Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,630 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7630 Comments

  1. @Edgar Well, Of course, it’s in the body of the article, and more than one or two. Do you only look at headlines? Headlines are often misleading. You can’t say anything intelligent based only on headlines. That’s intellectual laziness. And from a voracious and scholarly reader of print books, I expect more.


    I just damned well googled AGAIN for the unpty umpth time “Sid Olinsky cricket”, as you did, and AGAIN, it came up-with his picture_and the Wiki article of “Sid O’Linn.”, also the same in the highlight .NO mention of Olinsky, except in the body of the article, which certainly was not there a few days ago.

    How long are you prepared to flog this dead horse.

    I’ve given you a ton of info about the :kosher butcher O’Linn…look at the Jewish Chronicle account. …… The guy was NOT a Jew….His mother was a Futch reformed Church shiksa, A tough group. He was not raised Jewish. Likely never knew his father was a meshummad. .

  3. @SEB-

    Yes, I read all that,I googled the same and only “Sid O’Linn came up. I saw that photo too…An odd looking son-of-a-gun wasn’t he?. He was actually an opening bat.
    I just read a Jewish Chronicle article which said that his father and uncle both married 2 Dutch Reform Church girls, and when he was a baby THEY changed their name to O’Linn. That there was a vague rumour that they may have done it because of Anti-Semitism.

    There was another originally Jewish cricketer who converted to Catholicism, whose name was also not included in the “Jewish Sportsman” list.

    Believe it or not, even so, his father was a “kosher” butcher so it didn’t say much for the Jewish Community of that small town…….

    Helen Suzman was involved in politics from mid 1940s and later in Parliament, for the first 13 years the only member of her Party.. She was an observant Jew, very liberal, visited Mandela and other prominent black prisoners, many times on Robben Island, (She died about 2009 aged over 90.).
    I used to read about her. She never changed her name (until she married Suzman)…….

    So that explains why Sid O’Linn, is not included as Jewish on any of the Jewish sports lists I saw, and also why it says “born Sid O’linn”.

    All very confusing.

  4. @Edgar I just googled: Sid Olinsky Cricket. A lot of articles came up, even his photograph! Where did you look?

  5. @Edgar

    But I searched in vain for a “Sid Olinsky”… Nowhere to be found.

    Sid O’Linn
    [“born Sidney Olinsky into a Jewish family,[2] he was a left-hander who batted down the order. He was a member of the South African tour of England in 1960,[3] the first to be confronted by anti-apartheid demonstrations, and scored 98 (his highest in Tests) in six hours at Trent Bridge before being caught in the slips by Colin Cowdrey.[4]”…


    Another little bit of “news”. You will, no doubt be surprised, to hear that I just now looked at a WIKI report on “Sub-Saharan Jews”. In the Sth African section, I opened “Sporting figures”. There were many names I recognised going back to Okey Geffin, a famous Springboks Rugby player who came to Ireland, and to whom I was able to speak for a few minutes. Ilana Kloss was there. I saw her many times in Tennis Tournaments. I saw cricket players, nut alas…NO Sid Olinsky……

    But I searched in vain for a “Sid Olinsky”… Nowhere to be found.
    Except maybe in the “Forward”…._.

  7. @SEB-

    I just now saw that O’Linn was born Olinsky. No mention of having to change his name because of Anti-Semitism. And he was playing 1st class cricket already by age 18. His parents and extended family must have all been alive, and surely they were all not already “O’Linns”.

    ***Odd……I looked at the very same WIKI article, which highlights his name as “born”… “Sid O’linn”…NO mention of O’Linsky.

    Yet , in the body of the article, it mentions that he was from a Jewish family. S-T-R-A-N-G-E. When I looked at that VERY same article at least 3-4 times in the past couple of days, there was NO mention of any Jewish family.

    ALWAYS, the Wiki Highlight giving particulars of personal info will give the ORIGINAL name, after “born”…

    I just looked up a few who’d changed their names, and it is as I’ve described. For instance, Barney Barnato, world, shows
    “born…Barnet Isaacs”. David Ben Gurion…”born…David Grun”…
    Michael Caine….”born…. Michael Joseph Micklewhite”.

    I’ve looked up about 60 who changed their names and they all have their “born” names in the highlight.

    I even trust the original Wiki article that I saw, before a trash rag like “Forward”.

