A few days after reaching a plea bargain with a military court after being filmed hitting a foreign peace activist from Denmark with his M-16 rifle, Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner sent his officer friends an email for the Jewish New Year. In the email, he said, “I have no doubt that this flawed trial is giving me a lot of points in doomsday court.”
Under the plea bargain, Eisner will serve two months of community service without pay. He will not be discharged from the IDF, but will not be promoted to a new position and will retire from the army early.
In a New Year greeting sent by mail to a group of his friends, the IDF officer said that he’s “trying to continue with love and faith, serve truth and justice with the love of Israel, and it’s a search, what we are, and what our spiritual strength is.”
Eisner, who serves as head of the armored branch at the Zeelim army base, said the plea deal was hard for him to accept. “Even if I was wrong and the rally could be broken with less violence,” he said of the pro-Palestinian bike ride where he struck the Dane, “Then I’ve been punished severely.”
The officer said that “a senior officer told me that’s how they punished all IDF commanders. The question is, what is the message to commanders who are at the frontline, doing the dirty work and not hiding behind screens, in the middle of the heat to be in front of protesters who swear and spit at you. I broke my hand in that incident. Those protesters were endangering my life.”
Eisner said he takes responsibility for what happened, adding “I had no hatred for those activists.”
Explaining his New Year message, he said, “These legal proceedings are immoral and unjust. I’ve already been judged for my actions.”
Sources close to the officer stressed that according to senior IDF officers Eisner has been disciplined enough and his trial will cause damage and restrictions for commanders in the field. They said the decision to accept the plea deal came from Eisner not wanting to drag himself and his family through an exhausting trial. Sources also said that in his position at Zeelim, he has support not only from senior officers but from reservists.
Jeopardy against the Oslo and other operatives is the only way. They have fabricated an immunity shield around themselves and that shield must be smashed. It is time to purge the unJews out and pack them all into NEWLY and freely elected courts, lock stock and barrel.
Those folk openly favored the murder of thousands of our people and in many cases spoke openly about murdering certain other Jews. (Evidence available). One of the latest ones was the gruesome Ben Eliezer saying he would shoot protesting Jews set against the putrid special IDF units in place only to assault Jews.
That is the top priority for the people if we intend to remain a Jewish State.
@ NormanF:
Great! Why not just hand over the armed forces to the Pali’s? That’s what these idiot judges want, it seems to me. Pali’s good, Jews bad unless they give in to WHATEVER the Pali’s want–at least that is what the good leftists at the Justice Department want. Stupid judges!
@ oldjerry:
Put not your faith in Princes!!!!!!!!!
The government of Israel is such an embarrassment it’s easy to understand that one can love a people but detest its’ leaders.
yamit82 Said:
Wolves won’t touch them much to pickey Zev!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“F**k world opinion, they are not being terrorized and threatened on a daily basis.”
Well said, rongrand. Took the words right out of my mouth. The world has no idea, and if they ever do, they won’t care anyway. History is proof of this.
I said it many times here, the problem with the Israeli government is they waver and bend in the wind of public and world opinion.
F**k world opinion, they are not being terrorized and threatened on a daily basis. The hell with the anti-Semite government leaders.
Israelis live in the middle of the worst neighborhood in the world.
I often tell everyone, if half the world had the neighbors Israel has, they would move.
They should warn the activist, you are welcome to visit Israel but we expect you to act and behave and you will be treated royally, if not we will treat you like terrorist, you will regret.
Furthermore other government leaders, if they are your true friends will understand.
The liberal left anti-Smemite media will never.
Giulio Meotti published a supporting article on Arutz 7:
Listen I don’t know that much about Israel, having said that I believe Israel’s strength lies with the men and women who serve their country proudly. Their professionalism, and dedication is second to none. I follow “Israel Defense Forces” on facebook, awesome
Unfortunately this cannot be said of the Israeli government.
bernard ross Said:
You are a bloody pacifist. I would use the iron maiden on them, then feed en to the wolves and vultures.
I do. I wish they all would be butted in the face and dropped in gaza.
rongrand Said:
Agree with you – his hand was broken by the thugs! But his own government is determined to make an example of him for reasons no one can explain. He’s been punished enough already far beyond the bounds of the original offense. Which again brings to mind the Talmudic proverb: “he is who cruel to the merciful will wind up being merciful to the cruel.” Fulfilled to the letter in Netanyahu’s blood payment to the PLO. But Eisner embarrasses Israel’s leaders. That’s why I figure out they’ve been so vindictive towards him.
It’s outrages to think you not only have to put up with these bastard activist who have no business in Israel other than trouble making but have no support from the government.
Col Eisner should have been decorated for his actions.
Viiit Said:
I don’t know of any direct way to support Eisner, nor did I hear that support is being solicited on Eisner’s behalf.
However, you can help the cause in general. Two specific organizations come to mind:
The Legal Forum for the Land of Israel
I personally donate to both and know them as doers.
Perhaps there is already a way to express support for Eisner.
If not, perhaps someone here knows how to start a list and circulate it to gather signatures.
He is a hero, not a criminal.
He was not a foreign “peace activist from Denmark”.
He was a foreign enemy of Israel and terrorist supporter from Denmark.
As I’ve said before, a purge is needed.
Israel’s moronic leaders certainly have their priorities in order.
They have no moral compunction in releasing the killers of Jewish children from Israeli prisons as the blood price for pretend peace talks with Jew-hating Arabs but on the other hand, they hound Israeli patriots like Lt. Col. Shalom Eisner out of the IDF – because G-d forbid Israel make the hypocritical Jew-hating world more upset with it than its already.
Like I said, its all about priorities.