D.C. Swamp-Dwellers Say It Doesn’t Matter Who Wins the Presidency

Peloni:  Winning the election will only be the beginning of the battle against the Deep State.

They’ll Do What They Want

By | August 26, 2024

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

If he is reelected this November, will Donald Trump manage to drain the swamp this time? The swamp-dwellers are saying no.

Ever since he began his first run for president, Trump has famously vowed to drain the swamp, that is, clear out the far-left bureaucracy in Washington that bears so much responsibility for the leftward drift of the nation over the last decade and a half.

In his inaugural address on Jan. 20, 2017, Trump announced:

Today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another—but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the American People. For too long, a small group in our nation’s Capital has reaped the rewards of government while the people have borne the cost. Washington flourished — but the people did not share in its wealth. Politicians prospered — but the jobs left, and the factories closed. The establishment protected itself, but not the citizens of our country…. That all changes — starting right here, and right now, because this moment is your moment: it belongs to you.

Unlike numerous other presidents who had spoken in the past about taking the government from the oligarchs who controlled it and giving it back to the people, Trump’s words didn’t herald a push to expand government power under the guise of working for the people. On the contrary, he was determined to expand the freedom Americans enjoyed and roll back government power. 

The swamp, however, struck back hard, and Trump’s promise that power would be transferred back to the people remains unfulfilled. Trump has been criticized for failing to follow through on his promise, but at that time, no one knew just how entrenched and determined the swamp dwellers were.

In fact, before Trump was elected and the Washington bureaucracy rose against him, few people, if any, knew that there was a swamp at all. One of the most important results of the Trump presidency was not one anyone intended: it revealed the deep corruption and politicization of the civil service. Now, a more experienced Trump is again vowing to destroy the swamp, but the swamp-dwellers are insisting that they’re not going anywhere and will continue to run things. The gauntlet has been thrown down. 

The Washington Examiner reported Thursday that the will of the people just doesn’t matter to Beltway bureaucrats: “Washington’s bureaucracy, expanded and emboldened by the Biden-Harris administration, feels so secure that most managers would impose new regulations even if voters ‘overwhelmingly’ rejected their plans.”

According to a new survey, fully 54% of “federal government managers would defy voters to do what they want.” The Napolitan Institute, which states that “we recognize that the only legitimate authority for government comes from the consent of the governed,” and that “our mission is to amplify and magnify the voice of the American people so clearly and powerfully that it becomes the driving, framing and shaping force for the crucial conversations of our nation,” conducted a survey of 500 swamp denizens, aka federal bureaucrats.

One of the questions these arrogant usurpers were asked was this: “Imagine that you work for a government agency and have the ability to draft new regulations. After carefully researching an important issue, you determine that a new regulation is needed. If voters overwhelmingly oppose that regulation, what should you do?” The Examiner notes that “just 35% would follow the wishes of voters and trash their regulation while 54% would ‘follow your research and issue the regulation.’ The rest were unsure.”

Nor was this a one-off. Another recent poll showed that a majority of swamp denizens think we peasants are getting out of line: “51% of federal managers believe that people have ‘too much individual freedom.’ Just 31% said they have ‘too little.’” Who do these people think they are? Like all leftists, they think they possess superior knowledge and wisdom, and thus should be entrusted with political power at the expense of the ordinary Americans for whom they have so much contempt.

If he wins the election, will Trump defeat the swamp this time? It shouldn’t be solely up to him. Both parties should see it as being in their interest to destroy this massive and unaccountable federal bureaucracy. The deep state’s coup attempts against Trump should lead to civil service reform that makes it possible for a president to remove various officers and appoint people in their place who will implement his agenda. Democrats should support this as well as Republicans: no elected president of either party should be impeded by unelected bureaucrats. But it is likely that the Democrats have too much to lose if the full story of the deep state were revealed to support such a move.


August 26, 2024 | 4 Comments »

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4 Comments / 4 Comments

  1. Hey Michael. What’s missing? A man of courage and conviction, one willing to die (put it all on the table) to save his company, government or Nation.

    Second Trump is a businessman. The US Government should be run like a business. Mr. Telsa knows how to do it.

    Monday morning come in and Fire the top two heads in a given agency. Spread the news through the workplace, rumor mill, grapevine, more downsizing is coming.

    Tuesday morning chart a path forward and announce to the employees the path and their hard work and support would be appreciated. Management goes silent. Everything rocks on for the next seven days as if all is status quo.

    Friday morning, promptly at 8:00 am start bringing employees in to a sit down meeting where they are handed a severance package(should take no more than 3 to 7 minutes per employee) and then escorted to their desk for a clean out and then promptly escorted off the property.(No time given for goodbyes, escort maintains a distance of less than ten feet from the person being escorted off the property) This continues till 10 % of the FAT is removed. This same procedure is implemented across every department.

    One would be amazed at the ripple effects of this downsizing. Morale and production will improve, although they do take a slight dip. Absenteeism will be reduced. In about 60 days’ workplace rumors will subside and workplace emotions will find a new normal. Just as this new normal beings…..

    Do it all over again and take out another 10% from the workforce.