    I used to have it sent by post to me for a couple of years, delighted to have found an actually Jewish Newspaper. At one time it was.. And it was in English, weekly or maybe bi monthly can’t remember. Very long ago.. I still those copies tucked away somewhere. I’ve NEVER discarded printed matter.

    I even had a few letters in it, but when I saw the way their “editor” cut and mangled them making it completely garbled, and they didn’t answer my complaints, I stopped my subs. The last one was the limit. I sent a corrective “Letters to the Editor” pointing out a bad mistake written about a person I knew VERY well indeed all my life.

    In their article about the Jewish shopping section of Dublin they discussed “Mrs. Beila Erlich” who then was the only kosher butcher left. Of course, she was NEVER married.

    {{{{ The Erlich family were the very smallest of about 6 -7 kosher butchers at one time. but the Community dwindled to less than a 1000, and the butchers died out and their children -strangely all daughters- married, all in England.

    So it made a story. There were 3 Erlich children, as “plain” as anyone could possibly imagine. They had NO relatives. The 2 Erlich girls were in the shoplette, a tiny sliver partitioned off from next door. (about 40 sq ft). with their illiterate father, They were stunted, with VERY bowed legs. Myer, the son, was at school with me, and looked like the “missing link” with actually black teeth, I mentioned yesterday, poor fellow.

    Some years ago I posted about one of his escapades. He was totally uneducated, except in Yiddish. He got the habit of stealing cars and joyriding around. One night, he stole a car, and drove it to a Picture House, The “Stella” in Rathmines. When he came out, he found that the battery had been stolen. Very indignantly he reported it to THE POLICE, just a block away. After they got the whole story they arrested him. This shows his “sayechal”…

    At his trial the judge said (headline) “You’re a clever little monkey of a fellow”. and gave him a big fine and suspended 2 year sentence. The Community had to pay the fine, as the family was always “needy”.
    His main facial expression was always a :friendly grin”……

    In later years, he was in and out of prison in England, where his “piety” would get him a job as a Reader in a shool, and he’d manage to scarper off with some cash. He always came hack to Dublin…like a bad penny. In our failing Family shool, when we could no longer afford to pay a chazan, he actually did the davening for a few years, and my dear father paid him something..He was remarkably fluent in every aspect of davening although I don’t think he knew the Hebrew meaning of the words. }}}

    The WIKI “Forward History” does not bear this out, but I KNOW what I know. There was an English language edition long before it says in the WIKI blurb.

    SO……maybe a magic wand touched that O’Linn article…….??


  8. @Ted Would it be hard to install a laughing icon next to the like button?

    “Amnesty regrets ‘distress’ after report claiming Ukraine violated international law
    Rights group refuses to retract claim that Kyiv exposed civilians to danger by establishing bases in schools and hospitals, but stresses that it did not justify Russian aggression”

    Taking a cue from the Pals?

  9. @Edgar “An old friend and team-mate form Dublin Maccabi Cricket Club (Carlisle) became the Israeli Cricket Coach, where he must have done a good Job. His name was Lennie Keye. He had the most Beautiful and Correct strokes, mostly practiced at the wicket AFTER he was OUT, trying to find out which wrong stroke he’d played.(before he made that “extra-long” walk back to the pavilion)

    A great stylist who rarely made any kind of big score, but very
    occasionally did. A NICE guy.”’

    S: Any relation, you suppose?

    ” Key appointed new England managing director to get Test side back to top of rankings amid humiliating run”
    John Etheridge
    17:22, 17 Apr 2022Updated: 21:14, 17 Apr 2022

    “ROB KEY has vowed to help England back to the pinnacle of world cricket after being named new team supremo.

    ‘Former Kent captain Key was confirmed as managing director in succession to Ashley Giles, sacked after the Ashes shambles.”

  10. @Edgar “So you finally got that link open”

    S: Yes, in Safari; in Chrome it had told me I had run out of free articles when I tried to access it again.

    E: “ didn’t see any mention of the Goyisher Trueman, Fender or O’Lynn,”

    Article: “Historians of the game assert that the English cricketer Percy Fender was also restricted in his career because he was falsely suspected of being Jewish. In response, some Jewish players in England, South Africa, and elsewhere concealed their origins. Sydney Olinsky, a South African Jew, claimed to be an Irishman named Sid O’Linn.

