Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,628 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7628 Comments

  1. BTW Honeybee, we have a friend descended from a “Kaufman Coney”, of NAWlins, who was a blockade runner for the CSA (Most Jewish immigrants from that era settled in the South). Since he was from Polish Prussia, and the name “Kaufman” was only likely used as a first name by Jews, the “Coney” part of it was probably for “Cohen”. He saved the life of the Mexican dictator Diaz, through their mutual Freemason connections, and was made Ambassador to San Francisco.

    Of course, that was Levi Straus’s bailiwick, and he was the pioneer of bluejeans. Over the years, though, their products have gone downhill. For tall men, they seem to take the pattern for someone who’s 5’6″ and just lengthen the legs. I never could wear them (not enough room in those parts) — wore Army Surplus and Carhartts instead.

  2. Hello, Honeybee (and Edgar).

    Michael Edgar and I are turning you into a “full-blown” MAGA Texan. So you can completely intimidate your Liberal neighbors.

    Thank you for the good intentions 🙂 , but I will have to forego the longhorns on the pickup, etc. We have limited garage space and street parking. There are plenty of pickup trucks in the county, some of them owned by our friends (especially the horse owners); but unless someone needs to haul manure or ATVs, etc., pickups are not very useful in this relatively high-crime area. Seven-seaters are more practical.

    Also, neither of us want to intimidate our neighbors. If we wanted to do that, we would be Democrats! Besides outright corruption and cheating, the leftoids hold their victims in their grasp mainly by terror — terror of COVID and the Unmasked, terror of the Orangebogeyman, terror of monkeypox, turtlepox and kewpiedoll pox; and now, hot off the press, terror of ultramaga pox, of cohorts of MAGA zombies coming out at night, crying, Woke brains! Woke brains! These neighbors and friends of ours are already scared out of their wits. We don’t want to hurt them more than they’ve already hurt themselves. Wokies need love too!

    Again, thanks to both of you for your thoughts.

  3. Egar Cowboy do not wear Levis. They wear Wrangler jeans designed by a Jewish tailor for horseback riders. My father was the lawyer for the man who designed the iconic Cowboy Shirt.

  4. Michael Edgar and I are turning you into a “full-blown” MAGA Texan. So you can completely intimidate your Liberal neighbors.

  5. Edgar Great idea, we will have Michael and better half full-blown Texans. Their neighbor will be in awe. He will put the phony liberal [ Martha’s Vineyard” to shame.

  6. Ketzel2

    Thank you very much for the correction.. I only looked at the photo and
    assumed that it was a “made-up” Glick, So it was my error. I never read Glick any more. I just read that the lady has muscular dystrophy and about 10-12 years younger..

    And I think she DOES look a lot like Glick, although I’m not excusing myself,


    Uncomplicated is a good description. (today’s rustlers use trucks too) Yet… old, pot bellied, levi garbed, plug chewing, spectacled “cowboy” staggering around under the weight of a 10 galloner. And mustn’t forget the wide leather belt with the Colt’s 1873 Model buckle. Nor “the makings” with the tab dangling from the shirt pocket….. Hard to imagine….!!

    But the truck with say 7ft. horns would cap his political leanings with no doubt. . Stickers are childish.

    So, when a great man once asked…”what the hell are we talking about”‘.. I had to answd,,,,,,”nothing muchr,…..!!

  8. Edgar, then you should appreciate my suggestion that Michael purchases a pickup and places longhorns as decorations.
    I would not say that cowboy life is simple, rather it’s uncomplicated.


    Echoing Honeybee- “Quelle Brave”… Why not go “the whole hog” (no pun) and get your car horn changed to instead of “tooting” (no pun) you could be “TERRUMPING”…???
    I recall that the old TERRAPLANE Auto , a great car, had a klaxon like this. You could hear it from a mile away.

    Oh yes, also get bulleteproof windows.

  10. HAS anyone seen the Israel Hayom picture today of Caroline Glick, (made-up to look 20 years younger) sitting in what seems to be a wheelchair.

    It has “handles” so what else could it be,,??

  11. @Honeybee-

    Not meant, was just intimating that I’d been reading W.C. Tuttle, Oliver Strange, William MacLoud Raine, Clarence Mulford, And the “king” Max Brand, since I was about 5 years old. And many others. I was/am a voracious reader, even read all the adverts, maybe 30-40 pages of them on the backs of Pulp Magazines, although they were all the same weekly. The back cover was always Charles Atlas..

    I’ve recently re read all Louis L’amour, All 127 books. At least 1/3 of every book has the same tired crap, pseudo-historical, a song-and-dance he did regularly as a filler. In his old Pulp days the publishers paid 1/2 cent a word, so being an expert “filler”, was an asset. Much of his assertions were untrue, or highly “enlarged”. (including his”record” as a boxer.)
    My beloved late father used to read Westerns regularly. He said they were so simple they relaxed his brain, after a hard day. I became expert, at sneaking into the bedroom and extracting a book, invariably Western, from under his pillow.. My goodness, so long ago.

