Peloni: This is a very disturbing report. Pres. Trump must end any cooperation with the WHO, close the OPPR, and remove Parker from consideration of any post in his govt. American support of globalist objectives thru medical tyranny must be blocked once and for all.
By Janet Levy | Am Thinker | Mar 17, 2025
Image: Free image, Pixabay license.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has been sounding the alarm on a bird flu pandemic in 2025, and the plandemic — for that is what it is — is well upon us.
Caused by the H5N1 virus, bird flu has been transmitted to humans, killing more than half of those infected — 460 out of 950 cases — in the past 22 years. Transmission between humans hasn’t occurred so far, but the prospects are alarming. While mutations or interaction with other viruses could certainly wreak havoc, the fear could be used — as in the 2020–21 Covid pandemic — to force people to isolate, get vaccinated, and remain under surveillance.
And that is exactly what some experts fear is happening — a Covid redux, with the same playbook in operation. Only, this time, a slightly different approach is being taken. Instead of directly targeting humans, our food is the focus for the creation and mandating of ineffective vaccines.
It’s a plausible scenario, considering how the authorities and the WHO have been ratcheting up the fear. In 2024, there were 81 cases of bird flu in humans, with 66 of those cases in the U.S. In 2025, so far there are three cases in the U.S., and one fatality (from Louisiana). Egg prices are skyrocketing — over $8 a dozen in some parts of the country — and more than 166 million wild and domestic fowl have died of the flu or been culled since 2022. During the last quarter alone 20 million chickens have died or been culled.
Last week, Harvard Medical School put out a warning quoting Dr. Jacob Lemieux, an infectious diseases expert at Massachusetts General Hospital, as saying, “I think we are living next to a volcano, and it may erupt or it may not. But we need to prepare for the possibility of a pandemic.”
But Dr. Clayton J. Baker of the Brownstone Institute, an internist and former professor of medical humanities and bioethics at the University of Rochester, believes the crisis is artificial. He says it has been created by so-called pandemic experts who are “actively seeking to perpetuate it.”
Baker goes so far as to say that the bird flu virus was bioengineered for transmission across animal species and made potent to be able to infect humans. Meanwhile, technologies were developed and patented for making vaccines against this bioweapon.
Baker alleges that one of the labs where reckless gain-of-function has been conducted for decades, with multiple lab leaks, is the Kawaoka bird flu lab at the University of Wisconsin. According to him, in 2022, a strategic leak of the virus was arranged — from USDA Southeast Poultry Research Lab in Athens, Georgia, and other laboratories in the U.S. and abroad. As PCR (polymerase chain reaction) testing for bird flu turns up many false positives, causing alarm, the media dials it up further, allowing globalist agents in the government to use the fear factor to force the use of vaccines in the food supply chain.
“This is not conspiracy theory,” Baker writes. “This is basic pattern recognition.”
He calls for shutting down and investigating the Southeast Poultry Research and Kawaoka labs. The best course for preventing a real outbreak — as opposed to an engineered one — is to stop culling the flocks and allow them to develop immunity.
Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist who championed alternative treatments during the Covid scare, echoes Baker’s suspicions, particularly those of a vaccine cartel at work. On February 16, he tweeted: “(The) vaccine cartel gets closer to realizing its dream of vaccinating 308 million egg-laying hens in the U.S., even though leaky vaccines are likely to result in new pathogens.” He says poultry vaccination has failed miserably in China and southeast Asia for decades because it breeds resistant strains and increases transmission to other animals. The U.S., he believes, is making the same mistake.
According to McCullough, culling and the compensatory payouts to poultry farms — some $1.25 billion so far — have created a “perverse profit incentive.” Instead of stopping the spread, culling, he says, has led to the transmission of the virus to humans. He cites a New England Journal of Medicine study that found almost all human cases linked to such efforts.
The connection to the agents of the Great Reset is evident. In an interview, McCullough says,
GAVI, the global vaccine alliance, which is part of this bio-pharmaceutical alliance I’ve written about, said in 2021 that bird flu is the next disease X. And now the World Economic Forum (WEF), WHO, and CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness) – all have bird flu positioned as disease X.
