Analysis: The threat of civil war appears all too real in Egypt amid economic, social and political crisis.
By Zvi Mazel, JPOST
For the Muslim Brotherhood, the long awaited dream come true is turning into a nightmare. Having survived 80 years of persecution to achieve power democratically, they suddenly find themselves the focus of widespread popular hatred.
Never have Egyptians been in such dire economic traits.
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, however, is not about to give up and make way for new presidential elections. The Brotherhood will spare no effort to stay in power.
Such is the depth of the economic, social and political crisis that the threat of civil war appears all too real.
Most commentators believe the army won’t let things go that far and will step in; however the road back to recovery and a civilian regime accepted by all will be long and arduous.
Civil disobedience is rampant.
In Port Said the police have disappeared from the streets and the army called in to maintain law and order. Indeed here and there people are petitioning the courts to appoint popular Defense Minister Abdel Fattah al-Sisi to rule Egypt in Morsi’s stead. They know it won’t happen but are trying to make a point. Demonstrations calling for getting rid of Morsi and of the Brotherhood are held on a daily basis in Cairo and in cities all over the country. They are met by militant groups of the Brotherhood. Dozens have died and thousands were wounded in the resulting clashes though both sides are trying not to let the violence escalate.
The economy is in shambles.
In a remarkable and enduring show of unity, non-Islamic opposition parties under the banner of the National Salvation Front are boycotting the regime until their demands – canceling the Islamic constitution and setting up a consensus government until new elections are held – are met.
The Muslim Brotherhood who had won a sweeping victory in the first free parliamentary elections and got their candidate elected president have bitterly disappointed the people who had put their faith in them.
Nothing has been done to improve their lot. Upon taking office Morsi had promised – and failed – to take care of five burning issues within a hundred days: growing insecurity, monster traffic jams in the capital, lack of fuel and cooking gas, lack of subsidized bread, and the mounting piles of refuse in the streets.
The president’s high-handed attempt to take over all legislative powers and grant himself full immunity provoked such an outcry that he had to back down. He sacked the prosecutor-general and appointed a new one – only to have his decision overthrown by the Cairo Court of Cassation last week, throwing the judicial system into disarray.
It seems that such unwise and unpopular moves were taken without prior consultations with his advisers and that in fact it was the Supreme Guidance Bureau of the Brotherhood which had urged Morsi to do so. In other words, the president is acting as a proxy for the movement.
Dissatisfaction is now evident everywhere. Elections held in students’ union throughout the country saw Brotherhood candidates defeated by independent candidates. Worse, elections to the key Journalists’ Syndicate saw the victory of Diaa Rashwan, head of Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic studies and bitter opponent of the Brotherhood.
In other words the movement is losing both the youth and the elites.
Yet the regime plods on as if unaware of the fact that times have changed and that people are no longer afraid to take to the streets to fight for the future of their country.
On the contrary, Morsi is hard at work appointing as many of his men as he can everywhere, from national to regional and local positions supervising everything from public order to food distribution – such as it is – under his direct orders.
Clearly, he is here to stay.
Army no longer refusing Islamic candidates
In a new and startling development, he is now turning to the army. For the first time since Nasser ruled, the army academy is no longer refusing Islamic candidates.
Then of course there is the legislation. The lower house of parliament has been disbanded by the courts because of widespread electoral fraud, so Morsi gave temporary legislative powers to the upper house “Shura council.”
These powers were supposed to be used for urgent legislation; however taking advantage of the solid Islamic majority – 80 percent Muslim Brotherhood and Salafists – Morsi is pushing through laws organizing the next elections, restraining the right to strike and to demonstrate; in the wings are stringent laws regulating NGOs – including a special provision legalizing the Brotherhood – a movement banned by Nasser. This was needed because the advisory board of the High Administrative Court had declared the movement illegal and recommended that it be disbanded.
