad Movement” is made up largely of people who are content to follow the “best Counter-Jihadists that the Globalist’s Islamisers can buy”.
    I think this article should be scrutinised in that light.

  2. “What is not understandable is how people fail to use their intellect but go along with the sick majority.”

    Der oilem iz a goilem. The masses are asses.

  3. Britain or England as a “free nation” is doomed, just like other European countries who oppressed and did not help the Jews during the years of Nazi rule in Germany. Punishment is measure for measure. Those nations who hated the Jews, or did not lift a finger to help save them–glad to be rid of a nuisance minority–are now feeling the greater nuisance of a barbaric Muslim minority in their midst. Demography will do the rest. What is not understandable is how people fail to use their intellect but go along with the sick majority. Courage is lacking and so is common sense.

  4. @ dionissis mitropoulos:Further to my lastpost. this is bigger than the red herring of political parties and choices. Note how easy it was for the uk to execute this blatant crushing of political opposition and the story will likely be bought by enough to guarantee quiescence. The methods are reminiscent of a fascist and communist purge.

  5. dionissis mitropoulos Said:

    I don’t think that at the end of the day the English people will allow their state to be turned into an Islamic one.

    I think they will have no choice as by the time they understand the failure of their judgment it will be too late to reverse the process. As Mark Steyn so often pointed out: it is not necessary to have a majority to effect change. He has been proven correct as the minority is already influencing the course of events in critical ways. They are focused and know their goals and are aware of methods to gain control. The communist party who controlled the soviet union was less than 10% of the population. What is unthinkable is now entering the realm that is beyond possibility and moving towards probability. How and who will reverse the process? Those in business and govt will be well compensated to go along, as they are now. The infrastructure for the accomplishment is already in place just look at it now to see how it works: media, universities, govt, business, finance,etc. Money focused on specific goals and infrastructure. It is in progress as plain as day with no need to change anything. It is happening right now in the US in a manner that none believe.

  6. @ Laura:
    Laura Said:

    England’s degeneration into an islamic ruled state is being accelerated by the depraved, treasonous British authorities with the complicity of the country’s media.

    Laura, you are right about the role of the British authorities and Media.

    But i have lived in England for two years.

    The English have a gut reaction to vulgarity, and, let’s face it, most Muslims are kind of vulgar – to put it mildly.

    Even the leftist-minded have difficulty swallowing the sexism and homophobia of Islam.

    I don’t think that at the end of the day the English people will allow their state to be turned into an Islamic one.

  7. that good old rule of law appears not be be motivated by blind justice. Is the lion able to find the ostrich and eat him or is the Ostrich successful in his hiding? It will be interesting to see how the population reacts; from afar of course. Chickens, home, roost, Breach of Covenant?

  8. keelie Said:

    So what it comes down to is whether or not law based on morality can comfortably coexist with morality based on law – all laws in such context, being man-made laws.

    Not really, unless you find all moral ideologies to be equal. I find that most ideologues twist laws and codes to suit their agenda whether it be man made or divine. Perhaps that is why it was said “…I shall put it into their hearts and write it into their minds” Sometimes it is difficult to explain irrational behavior rationally: the behavior of the ostrich for example.

  9. @ keelie:
    Thank you for Freysinger’s quote. I wish the media would challenge our leaders’ own misunderstanding of Islam – or would investigate those leaders’ true motivations for betraying their people and western achievements.

  10. “…what it comes down to is whether or not law based on morality can comfortably coexist with morality based on law”

    Say what?

  11. What scares me is that someday the Islamonazis will control Britain’s nukes. Although they will control France’s even sooner.