Like Baker, he alleges that the strain causing the current bird flu outbreak was gain-of-functioned.
The Trump administration, first and foremost, needs to have all the gain-of-function and lab leak allegations investigated. Besides the Southeast Poultry Research and Kawaoka labs, many military laboratories need to be investigated for infiltration by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA).
The suspicion may seem unfounded, but Col. Lawrence Sellin, an Afghanistan veteran and PhD in physiology who has worked with the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID), believes PLA infiltration of American medical research has been going on since the 1990s, with a steady trickle of PLA-trained scientists arriving to study or work at American universities.
He alleges that the army’s Fort Detrick, Maryland, lab, where he spent four years, has long been a PLA target. He says Chinese researchers at the Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, Maryland, have worked with the virology division of USAMRIID and Dr Anthony Fauci’s National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), dealing with dangerous pathogens which are part of China’s biowarfare program. These scientists, he alleges, have even received funds for collaborative research with PLA labs.
The second major step the Trump administration needs to take is to disband the White House Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Response Policy (OPPR), something the president had vowed to do as a candidate in April 2024, if elected. As Baker puts it: “Mr. Trump’s instinct was correct then, and it remains correct now.”
The OPPR, created by Congress in 2022, advises the president on pandemics and other emergencies. On February 6, Trump nominated Col. Gerald Parker, a champion of Covid vaccines and gain-of-function research, as its director. Parker is a staunch advocate of One Health, and as someone who has spoken of strengthening the WHO, his views align with the globalist elite who are pushing for a Great Reset. Under the Biden administration, he was charged with crafting recommendations for rules governing research that could create riskier pathogens. He also headed the USAMRIID’s Fort Detrick labs, which Col. Sellin alleges has been compromised by PLA infiltration.
Trump’s appointment of Col. Parker to the OPPR is at odds with both his promise to disband OPPR and to withdraw from the WHO.
The third major step the Trump administration needs to take is to thwart the attempts of the vaccine lobby to profit from the bird flu scare. The risk with such vaccines is that they allow the virus to replicate in the vaccinated hosts and develop immunity, as well as to gain the ability to infect humans. Field tests of such vaccines may already have caused resistant viruses to enter the food chain.
Former president Joe Biden had issued a $590 million contract to Moderna for developing a bird flu vaccine. Baker is convinced this should be cancelled, as should the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s conditional approval of a bird flu vaccine developed by Zoetis, the world’s largest producer of medication and vaccines for pets and livestock. The company, as might be expected, is linked to the usual Great Reset suspects — Pfizer, BlackRock, the Gates Foundation. Similar conditional approval is awaited on a bird flu vaccine for cattle, created by Medgene.
McCullough calls the bird flu scare “a six-sigma event.” In real terms, it could devastate our food supply and cause mass starvation. With the Covid-19 conspiracy and its objectives coming to light, it’s time for us to oppose this dangerous iteration and say: “We will not comply!”
Hi, Reader
…ditto for the US
They already have vaccines for this (of course!):
The problem is the off target vaccines which have not solved the problem while pretending that something other than developing natural immunity will end this tragedy from becoming a repeat of the Covid scam.
You as editor reprint this by.Mccullough.
“McCullough calls the bird flu scare “a six-sigma event.” In real terms, it could devastate our food supply and cause mass starvation. With the Covid-19 conspiracy and its objectives coming to light, it’s time for us to oppose this dangerous iteration and say: “We will not comply!”
Are you saying the virus is not the problem?
I REALLY hope that this time Israel won’t volunteer to be a lab for vaccine development and testing.
As explained by McCullough and referenced by Janet in this article above,
I cannot find the book you mentioned ANYWHERE including
Would you mind giving the source for it?
Is it a book or an article?
Could you, please, explain what did they see in a microscope in the early 1930s when finally there was a microscope strong enough to see something smaller than bacteria?
@Adam D
PLA is People’s Liberation Army (the regular army of China).
