By Rabbi Spero, Conference of Jewish Affairs
Today’s murderous rampage against our soldiers at Naval Air Station Pensacola was perpetrated by a foreign national from one of the Islamic countries in the Middle East. Unfortunately, this is not a surprise; for this has happened repeatedly now on numerous military bases here: Fort Hood; Little Rock, Arkansas; Tennessee; and recruitment centers; and let’s not forget 9/11 itself. The killings come from the same
source and ideology.
Certain law enforcement officials, so as not to frighten the public or because they wish to be politically correct, are too often "searching" for the motive behind the terrorism. Will we be told yet again that the perpetrator was “mentally disturbed” or “an angry person?” Be it terrorism or “mentally disturbed”, the effect is the same: dead Americans. Perhaps we should review our open door from those countries sending us so many “angry” people.
Higher-ups in official government circles may pretend not to know the motivation behind these attacks, but the American people and all reasonable and sane people in the West know that it is due to an ideology, an ideology against the West, against Christianity, against Israel, and against America…against the infidel.
President Trump was correct in the beginning months of his Administration to place a halt on immigration from those countries that teach, whose religion teaches, a hate and a call to jihad. He sees his job, rightly so, as protecting the American people. We call that concept “America first”; It is basic and common sense…and moral.
There are many liberals who seem to prioritize the sensitivity of the community spawning all this murder as more important than the families and the lives of the American individuals killed in these rampages. Perhaps most liberals and their children are not residents of the military bases across the country.
The issue can no longer be about sensitivity, rather our lives and safety. America does not need to prove that it is not “racist”; nor does it need to prove that it is not “;Islamophobic”; Liberals are obsessed by proving our innocence and do so by choosing political correctness over the safety and lives of the American people and our national security. They are unduly influencing the decisions in this country,
doing so for their virtue signaling as opposed to the protection of the American people. They also seek a radical demographic change in the makeup of America.
It is high time that we begin framing these issues under the more vital category of saving lives. We should tell liberals to find a good psychologist to work on their guilt, virtue signaling, and disdain for the American way of life. We, as Americans, should decide based on common sense. This is the only way to frame these issues.
Rabi Spero: You are correct. I wish to step into another world momentairily ! have read that Islam is followed by 3 + billion people (?) These people are what nationality? Are Muslims a people or a nationality? Question answered or not, my project would be to spend 1400 years disposing of 3 + billion problems.
A well known being asked a friend to build a large boat to aid in removing all evil from earth. That project failed, so my project is unlikely to succeed.