Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,631 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7631 Comments

  1. @ Reader

    The Visa Waiver Program (VWP), administered by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in consultation with the State Department, permits citizens of 40 countries to travel to the United States for business or tourism for stays of up to 90 days without a visa. › visa-waiver-p…
    US Visa Waiver Program – Homeland Security

  2. @Sebastien Zorn

    Will US suspend Visa waivers for Israelis

    What is this thing about the visa waivers?

    To make it easier to move to the US and stay there?

  3. @ Felix, Reader, Peloni, Edgar, et al, Marx brilliantly explained this effort by all sides of this conflict to miscast the issues at hand in terms of World War II and the Holocaust almost 200 years ago.

    “The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living. And just as they seem to be occupied with revolutionizing themselves and things, creating something that did not exist before, precisely in such epochs of revolutionary crisis they anxiously conjure up the spirits of the past to their service, borrowing from them names, battle slogans, and costumes in order to present this new scene in world history in time-honored disguise and borrowed language. Thus Luther put on the mask of the Apostle Paul, the Revolution of 1789-1814 draped itself alternately in the guise of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, and the Revolution of 1848 knew nothing better to do than to parody, now 1789, now the revolutionary tradition of 1793-95. In like manner, the beginner who has learned a new language always translates it back into his mother tongue, but he assimilates the spirit of the new language and expresses himself freely in it only when he moves in it without recalling the old and when he forgets his native tongue.”

  4. @Ted
    Fair point, I should have highlighted this. Additionally, it does provide for exemptions for prior infections as well as medical contraindications.

  5. @Peloni
    You spoke too soon. This ruling is only about healthcare employees.

    Despite the high intensity of the intervention, the constitutionally protected interests of the complainants working in the health and care sector must ultimately take a back seat.

  6. “Dozens of members of Arab family riot at hospital in Nahariya
    Watch: Family members from Abu Snan beat security guards and civilians after being notified of the death of a loved one.

    “…Dozens of family members of the victim, residents of eastern Jerusalem, broke doors and windows, destroyed the nurses’ stand and beat the staff members…”

    Hospital security guards and police officers who were called to the scene were able to restore order. Two medical personnel suffered light injuries and were treated in the hospital emergency room.

    “…The Israel Medical Association announced on Tuesday that it would hold a one-day strike in all hospitals and health maintenance organizations on Thursday, in protest against a number of recent attacks against medical staff…”

    I presume none of the perps were charged or imprisoned? I am so eager to make aliya as I want to feel safe. Ha Ha. Might as well stay here to feel this safe.

  7. Hi, Sebastien. Generalissimo Franco is indeed still dead 🙂

    The latest I’ve found on Azovstal is

    Russia-Ukraine war LIVE updates: Top commanders at Azovstal haven’t surrendered, say pro-Russian sources
    Top-ranking Ukrainian commanders at Mariupol’s Azovstal steelworks are still inside the plant and have yet to surrender, local media quoted a pro-Russian separatist leader as saying. Russia said on Wednesday that a total of 959 Ukrainian fighters, including 80 wounded, had surrendered from the bunkers and tunnels below Mariupol’s Azovstal steelworks since Monday. Stay with TOI for latest updates:

    This seems to jibe with what Peloni et al have been relaying.

  8. @Peloni They announced on Fox News Radio this morning that Ukrainian forces were gaining ground and Putin was losing face. And that the US is sending another $40 billion. Same news every day, more or less. I am reminded of:

    “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead
    “Generalissimo Francisco Franco is still dead” is a catchphrase that originated in 1975 during the first season of NBC’s Saturday Night and which mocked the weeks-long media reports of the impending death of Francisco Franco. It was one of the first catchphrases from the series to enter the general lexicon. Wikipedia”

  9. The Ukrainians are not rushing to enlist,

    No, they are not, which is why they closed their borders and instituted the draft of all men upto the limber age of 60 to fill their ranks with motivated souls dedicated to fight til the last, or at least until dark when they can find a way back to the border, LOL…This is why I described their forces as draftees in my previous post.

    In fairness to the Ukrainians, they have had a great many advantages in this fight. They had a home defense, with short supply lines (getting shorter), an almost limitless amount of aid, a practice war session that lasted 8yrs against, well, not the Russians, but 8yrs of war none the less, which produced a hardened warrior army, and which was also armed and trained with NATO forces and NATO weaponry. Despite all of this, Ukraine has consistently given ground against inferior numbers, with long supply lines, from a nation(Russia) which are being financed while being diplomatically and financially sanctioned by nearly half the world, literally.

