Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

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April 16, 2020 | 7,631 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7631 Comments

  1. @Sebastien Zorn

    No hation that hurts israel deserves to live.

    Well, then how about all those countries that advocate the Two State Final Solution and finance the Arab settlement of the Jewish Biblical lands?

  2. @Sebastien
    Yes. This is the most detail I have seen on the attack reported so far:

    The UK-based opposition war monitor – The Syrian Observatory For Human Rights – reported on Saturday that the attack damaged the airport’s runway, causing a halt to civilian flights.

    The report also said terminal arrival halls used by Iranians were destroyed, as were a communication’s towers, lighting systems and warehouses.

    Israel has long claimed that since Iranian flights carrying weapons systems for Hezbollah came under attack, weapons were being sent to Damascus from Iran via European airports and on board civilian flights.

    According to the rights group, the warehouses and terminal halls hit were used by Iran not only as VIP facilities, but also in order to store the smuggled weapons, including equipment used to turn rockets into precise missile systems.

  3. @Edgar
    YES!!! AT LONG LAST!!!

    It isn’t official yet, as the vote will take place next week, and there is still a possibility to form a Right wing govt, or even a Right wing dominated govt with some leftist members if needed to form a govt. Yamina and New Hope would be great fools to leave Lapid as caretaker PM, and would suffer significantly at the polls for that and their past mischief in this govt of self interests. So perhaps, Bibi will pull something out of the hat to prevent Lapid’s ability from bringing Israel any closer to a full breach with Russia. It does appear that one way or another, though, the Bennett govt is on its last week. That govt smelled too ripe in its first week and has only matured in that sense in the intervening time.

  4. This shouldn’t be in Chit-chat but there is no article with which to connect it.

    I’m surprised that nobody has commented on the fall of Bennett’s chazartse government. I recall when it began there were “prophesies” that it would not last more than a year….

    AT LAST…..!!

  5. @READER-

    NOW….Sirota was a REAL Baritone, and could venture into bass on occasion. I recall mentioning him before, and that a grand-nephew, Leon Sirota was a popular singer in the mid 20th cent in England under the name of Lee Lawrence. I think he could sing baritone also….but not in Shool…………..

    I have lots more irrelevant info for your delectation if you should so want.


  6. @READER-

    I wouldn’t call Netanyahu’s voice “baritone”….rather UniTone.
    Of course I’ve never heard him sing and presume that you have. So maybe he’s good, even at that advanced age.

    “Chazan Binymin”…this has a kind of mellifluous sound to it. Soothing.

    Did you ever hrear of Gershon Sirota, the greatest cantor in Europe. I hear that Dershowitz says that he was the “greatest chazan in the world”.

    I’m going to write to the Dersh, because I have the reflected glory of having been very close to Sirota’s grand daughter for several years and later a lifelong friend.

    Strange coincidence, his daughter marrying a Dublin Yid,- once an international soccer player and International cricketer. He actually played on the Dublin Jewish Irish Cup-winning team of which my dear late father was Captain..


    I suppose he was serious. Being in Israel, and surrounded by nothing but Jews actually psychologically does something to a person. I experienced it myself.,

    Yet, my experience with “fundraisers” and “celebrities”, makes me suspicious. It matters little of course the effect was the thing. Yet, just for this personal chat, I like to go deeper. I’ve been thinking about it. and this was about 10 years before he died.

    He was hitting 60 and his career was now mainly guest appearances, some radio shows and cameo appearances in films. Typical career wind down; and this trip may have had the partial purpose of reviving his flagging career. His big successes were 10+ years behind him. Anyway I just looked him up. The poor guy got a heart attack later in 1952.


    Yes I saw all that already. What I would like to have known was NOT how much he raised, but because he’s the subject of our conversation and you are lauding him for all these things. I want to know HOW MUCH he contributed himself. Who paid for his Israel trip. How many times was this 100% Jew ever in Israel. Dis he ever make a second trip….? Etc.