This is another set-up for “a Chinese lab leak” but this time it will be “a willful attack on the US and its population which occurs on the US’ own soil” because the enemy (China) was emboldened by its success with the COVID virus!
BTW, how many people still go to Chinese restaurants in the US?
The PTB are doing the same things that worked before:
1) we are all going to DIE!
– masks (or else)
– social distancing (or else)
– quarantines (or else)
– mRNA vaccines (or else), especially for the elderly,
disabled, chronically ill – the VULNERABLE populations,
i.e., the ones who can be made to die sooner than
necessary – not enough of those croaked last time.
Oh, and tell Grandma that she will never get to see her
grandkids again unless she gets the vaccine.
Remember to set the gullible against the evil “antivaxxers
who spread the disease”.
The Big Pharma and those who invest in it are going to make TRILLIONS of $$ this time, PLUS they are already using mRNA vaccines on cattle, and, have no doubt, they are aiming to vaccinate the chickens also, who knows why and no matter what.
This website claims that there are about 1.5 billion chickens in the US and 33 billion chickens in the world:
China is the largest chicken egg producer in the world, so guess who is going to be hit the hardest with this chicken smear campaign?
I can’t recall what the PLA is. Could someone remind me? Sounds like some sort of Communist organization, but I don’t remember which one.
Janet’s belief that there ar epeople and groups planning a bird flu pandemic is quite possible. Still, even if it is planned, it could still be devastating. So perhaps
development of a vaccine for it should be approved.
After all, Pearl Harbor, 9/11, the Yom Kippur War and October 7 were all pre-planned. But the United States and Israel should both have had their own contingency plans to respond to these types of attack. Apparently, neither the U.S. nor Israel had such plans in place.
Evri 1
“If you have studied the field of virology carefully, you will realize that it is a field of study based upon unscientific practices which appear to prove that viruses exist. But because their so-called “proof” is based upon not using the scientific method, their “proof” is non-existent.
(See Mark Bailey’s A Farewell to Virology.) ”
Dearie me! This time you really have taken leave of your senses
A farewell to virology…no less
Joined the fairies … A real sad case
There is a lot of fear porn in the above article. People who are not fully informed are the most vulnerable to becoming afraid.
If you have studied the field of virology carefully, you will realize that it is a field of study based upon unscientific practices which appear to prove that viruses exist. But because their so-called “proof” is based upon not using the scientific method, their “proof” is non-existent.
(See Mark Bailey’s A Farewell to Virology.)
The PCR test is a total fraud. So how are all these so-called “cases” proven to be caused by a virus of any kind? They cannot be proven to be viral in causation. (The inventor of the test said they are not meant to be a diagnostic test for any disease).
So viruses do not exist, have not been proven to, and the PCR test cannot confirm that a virus is the cause of the nucleotide fragments that are magnified by the test.
Without verified cases this is all nonsense.
People can create poisons in a lab but poisons made in a lab does not equate to creating frightening disease causing viruses in a lab or making viruses (which don’t exist) more lethal.
“Virological” work in labs should not be done, and taxpayers should not have to pay for them.
Doctors are indoctrinated to believe viruses exist. I know this because I was indoctrinated in this belief too. We were/are indoctrinated into the idea that all vaccines are “safe and effective,” and those of us no longer indoctrinated now have proof that none are safe or effective. Vaccines are poisons. None of the childhood vaccines has ever been safety tested. Ever wonder why? The COVID so-called vaccines also were not safety tested. All vaccines are poisons and should be avoided.
The killing of chickens is basically economic terrorism and is the cause of egg prices going through the roof.
There is no need to vaccinate any animal that is in our food supply. These are poisons and should not be used in our food supply. If a person wants to poison his body, he or she is free to do so, but the food supply affects all of us.
If you realize that viruses don’t exist, there is no need for vaccines, that animals shouldn’t be vaccinated because that is putting poisons into our food supply, and that labs which attempt to make poisons in the form of something they spuriously claim is an infectious agent, should be shuttered, you would realize the problems as outlined in the above article would be completely solved.
The REAL PROBLEM is the indoctrination of the scientific community which then indoctrinates the rest of society. That is what we are up against.