  12. @ Canadian Otter:

    Here’s what Oskar Freysinger (Swiss) said about Islam and Sharia:

    Islam is something bigger than just a religion. Islamic religious texts have not only a general moral and ethical character, but often claim an all-round participation in state’s formation. The Koran appeared in a written form after the year 800, in the course of wars of conquest, it reached Spain so that it became crucial to create a legislative code of rules and laws necessary for unification of different clans and tribal organizations, previously called Saracens, not Muslims. Moreover, mosques could hardly be compared with our churches, what is often realized by our departments of civil property register, since it’s there where juridical and civil procedures are mainly conducted. The privileged access of a Muslim to Allah goes through Shariah law. Islamic norms. In Islam morality is based on the law, whereas according to our juridical interpretations, it’s quite the opposite — the law is based on morality. In Islam morality is based on legislative norm, that is secondary to the law that, from the point of view of Islam is logical, since the law is considered to be of divine origin, non-created and granted once and forever. When quoting the Koran, a Muslim quotes the text to a certain extent close to our state laws, but contrary to them, Koran laws have a divine origin and therefore are unchangeable. That’s why it’s not surprising that a Muslim who has abandoned Islam is threatened with death, and that 94% of all sins, for which Koran imposes sufferings in hell as a punishment, are related to doubts in the truthfulness of Mohammed’s teaching and Islam, as well as to criticism addressed to them. It’s dramatically varying ideas of the law’s origin that indicate in fact how difficult it is to bring into practice co-existence of these two worldviews.

    So what it comes down to is whether or not law based on morality can comfortably coexist with morality based on law – all laws in such context, being man-made laws. Well, Lord Chief Justice Phillips, what say you? What about YOUR misunderstanding of Sharia law?

  13. “Is it any surprise that a nation which doesn’t even stand for itself, would certainly not stand with Israel?”

    Well said, Laura. Sounds like a rule of thumb to me.

  14. @ Laura:
    True. The British government conspired to destroy the country – nothing short of treason – and reminiscent of Israel’s own Arab-loving and African-loving lefties’ true intentions. ~~~~~Many of you may be aware of the following article where a Labor Party insider discloses the true motivations behind this irreversible change perpetrated on the country:

    The huge increases in migrants over the last decade were partly due to a politically motivated attempt by ministers to radically change the country and “rub the Right’s nose in diversity”, according to Andrew Neather, a former adviser to Tony Blair, Jack Straw and David Blunkett. He said Labour’s relaxation of controls was a deliberate plan to “open up the UK to mass migration” but that ministers were nervous and reluctant to discuss such a move publicly for fear it would alienate its “core working class vote”. As a result, the public argument for immigration concentrated instead on the economic benefits and need for more migrants.`http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/law-and-order/6418456/Labour-wanted-mass-immigration-to-make-UK-more-multicultural-says-former-adviser.html

  15. England’s degeneration into an islamic ruled state is being accelerated by the depraved, treasonous British authorities with the complicity of the country’s media.

  16. Animal rights organizations are silent as Islam’s Eid Al-Ahar festival is being celebrated by torturing and slaughtering millions of animals.

    YouTube requires registration prior to viewing this shocking video. However you can watch it here without registering. It’s very hard to watch (I couldn’t stand it for more than a few seconds), but it’s worth saving the link for those who still claim that Muslims kill animals in a humane way. http://www.barenakedislam.com/2012/10/25/colorado-state-university-bows-to-islam-will-now-serve-halal-meat/

  17. The Opinionator used to report on the Muslim takeover of the UK and their high criminality. It was a good blog but it’s been inactive for almost a year now – who knows why. I include the link here because one its last postings was on how Sharia is devouring the UK, and the official reaction by some top authorities. http://theopinionator.typepad.com/
    “While arguing for the need to formally introduce Sharia law into the law of the United Kingdom, the Archbishop of Canterbury claimed Sharia law was ‘inevitable’ in the UK. He denied it was an alien system and called for constructive accommodation of Muslim law. This argument was rapidly followed by Lord Chief Justice Phillips who said there was a place for Sharia law, particularly in mediation. He lamented the ‘widespread misunderstanding’ of Sharia law.”
    What is extremely hard to understand is how such a class- and race-conscious nation could allow the takeover of the country by some of the most backward and violent ethnic groups there are. They rape their daughters, they beat up and kill their sons, they live on the dole, and they intimidate everyone. And the British reaction is to hand the country over to them and to incarcerate whoever resists the takeover!

  18. And is there no one is the political establishment in the U.K. who has any decency, integrity, or spine? No one who will stand up against these outrages?

    If you want a clear answer, just look at the British media…