Within two days of the ruling a new law had been drafted and is now awaiting the verdict of the High Constitutional Court. The problem is that the Brotherhood has since its inception refused to divulge the list of its members and the origin of its funds – two requirements for registering a movement.
While feminist organizations are demonstrating against repeated violence against women and fatwas encouraging such violence, the Brotherhood posted on its official website a condemnation of the recent UN resolution on the rights of women “because it is in violation of the Shari’a.”
Currency shortage threatens petrol, food imports
Strangely enough, while the level of violence in the streets is steadily rising, the president has nothing to say.
It is as if the Brotherhood had adopted the motto “least said, soonest mended” and had decided to keep a low profile in the hope of seeing the protests die a natural death as protesters get tired or lose hope.
Yet there is no sign of it happening anytime soon. In the wake of the last round of violence around the Brotherhood’s Cairo headquarters, Morsi did warn that if “hooliganism” did not stop, harsh measures would be taken. His warning only added fuel to the fire, resulting in new clashes and more wounded.
In the meantime, currency reserves are bleeding, there may be soon not enough money to pay for imports of petrol and basic food supplies.
Subsidizing these items accounts for 25 percent of the country’s budget. Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Libya did extend substantial help, but it all went to subsidies and imports. None of the long overdue economic reforms have been launched. Without these reforms the International Monetary Fund is withholding the $4.8 billion loan Egypt desperately needs; there is also the small problem of the interest to be paid; Islamic circles are vehemently opposing any form of interest, which they said is prohibited by Shari’a law.
Unless and until a solution is found, Western countries will not lend any money to Egypt.
Power failures are getting more frequent, queues for petrol and cooking gas longer and food is scarce.
Investors have fled, tourists are scared. Hunger riots may not be far off. Yet the Brotherhood surges blindly on, not ready to let go of the golden prize achieved after nearly a century. And so the standoff goes on between the regime and the opposition, while quicksand threatens to engulf them all.
The writer, a fellow of The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, is a former ambassador to Romania, Egypt and Sweden.
Felix Quigley Said:
you are the dishonest one because you keep avoiding the same simple straigtforwrd question as follow:
Bernard Ross Said:
I submit that you avoid answering the questions because your answer, in writing, would be obviously ludicrous to all. Perhaps you are confusing blog posting with war and global ideological conflicts: defending and attacking with other blog posters as opposed to sending Israeli troops to fight and die in a war to protect and maintain jew killers.
To be clear and to avoid any misunderstanding or obfuscation, I understand you to be be advising the following to Israel.
Felix Quigley Said:
Felix, call Bernard anything you wish, but not dishonest: he always speaks his mind, he is not evading, he is not lying. And the “pathetic” you threw at him is asking for a fight. Don’t we have enough anti-Semites to pick a fight with? Do we have to fight with each other? There’s always Curious American around, if you feel like discharging. 😛
That is truly pathetic. That is the method of the blogger and not an honest person.
You pick out a Word or a phrase and try to make hay with that, while neglecting the whole.
Repeat i find it difficult to explain because the situation is extremely difficult. But my explanation IS there.
But in reality you are taking the exact same position that Yamit82 took in January 2011 in relation to Mubarak, he refused to defend Mubarak THUS AIDING THE MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD
So THAT is your position on Assad. Let it just rest there. I am satisfied. Time will prove me right. Plus Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer agree with me. Their position is NOT the same as McCarthy.
Bernard i got moderated again
Bernard Ross Said:
No, no, it was the same discussion we were in, just a new comment showed up – which, by the way, i misinterpreted as irony but the guy was speaking for real, he was not anti-Israel. I realized it after i had already posted 4 big replies, and then wrote a fifth one acknowledging my mistake and telling him that i would add an edit to each of my replies that acknowledges that he meant literally what he said and not ironically.
In the DT i just go whenever Dr Landes writes something (only once did i go in an article not written by him).
