By Ted Belman
I just watched this video and many others on the subject. I want your opinion on the veracity of what we are being told.
In a nutshell this video tells us that the White House has been dark for 10 days or so during which time a labyrinth of tunnels under the WH have been investigated and hundreds of children have been found there, some alive, some dead. Those alive have been removed and the people in charge of them that were there have been arrested or executed. A day or two ago there was a huge explosion under the WH which many in DC felt. Candace Owen who lives there tweeted about the explosion she witnessed.
Similar underground tunnels have been exposed in many places around the world.
It is expected that in the next three weeks all this will be revealed to the public.
Here is an expose I came across on the web, of pedophilia in the upper echelons of our societ.. It features the results of searches by a private individual. Many famous people are featured as subjects, such as Bill & Hillary Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein, John Podesta, Tom Hanks and even a cameo of Robert David Steele. The images are legal, but likely to offend many.
@ orangeladytrumpkin:
Orange Lady, I agree 100%, save the “Poly Anna” comment. Most people I’ve seen who attack Simon Parkes seem to have their own agendas. They aren’t “Pollyannas”,
I have no reason to doubt, that depravity of the nature described is taking place among these people. You have Jews here, defending the Washington-London-Vatican-Davos-Beijing cabal. Shame on them! Steve Bannon, a well-tested patriot, mentions the same cabal:
Episode 729 – Seed the Steel (w/ Frank Gaffney, Mary Ann Mendoza)
Pedophilia is demon driven. Had you ever been in the clutches of one who practices such horrors, you would know there is no rhyme or reason for it, only the base drive to go deeper and more evil with each move, each orgasmic episode. This is why, maybe, that the Lord warned that the marriage bed is holy, between a man and his wife. This is also why He warned about the one who leads children into evil may as well have a millstone tied round his neck and thrown into the ocean depths. Will the whole truth ever really come out? I have my doubts. I know members of my family that will refuse to even consider that this happens. The weakness or cowardliness toward facing truth runs deep in many. They aren’t strong enough mentally to face things. These are our pampered, our Polly Annas, and those who’ve become unsympathetic toward others. Still, all must be done for these poor, half-butchered and treated as meat souls, no matter whose conscience it sears.
I was amused at around 14:00 at the mention of “It’s human nature not to admit when you’ve been wrong about something.” Well… I think that goes both ways. When these guys say “do your research! the evidence is out there!” the “evidence” they mention is all anecdotal, “I heard”, “I have a friend who says”, “I know someone Very High Up who tells me”, “I read on the internet…” Maybe we should start with a discussion of what constitutes “evidence”, eh?
I have a friend who is VERY into this Q stuff. The satanistic pedophilia adrenochrome stuff, tunnels all over the place stuffed with abused and tortured children, the massive number of pedophiles among our government and hollywood and cultural “elites” etc etc. (I’m not going to bother getting into the alien stuff and bases on the moon and mars and “Alliance” good guys versus “Cabal” bad guys, and you’ve heard about the whole softish-antisemitism of the “Rothschilds and international bankers” world domination theories along with all the illuminati/freemasons/vatican stuff. OMG it just goes on and on and on, like someone’s read too many Dan Brown novels.
I don’t know if any of it or all of it is true. I don’t want to believe it. I’m incredulous and mostly unbelieving. Paranoid psychopathology of the theorists. Too too vast an evil to be real and so totally hidden for so long. But… they have been finding a lot of pedophile networks and a lot of human trafficking stuff. And of course my friend points that out to me every time another comes to light, as if it’s proof and vindication of everything she’s been saying.
But I’m still a huge skeptic. Not a believer. Not a disbeliever. I’m still of a “well, dammit, SHOW me!” And it hasn’t happened yet. Maybe it will. If it’s true, I hope it’s revealed and cleaned up. I hope Trump becomes President and all the evil ones are caught and see very public, dire, and swift justice. But I don’t know.
I also hear a lot of excuses for why none of it comes to light. “Oh, they caught them all but it’s so vast and evil they can’t let the public know because it would blow their minds.” To me that’s total BS and hand waving. Oh, they WERE caught, but they can’t tell you. Sigh. It’s like when Q vaguely predicted something that might have actually happened, and my friend gleefully jumps on it as proof of Q, while if Q was wrong about anything concrete (like a date-specific) she says “well the enemies read this too, so some of it is intentional misinformation to throw them off.” So Q can be right or Q can be wrong, and either way Q is real and true. Q is a religion. I am a skeptic. I want public proof of these tunnels and arrests and executions. Until then, I’m a skeptic.