    ‘Eventually, a certain exotic cachet became attached to Yiddishkeit. In his later years, a garrulous star named Fred Trueman, definitely non-Jewish according to his official biographer, fictitiously claimed to have Jewish roots.”


    So you finally got that link open… Why repeat it, I read it already. Much of the mention of cricket in it is a kind of philosophical choosing of cricket to typify normalcy…according to Goyish standards. Herzl knew as much about cricket as to put in his eye without it smarting, and only knew the name of the game and what it typified.

    I didn’t see any mention of the Goyisher Trueman, Fender or O’Lynn,

    Although Trueman, a very defiant character, renowned for stubbornness which even cost him his automatic place in Test Matches, once he found out about his maternal grandmother, wore a Magen David.

    Never having spoken of it before you could not have known that I actually played cricket for several years in Israel, A lively League, inspired mainly by Sth Africans, with whom I played, and Indians in Ashdod, where their “pitch” was mostly sand, littered with stones. When facing their fast bowler, the ball hit a stone, and became uncontrollable, hit my nose and broke it. That is a story in itself……

    I was brought to hospital. The doctor (in the Sabra style), cursorily stuck a piece pf plaster on one side attached to my cheek, “straightening” out my nose. I pointed out that it still was not straight. So he became more “careful’. He said the small air cavities below the eyes and etc, were crushed beyond repair, but I’d still be able to breathe..!!!

    In typical (Sabra) fashion he said, “you are already married, and have your children, so it doesn’t matter how you look”.

    I recall that Ashdod match very well because of the once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon that occurred. I’d had my nose broken before, also at cricket; (The Gentleman’s Game) but in Ashdod, I SAW the ball hit the stone, and rise erratically, Everything SLOWED DOWN ENORMOUSLY, I could see the ball slowly coming towards me, but was rooted on the spot (instead of ducking as usual). I saw the ball slowly turning in the air, so SLOWLY that I could clearly see the individual seam stitches on it, but could do nothing to avoid it , right onto my nose.

    Once in a lifetime is enough. !!

    STILL, no one has answered my original query serious interest in the game and knowledge about the importance and uniqueness of a “hat-trick”.

    And I don’t mean from looking it up in WIKI.

    An old friend and team-mate form Dublin Maccabi Cricket Club (Carlisle) became the Israeli Cricket Coach, where he must have done a good Job. His name was Lennie Keye. He had the most Beautiful and Correct strokes, mostly practiced at the wicket AFTER he was OUT, trying to find out which wrong stroke he’d played.(before he made that “extra-long” walk back to the pavilion)

    A great stylist who rarely made any kind of big score, but very
    occasionally did. A NICE guy.”

  12. @Edgar The article said that. Of interest:

    “…So in colonial India, privileged amateurs delighted in the Bombay Jewish Cricket Club. In South Africa and Australia, Jews were also drawn to cricket as an opportunity for otherwise sedentary intellectuals and others to maintain physical fitness.

    One such was London-born Israel Abrahams, author of “Jewish Life in the Middle Ages” and “Chapters on Jewish Literature.” Abrahams wrote about cricket for the Jews’ College Journal, published at a London rabbinical seminary.

    Yet his avocation caused friction when Abrahams was appointed to replace Solomon Schechter to teach Talmud and Rabbinic literature at Cambridge University. In February 1902, a missive from Schechter chided Abrahams for his extracurricular interest in cricket as a distraction, among other time-wasting Anglophilia: “You must excuse my frankness with you, but this is a Rabbinic Chair, and the first thing which will be required from you is not Hellenism or English history, but the exposition of Rabbinic texts.”

    Schechter’s disdain for cricket as trivial compared to Yiddishkeit was echoed by the father of Maurice Perlzweig, later an official of the World Jewish Congress. Perlzweig would recall that at a London school, he was taught to play cricket and football, which his father disapproved of as “rather barbaric forms of activity” that “took me away from serious things which I might have been doing.”

    Such fears did not preoccupy non-observant Jews such as Theodor Herzl, whose utopian novel “Altneuland” (1902) predicted that in future, young Jews would avoid ghetto pallor by playing cricket on idyllic green fields. Cricket was included by Herzl among competitive games that would be played “like the English [do]” in an ideal Jewish colony.