    {Awards are just so much rubbish. I myself have won many awards, certificates, silver/gold medals, silver cups, (one a solid silver replica of the Ardagh Chalice on a heavy green Connemara marble base) pewter mugs etc. and I don’t have the slightest idea where they are. I think in a trunk out in a back shed in my house, although I don’t live there now}.

    {Just to let you know. In all the older novels beer was always served in pewter mugs. It was a “given” I can tell you that it doesn’t taste any better, in fact I think,. rather less palatable. I have two pint mugs, one for Tennis and the other for Boxing. I used to have a great display on the sideboard, but….I was a kid then…. means little or nothing now}.

    You know what I mean. These usually (not Cantor) pot bellied, ovwerfed fund raisers get a huge expense account and rarely -if ever-does more than 10-15 % of the money raised ever reach the destination it was meant for.

    When my dear late mother went around knocking on doors or to offices,to collect funds for poor brides, or the destitute sick, 100% went to the proper places, including a good donation from us to start it off.

    You well know that “Fund Raising” is little more than a scam. I know it. So should you.

    My experience tell me that Cantor and other celebrities got all expenses paid trips to Israel, and perhaps even fees as extras. He was being used as a front for fundraising, as it obviously appears.

  9. #

    Good find. It must have been around 1951 or thereabouts. Weizman died in ’53. He certainly saw a lot. Looks very different from his stage perona. No clown gimmicks. The only think that jarred me was his “6 minutes” with Ben Gurion. A man I could not stand.

    It was HE who began all the canards about “we are stealing their land, and we are stealing their country from them. It’s their country etc.etc.” Naturally they hate us for pushing them from their homes and land. “We are the invaders and occupiers of their land”.. All good socialist crap.

    But it wasn’t socialism which made him betray the Irgun to the British, just plain hatred. And this is the criminal who ordered Rabin to fire on Jews just out of the British Concentration pens , and before that straight from the death camps. Killing them when they were struggling from drowning, after abandoning the Altalena, attacked and sunk by Rabin, again on Ben Gurion’s orders.

    Because Den Gurion wanted to be the big cheese and knew that Begin didn’t respect him one bit….another “hate”…”that man”…

    Bennett, Sa’ar more haters….. who would destroy the country rather than allow Netanyahu to succeed. And they are NO “Sampsons”.

    .Again to Eddie…As for him, he could well afford it. Godd for him. I wonder how much he gave to Israeli charities, or if any Kibbutzim were supported by him…As I say, he could well afford it, and hope he paid for his own trip to Israel…..

  10. @ Edgar Eddie Cantor Receives 1947 United Jewish Appeal Award for Humanitarian Service

    Eddie Cantor, noted stage and screen star, this week received the 1947 award presented by the United Jewish Appeal “for outstanding humanitarian service” in devoting unceasing effort in behalf of the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of the Jewish survivors in Europe.

    He was also one ofs the founders and early presidents of the Screen Actors Guild

    @Edgar Eddie Cantor in Israel fundraising for Israel early 50s film short for American audiences.

  11. @ Edgar Eddie Cantor Receives 1947 United Jewish Appeal Award for Humanitarian Service

    Eddie Cantor, noted stage and screen star, this week received the 1947 award presented by the United Jewish Appeal “for outstanding humanitarian service” in devoting unceasing effort in behalf of the relief, rehabilitation and resettlement of the Jewish survivors in Europe.

    He was also one ofs the founders and early presidents of the Screen Actors Guild

    @Edgar Eddie Cantor in Israel fundraising for Israel early 50s film short for American audiences.

  12. @ SEBASTIEN-

    You may be #3 -after Myron….but….. I’m…… hesitating……. I think that Julian Rose, who also wrote his own stuff, was 30-40 years earlier than Bruce. Bruce I couldn’t stand. There is never any real need for obscenities, and to include them is so-called humour, is gruesome beyond all measures. And…… I couldn’t see his kind of “humour” as funny. Objectionable…yes, but funny NO. Common vulgarity, which is plentiful in the normal American everyday language, is more than enough for me.