    Furthermore, the Ukrainians have stretched credulity into funny pages by making silly war claims which, were I Ukrainian, I would find humiliating and denigrating to the cause they claim as righteous and necessary to their survival. Of course, the Russians are no weekend warriors, and they have made some miscalculations in their military endeavors, but they, unlike their Ukrainian counterparts, have made their approach to this war with a serious determination which demanded more respect than the Ukrainian high command have offered in response. The onus of this failure of the Ukrainian high command has fallen upon the simple soldiers of Ukraine, which, as we’ve both noted, are not entirely volunteers. To their credit, these enlistedmen/draftees have handled this terrible burden with a great responsibility and dedication that speaks to their recognition of the terrible consequences of every potential failure in this war, if nothing else.

    These outmatched soldiers were faced with the additional dilemma of the massive aid coming in the form of some foreign contraption, which sometimes worked, came with instructions in some foreign language, and required 12 different types of non-interchangeable ammo, and when these cool toys were lost to the enemy it simply made the task at hand more reasonable, even if it did not make it more successful. These logistical details are the cross-fibers that distinguish a tapestry from a basket of loose thread with regards to an armed force. Hence, taken in whole, I have to admit that the Ukrainian forces have failed to succeed, and will also ultimately fail to win. Yet, they have not failed to impress, and this is a victory of sorts that they will carry with them if they survive the war, or, rather, if they survive the war and survive the denazification process of Russian justice, in any event.

  10. The Ukrainians are not rushing to enlist, I think a few of them are actually running in the opposite direction.

    I am concerned about the US/EU plans to get 20 million tons of grain out of Ukraine by land or air with, apparently, no regard to the needs of the Ukrainians (at least, nobody mentions that).

  11. @Reader

    The decision not to fight them inside the factory was a smart one and it saved lives.

    Yes, this was a masterstroke. Putin surrounded the plant and even allowed the Azov to broadcast their propaganda footage from the caverns of their subterranean jail cells. It worked for the Ukrainians to a point, but to see these superstars of death sheltering from the storm of battle after boasting of their many escapades against the Dombas for 8yrs, it had to have taken its toll on both those in the catacombs as well as those watching the reality war games play out. After a time, the reality war program came to reveal a level of boredom that would compete with that of watching grass grow, as became evident when even the Kiev govt came to ignore their Azov phone calls from the pit, (reported by Azov on some of the early broadcasts from the pit).

    I had come to the conclusion that their food ran out, or nearly so, when they released their treasured hostages. They were so frightened of the Russian invasion of their dugout that they wasted the most precious of commodities to any soldier held in such dire conditions, food. (The irony is so thick in these situations and so dark, it seems too bold to notice, but I can’t help myself.) The irony here is that the terror held by these Azov men of actually facing the wrath of the Russians, caused them to overload their warriors’ ranks with simple folk who only wanted to get the hell out, and this caused their food to dry up more quickly and thereby drew their surrender ever more quickly. This has brought their real dread to an early birth as they will now face their spin at the game of Russian justice…It is all quite ironic, but I find no joy in either the observation of the fact nor sharing it, but it is a lesson that once learned should be not revisited too soon.

    As there are new reports of 1 or perhaps 2 new cauldrons developing, where the poor Ukrainian draftees are now faced with dealing with a situation similar to that of Azov (only they will not have the luxury living quarters 6-20 floors underground as did Azov to hide their valor from the shells, but the entitled few alwasy seem to find an entitlement or two to set them above the ordinary masses, but I digress). In any case, these ordinary masses, should the reports of the cauldrons prove accurate, will likely act out of a sense of personal patriotism to follow orders. This, combined with the gross incompetence of their Kiev taskmasters who seem to like the order of never retreat, never surrender (til today in any case), will likely leave these masses with a similar question as befell the mighty Azov as they retreated into their subterranean hollows: Should we take the hostages with us and share our food with them or simply keep the food for ourselves? I think I know what the Azov would advise…

  12. @peloni

    Azovstal Surrenders

    I suspect they ran out of food.

    The decision not to fight them inside the factory was a smart one and it saved lives.

  13. Azovstal Surrenders as Russia Continues Offensive in Donbass
    Alexander at The Duran gives a breakdown of the Azovstahl surrender that sounds more like the surrender was the choice of the soldiers and that the Ukrainian govt responded by hurriedly signing orders to that effect. Honestly, I waded thru several reports of the surrender before being convinced it was real because, as Alexander also describes, the initial reports very much did try to describe it as an arrangement with the Russians or a limited “evacuation”. The Russians, of course, continued with their poker face silence beyond their daily reports which they simply state it as a surrender, but I very much do agree with Alexander’s analysis. He goes further to describe the miserable state of affairs in Dombas for the Ukrainian forces, who did have the home defense advantage, and this final surrender of the infamous and inspiring Spartan last stand at Mariupol may have a profound effect upon the Ukrainian troops as well as the Ukrainian people.