I think i will end up either in the Guardian (huge audience), or the NYT (i don’t know if the audience in the comment section is big, though).
The Guardian has lots of commenters in Israel-related articles, usually exceeding thousand comments, but the NYT makes more sense to comment in, because after all it is the American public opinion that Israel needs on her side. Then again, maybe i should be going for the DT. I don’t know, any advice welcome.
It’s cool to be commenting together with people you know, there are things to talk about afterwards. It’s boring to comment alone.
@ dionissis mitropoulos: i thought you were inviting posters to attend a new discussion re corrie on DT
Bernard Ross Said:
I would have gladly urinated on the Russian. Anyway, we won the argument, it was a successful expedition, anyone reading/attending the discussion must have been left with the impression that the pro-Israel arguments were true and that the ant-Israel crowd were just spouting drivel.
We are cognitive-war buddies now, Bernard!
Bernard Ross Said:
You mean the second link that i posted here? That was an israpundit link. Or do you mean that i shouldn’t have posted here the link to the DT in my first comment in this thread where i was inviting the israpundit audience to the DT?
Bernard Ross Said:
True, not even the US is to be trusted. But the Americans strike me as more trustworthy compared to the Chinese. I don’t know, maybe it’s just the fact that i like the US that is speaking.
@ dionissis mitropoulos: you never put the DT link, I doubt i could spend time dealing with the ignorance and anti semitism on those sites. My usual reaction is to urinate upon them.
dionissis mitropoulos Said:
“Trust” is neither a necessary or likely, component of many political, diplomatic and military relationships. Do Israel and the US “trust” each other?
Bernard Ross Said:
But they are very nationalist, nationalist to the point of imperialism, and they also have no problem backing a regime such as the North Korean. I wouldn’t trust them.
Do your reading and come to the Daily Telegraph (DT), please. The comment that someone made about Rachel Corrie and her alleged rape in the DT should not be let unanswered!
dionissis mitropoulos Said:
I read the opposite re he chinese: that they have an interest in the Jews more than Israel . That they have 10 universites with jewish and hebrew studies. There was an interesting TOI article today re a book translation, which spoke to this interest. I dont know about India becuase they must placate a huge muslim population. I think China has some real possibilities but they are pragmatic. Certainly their stature and influence is growing and good relations would be helpful I note that China is not having many global problems and conflicts like US and west. I sometimes wonder in that this scenario keeps the US busy while China grow quietly from strength to strength. The Chines are good at copying things and mass production the Israelis are good at creativity.
yamit82 Said:
That’s why i stay completely non-committal on the subject of Syria.
bernard, i got moderated in my reply
Bernard Ross Said:
yes, that i know. I just want them to be exposed at the potential audience.
Bernard Ross Said:
yes, i could tell.
Bernard Ross Said:
Nope! It’s good for me, i want to be exposed to as many as possible distinct anti-Semitic personalities and arguments so that i will know how to deal with them more effectively.
Bernard Ross Said:
I’ll go for metaphorically only!!!
we can demolish both the person and the argument at the same time. I loathe to leave an anti_Israel falsity stand unchallenged. Of course, the cost/benefit analysis (time spent and energy consumed versus a good result) must take into account how many people will actually read the comments. Anyway, for the time being i consider myself to be training in pro-Israel advocacy. When i find out what exactly is the “battlefield” that excites me the most (and in which i will be more effective, for precisely this reason) i will become more selective in my hasbara efforts – including the choice of opponents and the way to deal with them.
Bernard Ross Said:
I agree. But good advocacy cannot hurt, it might even come handy sometime.
Bernard Ross Said:
I FULLY agree.Bernard Ross Said:
Agreed, except that i still maintain hopes for England – maybe irrational hopes, due to the fact that i really came to love this country when i went there for studies.Bernard Ross Said:
I hear that both the Chinese and the Indians are anti-Semitic, too.
dionissis mitropoulos Said:
I tried Griego, but could not figue out how to login.
