Completely Ignored: IDF was warned of massacre plan weeks in advance

Peloni:  The disturbing revelations continue to seep into the public view, even as those members of the IDF and Intel leadership whose gross mismanagement led to the October 7 slaughter have elected to mostly maintain their positions thru til the end of the current war, as if they are arguing that their gross mismanagement thus far might in someway be countenanced as an asset.

An intelligence document distributed by the IDF described in detail the raid plan for the border area, including the exact number of hostages. The information was passed to the Gaza Division – and completely ignored.

Israel National News | June 17, 2024

Hamas invasion of Israel     Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash9

Kan reports that intelligence documents in the possession of the Gaza Division and the Intelligence Corps showed the plans for the October 7th massacre in minute detail, and were distributed less than three weeks before the invasion.

Security officials added that the document was known to the top intelligence echelon, and at the very least to the Gaza Division.

The document, under the title “End-to-end detailed raid training”, describes in detail a series of exercises carried out by Hamas elite units in which they practiced raiding military posts and kibbutzim, kidnapping soldiers and civilians, and even instructions on how to hold and guard the hostages once they were already in Gaza.

According to the document, the first step in the exercise is to create breaches in a dummy IDF post built in Gaza that simulates the posts in the Gaza border area. The exercise was carried out by four companies and each company received a different post.

According to the report, Southern Command and Gaza Division intelligence were not only aware of Hamas’ kidnapping plan but also the conditions for holding the hostages, including instructions in the document to the kidnappers on how to handle extreme cases, how to hold the hostages, and under what conditions they could be executed.

The assessment that Hamas’ plan was to kidnap between 200 and 250 soldiers and civilians, including women and children, was completely ignored.

June 18, 2024 | 5 Comments »

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5 Comments / 5 Comments

  1. They screwed up big time but believe in entitlement!
    Generals do not have the mindset required to lead the country.
    Four famous general made each catastrophic mistake when in politics.
    Dayan, Barak, Rabin & Sharon.

  2. All of the commentors so far are right. The relatives of all the hostages should be springing into action right now but the only target they have is Netanyahu.

  3. Why are you incredulous after Bibi implemented the kill shots- to be first, with a database!
    We see what he’s capable of!

  4. It is beyond belief that no punitive action has been taken by the government leaders to immediately relieve these criminals for gross mismanagement of security duties. Those involved at the very least should be summarily relieved of duty and demoted in rank and replaced by trusted security and intelligence personnel. No excuses war or no war, the fatal and monstrous decisions to hold back top threats has no parallel as betraying one’s country.