Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

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Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

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April 16, 2020 | 7,631 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7631 Comments

  1. @Michael Remember waiter with the Jewish wife trying to comnvince me we are Khazars? If we are Khazars, do we have any claim to Eretz Israel? Get it? Will we support Israel or the Arabs?

  2. @Michael

    I think you can see why I have trouble with these terms.

    Not really. If they can get Jews to do their dirty work, so much the better for them. It’s great cover.

  3. Hi, Sebastien. You said,

    @Michael It is entitled, “Biden’s Hostile to Israel Appointments” . Hostility to Israel is antisemitic.”

    I think you can see why I have trouble with these terms. Concerning “Biden’s” appointments, I doubt that our mentally incompetent president had much say in choosing them. They represent a hodgepodge of Deep State interests and the Progressive agenda. Amazingly (to me), half of them are Jewish and half of the rest have Jewish spouses. — making the current Administration probably the most Jewish in American history, at the same time that it is probably the most anti-Israel Administration since the founding of the Jewish state.

  4. @PELONI-

    Thank you indeed. I just went through it. fascinating and definitive. I likes where he said “I don’t supply proofs I supply facts”. he’s very precise in his use of words and meanings.

    My viewing had no time-line so I went through it a fraction at a time.

    Again Thank you.

  5. @Edgar
    It is no bother.

    Here is the his presentation at the AZ Senate – skip to 1hr 12min to avoid all the local chit chat and back slapping:

    Here are a couple of discussions Jovan conducted after his presentation that does help clarify some things:
    (skip to 35min to the part where Jovan joins the discussion to answer their questions)

  6. @Micharl And some antisemites profess love for Jews and or Israel. I don’t mean you but people like the Jews on that list and all the total strangers who have done up to me out of the blue over the years like the Eastern European waiter at the Plaza hotel who abrupty came up to my chair while I was about to play in a string quartet for a wedding, and after assuring me that he coyldn’t be an antisemite because his wife was Jewish began to rant about how Jews were really Khazars. When I asked him if he approached me because he assumed I was a Jew just by looking at me, he said yes.

    Another time, I was sitting at a counter at a pastry shop an old man comes over and starts ranting about Kastner and his train and trial.

    I had never heard of these topics which I have since researched. But the point was these – and others too numerous to recall – assumed I was a Jew by race and then set out to turn me against other Jews, pretending to be my friend, out of nowhere, and proceeded to rant as though we had been in the middle of a conversation!

    How many young Jews do you suppose are being subjected to this divide and brainwash strategy.?

  7. PELONI-

    I am indeed sorry to bother you, but I missed that video of Jovan Pulitzer giving evidence that you posted. Do you think that you could do so again.

    I apologise for troubling you.

  8. @Michael It is entitled, “Biden’s Hostile to Israel Appointments” . Hostility to Israel is antisemitic. Jews can be antisemitic and antisemites don’t necessarily hate all Jews. In dact, in my experience, most bigots are inconsistent and make exceptions for people or things they like.

  9. BoJo Government On Verge Of Collapse After Top Ministerial Resignations
    Johnson was as complete of a disappointment as could ever have been elected to high office. His ability to explain and distance himself from a seeming endless line of scandals, some great and some small, seemed to have bought him enough steam to survive the recent call of no confidence, but that later date seems to be arriving sooner than most thought, as he has now lost the confidence of his two senior Cabinet Ministers, and his govt is facing potential collapse. His greatest calling has come to be seen to be the ability to look the proper fop as his govt has routinely exercised gross incompetence in many fields of import, and now at last, it seems we might be seeing a new leader at 10 Downing. A close colleague with greater input on the matter has informed me that Johnson’s success in surviving the revelations of scandals and ineptness was simply due to the lack of anyone appearing more capable to step into his shoes. Yet, it seems that this final measure of protection may soon be tested to reveal if anyone might present themselves as possibly being a greater buffoon than Boris of 10 Downing.

  10. @Ted
    Quite well deserved praise. Israpundit fulfills the title it claims to hold with its name, and those of us fortunate enough to have found our way to subscribe to your newsletter can claim no fair reason for not being well informed on a daily basis on issues great and small due to the collection of viewpoints you share, in addition to the content you yourself publish. There is in fact, no higher praise to be offered than to be showered with the truth and the author of the letter you shared has done exactly that. Congratulations, well done, and thank you!