Felix Quigley Said:
be more specific: what actions should Israel take to defend assad and how will that affect Israels position re hezbullah?
Felix Quigley Said:
If you have difficulty explaining your political position then how does it follow that I have serious problems of perspective?
You may be right but you have not explained why.
How is Israel’s interest served by following your advice?
Felix Quigley Said:
because the sunni “clerical fascist” axis wants them weakened (and there is always Iran’s oil.)
Felix Quigley Said:
You have not taken into account the sunni arab axis of Saudi/Qatar/GCC conflict with the Shia(allawite)/Iran/Syria/hezbullah axis. You have also not noticed or accounted for the Turkish-Kurdish cease-fire, or the Qatari involvement in the hamas ceasefie as well as syria.
Felix Quigley Said:
Actually Iran is already under attack with sabotage and cyberwar. I did not say attack, I said weaken or depose. The trend appears to be towards internal destabilization firstde-fanging Iran’s proxies and then possibly using the internal Iran Kurds/arabs/opposition along with external kurds, sunni mercenaries, sabotage, cyberwar. The US approach may be to avoid an attack at least until the mullahs are weakened or not at all. If we see moves to weaken hezbullah in lebanon then that is a further indicator of the defanging and preparations. What do you see as the next step which will indicate that it will stop at Syria and not move to Iran?
I am not a military strategist unlike you however your advice appears to have not raison d’etre; perhaps you should explain more clearly and more exactly the reason for your advice that Israel attack the syrian rebels.
Felix Quigley Said:
If you read my posts I am saying there is and has been a US/saudi/jihadi alliance going back to at least the 1980’s and that it is in play here. However, your suggestion for the action that Israel should take in this situation make no sense. Both sides want to kill the Jews yet you advise Israel to spend blood, treasure, lives to defend one side who has actually been the most threatening of the last few years. You are advising Israel to aid the Iran, Syria Hexbullah alliance who is building up rockets in Lebanon to kill jews. I can only say: HUH??? However, the same is true for the opposition who you call the clerical fascists. Israel is in danger whichever side wins. The best situation for Israel is for both sides to kill and weaken as many as the other as possible so that when it is over whichever side wins is weaker than yesterday. The fact is that Israel’s strategy of sitting on the fence is EXACTLY the correct strategy for israels interests. Furthermore, if the US is allied with the clerical fascists as you say, then why would Israel fight against US interests when Israel seeks US aid against Iran, who supports Assad. Whose interest would your advice be serving?
However, perhaps it is not isr
reply to dionissis in moderation
dionissis mitropoulos Said:
you are assuming a format of honest people in honest debate. That is not what is goiing on. You cannot convince them because the arguments are secondary to their goals. If they lose one argument they wil move on to the next. you cannot take theirr arguments seriously as their goal is pre determined and not conditional on the arguments. If you discredit the arguments they will srill hate the jews. the one frank will post a zillion links from spurious sources, like shacalnur, and tie your energy up in researching and arguing against them. The one frank is a rabid nazi who would love to round up all the jews for execution. Refuting his arguments is counter productive and a drain of energy. It is the person rather than the argument who needs to be destroyed, metaphorically or literally if possible. His arguments are to convince the ones who can be manipulated using the Goebbels principle. The europeans have already bought into these argument enthusiastically. Rational thought has nothing to do with it. Once so many europeans have decided to kill the jews again, evenif they do not yet realize their own pathology, it is only a matter of time. The savior of the jew will not be reasonable argument. The power to inflict harm on his adversary is the only way. The jew finds it difficult to adopt ruthless and merciless strategies. Frankly, I believe that europe is finished for jews, and perhaps for itself too. I would advise Israel and the Jews to seek to form relationships with those nations who have had the least influence of christianity and Islam as old habits die hard.