  12. Hi, Honeybee.

    Time to buy pillows

    My wife and I already have some My Pillow (TM) pillows; and we definitely have made a political statement by buying the latest books by Naomi Wolf and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. My car also sports the bumber stickers “DON’T BLAME ME — I VOTED FOR TRUMP”, “LET’S GO BRANDEN” and (with a picture of a smiling, waving Donald J. Trump) “MISS ME YET?”

    Considering that we live in an ultra-Progressive section of a very “woke” community, that’s enough to get one targeted by neighbors, the FBI and the CIA; but we sleep comfortably anyway at night, thanks to Mike Lindell’s pillows.

  13. supreme-court-says-orthodox-jewish-university-must-recognize-lgbtq student group

    Hi, Ted

    I assume you don’t approve of the position of SCOTUS. The State of New York has mandated what religious doctrine a religious congregation (effectively, a “church”) is allowed to teach. That does violate what most people would consider “separation of church and state”‘ although technically, there is nothing in the US Constitution that rejects the establishment of a religion by a state.

    Christian churches and colleges, I imagine, are also forbidden by the State of New York from keeping pro-LGBT+ and other blasphemous groups from defiling them. It’s a disgusting ruling, clearly intended to blaspheme the Bible; but sadly, “What else is new nowadays?”

  14. Balad splits from Joint list in last minute before final lists are finalized. Should either Balad or the Joint List not make the minimum threshold, or an even better scenario should they both fail to do so, it will further strengthen the hand of the Right in forming a govt. The breakup of the Arab parties will, however, make it easier for Gantz and Lapid to push for the Joint List to join their coalition, should they make it past the threshold.

    Joint List breakup deepens Lapid’s nightmare of anti-Netanyahu votes going to waste

  15. Edgar G: You have taken me to the verbal wood shed. Yes, roper heels prevent one’s foot from slipping tru the stirrups. Talc powder is useful for Cowboy boots. Tapaderos are a nuisance and only for a show especially if one is a Conquistador. The first Jews to enter Texas were in fact Conquistadors escaping the Spanish Inquisition.
    An antique Stetson in the original box is a treasure I love a man in a hat, hides their balding heads.
    My Father thought that Mason was a “professional Jew”. I am his obedient daughter so I agree.

  16. As long as you like Jews and Israel, without trying to convert us, and without double talk about also supporting our enemies,
    I don’t care if you think the bible is a recipe for cheese cake! 😀

  17. @HONEYBEE-

    A 42 year study of over 250,000 women on whether talcum powder contributes to ovarian cancer, was found to be negative. The study ended in 2017. It was the same for talc miners. No verifiable connection.

    And…I didn’t even hint that I wore cowboy boots, SO STOP IMAGINING….. My understanding was that the high heels were more to safeguard a working cowboy preventing his foot from slipping through the stirrup and being unable to extricate his foot in case of a runaway. Originally that is. The roping and bulldogging advantage are just extra. Just a good, all round idea..
    For some reason tapaderos were not all that popular.

    Side note; I DO have a Stetson, ,bought at auction about 40 years ago still in original packaging. Looks like a 5 gal made of felt.. Also have a genuine Panama hat (Charlie Chan style) bought in Panama, by my son. I NEVER wear a hat.

    What I suggest Honey-girl is that you discuss with Myron your sound reason, and he’ll likely change it. Just because your father disliked Jackie is no reason why you shouldn’t watch him-that is if you like him. He’s all over the Video scene.

    What I like about him if that he was able t take very commonplace situations, and make them hilarious. And he wrote his stuff himself.
    Another comedian I liked who was in “.Car 54 Where Yre you”, was neither of the stars, Ross or Gwynne, but the guy who played Schnauzer, Al Lewis. He was hilarious. But he was lousy in the spin-off Dracula Drek. (they all were).

  18. Hendel announces will not run in next election
    Hendel will have to snipe from the bleachers in this round as he finally realizes that nobody is buying his rebranding of anybody but Bibi. His toxic rants against the Right, borrowed from his Leftist allies, will not be missed. Perhaps when he next throws his hat in the ring he can focus upon the harms that have been perpetrated by his current partners, Lapid and even more importantly, Gantz.

  19. Edgar G I am trying, desperately, to imagine you in Cowboy boots. High heel boots are called “roper or doggin heels” made for digging one’s heel into the ground. They are rarely used for “walking round: Cowboys call them “walking heels”.
    As for talcum powder, it causes cancer.
    Loved Myron Cohen, but my Father disliked Jackie Mason intensely and therefore we never watched him.

  20. @honeybee-

    Nope…cowboy is NG . I don’t have bandy legs.and cannot even totter around in high heeled boots.

