E.Rowell: Trevor Loudon discusses Communist Chinese voter registration cartels. He documents how the CCP has infiltrated deeply into American politics with several goals:
-Subvert the electoral system by voter fraud
-Prevent a Donald Trump Presidency
-Create chaos in the country through mass demonstrations against Donald Trump that are violent
-Prevent Donald Trump’s policies that protect America from the CCP from being enacted by Congress.
-Radicalize young people to hate America and look to the CCP and the Russian Communist Party as the ideal to strive for.
-Radicalize federal government priorities to strive for destruction of the United StatesThe CCP has achieved a great many successes in the above goals.
One reason that the Communists have gained so much power in the United States is that they have done so by stealth, by lying, by obfuscating and by covering up the truth about their commitment to Marxism and the destruction of America. Communism has such a bad name in America, as synonymous with totalitarianism and evil, that Communists in America must lie about their political allegiances and must subvert the political process by stealth, for example by calling what they do as “fighting for democracy.” The Communists have globalist goals, to achieve a One World Government and bring about a new system of serfdom to mankind.
Loudon, however, has a very effective strategy that he thinks will solve the problem of the Communist infiltration of America. Watch the video to find out!
By Trevor Loudon, AMERICAN FREEDOM ALLIANCE 24 May 2024
American Anarchists in the South in the ’30’s often labelled themselves Jeffersonian Democrats to get over.
I don’t think we will get rid of money any time soon, unless the Marxists manage to take it from us. Trevor gives some good ideas to get rid of the key minions (Braindead is just highly visible); bot the key to activating any of this seems to be putting Donald Trump into the White House. We have no assurance that will happen. Here’s my solution:
There is a simple reason why China has been so successful in infiltrating and influencing our politics and our society: money. It is pretty clear that a substantial part of our Congress is on the Chinese payroll. And Braindead Joe is OWNED by the CCP.