    At some point, these doltish Ukrainians must at last come to recognize that they are simply being exposed and expended as chess pieces in someone else’s board-game where the ultimate victory is not the greater interest of Ukraine. Some may disagree, of course, but for myself, I am not in anyway inspired by this Borderland nation as it holds a miserable record of 30yr of corruption, exploitation and avarice, but the Ukrainians, at least, should have some interest in preserving their heretofore position as the world’s money-laundering center, where cash is cleaned, trafficking is routine and the legal context of murder and mayhem is preserved for those in power. If they do not give up their belief that propaganda can cure all defeats, they may soon suffer a moment not unlike that of 1918 Germany where the Berliners went from reading of victory after victory to reading of the signed Armistice. The mental dysphoria did Germany no good, and the world suffered miserably for their continued state of self denial.

  14. Azovstal surrenders!

    The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine has confirmed on its social media networks that its servicemen holed up at the Azovstal steelworks in Mariupol have been ordered to surrender.

    “The garrison ‘Mariupol’ has completed the assigned combat mission. The highest military command issued an order to the commanders of the units located at Azovstal to save the lives of the personnel,” the Ukrainian military statement explained. According to Kiev, while holding positions at Azovstal, its soldiers “prevented” Russian troops from operating in other theatres, reported the Russia Today.

    President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, said that their return will require “delicacy and time.”

    Finally sense returns to the general staff of Ukraine in allowing their men to finally surrender. They never had any hope of victory or rescue, and it was barbarous for them to be held to stand to the last man, quite revealing of the nature of the command which enforced these barbarous orders. The refusal of any military command to permit maneuvers or retreat as battle necessities demand, results in the loss of strategic advantages that could be gained from such nimbleness as well as costing needless lives and suffering. These are not hallmarks of modern military tactics, but of the senseless salesmanship to demonstrate the invincibility of their not so invincible forces. Of course, the situational irony of events forced Ukraine to adopt these measures due to its all too manipulatively successful propaganda campaign, which can not be seen to allow their forces to react to events on the ground. Very sad, very cynical and very unfortunate for all involved.

    Reports that between 3-500 people were transported to the areas controlled by Russia with estimates that there are a total of ~2200 people who are surrendering. It will be quite interesting to see what is inside the Avostahl complex as well as how many foreign nationals might be present.

    Read more at:


  15. I just got a real surprise. I read that there are 3,000 Jews living in Saudi Arabia.

    Does anyone know what percentage of Birthright visitors actually come on aliyah and STAY…???

    I also read comments from several who are visiting soon, not a single mention of ever bonding with Israel and staying, but only of meeting people from other universities and colleges and kibbitzing with them.

    I see two different numbers. One which said that over 700,000 Birthright “holistic” visitors have been brought to Israel since it began in 2000, the other one said 350,000. Also someone named, of all things, “Popkin”, protesting that he’d been brought into “the occupied Territories without his permission”…..

  16. I don’t mean to be a spoil sport but where is this vaunted inflation I’ve been hearing and reading* so much about. Is New York in a bubble? Prices are the same, some have gone down.

    * I initially typed, “reafing,” by mistake which would have looked like early English and I suddenly understood why they wrote in such a weird way, back then. They also tended to hit adjacent keys typing with one finger on their Ipads, without realizing it. the Pilgrims and such. How could I have missed that? So obvious. Dumb, Dumb, Dumb!

  17. US researcher says seeing Milky Way’s new black hole is ‘only the beginning’
    Edited By: Vyomica Berry
    Washington, United States Updated: May 13, 2022, 09:06 AM(IST)

    Based on mass and increasingly precise radius limits, astronomers have concluded that Sagittarius A* is the Milky Way’s central supermassive black hole.[8] The current value of its mass is slightly in excess of 4 million solar masses.*

    That’s heavy!


    Brussels plans to help EU countries confiscate assets frozen by sanctions
    Measure would make sanctions evasion an EU crime, paving way for authorities to take permanent action.

    The European Commission will present a legal proposal to help EU countries confiscate assets frozen as part of the sanctions campaign against Russia, two officials with knowledge of the plan said Wednesday.
    One official said that the proposal would “extend the legal possibilities for the confiscation of assets without a conviction,” referring to the fact that while sanctions already allowed the freezing of Russian oligarchs’ assets, it was currently much more difficult to permanently expropriate those assets without a trial and conviction.