  11. I want to share a letter of commendation I just received.

    After more than my forty years involved in Israel advocacy, I want to commend you for your considerable and heroic efforts in producing your daily Israpundit newsletter.

    For me at this stage, Israpundit is my premier source of important information to be considered in respect to Israel and Jewish affairs.

    In our world overflowing with information and dispatches, it is rare to achieve consistent focus and balance in one reliable source; Well, you have achieved it, and I salute you for it!

    Sure made my day.

  12. Your article about the almost “endless” war in Ukraine is VERY good and highlighted some VERY important points that are often overlooked in the so-called “legacy” (i.e., usually lying!) media! So, thanks for devoting the space to this important international story!

  13. Danon: I’m very worried by Lapid’s inexperience
    Former Israeli Ambassador to the UN tells INN Biden Admin. is taking advantage of new PM to make demands they would not make o fnetanyahu

    “There have been reports of prices that Lapid will pay for the visit and it is shocking to me to put Palestinian observers at the border crossing with Jordan. It represents the loss of sovereignty and the abandonment of our sovereignty in the Jordan Valley. Lapid does not have the needed experience. I am very apprehensive about this visit and the actions that Lapid will do to please President Biden. The Americans recognize that there is a weak and inexperienced leadership here and they allow themselves to make demands that they would not dare raise with a Likud government,” he added.

    Can Israel reject these demands? “We must tell them no, politely and quietly. We have arguments and it is legitimate to say no.”

  14. Report: Russia fired at Israeli planes in Syria for first time…According to the report, the Russian battery launched several missiles into the air that did not pose a threat to the airplanes. There was also not a locking of the battery radar on the planes, but the article calls it a “precedent-setting event.”

    The article said that is unclear if it is a one-time event or if it signals a new Syrian policy by the Kremlin regarding Israel’s freedom to act against threats on the ground from the skies over Syria…”

    May 17, 2022

  15. @Peloni, I would not be surprised if the court abolished the law of gravity taking into consideration the hypothetical international precedent of Sir Isaac Newton not bothering to throw the proverbial apple up into the sky after having time-travelled to 125th St. and Broadway and waited for a bus in any direction, because instead of it coming back down, in a timely manner, if at all, he would have expected to see a glowing sign in the ether reading,

    15 munutes plus layover in terminal.

  16. @Sebastien

    Zelensky Cheers Israeli Supreme Court Ruling Lifting Cap on Ukrainian Refugees

    It should not surprise anyone that this undemocratic leader ruling over the ever increasingly undemocratic nation of Ukraine is not supportive of the undemocratic High Court making an undemocratic ruling in Israel.

  17. Guide Who Protected Jewish Youths Against Lynching Arabs near Ariel Reenacts Event for Police
    By David Israel – 4 Tammuz 5782 – July 3, 2022

    “…The detainee is married, the father of 3 children aged 3,5, and 6, and a Navy veteran who has no criminal record, was arrested last Wednesday afternoon, after arriving at the Ariel police to file a complaint about the attempted lynching he and a group of children had endured near the Ariel city fence. To his astonishment, he was arrested and transferred to the Shin Bet for questioning and was not allowed to see a lawyer.

    Eventually, the Shin Bet succumbed to public pressure and allowed the detainee to meet with his lawyer, Adi Keidar of the Honenu legal aid society, who later said about the meeting: “I was exposed to the deteriorating mental and physical condition of the detainee, and I was shocked to discover that he was in a very difficult mental and physical condition…”


  18. Revolution: Knesset Passes Sa’ar’s Law Banning Fruit of a Poisonous Tree
    By David Israel – 2 Tammuz 5782 – July 1, 2022

    “…The law, initiated by Justice Minister Gideon Sa’ar, expands the discretion of the courts and the rule outlined in the case law regarding the disqualification of evidence, and provides that a judge may not accept a confession, an object, or any other evidence “if they are satisfied that the evidence was obtained unlawfully and that its admission at trial would infringe the right to a fair trial, with regard to the public interest in obtaining the evidence…”

  19. @Sebastien Zorn

    “revenge is a dish best eaten cold.”

    It is “best served cold”, actually, but I agree with you.

    BTW, I wrote my response to peloni before reading your comment about revenge.

    I think I would rather have apple sauce with my latkes but I don’t hate sour cream, either.