Bernard Ross Said:
I am interested in exposing both their lies and their psychology that makes them lie. They can’t keep evading forever the contradiction that they are in, namely that they pretend to care for the pals but they do not want to discuss anything that hinges on what are the obstacles to peace, because if they did so they would have to admit that it is the pali intransigence that is the obstacle.
@ Felix Quigley:
Felix Quigley Said:
It wasn’t me who said that the Jews collaborated with the Nazis, it was the dickhead anti-Semite that i was talking to that said so. Not having time to check exactly what he was referrirng to, i told him that there is still a moral difference between the Palestinian collaboration with the Nazis, which was a collaboration intended at killing people, and the alleged zionist “collaboration” ( i had put it in quotes, if you noticed) with the Nazis, which was intended to save the Jewish hostages that the were in Nazi Germany.
Hey, come and give a hand, i don’t have the time to tackle their lies all by myself.
Felix Quigley Said:
WHAT Exactly DO YOU CLAIM I DISTORTED? If you persist in calling me a liar at least back it up with examples.
You said I, a victim of being ethnically cleansed from my home was responsible for my own eviction. That Felix is blaming the victim for his own victimization. If I being candid accepted any culpability it would be in that I naively believed my government when they encouraged us to move to Yamit. I know you did not mean that, so you had better be clearer when you make baseless accusations and not just against me.
I called Bland a Jew hater from his first posted comments on Israpundit and I stand by that accusation. It was not for nothing he was banned twice from this site and Ted is as LIBERAL a moderator as you will find on the internet. If you can recall any comment of mine where I called some one an “antisemite” or “Jew hater” and you believe me to be in error: A- Why did you not speak out in that persons favor at the time and B- who are those persons besides yourself and Bland?
Again I stand by my previous opinions of both You and Bland if there are more,(and there were) again name them.
You political position is Mostly anti America/British because America is still the greatest impediment in your Bizzaro mind blocking the advancement of commies like you from gaining any foothold anywhere. The second major impediment is Religious Islam there too you have no chance of success. Between the two you see your ideological dream going up in smoke. Even when the American and global economic systems collapse and they seem to be headed that way, you commies will still not be an acceptable alternative.
The western economies since the 1950’s have been on a gradual slide into Fascism, not your undefined concepts of fascism but Global Corporate hegemonic elites (the merger of State and Corporate interests). The mundane system of governance is not critical because they will all be controlled by the Corporate elites. Islam left to their own devices will consume themselves but in the interim they useful for Western rulers.
Whether Assad stays in power or Muslim radicals take power no one can say with any certainty which in the end will better for Israel. If you say you can then you are either stupid or a LIAR.
I admit I have difficulty following everything, so I missed some, therefore I go back to comment 42 of Bernard
“Are you saying that Israel should help the syrian rebels who want to kill the jews or that israel should aid Assads side who want to kill the jews? Or are you sayng that one side wants to kill the jews less than the other side and that Israel should help that side?
It might be that the deposition of Syria has to tdo with the weakening and/or deposition of the ayatollahs. In this case Israel would likely have been told that if they want to see Iran deposed then they must not hinder the current plan of action designed to lead there.
RE deposing of Assad by the west: what is the reason you see for this deposition?”
My political position is difficult to explain BECAUSE THE POLITICAL SITUATION IS COMPLEX but it is logical and is rooted in history but it is a part of history that Jews have been kept well away from. Later on that. Or this will be too long for a blog.
You have serious problems of perspective. Francisco Gil White is much closer to the truth of the world and you should read him and Jared Israel seriously.
Many of these issues of Arab Spring have been already covered in Yugoslavia in the 90s.
Everything points to the world moving into Fascism. This is determined in the end by insoluble economic crisis in the capitalist system WORLDWIDE (note that word Yamit82)
This is where precisely I have went further than Gil White.
The US system and the EU system need the Muslim Brotherhood as allies, and in that regard why not the Clerical Fascists of Iran also.