    That “Yesh” is appealing. It seemed that the link would lead me to “Bananas”, but I suppose your choice. is just as apt Maybe that’s why we get along without to much controversy, our sense of humour-I certainly appreciate yours.

    I liked Eddie Cantor, mainly I think because he was a Jew. His style, not so much, He was just a song and dance man with a lot of energy. For me, there was nobody like Jolson.

    One thing about Myron which was fascinating, I was always “half”-expecting his ears to begin flapping and raise him a few inches off the floor.

  13. @Edgar and Edith Piaf and rice pilaf. The associations seem endless. Could make some hilariously fantastical, not to say, fantasmagorical combinations.

  14. @Edgar Yes, he said that, too. Twain is like Shakespeare – you have to wade through tomes of boring stuff to get to the juicy oneliners everybody quotes.

    I listened to Myron Cohen as a boy. He had a long career. There are Youtube videos from 50s, 60s, and 70s.

    He actually told jokes. Nobody does that anymore. Not for decades. I guess starting with Lennie Bruce, monologists became the norm. Even in the heyday of Borscht Belt comedy, I think it was mostly punchlines, I’m guessing. Not so much jokes?

  15. I think Twain said that “they drag you down to their level and beat you up through experience”. I’m a many (nearly 20 years) member of a boxing site called boxingscene. One of the members has the Twain quote permanently inscribed on all his posts. So it is very familiar to me, having seen it perhaps hundreds of times.

    I think that, in various ways I’ve pointed this out to at least 1-2 of our posters who waste an enormous amount of time doing ,,,,”what they shouldn’t bother doing”….

    It’s like the old Russian story of the officer riding through a Jewish village and saw, on the village inn wall, a series of circles, each with a hole in the middle. He wanted to immediately enlist this super brilliant marksman. Making enquiries, he found that it was the landlord’s half-witted son. He spoke to him and asked him how he became such a great shot.

    “Naah it’s easy” said the poor schlemiel. “How so” asked the officer. “Well, first you make the hole, then you draw the circle”…see….its’ easy” was the answer.

    I know you’ve all heard this a dozen times, but it reminds me of Twain’s remark about arguing with fools. If you don’t see the connection, than here’s a reminder by Jackie Mason.

    Says he.. “do you know that in Jewish Law, eating chametz on Pesach is as heinous a sin as committing adultery..”…… You didn’t???

    “Well it IS…but…I’ve tried them both, and just can’t see the comparison”..!

    My all time favourite stand-up comedian, second is Myron Cohen, the rest are “also rans”..

  16. @SEB-

    “Piet” reminded me of PIAT, which I know more about. It was/is a kind of hand held anti-tank gun firing a 3″ shell. It was a French designed WW2 item and also used by the Jews in 1948, which is mainly why I remember it.. I KNOW that as well as the “DAVIDKA”, which supplied the frightening noise and did little or no damage, the PIAT supplied far less noise and did a LOT more damage.

    Whoever Piet was he was obviously named Pieter and it’s a Flemish or Belgian name. I’m speculating of course but…….

  17. I meant, “poet” with1 second of editing time left but piet’s nice, too. Didn’t know it was a word.

    Programming language

    Piet is a stack-based esoteric programming language in which programs look like abstract paintings. It uses 20 colors, of which 18 are related cyclically through a lightness cycle and a hue cycle.Apr 6, 2022 › wiki › Piet
    Piet – Esolang, the esoteric programming languages wiki
    Maybe that would be a poet with synesthesia like the composer, Scriabin. But an artificial intellience that gained awareness arguing with fools on Israpundit. No ifs and or bots.