    The leaders are in place to turn the ship around. After one year to 18 months if the changes are not seen and the new direction is in sight…..Fire the department heads and return to step one and start the process all over again till the business results are produced and the company financials come into line.

    Getting fat and obese is easy and fun, losing that 200 pounds is hard work. Will the above work? Yes! I have seen it up close, it’s painful, ugly and sweaty work, yet it produces results.

    If the above hard work is not done……. the FAT ASS patient will die!

  2. Peloni,

    Peloni: Winning the election will only be the beginning of the battle against the Deep State.

    Lots of luck, in “defeating the Deep State”! At least the DS represents some form of order! Five will get you ten, though, that the “Deep State” gets replaced by “Deep Doo Doo!”



    How will you get rid of that? Another election? A dictator like Xi or Putin? An Ayatollah?

    China’s solution to the social devastation cause by the British-induced Opium Wars was the overthrow of the Empire, which led to the time of Civil War and Warlords, which led to Mao and his successors, which is on its way to leading to nuclear war — accompanied all along the way, by a trail of human misery and death.

    As I said, you face an uphill battle. We’re in the middle of the “Fentanyl Wars”, which we plan to end, (let’s be honest) by killing off the addicts and overthrowing the Deep State “Emperor” — who will (again, let’s be honest) be replaced by some sort of Putin, and an even deeper state, which will be replaced by chaos by some other name.

    How do you propose to fight your way out of that bag? This sounds like, no religious slur intended nor needed, a very “Jewish” solution — more precisely, a repeat of 70 AD: Get rid of Deep Rome! Down with the Emperor! Up with the new emperor, same as the old emperor! …and on, and on…

    Something is missing here. What is it?

  3. The institution of a profesional civil service was seen when President Chester Arthur pushed it through Congress in1883 as a reform that would replace the s0-called “spoils system,: for filling Federal government jobs, in which people were appointed to fill these jobs based on their having campaigned for the election of their party’s presidential candidate, not on any qualifications for these positions. For a time, this system did seem to reduce corruption in the Federal government, at least to some degree. But corruption returned when the overwhelming majority or new hires became partisans of “big government,” and expensive government programs, since these programs gave them their jobs and enabled them to keep them regardless ofwhether they benefited the country in any respect. They also guaranteed that nearly all of the civil servants hired by the Federal government were members of the Democratic Party, or would soon join it oncehired, because the Democrats are the party of “big government,” and consequently of bloated civil service lists, “featherbedding” of civil service staffs, etc.. Polls have shown that about 95% of civil service positions are held by members of the Democratic Party.

  4. I agree with Robert Spencer that the unelected bureaucrats in the government and in partnering NGOs believe that they do not need the consent of the governed. Those in power in DC will fight to the death to stay in power. These are not people who will just walk away from their power and go home. Their life is all about gaining more and more power.

    One conflict is between those who believe the Constitution is an outdated piece of paper and no longer relevant, and those who believe the Constitution was designed to prevent the current disaster. Once the leaders of government decided, as Woodrow Wilson did, that government needs to be staffed by “experts” because “modern” life is too complicated to worry about the Constitution and limited enumerated powers of the federal government, the government became “the solution.”

    Unfortunately, people whose job is to solve problems cannot solve problems or they are out of a job. Thus these “problem solvers” became problem creators, leading to more and more government employees, agencies, and more money going to government. The money going to government is taken from money that could otherwise have gone to building businesses and hiring people for new jobs in the productive economy.

    Thus government became a competitor to private businesses, small, medium and large. The bigger the government, the less efficient the government and the less the economy can grow for all Americans to enjoy.

    By now the government is on an unsustainable path of infinite spending and debt, and this is potentially going to swallow up the healthy economic activity of the US.

    I remember years ago reading about how most of the employable people in Nigeria worked for the Nigerian government. I was thinking it was a shame because that meant that money and resources were going into the government and unavailable for entrepreneurs and small business development. I thought that could never happen here.

    What has happened in the US is that the US government employees have stolen the sovereignty from We the People. They have stolen it and do not want to give it back. This goes also for the democrat party and US Presidents other than Trump for the last 60 years.

    The GOP has played the role of accessory to theft, mouthing words to please conservatives while stealing the People’s sovereignty along with their friends across the aisle.

    There have been a series of articles written by Sundance at the Conservative Treehouse that are password protected (you can contact the site administrator for the PW) in which he outlines the qualities each cabinet position will require, and makes suggestions as to how to reform the 4th branch of government. Many of his earlier writings are not PW protected, in which he describes the 4th branch of government, its history and what will be needed to reform it.

    Conservatives have been reading up on the subject of what is needed if there is any hope of re-establishing our Constitutional Republic.

    We are not a democracy, and never have been. The US is a Constitutional Republic. The Constitution was specifically designed to prevent “majority rule” which would result in a permanent minority whose rights would go unaddressed.

    When the left says,”Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy,” they mean Donald Trump is a threat to their power. They feel threatened because they know they have power they have grabbed and stolen from We the People. They know they have no right to it, otherwise they would not feel threatened at all.