So I rule out completely your suggestion that these elites are attacking Assad in order to destroy that Clerical Fascism in Iran.
And indeed the whole empirical evidence shows that US is not going to attack Iran in any way.
So why are they attacking Assad?
Answer because of the deep Alliance of the West with Clerical Islamic Fascism, in other words with the Arab Spring.
In those conditions you either defend Assad, or you aid the attackers of Assad.
It often happens in politics that there is no alternative try as you might. No fence to sit on.
You Bernard try all the time to find a fence.
Two things to say to Yamit82 who is truly a liar. He knows my position. Yet distorts.
I have said repeatedly that Israel should never for a moment lower its guard against Assad. Yamit ignores that. Lies about my position.
Also there is now situation where Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller are EFFECTIVELY defending Assad against the Clerical Fascist Jihad. I am no longer alone at all.
Yamit82 beware of calling people “antisemites”. You did this with Blandoatmeal and many others.
On Yamit Sinai I do not blame the victims. I question your political positions then because I see how bankrupt you are in the present, and the lies you tell rather than discussing honestly.
People can talk all they like about all sorts of things but Syria is the key and central issue. Assad is not yet defeated.
Yes the Jews “collaborated” with the Nazis, in the way that a condemned man “collaborates” with his hangman
Ever since the Muftí Husseini visit to meet with Hitler in November 1941 the hangmen were the Arabs AND the Nazis. The Jews were scrambling to save what they could.
It is not THAT easy to answer. It is necessary to know this history intimately.
I will be discussing this in more detail as time goes on but people must want to discuss, and the history books must be opened and without censorship of any kind.
@ dionissis mitropoulos: frank the wanker? I wouldn’t spend much time dealing with his narratives, he’s got mental problems which are easier to attack. he is not there for the issues.
@ Bernard Ross:
someone just showed up responding to my allegations of Palestinian collaboration with the Nazis by citing zionist collaboration with the Nazis. Shit, i have to start reading the history now.
dionissis mitropoulos Said:
I was sometimes verbose and sometimes very rudely insulting to those who were trolls(putinov and lizharris), however, they are not worth the effort and are extremely ignorant. no name please. RE the “outing”, I was making a joke. Jew baiters and trolls are fair game for ridicule and insult with some facts to put salt in the wound. The sort of jew baiter they have there are clueless. I dont think there identies are real, at least liz harris
@ dionissis mitropoulos:
Loose lips sink ships,sugar pie!!!!!!!!!!!!
@ dionissis mitropoulos:
Sweetie pie, can the godesses and I teased him.
@ Bernard Ross:
I was wondering whether you had come! Don’t tell me your name, i’ll try to guess by rereading some of the comments!
@ Bernard Ross:
he had already spoken in a way that made it clear that he had commented, it wasn’t me who outed him! And if it was a serious issue and he wanted to advise me privately, i guess he would ask the administrator to send me an email, instead of responding to my first comment (the one with the emoticons)which did not implicate him at all.
dionissis mitropoulos Said:
I have been insulting putinov along with liz according to your instructions but they appear ot have stopped whining back to me 🙂
@ Honey Bee:
just come, and kill him any way you like, it will be fun anyhow.
dionissis mitropoulos Said:
you just outed him 🙂
dionissis mitropoulos Said:
@ dionissis mitropoulos:
You guys the ultimate insult! Now being a Bee sweetie darlin,honey pie,kissy face, baby love, I just kiill them kindness.
@ Honey Bee:
Honey Bee, there is a Russian anti-Semite commenter in the debate in the Daily Telegraph who has come just to bait Jews, he is not interested in the debate. Can you come to insult him? Maybe tell him things about him being probably impotent or whatever else you think appropriate to tell him? Even if he doesn’t leave, we’ll have a good laugh.
@ yamit82:
@ dionissis mitropoulos:
You two “Gentlemen” have more problems with the Ladies. “Candy is Dandy,but Liquior is Quicker”.