Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,631 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7631 Comments

  1. @Reader

    “There are a few people on this forum who would make great Stalinists if they were born in the right place at the right time”.

    Thanks, I’ll pass. Kind of you to offer. Been there, done that. Ha Ha.

  2. Are these Jared Kushner bio leaks fake news? Why on earth would he want to embarass both Bibi and his father-in-law, whose senior advisor he was, and David Friedman who along with Trump and Kushner donated to the Yesha town/settlement of Beit-El, for crying out loud, in an election year? And why is Arutz Sheva anti-Trump? They post every smear piece about Jan. 6.

  3. @Sebastien Zorn

    Well, he’s clearly an anti-Zionist Israeli Jew and the darling of the Davos crowd. Why did you bring him up…?

    It was Michael S. who brought him up as being Schwab’s right-hand man among the examples of all those (American) Jews who outnumber non-Jews as associates of any “evil goyim” in spite of being only 0.02% of the world population.

    I was merely skeptical about what he said about Harari (Michael’s other statements I found run-of-the-mill antisemitic) whose books, like I said, I didn’t get around to reading yet.

    There are a few people on this forum who would make great Stalinists if they were born in the right place at the right time.

  4. @Michael

    Inside BLM co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors’ million-dollar real estate buying binge

    “The self-described Marxist last month purchased a $1.4 million home on a secluded road a short drive from Malibu in Los Angeles, according to a report.

    …’Hawk Newsome, the head of Black Lives Matter Greater New York City, which is not affiliated with Khan-Cullors’ Black Lives Matter Global Network Foundation, called for “an independent investigation” to find out how the global network spends its money.”

    April 2021

    23 Companies That Support Black Lives Matter (BLM) in 2022

    Matchstick Ventures

  5. @Reader Well, he’s clearly an anti-Zionist Israeli Jew and the darling of the Davos crowd. Why did you bring him up, especially if you haven’t even read his books?

  6. @Sebastien Zorn

    I have to repeat:

    I am not going to pass judgment on his views, the state of his mind, or his connections with the “cabal” until I read his books and understand what it is he is talking about.

    I DID read the article.

    You decided to label him and dislike him – fine, it is your right.

    I have to read his books first.

  7. Reader: “I may be crazy but I am not stupid”? ” I may be crazy , but it keeps me from going insane”

  8. Abu Mazen provides his Terrorists with a Cost of Living Wage Adjustment:
    By Deborah Brand

    (AUGUST 1, 2022 / BREITBART) The Palestinian Authority marked the 20th anniversary of a deadly attack at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem by increasing its monthly payments to the terrorists responsible, a media watchdog said Sunday.

    The news comes as Israel’s security cabinet voted to withhold almost $180 million from the Palestinian Authority over its “pay-for-slay” scheme rewarding convicted terrorists and their families a monthly salary.

    The cafeteria bombing on July 31, 2002, on the university campus in Jerusalem killed 9 people and injured more than 80.

    The PA raised the salaries of the terrorists behind it, Wael Qassem, Wassim Abbasi, Alla Aldin Abbasi and Muhammed Odeh, by 14.29 percent, Palestinian Media Watch reported.

    The four will now receive an additional NIS 1000 per month, from NIS 7,000 ($2,251) per month to NIS 8,000 ($2,572). The payout has amounted to more than NIS 8 million (over $2.5 million) over the years. The PA’s policy allows for the increase in salary according to the gravity of the attack. In other words, the more Israelis die, the larger the payout.

  9. From Eli Lake:

    Source just told me AQ chief and bin laden successor, Ayman Zawahiri, has been smoked. Hope it’s true. Rest in pieces.

    I think ‘Rot in Tiny Pieces’ would be a better epitaph, but well enough. Hopefully the report holds out as accurate.

  10. @Reader But, he’s a historian not a scientist. His doctoral thesis, I think, was on military history. He’s interdisciplinary. How did he come up in your conversation since you, his defender, haven’t read his work, either? Did you notice his husband said he’s ant-“settler?”