  20. @peloni

    One should always attempt to maintain one’s composure…
    antisemitism should be readily confronted, competently challenged, and thoroughly chastised with as much fervor and reason as can be mustered…
    we should not choose to cower from such an open challenge to defend ourselves

    Your argument is full of contradictions and it is based on a false premise that there are some (a minority) of all the humans who are “antisemites” and they are bad/stupid/misguided/poor/uneducated/etc., etc., and the rest of them are “good people” who don’t mind the Jews at all, especially if the Jews take care to fight against “antisemitism” and not let the rest of the good, naive, and trusting population be misled by the “antisemites” and their lies.

    I had colleagues who were openly antisemitic and, conventionally speaking, they were not bad people – they were good employees, good husbands, good fathers, good sons, good citizens, etc., they weren’t dumb, they just couldn’t stand Jews.

    Tell me, was Nazism the fault of the German Jews because they failed to fight against antisemitism hard enough?

    Was the Spanish inquisition the fault of the Spanish Jews because they failed to convince the Spanish population not to trust the antisemites in their midst?

    I don’t think I need to provide more examples of similar events.

    The Jewish ability to defend themselves is another delusion (unless we are talking about modern Israel through 1967 – and that was with a lot of God’s help).

    I wish all the Jewish money and effort that is being wasted on “fighting antisemitism” (which is perceived as the Jewish “lobbying” and trying to control the government and the people), on donations to non-Jewish charities, and on Tikkun Olam was put toward the real Jewish causes.

    To my mind, success is the best revenge, and for Jews success means surviving against all odds and remaining Jewish, and not getting hysterical and vengeful (uselessly because there is nothing we can do to get everyone to like us, or at least not to hate us).

    I think Jews are doing too much talking, writing of useless articles, and getting embarrassingly hysterical (which shows the underlying helplessness) when we are actually facing very serious threats to our existence (and I don’t mean Trump or Bibi not being reelected).

    I think Jews must quit living in denial and quit desperately doing anything and everything to rationalize this denial.

  21. @Reader I’m reminded of the phrase, “revenge is a dish best eaten cold.” How ro you prefer your lahkes, with apple sauce or sour cream? My morher likes both together. I’m a sour cream man, myself.

  22. @Reader

    just ignore them and do something Jewish, ale sonim af tzu lakhes.

    You can’t make people like you, and you can’t punish them for hating you, so don’t even try.

    In my opinion, doing Jewish things is the best way to spite our enemies while getting angry at them makes them rejoice at your misery and at how
    skillfully they push your emotional buttons.

    I think it is actually very important to not ignore antisemitism. One should always attempt to maintain one’s composure and also preserving one’s moral foundations while undertaking such a task, but antisemitism should be readily confronted, competently challenged, and thoroughly chastised with as much fervor and reason as can be mustered. I do believe leaving such things unopposed is as misguided as leaving a forest fire to burn itself out, because with antisemitism, there is always fresh kindling available to be lit and a little responsiveness might preserve the underbrush from the flames of our haters.

    The fundamental goal of challenging antisemitism, however, is not about punishing them nor is it about making them like you – what a giddy thought. Rather there are a few advantages in taking antisemites to task. The first is about the vile rhetoric they share with others, which should not be left unopposed as a one sided debate. Giving as good as you get, and a bit more when possible should be the goal of such a task. Secondly, by facing these mental midgets, it changes you and those around you to espouse a sense of self reliance that actually demonstrates to those around us that we are worthy of the dignity of our claims, because our rhetoric is based in truth and facts, and theirs is based on distortions and lies. The simple act of challenging them, challenges you and far too often you have a greater understanding of the truths they wish to obscure than they have of the lies they wish to spread. Hence, entering such an undertaking makes you a stronger advocate and enables you to think faster, with more resilience and greater resolve and reaffirms the foundation of who you are as you defend it, and establishes a rapport with at least some of those who hear your words.

    Indeed, the potential of facing these story weavers and teasing apart their deceptions is a powerful tool and one that may result in many possibilities, but when entering into such a situation as this, there should be no expectation of doling out punishments or of being liked by anyone. As per the concept of punishing the spreaders of these false tales, openly facing our abusers and forcing them to stand their ground and competently explain their lies is actually the best punishment you could offer them. The goal should be to have our words heard, our truths understood and our abusers exposed for the libels they spread. Being liked is a shallow goal, and I would much prefer being capable of expressing myself clearly while sharing my own message, than being liked by anyone. Indeed, the goal I would seek, which is far more durable an attribute and a far more useful victory than being liked, is being respected, and not by our abusers, but by those whom they are trying to persuade with their defamations. Our ready response to such a contest is precisely what our abusers fear most, and it is this attribute alone for which they slander us and defile our heritage, and we should not choose to cower from such an open challenge to defend ourselves. Or such are my views on the matter.