    “Never Argue With a Fool, Onlookers May Not Be Able To Tell the Difference

    Mark Twain? Biblical Proverb? Apocryphal? Anonymous?”

  18. I meant, “poet” with1 second of editing time left but piet’s nice, too. Didn’t know it was a word.

    Programming language

    Piet is a stack-based esoteric programming language in which programs look like abstract paintings. It uses 20 colors, of which 18 are related cyclically through a lightness cycle and a hue cycle.Apr 6, 2022 › wiki › Piet
    Piet – Esolang, the esoteric programming languages wiki

    Maybe that would be a poet with synesthesia like the composer, Scriabin. But an artificial intellience that gained awareness arguing with fools on Israpundit. No ifs and or bots.

    “Never Argue With a Fool, Onlookers May Not Be Able To Tell the Difference

    Mark Twain? Biblical Proverb? Apocryphal? Anonymous?”

  19. @Reader I thought you didn’t know and I was being helpful. So, you just didn’t notice the link at the time but commented anyway and now ordered ME to find the post again so I could copy it for you but accused ME of ordering you about when I merely suggested you do your own damn research to answer YOUR own dumb question which you shouldn’t have needed to ask in the first place instead of putting the cart before the horse and shooting your mouth off first and asking questions later?

    Wow! Talk about projection. But that’s what leftists routinely do folks. Step up now. Get yer tickets while they last. Two to a customer. Yes sirree.

    That’s the gratitude I get. No good deed goes unpunished. I don’t get any respect. I don’t get no satisfaction. My seconds will call on yours sir. I’m going to be executed for mixing too many metaphors first, anyway.

    I shouda been a piet

  20. @Peloni @Edgar aka Grasshopper It would seem Grasshopper as a nickname is a contranym.(at once wise and naive) also known ad an auto -antonym or autantonym or – oh, I give up, see below)You suppose whoever noticed this has an aunt – tante – like this?

    noun: contranym
    a word with two opposite meanings, e.g. sanction (which can mean both ‘a penalty for disobeying a law’ and ‘official permission or approval for an action’).
    Translations and more definitions

    An auto-antonym or autantonym, also called a contronym or antagonym among other terms, is a word with multiple meanings of which one is the reverse of another. For example, the word cleave can mean “to cut apart” or “to bind together”. This phenomenon is called enantiosemy, enantionymy, antilogy or autantonymy. Wikipedia

  21. @PELONI-

    I don’t consciously use any system. It’s like the old song.”Doing The What Comes Naturally”, as far as I know.

    I seem to recall reading years ago, that one of the British PMs used Pelmanism to arrange and memorise his thoughts. May have been some other “celebrity”.

    Maybe it’s some sort of associative system…?? tying knots in handkerchiefs may have been a “prototype”……Ahem…!!


    TV shows are……….well…..just TV shows. They make the impossible, possible. I saw some of that show.. and I knew that Carradine was the real father .

  23. @Sebastien Zorn

    The string of gibberish in another color

    It was easier for you to give the link again than to order me disdainfully to go looking for

    the string of gibberish in another color

    Order someone else around, not me.

  24. Krav Maga (Hebrew:], lit. “contact combat”) is a military self-defense and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and Israeli security forces.[1][2] It is derived from a combination of techniques used in aikido, boxing, judo, karate, and wrestling.[3][4] It is known for its focus on real-world situations and its extreme efficiency.[5] It was derived from the street-fighting experience of Hungarian-Israeli martial artist Imi Lichtenfeld, who made use of his training as a boxer and wrestler while defending the Jewish quarter against fascist groups in Bratislava during the mid-to-late 1930s.[6] In the late 1940s, after his immigration to Mandatory Palestine, he began to provide lessons on combat training to what was to become the IDF…”

    Every Jewish child should train in Krav Maga from an early age.

