Deputy defense minister sues PM; asks judge to convene Likud convention of diplomatic process with Palestinians.

Danon asked Judge Dafna Avnieli to require Netanyahu to convene the Likud convention for a meeting on the diplomatic process with the Palestinians and votes on key procedural matters.
Netanyahu wants to avoid convening the hawkish committee ahead of a visit to Washington.
He also doesn’t want the votes to take place because they could limit his power as Likud leader.
For instance, the convention is expected to pass a proposal that would enable Danon to convene the central committee without the backing of the party leader. Currently, Netanyahu can veto any decision to convene the committee.
Netanyahu did not come to court. He was represented at the hearing by the Likud’s attorney- general Avi Halevy and veteran deputy director-general Rafi Dwek.
@ einkerem:
I tend to agree with you re: Feiglin
I classify Danon as a potential useful idiot, ambitious which is good,though he only opposes BB when there is no cost to himself and on every KEY VOTE HE EITHER VOTED ACCORDING TO BB’S DICTATES OR WAS ABSENT. He is one of the least charismatic wannabes in the Likud but then so are Levin and Elkins.
Being a member of the Likud a MK and deputy speaker of the Knesset makes Feiglin equally responsible for all the damage BB is now inflicting on us and what he will inflict in the future. Opposing from within does not absolve him from collective responsibility. Then neither do any of the other Likud MK’s escape their collective and individual responsibilities for BB’s decisions.
@ Joseph Rapaport:
What does Feiglin have to do with this article? Now that he is an MK he is even less effective than before he was an MK. He has not passed one piece of legislation, he has been banned from Har haBayit and has no guts to dis-obey Netanyahu. Who even remembers that he was elected? Bennett gets all the headlines these days because he is a man who does more than just talks – he does things. Feiglin has done nothing since his days at Zu Arzeinu. If Danon is not enough of Jewish leadership for you, then you have a big problem.
The Danons, Elkins, Levins and Hotovellis do more for Jewish leadership in one day than Feiglin will do in the next 4 years.
It is high time that the will of the people is respected. I am tired of hearing “that’s politics”. Moshe Feiglin has it right
when he says in Israel when the people vote left they get left but when they vote right they get double left. It is long past
time for Jewish Leadership.
I do not know what could be achieved by taking BB Netanyahu to court. I like Danny Dannon’s gut. As there are many who are looking to weaken Israel’s leaders at this critical juncture, it is advisable to put the law suit aside for now and try to iron out any differences among the Jews based on mutual respect and understanding.