Cometh the Hour Cometh the Man

E. Rowell:  I read somewhere that Nigel Farage had been planning on helping Trump with his campaign.  But he has decided to give that honor up for the purpose of saving Great Britain from totalitarian takeover by the globalists [represented by Parliament] who are happy to support Tories who do nothing to improve the lives of their citizens and Labor which has always been willing to jettison the country in order that the Communists can take over.

By Kathy Gyngell, THE CONSERVATIVE WOMAN    4 June 2024

A FEW minutes yesterday evening changed Britain’s election map. Nigel Farage, looking as serious and determined as he ever has – it’s a look that suits him and he should stay with – took charge and promised to lead a political revolt to topple the Tories. They should shudder, as Melanie Phillips so neatly put it yesterday. Never did a party so deserve to die. Without Farage, Reform UK was nothing. Now it is very much something.

But I have one question. Will the so-called right of centre MSM back him? Will the TelegraphSpectator and Mail declare war with him on the political establishment that he rightly says has so betrayed us? Are they, like ‘the millions of decent, patriotic Brits’ that Farage referred to, ‘sick to the back teeth with our political establishment for its policy of betrayal?’ I wonder. Will they switch their deluded support for ‘this ragged Tory party’, as Farage describes it, to ‘take the fight to all those that deny Britain a bright future as a self-governing, prosperous country’? Somehow I doubt it.

Today’s Telegraph front page headlines, despite giving Farage a short op-ed space, tell us they’ll be keeping their editorial distance and will not be helping drive his patriotic bandwagon.

‘This is Nigel Farage’s finest hour: it will make the man’, Matthew Goodwin opined yesterday. True, and Farage has certainly vindicated himself against the various charges some of us were levelling at him. It is time for me to eat humble pie, for one. But the strapline under the heading was all too revealing and I suspect reflects the Telegraph‘s thinking: ‘He knows the Tories must not be allowed to continue in their current form, and he is the only person who can force them to change‘. My italics.

So that’s it. Is that all Farage is needed for? To give a bit of a fright to the Tories to prick them into reform? What? After 14 years of betrayal, including on Brexit? They don’t know how and they don’t believe in what is needed. They are irreformable. Goodwin, who’s followed and written about Farage’s political career for years (he co-authored the 2014 book Revolt on the Right) must know this is not the purpose of his revolt against the political establishment that, at this eleventh hour, he’s sacrificed his personal life to head. It is to lead, himself, a new party, a new movement. Not for the battered Tories to regroup over the next four years. It’s for a clear-out of the Augean stables.

You can watch his full speech here.

Listening to it, I thought he was right on every count except proportional representation. He nailed it. Nothing works. Immigration has become a threatening and out-of-control nightmare. No, we are not safe. The Tories are over. And he’s the only politician in the election race who talks about patriotism.

He’s going to need patience in the short time he has to turn this round and put the patriotic Reform brand front and centre, most likely without the help, but the opposite, of the MSM, all too keen to pick on ‘fruitcakes’, ‘loonies’ and ‘racists’ that the millions of Brits who care for their country and are fearful for its future are not.

Cometh the hour, cometh the man we hope will upturn this election – which, yes, now has become of supreme interest.

June 6, 2024 | Comments »

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