  25. @Edgar @Peloni

    “Flasbacks are often used to recall specific lessons from Caine’s childhood training in the monastery from his teachers, the blind Master Po (Keye Luke) and Master Chen Ming Kan (Philip Ahn). In those flashbacks, Master Po calls his young student “Grasshopper”, given from a playful lesson he taught to Caine as a child about being aware of the world around him, including the grasshopper that happened to be at his feet at that moment..”

    Kung fu Wikipedia

    The boy repeatedly charges Master Po- the old blind man -with a club when Po instructs him to but handily deflected and the boy – Caine – sent in a backwards somersault from one blow. Later, the adult Caine teaches an old blind man played by real life fatherJohn Carradine to function.

  26. Sebastian: good for you not letting that “progressive Jew” get away with her nonsense. I can only imagine her attitude toward Israel. xoxoxo

  27. Edgar @ Peloni This is what grasshopper evokes for me and probably my generation. From then on the old man always calls the boy, “grasshopper” in the flashbacks that punctuate the season that ran from 1972 to 1974. Possibly the most influential tv series made ever anywhere with worldwide influence on multtiple levels. though now mostly forgotten I’m sure. Amazon has it streaming for purchase. The only Buddhist Western ever made. 1972-74. 3 seasons

  28. @Edgar @ Peloni This is what grasshopper evokes for me and probably my generation. From then on the old man always calls the boy, “grasshopper” in the flashbacks that punctuate the season that ran from 1972 to 1974. Possibly the most influential tv series made ever anywhere with worldwide influence on multtiple levels. though now mostly forgotten I’m sure. Amazon has it streaming for purchase. The only Buddhist Western ever made. 1972-74. 3 seasons

  29. @Sebastien

    I’m afraid one must fight Alinsky with Alinsky to prevail.

    Sometimes fighting fire with fire is the more satisfying aspect of valor. Indeed, such curmudgeons are well beyond conversion by conversation, and will likely only see the light of reason as they plummet off the cliff of rational thought, and may still need the convincing bump awaiting them at the end of their long fall, simply to awaken them to the folly of their long held nature of dependency upon Democratic talking points as a substitute for thoughtful deliberation. So Alinsky on and give them hell, Harry, er, I mean Sebastien.

  30. @Edgar

    The “grasshopper mind”, maybe. I need a course in Pelmanism…….

    I am not certain what mental regimen or system you employ to catalog and readily access the steady length of knowledge that you share here along with many of the associated sources, but I will note that it is quite an impressive feat. Indeed, I have never known a grasshopper so well skilled as yourself, but then again, I do know so very few of them and have had even fewer opportunities to converse with them…LOL.

  31. ” People to whom things happen.”Maybe because I’m from New York. That would have been funny once. But I read the Defence/Security section of Arutz Sheva and every day and what Israelis put up with is no joke.

    Some idiot woman in a coffee shop angrily told me she is Progressive and hates Trump BECAUSE she is a Jew. I almost spat at her in fury. We did have a nicely cathartic exchange of “fuck you’s” at the end, though I heroicallty or stupikdly tried to be diplomatic, at first.

    I’m afraid one must fight Alinsky with Alinsky to prevail.

  32. @Peloni @Honeybee

    There are people who make things happen, there are people who watch things happen, and there are people who wonder what happened. To be successful, you need to be a person who makes things happen.

    Jim Lovell

    Didn’t know the name, just the quote; turns out it’s not contested and he’s famous – one of the three astronauts who first landed on rhe moon in 1968. I almost saw it. I fell asleep waiting for them to get there while they showed fake-looking simulations of the capsule in space and an astronaut on a tether floating in space while a voice or voices droned in and on unintelligibly amidst a lot of static. Whaddyou want? I was 8 and spoiled by Star Trek and all the movies and shows produced on tv by Irwin Allen. They visited other galaxies in less than an hour with time for commercials!

    I wonder if the quote was inspired or influenced by the definitions – which read lije a joke of the schliemiel and the schlemazel. If you throw in the schmuck it might be pretty close.