  11. @Reader The New Yorker article was too long to quote in its entirety and you get a few free articles. I recommend reading it. I only excerpted some of the passages that indicate he is the darling of the liberal globalist elite. He does come across as a brilliant nut, something like a mad scientist. And when he intones about the coming digitalization and dehumanization of humanity, it’s not clear whether he agrees with it but they lionize him for it. Like that Bertrand Russell essay in the 50s. Though he’s strongly influenced by Buddhism but in a very strange and troubling way.

  12. @Sebastien Zorn

    Do you know that old joke which ends with “I may be crazy but I am not stupid”?

    Well, Yuval Harari may well be crazy but I doubt that he is stupid.

    I am not going to pass judgment on his views, the state of his mind, or his connections with the “cabal” until I read his books and understand what it is he is talking about.

    I know that “mad scientists” already exist who are ready, willing, and able to experiment on some very radical uses of AI, etc., so it is not his idea.

    I am going to check out the WEF website:

  13. @Michael He has a TED talk, too. He thinks corporations, nations, etc, are figments of the imagination but he really reminds me of this scene from Paddy Chayefsky’s “Network” (1976) in which Ned Beatty explains how the world is a corporation in metaphysical terms.

  14. @Reader

    …He had an upcoming speaking engagement in Kyiv, at an oligarch-funded conference…

    …A panel with Trump?” Yahav asked. He later said that he had never accepted any speaking invitations from Israeli settlers in the West Bank, adding that Harari, although not a supporter of settlements, might have been inclined to say yes.

    Harari has acquired a large audience in a short time, and—like the Silicon Valley leaders who admire his work—he can seem uncertain about what to do with his influence. Last summer, he was criticized when readers noticed that the Russian translation of “21 Lessons for the 21st Century” had been edited to make it more palatable to Vladimir Putin’s government. Harari had approved some of these edits, and had replaced a discussion of Russian misinformation about its 2014 annexation of Crimea with a passage about false statements made by President Trump….

    …President Barack Obama, speaking to CNN in 2016, compared the book to a visit he’d made to the pyramids of Giza….

    …In the car, he had been talking about current conditions in Israel; in recent years, he had said, “many, if not most, Israelis simply lost the motivation to solve the conflict, especially because Israel has managed to control it so efficiently.” Harari told me that, as a historian, he had to dispute the assumption that an occupation can’t last “for decades, for centuries”—it can, and new surveillance technologies can enable oppression “with almost no killing.” Harari saw no alternative other than “to wait for history to work its magic—a war, a catastrophe.” With a dry laugh, he said, “Israel, Hezbollah, Hamas, Iran—a couple of thousand people die, something. This can break the mental deadlock…

  15. @Reader These passages from ths New Yorker article from several years ago i skimmed, jumped out at me.


    me. In the car, he noted that he had declined an invitation to have Harari participate in the World Economic Forum, at Davos, in 2017, because the proposed panels were “not good enough.” A year later, when Harari was offered the main stage, in a slot between Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, Yahav accepted.

    …President Barack Obama, speaking to CNN in 2016, compared the book to a visit he’d mader to the pyramids of Giza.

    …When Yahav and I arrived at the house, Harari was working at the kitchen table, reading news stories from Ukraine, printed for him by an assistant. He had an upcoming speaking engagement in Kyiv, at an oligarch-funded conference. He was also planning a visit to the United Arab Emirates, which required some delicacy—the country has no diplomatic ties with Israel.

    Earlier, Itzik Yahav had said that he felt no unease about “visiting Mark Zuckerberg at his home, with Priscilla, and Beast, the dog,” adding, “I don’t think Mark is an evil person. And Yuval is bringing questions.”

    …Bill Gates is a Harari enthusiast, but the more typical reader may be a young person grateful for permission to pay more attention to his or her needs than to the needs of others.

    __A panel with Trump?” Yahav asked. He later said that he had never accepted any speaking invitations from Israeli settlers in the West Bank, adding that Harari, although not a supporter of settlements, might have been inclined to say yes.