  23. @Honey Unilever’s acquisition agreement of Ben & Jerry’s allowed the ice-cream company’s board to determine its “social mission,” while the parent company was responsible for its financial and operational decisions. Unilever sought a solution that would reverse the Israel boycott while keeping its commitment to the Ben & Jerry’s board in Vermont. The board is still free to maintain its political position against Israeli settlements, but it cannot stop Zinger from selling Ben & Jerry’s ice cream under the new agreement.

  24. @Sebastien Zorn

    wait, you think over 7/8 of the world is antisemitic?

    Of course, I do (and that includes the “antisemitic” Jews).

    The ones they count are the ones who cannot restrain themselves.

    Of course, most people you meet won’t strike you as antisemitic – they are not crazy enough to state so openly to every Jew they meet, although it is becoming more common, and there is really no need for it under the current conditions.

    Look at the Jewish history – it is amazing that the Jews actually manage to convince themselves that every holocaust they experience is the last one.

  25. @Sebastien Zorn

    Translation please?

    “Ale sonim af tzu lakhes” means “to spite all the enemies”.

    In my opinion, doing Jewish things is the best way to spite our enemies while getting angry at them makes them rejoice at your misery and at how
    skillfully they push your emotional buttons.

  26. @Sebastien

    US Presbyterian Church: Israel is apartheid state, creates Nakba Remembrance Day

    The Presbyterian Church that passed that overture was the Presbyterian Church in the United States(PCUSA) which is currently in schism with the Presbyterian Church in America(PCA). The former is a very liberal organization, and as such very hostile to Israel. The latter is very conservative and as such is very friendly towards Israel. I had a business colleague who was a Presbyterian from the conservative branch and she and I became very good friends over the years, and as such she did try to explain the situation of the Presbyterians on many an occaision. The history and the church organization is a bit complicated, really complicated to my eyes, but it has its roots in theology, locality, race relations, and politics, among other issues. I’ll take a pass on explaining it further by sharing this diagram to display the complexity of the situation, such as it is:
    In any event, there are many pro-Israel Presbyterians who have taken a very strong stand for Israel, including with regards to this recent overture. Here is an example of a response by just one Presbyterian group to the outrageous statement made by the PCUSA:
    And I believe that the group which issued this statement condemning the PCUSA is either affiliated with the PCUSA or at least partially affiliated.
    As you can see it is not a simple statement of “we disagree” against the PCUSA’s overture but a very thorough examination explaining the wholly biased nature by which the statement was generated, and how it was . The PCUSA dose this quite frequently, with the last time being just this past winter as I recall.

    My good friend, Monica, passed away from cancer several years ago, but she was as good a friend to Israel as any that I have ever met.

    Just wanted to add some context to the outrageous actions taken by the PCUSA.

  27. @Honeybee

    Representative Andrew R. Garbarino of New York issued a statement in reaction to Unilever’s decision:
    “The BDS movement is intrinsically anti-Semitic and is in conflict with laws throughout the U.S., including here in New York State. Singling out and discriminating against the only Jewish state is despicable and not who we are as Americans. I applaud Unilever for taking action to correct Ben & Jerry’s disgraceful boycott of our friend and ally Israel and for standing firm against hate.”

  28. @Honeybee

    Last July, the ice cream company stated that it would no longer allow its products to be distributed to Israelis in the West Bank and east Jerusalem – this would effectively have boycotted all of Israel.
    The announcement from Ben and Jerrys’ parent company on Wednesday explained that Unilever sold all of its Ben and Jerry’s business interests in Israel to Avi Zinger, owner of licensee American Quality Products Ltd. Thus, the ice cream could be sold from the river to the sea without involving the Ben and Jerry’s America. As Ben and Jerry’s tweet explained, they “will no longer profit from Ben & Jerry’s in Israel.”

  29. @Reader wait, you think over 7/8 of the world is antisemitic? This Haaretz article fron 2014 estimates over 1 quarter. Most of the people I have met did not strike me as antisemitic, non-Jews, anyway. Met a lot of self-hating Jews. Enough to not want to be around them (joke).