    Indeed, cricket pitches were constructed in pre-statehood Israel to make recent immigrants from South Africa, India, Australia and the United Kingdom feel more at home. The historian David Vital erred in claiming that “no one ever played cricket” in Palestine. In fact, settlers and British colonial officials, among them English Jews, were drawn to the sport. However, as in earlier years in Europe, when basic survival for inhabitants was at stake, focus on sport was necessarily intermittent.

    Nonetheless, in 1920s Mandatory Palestine, cricket was seen as a means for judging an individual’s inner merit. When [Norman Bentwich,] ( the British Mandate’s attorney-general, dropped a ball during a match, he worried that another participant, high commissioner Herbert Samuel, would hinder his civil service career thereafter out of pique.

    Meanwhile, in the diaspora, Jewish writers coping with a brutal century found equilibrium in cricket, even amateurs who played poorly like the English Jewish poet Siegfried Sassoon. From a wealthy family and hampered by shell shock from World War I military service, Sassoon wrote several odes to the sport.

    Likewise, during World War II, the game’s genteel aristocratic aura enticed such enthusiasts as Victor Rothschild, a Cambridge University zoologist and wartime maven in bomb disposal, disinformation and espionage.

    Cricket was also a balm for recently escaped refugees from Europe, as recounted in Robin Devries’ “My Mother Took Me to the Cricket” about a German Jewish family’s assimilation to Australian life.

    A 1939 photo in the State Library of New South Wales entitled “Jewish Cricket” shows spectators kvelling at a match played in Paddington, New South Wales, far from the hellish ordeals that European Jews were facing at the time.

    …This aura of safety, protection and belonging, was part of why cricket was important for English Jewish writers who grew up during and after the war, like the playwright Tom Stoppard. Of Czech Jewish origin, Stoppard used cricket to assimilate to English ideals, as propounded by his antisemitic stepfather.

    …Even more violently attached to the game was Harold Pinter, whose often-brutal public persona was certainly not tamed by its presumed refinement. Yet Pinter, who played the game ineptly according to friends, saw cricket as an “aspirational” game. His reveries about the sport are best seen in allusions in his play “No Man’s Land” the characters of which are named after past great players, and cricket matches dramatized in his screenplays for the films “Accident” and “The Go-Between.”..

    There’s a Jpost article by
    Zaki Cooper and Daniel Lightman QC are the co-authors of “Cricket Grounds from the Air”.
    Which also mentions:

    “Long before the emergence of the State of Israel, the possibility of cricket in a Jewish state was visualized by Theodor Herzl who, in his book Altneuland, painted a picture of Jews playing cricket on the green fields of the promised land.”


    I’ve made Michael “mad” lots of times, he doesn’t mind, it allows him to exercise his very capable Bible knowledge, he and I both know that he is not Anti-Semitic, which he was accused of, but exactly the reverse, a genuine supporter of the Jewish State.

    I just tried that link again, had no trouble opening it. Maybe , just for you, it’s “The Missing Link”….


    Percy Fender (not a Jew) and Freddie Trueman (also not a Jew but his grandmother was-but…she obviously “married OUT”, so how much of a Jew was she…?) were very well known Test Cricketers, especially Trueman. who was one of the greatest fast bowlers in cricket history. Fender was a pre-War player and Trueman a post War speed demon.

    When I said “half”, I meant that I regarded the article as rather less than serious, verging towards derisiveness. I’m sure you already knew that I didn’t mean that I like half and disliked the other half, One of your “tongue-in-cheek” comments.

    I’m surprised that you can’t access it. I had no difficulty, and I know nothing about computers except to press the cursor over the link.

    I just looked up “Sean O’Linn and find he actually existed as Sid O’Linn, a Sth African top class cricketer who played a few tests, also a professional soccer player for Charlton Athletic in England.

    But not a peep about him being a Jew named Olynsky. I think the writer was using his imagination. In the 1960s in Sth Africa there was NO reason for anyone to hide his Jewishness. There was a big, influential Jewish Population and much of the industry was formed by Jews.

    Barney Barnato (real name Isaacs) was a son of a London second hand clothes dealer. I used to read about him in the Jewish Chronicle, but mainly about the string of Barney Barnato Childrens’ Homes. We used to have a “pushka” like the one we also had for the JNF.

