CLARE LOPEZ Exposes Bengazi, Clinton and both Blumenthals

January 19, 2016 | 11 Comments »

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  1. Group Releases Ad Slamming Replacement of U.S. Workers with Foreign Labor

    except for Trump, the GOP support the continued replacement of american workers with imported foreigners for those jobs which cannot be exported. America does not need companies taking money and giving few jobs. This is why Trump will do even better with blue collar democrats.

  2. Most Voters Are Still Angry

    One of the major issues Trump mentions as a source of anger has been the federal government’s handling of illegal immigration. Most voters continue to believe the government isn’t cracking down enough on illegal immigration and that the current policies and practices of the federal government encourage people to enter the United States illegally.

    Most voters have made it clear that they want the federal government only to do what Congress and the president agree on, but they blame the GOP-led Congress more than Obama for the legislative gridlock in Washington, D.C.

    the GOP congress was put in to stop Obama policies but they ended up facilitating his policies and he facilitated their worst policies(e.g. TPP, immigration, putting americans out of jobs) That GOP is still the same, only Trump will not facilitate large corps to put americans out of Jobs.

  3. Since the Brothers and Sisters are allied of BHO and HC, sharing of info is permitted and does eliminate the notion of hacking. Huma is the mail-woman. IL would be severely punished in a similar situation for hacking.
    Remember that IL was and is probably denied by the Us and EU VITAL classified Info pertaining to HER SECURITY.
    We shall overcome.

  4. Inspector General: Clinton emails had intel from most secretive, classified programs

    I wonder how many folks were killed becuase the MB hacked into her email account and got all the top secret info… probably one casualty was chris Stevenson at Benghazi. that’s the optimistic perspective which sees it as negligence and incompetence as opposed to the perspective that there was an intentional effort to get info to enemies through this open channel with plausible deniability of spying.

  5. What is so sad about the Benghazi narrative is that two left wing Jews, the Blumenthals, were responsible for the disinformation spread by the Obama administration in an effort to dupe the public.