    Harari has acquired a large audience in a short time, and—like the Silicon Valley leaders who admire his work—he can seem uncertain about what to do with his influence. Last summer, he was criticized when readers noticed that the Russian translation of “21 Lessons for the 21st Century” had been edited to make it more palatable to Vladimir Putin’s government. Harari had approved some of these edits, and had replaced a discussion of Russian misinformation about its 2014 annexation of Crimea with a passage about false statements made by President Trump.

  16. @ Michael S.

    I think the man is a lunatic.

    I am not the one who is getting paranoid about the “inordinate number of Jews associated with the “cabal””:


    I will point out, though, that for every goy devil in this NWO-WHO-Agenda 2030, etc. cabal, there are an inordinate number of Jews associated — Zuckerberg, Garland, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer. THIS IS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: Your own kinsmen, who represent some 0.02% of the world’s population, seem like Forest Gump — showing up for every photo op.

    Is this what is setting you off? Pardon me for having eyes on my head. Things are what they are. Live with it!

  17. @Michael S.

    Actually, I am starting to appreciate your two posts where you implied that the Jews are evil (or associate with the evildoers) out of all proportion to their numbers in the population.

    I am reading The History of Anti-Semitism by Leon Poliakov and these are the views shared by the non-Jewish population for at least a couple of thousand years which is telling me that I was right and another “cycle” is coming up here, in the US.

    If the American Jews had any sense, the Jewish Agency would be getting several thousand applications a DAY but, unfortunately, it is not going to happen and they are going to sit here like a deer in the headlights until it’s too late.

  18. @Sebastien Zorn

    Harari is an Israeli professor who writes books about the history and development of the so-called Sapiens (actually it is Homo sapiens sapiens – amazingly enough).

    I know about his books but can’t get around to reading them.

    His most recent writings are apparently based on a hypothesis of the future of the above mentioned Sapiens (obviously assuming that the creature doesn’t blow up the planet first and the current trends continue ad absurdum), and he made a presentation about his views at the most recent WEF conference.

    I won’t expound on it before I read at least some of it.

    There is wide gap between the WEF giving him a page on its website and declaring him to be “Schwab’s right-hand man”.

    BTW, with the development of technology (robotization and automation) most humans won’t need (won’t be able ) to work for a living and, I think, this is what disturbs the “elites” the most because of their mindset (applying cost/benefit analysis to every situation).

    The funniest thing is – once robots and machinery do the work – those who own the means of production won’t be able to make any money – much less any profit – because the (bad, lazy) human worker and the (good, money-spending) consumer is ONE AND THE SAME PERSON!

    The only “capitalist” who understood this concept, it seems, was Henry Ford – he paid his workers really well to make sure they could afford to buy the cars they made (of course also to advertise his cars).

    And you cannot make consumers out of robots.

  19. Hi, Reader. You said,

    Don’t pretend not to understand what’s “setting me off”…
    It is your antisemitic post referring to the Protocols as something worthy to be mentioned.

    Thank you, for at least admitting that you have been “set off”. That shows a certain degree of humility, which is sorely needed today. You are completely wrong about me, of course. I am not an “antisemite”. I am a Zionist, which I hope you can recognize is not an “antisemite”. If you can recognize that fact, you will have come a long way. Other than that, I don’t think we have a lot to talk about with each other.

    Thanks for posting.

  20. @Michael S.

    Don’t pretend not to understand what’s “setting me off”.

    It is your antisemitic post referring to the Protocols as something worthy to be mentioned.

    You made certain statements which you deem to be facts such as: Yuval Harari is Schwab’s right-hand man and that Jews are the controllers of Ukraine, etc.

    The point you were trying to make should be be pretty clear for anyone who can read.

    When I asked you to give the sources for your statements (you must have them otherwise how would you know about it?), you sent me to search the Internet for them which means that these are you assumptions, not facts.

    Then you said:

    Why are you apologizing for this monster? [Soros]

    I am NOT apologizing for Soros but I think that he has become (or was made into) a convenient Jewish scarecrow/monster who is responsible for most of the evil in the world (to draw everyone’s attention away from the much more rich and powerful evildoers who thus escape close scrutiny).


    I will point out, though, that for every goy devil in this NWO-WHO-Agenda 2030, etc. cabal, there are an inordinate number of Jews associated — Zuckerberg, Garland, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer. THIS IS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: Your own kinsmen, who represent some 0.02% of the world’s population, seem like Forest Gump — showing up for every photo op

    If this is what setting YOU off – you are a regular antisemite, plain and simple (what else is there to expect), and it is not an ad hominem attack on you – it is a plain fact.

    I am NOT a racist bigot, YOU ARE.

  21. Amusing story that popped up on my news feed by S. T-S.

    “Where are you from?” The taxi driver with the Nepalese name asks me as I head to Washington Heights.
    “Jerusalem,” I answer.
    “Sho! Wow! Ani lo ma’Amin! I can’t believe it! He answers in Hebrew.
    “Walla! How do you speak Hebrew?” I asks him
    Also in Hebrew.
    “My wife lived there! She was a care worker for a nice old lady who survived the Holocaust!”
    “Amazing!” I say “But how did you learn Hebrew?”
    The driver laughs. “When we had kids we decided we needed a secret language the kids wouldn’t understand, and since they would speak English in school and we would Speak Nepalese at home, she taught me Hebrew so we could communicate!”
    “So cool”
    “Yeah except now my son is making all these Jewish friends in school wants to go to Hebrew school with them, so we might need another secret language, you know?”
    “Nu? Redstu Yiddish? Do you speak Yiddish?”
    “Yo… a bissel. A little.”
    I love New York

  22. Caroline Glick with David Wurmser

    This is one not to miss.

    They discuss the failure of American power, the reliance of Israel upon that power, the role of Kushaggi in the middle East, the ineptness of Lapid’s policies (not just foreign policy), and the potential possibility that the Isreali Deep State is not as unpatriotic as the states men that represent them, along with a good bit more. Very important conversation.

  23. @Michael I think you are taking Honeybee and Reader’s sarcastic hyperbole literally. Not that I’m not enjoying the unintentional comedy of errors as you talk -or more like, wrestle -past each other. I hope you realize your apparently non-sequitur ad hominem attack on Reader’s character is absurd. If not, well, have fun, boys. Remember to wash your hands before dinner.

  24. Honeybee, you just threw me for a loop, saying,

    Reader:” Is it a crime to be pro-Israel?: ” yes !!!!!!!!!

    I assume you got your highlights and quotation marks jumbled. I can see that Reader would say something like this, but not you.

    I don’t really know where Reader stands on anything, much less why. At the moment, I have to surmise that he is Anti-America, Anti-Israel, Pro-Soros, Pro-Gates and Pro-Rockefeller. In other words, he seems completely screwed up. I’m not saying he IS screwed up; just that he gives every appearance of this.

    Apparently, to many people, it really IS a crime to be pro-Israel. Adherents to this way of thinking are the UN, China, Russia, Ukraine, and (under a veneer of hypocrisy) the US and its allies. Included in this mess are an astonishing number of US (Democrat-supporting) Jews, as well as the High Court and many political parties of Israel. They appear to be not only anti-Israel, but fanatically so.

    So much for the PERCEIVED “crime”, which you may have been alluding to sarcastically. In reality, hating Israel as the homeland of the Jewish people is not only criminal, but unnatural and against the God of the Universe. He will triumph in the end, over all those liars and evildoers.

  25. Hi, Sebastien.

    You’re preaching to the choir, talking about Biden and Zelenskyy. As I write this, the Biden-Pelosi Good Cop-Bad Cop team is trying to needlessly stir the pot in Taiwan, the way they did it in the Ukraine. The obvious motive in both schemes is distraction, even at the cost of millions of lives and the risk of nuclear war. The Dems are on their way to an ignomious demise, unless they can pull a rabbit out of the hat; and war is their rabbit.

  26. Hello, Reader. You said,

    Just give the sources for Yuval Harari being Schwab’s right-hand man and for the Jews being the controllers of Ukraine.

    I don’t think you’re asking me to “just” give anything. You know as well as I, how to find out about Yuval Harari — the Internet. He is indeed a principal player in the WEF, so I mentioned him. Then you said,

    [Soros] rules the world and not the harmless virtuous philanthropists

    B.S. Why are you apologizing for this monster? Just look at Seattle and Portland, where Soros’ NGOs installed the most wicked DAs on the planet. What is your agenda, Reader? Why are you sticking up for such beasts?

    You know full well, that I am not sticking up for equally evil demons, like Pelosi, Fauci, Gates and the rest. I will point out, though, that for every goy devil in this NWO-WHO-Agenda 2030, etc. cabal, there are an inordinate number of Jews associated — Zuckerberg, Garland, Schiff, Nadler, Schumer. THIS IS THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM: Your own kinsmen, who represent some 0.02% of the world’s population, seem like Forest Gump — showing up for every photo op.

    Is this what is setting you off? Pardon me for having eyes on my head. Things are what they are. Live with it! Don’t be a racist bigot.

  27. @Michael And it shows that Trump was right about the policies the Dems demonized him for and which they, in some cases wind up reversing course and following as they crash and burn in the polls. And then try to take credit for.

  28. @Michael It shows Brandon’s hypocrisy and opportunism. Plus, he says he’s doing it for the migrants. Brandon or whoever is pulling his strings.

  29. @Michael S.

    Just give the sources for Yuval Harari being Schwab’s right-hand man and for the Jews being the controllers of Ukraine.

    I am not asking about Soros because just about EVERYONE thinks at this point that it is he who rules the world and not the harmless virtuous philanthropists who make 20 times more money than he does but spend it exclusively on the projects that benefit the humankind such as COVID and other vaccines (Gates), planning the future of the planet and its population (the Rockefeller Foundation), etc.

  30. Hi, Sebastien. You quoted,

    Biden administration to close border wall gaps in Arizona

    Should we be celebrating about this? It’s like fifty steps backward and one step forward. I credit him, where credit is due: Thank you, Joe Biden, for allowing some construction on the wall.

    Meanwhile, we have to deal with stuff like this:

    Biden bows to China on House Speaker Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan


    Biden Sold Oil From Emergency Reserves To Chinese Gas Giant Tied To His Scandal-Plagued Son

  31. Hi, Reader

    Who told you that Yuval Harari is Schwab’s right-hand man – it cannot be just because he wrote a weird book about the future of the so-called Sapiens and gave a speech about it?

    Is it a crime to be pro-Israel?Who told you that Yuval Harari is Schwab’s right-hand man – it cannot be just because he wrote a weird book about the future of the so-called Sapiens and gave a speech about it?

    Is it a crime to be pro-Israel?

    What have you been smoking,Reader? If anyone here is pro-Israel, it is I. You’ve never quite made your own position clear, though. What, exactly, are you trying to say here?

  32. @Michael S.

    Do I need to mention that this is all starting to sound more than a little like “Protocols of the Elders…”?

    Looking for a Jew behind every tree, aren’t we?

    Too bad there are no “Protocols of the Elders of Goyim” this way we could at least say something about Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, even about the Rockefellers (who reportedly were worth $300 TRILLION a few years ago – the Rothschilds are paupers in comparison) and not stop at Soros who rules the world with his lousy $9-10 billion.

    The Jewish officials in the current administration were all appointed by Biden who is, thankfully, a Catholic.

    Would you mind telling us who are the Ukraine controllers since Zelensky is a mere puppet of the US?

    Who told you that Yuval Harari is Schwab’s right-hand man – it cannot be just because he wrote a weird book about the future of the so-called Sapiens and gave a speech about it?

    Is it a crime to be pro-Israel?