    Only much later did I find that he was an original De Beers owner, and sold out to Cecil Rhotes for multi- millions, then went into gold mining and made another few dozens of millions. A striking story, it seems he died in an unexplained “accident” at sea..

  15. @Edgar I don’t recall those names from the cricket article. Can’t access it anymore without subscribing. Did you read it? What was the half you liked.

  16. @Edgar because it sounded like you were unfairly attacking all Christians and that’s very bad because it might make Michael mad.


    Why do I need to “specify reports” they emit as regularly as rain. We see them ALL the time. And matching their bloviating nonsense is the total indifference in which they are received by the presumed recipient.

    All they want to do is get their names in the news….with a photo if

  18. @Ed You didn’t specify reports. You said, “I want to see immediate Christian denunciation of antisemitism.” I grant you, with hindsight, it could be seen as faulting the main legacy media for not reporting it, but it sounded like you were saying there were no public condemnations of antisemitism by Christians condemning this interpretation. I had no idea that the Poway shooter was motivated by Christianity until I read some of these articles by Christians condemning antisemitic interpretations of antisemitic Christian passages. As you can see, there has been some reportage, but unless the motivation for these attacks has its roots in Christianity, why would they? Most of the violent attackers of Jews are motivated by Palestinianism or Black supremacy.

  19. SEB,

    I just had a look at the link, and to me it seems “half in half.”, using cricket as a stage prop. Trueman’s maternal grandmother was Jewish, which he found, only later on.
    Percy Fender definitely was not.

    And “O’Lynn(sky) I never heard of him and don’t believe it.. He’d have had to credibly invent friends, brothers, sisters, parents, dates of birth etc.etc. relatives and a complete fictitious background which would stand checking by newshawks when they wrote about his background as they did with all well known cricketers as in other sports.


    You give numerous instances where Christians denounce Anti-Semitism, but they seem to be single efforts. My post centred on the FACT that at least in REPORTS (maybe only Jewish reports??) one only reads thatthe “incident’ was denounced by JEWISH Leaders.

    That is should bem, is already a “given” and raises no waves. So what I said still goes.

    Re your link about “cricket”, I see Herzl’s name there, so is this one of your spoofs. I was serious in my enquiry….STILL AM. I have something to show relating to my query, and Anti-Semitism may have been at the root of it.

  21. @Edgar

    Netanyahu denies Likud claim he’s backed away from two-state solution
    Confusion as Likud and the PM issue contradictory statements; PMO warns against relinquishing territory amid current dangers

    9 March 2015, 2:12 am

    Everybody on the Right is calling everybody else a liar, have you noticed?

    Star Trek Liar Paradox

    53 seconds

    Dramatization of:

    “In philosophy and logic, the classical liar paradox or liar’s paradox or antinomy of the liar is the statement of a liar that they are lying: for instance, declaring that “I am lying”. If the liar is indeed lying, then the liar is telling the truth, which means the liar just lied. In “this sentence is a lie” the paradox is strengthened in order to make it amenable to more rigorous logical analysis. It is still generally called the “liar paradox” although abstraction is made precisely from the liar making the statement. Trying to assign to this statement, the strengthened liar, a classical binary truth value leads to a contradiction.

    If “this sentence is false” is true, then it is false, but the sentence states that it is false, and if it is false, then it must be true, and so on.”

  22. @Edgar

    French Philosopher [Catholic] Jacques Maritain Speaks Out Against Anti-Semitism Over WNYC

    Mike Huckabee: Sin of anti-Semitism must be condemned and fought by people of all faiths Jan 17, 2020

    To the Students for Justice in Palestine, a Letter From an Angry Black Woman
    ‘You do not have the right to invoke my people’s struggle for your shoddy purposes’
    JULY 28, 2014

    Chloe Valdary is an ardent African-American Christian Zionist

  23. @Edgar

    Why Christians should audit their words, worship and practices for anti-Semitism
    Christians can faithfully proclaim our faith as rooted in the witness of biblical Israel without using Jews and Judaism as foils for our own purposes. One place to start is by doing an audit for anti-Semitism. January 27, 2020
    By Laura Everett, Dan Joslyn-Siemiatkoski

    Why Christians Must Stand Against Anti-Semitism
    FEBRUARY 22, 2017 | JOE CARTER

    Christians can’t claim to love Jesus and hate Jews › opinion › article248337520
    Jan 7, 2021 — But for someone to call himself by the name of Christ and hate Jews is uniquely repugnant. It’s a sin against the Lord himself.