    Reminds me of the Myron Cohen joke about the very knock kneed woman who went into Dallas department store and was greeted by the high heel booted cowboy attendants with theirr 10 gallon Stetsons.

    “In vand you should tell me ver iss de telkum padah”.”..”Certainly madam please walk this way” and he led off..”If I could valk det vay I vudent need the telkum padah”..

    Myron, my second best Jewish comedian after Jackie Msson. Interestingly both comedians began their careers after their entertained draper custoners (Myron) and his congregatiosn (Jackie) suggested that they would be better on the stage rather than selling draperies or officiationg at bar mitzvahs.

  21. Far-right lawmaker calls to outlaw Arab parties
    Bezalel Smotrich argues Arab legislators ‘first to lead the hostile discourse against Israel and against its right to exist’; Joint List’s Touma-Sliman hits back, labeling him ‘racist Jewish supremacist’
    i24NEWS |
    Published: 09.12.22, 23:08

    Hell, yes.

  22. @Honeybee-

    I thought perhaps you had., I myself haven’t, but felt it far enough removed from music, to be just a good name for a modern “band” …It has just the right kind of “elasticity”. I visualised empty oil drums, and cymbals made of old hubcaps etc.

    P.S. I’m more accustomed to be called “sweetheart’…. and none of your Sutherun Charm will work on me….!! Virginian or Georgian ,.., maybe?? but Texan…No.

  23. @HONEYBEE-

    Have you ever heard of a group called “Punkyard Junkyard”…????

    You know far more than I what’s going on in music. I’m a firm New Orleans Jazz supporter. Played it since age of about 15, and had a few Jazz bands, one was very popular locally and I actually made a living from it for 10 years. I like some swing too, and particularly Old Time Waltzes, like, for instance “Linke In The Ballroom” or “The Gay 90’s Selection”. The latter was orchestrated by a famous British Band called “The Savoy Orpheans”. They also did a very fine “Scottish Medley”. The modulations in both are perfection..

    AND let me not forget …Viennese Waltzes…Some are so beautiful..

  24. @HONEYBEE-

    I was at that time, shocked into a momentary void. . And I’d never heard anything by either of the two groups you mention. Just NOT my taste. I like MUSIC, not caterwauling, and discords, which are all modern groups seem to produce, along with impossibly sentimental simple drek. Contrasts in style but similar in quality ..So….

    WHAT HAVE YOU DONE FOR ME LATELY???….THAT is the question???

    You can do something now…if you will. Our friend Michael S, has gone off his never too steady rocker and retreated to his ad hominem attacks once more, and about what…who knows (and who cares_. But he is a friend and we should try to take care of him.

    I’m thankful that he is not frothing about bones sprouting from the ground. !!

    He’s splitting hairs, as usual to justify his nonsense. We call them “pinkas”. Of course having been a scientist once upon a time, and – presumably, objective in outlook, it having vanished shows much deterioration.

    Too Bad. Do your best.

  25. Edgar, in case you didn’t notice, (which, of course, you didn’t), I never said the silly posts were not on ChitChat. Have you lost your mind? Honeybee, please straighten the man out.

  26. Edgar G I sent you two pieces of music, one by ” Lynard Skynard”, and one by ” The Doors” . This was a few years ago.

  27. @MICHAEL-

    It IS on chit chat..or didn’t you notice?? I don’t get the reference to John McCormack, although it may mean something to someone?? Being at the time one of the very best in the world.

    Frankie Yankvich was a second rater…never reached the class of Borrah Minevitch. But, scientifically speaking, …where is the connection\…??

  28. Edgar, etc.

    Definitely Yul Brynner, etcetera, etcetera. — which, I suppose, includes Jon McCormack, Irish tenor, and Frankie Yankovic on accordion.

    This definitely belongs on ChitChat, if it belongs anywhere/

  29. @MICHAEL S.

    Mikey Lad What is an “Edgar etc.”??? Would it be the same as a “Michael etc.”…../?

    Was it Monty Wooley in “The Man Who Came To Dinner” who would dictate letters by just speaking a few words, and then finishing with “et cetera et cetera et cetera…..”?? I’m not sure of this. Maybe it was Yul Brynner in “Anna and the King of Siam”..

  30. Breakthrough antibody discovery could mean end to Covid vaccines
    Researchers in Israel find that antibodies from recovered Covid-19 patients can neutralize all known strains of the virus, including Delta and Omicron.”

    Article also says people who were vaccinated against smallpox at birth and are 50 years old probably still have some antibodies and are at least partly immunized against monkeypox.

  31. In 1956, Queen Lezzie knighted this benighted miscreant who organized and led the Jordanian “Arab Legion” to wipe out the 3fledgling Jewish State of Israel and exterminate the Jewish population in 1948.

    “Glubb Pasha: And We Will Fight You Jews To The Last American Dollar…”
    Pen-and-ink on card. Captioned, signed and dated by the artist. 4.5 x 9.5 inches. Framed.
    New Canaan, 1948: