By Ted Belman
Laura Ingraham: If Mitt can’t beat Obama in this economy, shut the party down and start over..
Rush Limbaugh: If Obama wins, its the end of the Republican Party.
Sarah Palin: Romney should get severely aggressive with Obama..
Carl Rove: Said all the recent polls favoured the democrats in their samples.
@ Canadian Otter:
Perhaps those who committed the fraud-assuming it happened-just didn’t want a 75-80 year old idiot President with handlebar ears. Rather like an older Obama. I don’t know how long it’s been since America has had 2 idiot Presidents in succession.
Ted, is my comment still being moderated?
Regarding the voting results at conventions, the DNC already had results of the votes for God & Jerusalem on the teleprompter–even though they called for the vote three times!
Americans choose their candidates, their issues, the entire agenda by the ruling elite.
American govt had to know that something was about to drop, in Sept 2011. Supressing the metals and the truth.
Romney should keep his mouth shut today. 1) He is no better 2) Do any of his boys intend to go into the military? 3) Let Obama put his feet in his mouth – his Carter moment.
Please release my comment from moderation.
Ingraham, Limbaugh and even Palin are fearfully presaging an Obama win and already laying blame on Romney/Republicans for enabling Obama to win by their fear based failure to personally attack Obama and instead, only attack Obama’s policies.
Personally attacking Obama however, is a two edged sword that Ingraham, Limbaugh, Palin and doubtless other frustrated conservatives who agree with them, fail to see.
Some basic realities that these 3 pundits are not coming to grips with and which thus take the steam and sincerity out of their bombastic bravado against Romney and the Republicans:
1. Obama is an historically important figure in America, being the first black man elected as President. That was and remains a powerful image enhancing ego boosting symbol to guilt ridden white America that they are not the racists that many of their forbearers were.
White Americans that feel that way and act accordingly, seem oblivious to the fact that even without having elected Obama as President, America today has shed not only much of the image of past racist America, America has in fact shed much of its past racist views.
In spite of this race still plays a significant role in American politics, not in the sense that it is still rife with covert racism operative thinking, but that accusations of racism are an effective polemic in political rhetoric.
No one uses false allegations of racism and its close cousin, identity/class politics to such scurrilous and immoral purposes as do the Democrats. It is not however, just the faceless mob of the democratic base that does so. So too do Democratic leaders such Senate Majority leader Harry Reid and in a crafy way, Obama himself when he is not just remaining silent when his supporters engage in such mendacious rhetoric against the Republicans.
The Democrats have used this underhanded smarmy ploy to good effect and it puts the Republicans on the defensive to the point of simply denying the allegations as baseless, but fearing to say more, should some word or phrase be taken out of context by the Democrats and used in some malicious way to try to hammer their big lie false allegation home amongst the public and in particular their friends, supporters and enablers, the liberal main stream media.
2. In part because of Obama’s historically significant presidency and in part due to his capacity for soaring rhetoric, physically attractive appearance and charisma, he is perceived as generally very likeable amongst the American electorate. That likeability factor is a powerful factor. So powerful in fact that even Fox News pundits like O’Reilly and Republicans will almost pre-apologize for any criticism of Obama they are about to engage in by saying and thus reinforcing the public’s perception that Obama is a “NICE GUY!”
The real concern is by making an attack personal on Obama, the public may interpret such an attack by Romney, Republicans and conservatives as an accusation that Obama is NOT A NICE GUY and with that, the public might just turn on Romney and the Republicans in the upcoming election.
Even Fox News must have a sense of fear that their viewing audience might decline if they say anything that might be interpreted by the public as an allegation that Obama is “NOT A NICE GUY”!
It is the Romeny/Republican asses that are on the line and exposed in this upcoming election. It is understandable in the context of the foregoing, Romney/Republicans don’t want to risk offending the positive sense that over half the American electorate have of Obama in the context that he is a nice guy.
3. About half of Americans are to a greater or lesser extent dependant on government handouts. Obama promises to keep those benefits coming. Obama promises that and Romney/Republicans appear to be promising to reduce some of those benefits or take some away, altogether.
Most, if not the vast majority of those beneficiaries of entitlement benefits appear to care more about getting their entitlements as they have in past, if not getting increased entitlements than about how and who is going to have to pay for them.
If all these Americans, intoxicated by their entitlements come out to vote, Obama will win.
4. Not only are the have not Americans presumably in Obama’s corner because he offers to protect to keep their entitlements up with tax monies raised from the haves in American society, there is also the potentially large ethnic/colored sector of the electorate who have race based interests and issues that Obama and his democratic base have been playing to.
Again, Obama in a speech last year, before Romney was on the scene for instance, spoke before a large Hispanic audience spoke of the Republicans as enemies of Hispanics. That of course had to do with the illegal immigration issue.
Similarly Obama can count on practically 95% or more of the black community voting for him, not because of his policies necessarily, but because he is black. Obama has played that up as well.
Then there is the class warfare and identity politics issues that Obama, his team and the Democratic base have played to the hilt in order to get their vote and get them out to vote. In that case, Obama and his people have catered to the needs of these American classes in a way that makes them either ignore or downplay those negative views these classes may have in respect of Obama’s policies that do not impact them directly, but do negatively impact the whole of the nation.
In other words self interest of the have nots and various other classes of Americans that Obama has targeted his rehtoric and promises at, seems to be the determinative factor for many, if not most of them as to whom they will vote for in November.
One can thresh these points even finer, but the foregoing realities do give Obama a number of advantages over Romney/Republicans that contrary to what Ingraham, Limbaugh, Palin and their ilk suggest, cannot be so easily overcome by Romney/Republicans vigorously attacking Obama personally.
As stated initially, such kinds of personal attack that Ingraham, Limbaugh and Palin are urging Romney/Republicans to engage in is a two edged sword where one edge could well cut Romeny/Republicans more than Obama.
The frustration that Ingraham, Limbaugh and Palin feel over this situation, is understandable, but bad mouthing Romney/Republicans is not going to help much.
Better they should lend their undoubted intelligence and political acumen to Romeny/Republicans to aid them to better reach the American electorate to ensure they understand that whatever Obama promises them today, will soon be taken away as the country teeters even closer to a state of bankruptcy, if it does not fall into the abyss altogether.
Interesting video:
Republican National Convention: Teleprompter shows results before they are announced. The vote shouted by the audience was on changing the party’s delegate policy. Whether the new policy is good or not, it’s the way the vote was conducted that is troubling.
Those who claim Ron Paul (whether you liked him or not) was cheated at the primaries through voting fraud may be right. Just google Ron Paul Vote Fraud. Lots about it.
– Do Americans really choose their candidates for the presidency? Or are they pre-selected by the ruling elite?
– And do Americans really choose their president? With internet voting fraud, illegal immigrants’ votes, issues such as the “hanging chads” and other irregularities, that remains unclear.
If Mitt can’t beat Obama it is because millions of Americans are so stupid that the messenger is more important than the message.
If Obama wins then for sure the USA is going KFC.
Implications: On election evening Israeli military should go ” ape $ hit ” and eliminate anything and any person that stands in its way be they live in the middle east jungle, Iran, the USA or Europe.