    Christian leaders stand up against antisemitism at rally
    By Sergio Carmona
    South Florida Sun-Sentinel

    Jun 04, 2021 at 3:36 pm

    To Dismantle White Supremacy, Christians Must Confront … › Resources
    To Dismantle White Supremacy, Christians Must Confront Antisemitism. 26 July 2021; By Elizabeth Moraff. A rabbi in Boston was stabbed on a synagogue’s steps …



    Jean Stern

  24. On another topic entirely mundane from every pore…. Do or have any of you played cricket or know a lot about it?? Does anyone know the ultra importance of a bowler achieving a Hat Trick.

    In over 2000 Test Matches since 1879, there have been only 46 up to and including the 2021 season.

    Wilfred Rhodes the great Yorkshire and England all rounder, and pre eminent left arm spin bowler, in over 30 years playing Tests and County matches, and with 240.000+ balls bowled, over 4200 wickets taken, never achieved a hat trick.

    He made other records which will never be broken.

  25. Hi, Peloni

    The entire McCain syndicate was removed from power in this primary election.

    This is very encouraging. Here in Oregon too, we are working to overthrow this beast a precinct at a time. It’s challenging here — we were the first state to adopt universal mail-in voting — but we are quite energized.

  26. Another dore point with me , a VERY sore point.

    I am past being sick and tired as seeing reports of “JEWISH leaders denounce acts of Anti-Semitism”. I want to see immediate CHRISTIAN denunciation of Jew-Hate,

    READER, that “bride” you mentioned had 2 “gold” teeth, 1 was brass, and the other, copper-both very loose.

  27. @Honeybee
    Thank you for sharing this.

    We knew that this would be the result of the “recount” as they are using the same Dominion machines in the recount as were used in the election which Peters is contesting. Restating this, the Dominion machines are the claimed source of the fraud, so the expected outcome was never going to change by doing the same thing over again using the same procedures and the same machines. I believe Peters currently has a lawsuit related to the “recount” demanding that a hand count be used, just FYI.

  28. Photos of Egyptian Star Mohamed Ramadan With an Israeli Woman Spark Uproar in Arab World
    Angry reactions in Egypt are asserting that the pictures constitute approval for normalization with Israel

    Leaders come and go. When the people hate you, be careful to make no irrevocable committments or concessions.

  29. @Reader

    Who is supposed to be “the light onto the nations” – the Jews or the Japanese?

    Well sashimi looks like lox, and they have the same calendar: Nissan, followed of course by the months of Toyota, Honda, Mitsubishi…

    early SNL “Samurei Delicatessen” starring John Belushi & Buck Henry

  30. Has Netanyahu’s trial been adjourned sine die or just for a few months. I know the the State’s witnesses have actually testified in Netanyahu’s favour, citing immense pressure from the and police to tell lies about him.

  31. @Sebastien

    Why on earth would he want to embarass both Bibi and his father-in-law, whose senior advisor he was…

    I was quite angry regarding Kushner’s apparent abandonment of Trump after the election theft, but it seems that his role might have been far more active than passive in this regard, according to some at least. Per Peter Navarro, Kushner was one of two main voices (he and Mnuchin) behind stopping the election investigation and was responsible for blocking the finances to support the investigation. Navarro and Jeffrey Tucker from the Brownstone Institute news site, have been quite critical of Kushner, claiming that he was the mastermind behind much of the trouble in the Trump White House, particularly in the last year with regards to Covid and the Election Steal. In fact, Navarro has recently stated that he is convinced that if it had not been for Kushner, Trump would still be in the White House. Tucker(I think it was him) asserts that Kushner was also involved in pushing Birx to manipulate Trump regarding Covid lockdowns.

    Hence, considering all of this, I am not really sure how things stand between Kushner and Trump currently.

  32. @Sebastien Zorn

    “David Friedman who along with Trump and Kushner donated to the Yesha town/settlement of Beit-El, for crying out loud, in an election year?”

    To butter up the head of the yeshiva there who happens to be the owner and the publisher of the Arutz Sheva (which, BTW, is getting impossible to read due to technical issues).