    Oh, wait. I just re-read his quote. It’s close bur not exactly the one I knew and was looking for,

    “There are three kinds of people. There are people who make things happen, people to whom things happen, and people who saty, what happened?”‘

    To close for coincidence. Which came first? This reader wants to know.

  33. @Reader What article?

    The string of gibberish in another color is always a link to a web page, usually an article though it coyld be a video clip or cartoon. Click on it nd it will take you there. The original post followed by yours is on the previous page.

  34. @Sebastien Zorn

    You missed the joke because you didn’t click on the link and read the article

    What article?

  35. @PELONI-

    No I’m sure it’s not the McFarlane one, Both title and author’s name are unfamiliar. The date may be in the vicinity, although I think about 20 or so years earlier. I’ll just have to wait until I see it or it occurs to me. In the meantime I’ll go quietly mashugga. I only began thinking about it because I’m reading a book now in which his name was casually mentioned. And, with me, even a passing name or phrase reminds me of something else. Thank you for trying.

    The “grasshopper mind”, maybe. I need a course in Pelmanism…….( I used to se it advertised in the back pages of the early Science Fiction Pulps, which I’d always read from cover to cover. Some fascinating ads, magical claims. I recall buying a lovely looking gun, which turned out to be very cheap plastic, (fell to pieces first time used) and itching powder, which was NOT appreciated by my brothers.


    I’ve looked at these earlier before I posted but none is the right one. Thank you all the same. Kingsley is the only one which has the name in the Title.
    I originally thought it was something like “The Last Englishman or The Last Saxon”, but they are about Harold Godwinson, who was defeated at Hastings, and I actually have it, although can’t recall the author’s name. “The Last of the Barons” is about Warwick “The Kingmaker”, a fascinating book but hundreds of years after Hereward. .

    Maybe next week or next year I’ll suddenly recall it, just like I did “Elephant in Jet” which had eluded me for decades, until it suddenly popped into my mind last year. If I DO get my books assembled as I hope, this summer then I’ll find it.

  37. @Edgar
    There are a few of them, but I am thinking that it is likely the Camp of Refuge by Mcfarlane from 1881. If so it is free online here link

    If this is not the one, there is a list of the titles from the 20th and 21st Century on the subject here link

    I still bet it is the one by McFarlane, though.

  38. I need some help here lads. I have a book, it’s all about Hereward the Wake, his stronghold in Ely and the Fens, his stand against the Normans, his eventual death, fighting. But it’s driving me crazy to recall the author. It’s not in my Bulwer Lytton stuff. And not Charles Kingsley, his book is far too flowery and old fashioned of content.

    There must have been other 19th cent authors who wrote on him.

  39. @Peloni @Honeybee

    “Insanity Is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results

    Albert Einstein? Al-Anon? Narcotics Anonymous? Max Nordau? George Bernard Shaw? Samuel Beckett? George A. Kelly? Rita Mae Brown? John Larroquette? Jessie Potter? Werner Erhard?”

    Quote Investigator: There is no substantive evidence that Einstein wrote or spoke the statement above. It is listed within a section called “Misattributed to Einstein” in the comprehensive reference “The Ultimate Quotable Einstein” from Princeton University Press.[1]

    The earliest strong match known to QI appeared in October 1981 within a Knoxville, Tennessee newspaper article describing a meeting of Al-Anon, an organization designed to help the families of alcoholics. The journalist described the “Twelve Steps” of Al-Anon which are based on similar steps employed in Alcoholics Anonymous….”

  40. @Peloni Here’s a mis or at least apocryphal attribution that I recently came across in an article and which I just looked uo on Quote Investigator. I was quite surprised. Next thing you know, we’ll be told that young George Washington didn’t tell his father, “I chopped down that cherry tree, father. I cannot tell a le.”
    No. That would be going too far.