CIJR presents “Truth from Fiction: Judea and Samaria and the Jewish History of Area C”

Join Naomi Linder Kahn, Director of the International Division at Regavim, as she debunks the myths and establishes the facts of this hotly contested and vastly misunderstood part of Israel.

December 18, 2022 | 3 Comments »

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  1. Naomi Linda Kahn does a masterful presentation of the shameful betrayal of Judea and Samaria by successive Israeli governments.

    In one respect, however, she misses the point I have made dealing with the description of the Jewish communities in J&S.

    How odd that every Arab community in Judea and Samaria are always dignified with the term, “villages,’ a word that in the implies long and in what a hostile world continues to call the ‘West Bank’, especially those which trace their origins back only to the late 19th and early 20th centuries when Arabs from the surrounding stagnant territories illegally flooded in during the British Mandate era, are automatically called villages.

    Yet Jewish communities, on the other hand, whose origins can be traced back to ancient Biblical times, are still dishonored with the insulting term,“settlements.” In the English language the word “settlement” denotes a “colony.”

    This is both rank anti-Semitism and anti-Israel hatred and why lovers of Zion should avoid using the pejorative term, “settlements.”

  2. Very powerful display of what has been going on in Judea and Samaria over the years in which Israeli leadership has failed the Jewish people in our ancient homeland. From ’67 til today, we have had the right and ability to do what has always been in the interest of the Jewish people to do, namely to claim as ours what is so clearly ours to claim. Judea and Samaria is our land, it was ours in ancient times, it is ours today. The only claims by the Arabs to their expanding encroachment on our land has been due to Israel’s reluctance to exercise her sovereignty in her own homeland. This current govt has received a mandate to finally resolve this matter, and they must not disappoint us in our expectations for them to do so.