    The question of what to do with the assets or their proceeds would be up to EU countries, said the officials, who added that discussions are continuing on whether to divert these funds to Ukraine.

  19. We should be very fearful and if the NATO follow the pattern of provocation (as in the fraudulent Bucha) I fully expect nuclear war.

    And there are signs.

    In fact Russia is eliminating the Ukrainian army so NATO is losing

    So the ex NATO commander in the notorios rag The Mirror States that since Putin is losing so awfully that he will launch a nuclear strike.

    That is preparation for THEM to launch a nuclear strike and BLAME it on Russia.

    So the way into escalation. The NATO are ruthless and reckless.

    They are totally evil

    With the pressure growing, Sir James Everard, a former NATO Deputy Supreme Allied Commander in Europe said that Putin could “significantly escalate” the invasion with over 600,000 troops or even choose the nuclear option.


  20. William Astore has written a great article. People should not underestimate just how evil this system is. Who would have ever thought they would be able to advance a history of the Holocaust in Ukraine and totally omit the decisive role of the home Ukrainian Collaborators and have Jews go along with this, and even lead in this evil as the much acclaimed British Israeli writer Phillips has just done. That there is such deceit shows what danger we are in.

  21. Thanks again, Peloni, for the COVID info. Here’s an interesting item:

    Researchers: Covid jab deadlier than Covid infection for anyone under the age of 80
    by WorldTribune Staff, May 6, 2022

    A risk-benefit analysis by Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., and independent researcher Kathy Dopp concluded that the Covid vaccine is deadlier than Covid itself for anyone under the age of 80.

  22. @Zorn
    I just found a number of your comments in trash and spam and approved them.
    I want to thank you for your excellent and erudite commentary..

  23. Putiin’s grandfather was a personal cook of both Lenin and Stalin. I wonder if he made their potatoes au putin.

  24. @Edgar

    Can I take it that adequate hydration would alleviate or prevent those rebounding effects.

    This would help of course, but the mask is a drain on the hydration of the upper airways and will wick out the moisture, sort of like a slow sink. The degree will depend on the actual mask being used and the level of physical exertion that will cause breathing to increase and thereby increase moisture loss from the respiratory tract. If you are talking, this will exacerbate the situation as well, as opposed if you are sitting or reclining quietly. The more well fitted the mask, such as with a respirator, the more of an issue the mask will cause as well. I have worn the P-95 respirators ( at length and it is so dehydrating that I found the experience quite debilitating – I really am quite pleased to never have to use that thing again. This is of course an extreme that won’t be faced with a regular mask, but it makes the point.

    Regarding the issue of masks preventing the ill from spreading the virus, it really doesn’t. A mask will catch spittle or sputum that flies out of the mouth while coughing, sneezing or talking, if it is large enough to be seen, but the simple act of breathing out normally will send countless particles flying through even a N-95 respirator mask that is well fitted to the face because the virus is much smaller than the pore size in the mask. One thing about Covid that should be kept very clearly in mind is that it is an airborne virus. It is not transmitted by spittle that flies a few feet before hitting the ground. It is emitted from an ill person and will float in a room upto weeks, even without ventilation before hitting the ground. This is why people being forced to lockdown inside homes and buildings was so devastating, because this is how the disease was best to transmit between people, with every breath from an infected person increasing the concentration of the virus in the house. The concentration in the house is how the uninfected become exposed and infected, primarily. Direct contact is a possible path towards infection, but they have proven pretty soundly that it is a weak second pathway to infection. So washing hands is good practice, but it doesn’t address the reality that most people are infected simply by breathing infected air.

    Regarding the Japanese, they are around the 38th parallel, which is a really important fact. People who live above the 34-35 parallel, north of a line between Tennessee and Los Angeles, have a marked drop in their production of Vitamin D levels between October and April. This is a major cause of influenza. Japan gets very cold, so they bundle up, but what sun they do get does causes Vitamin D synthesis in the winter. They also eat a lot of fish, which can also support Vitamin D ingestion (depends on the fish). They also live on an island and the humidity is likely very high, so inhaling very moist air may support the inspiring of less dry air even thru a mask. Just some thoughts that occur to me as relates to your fair question about their extensive mask usage.

  25. O.K. TED- Don’t bother, I’m re-writing.

    I sent in two posts. My main one was about IVERMECTIN, but it is my more casual enquiry about face masks seems to have generated all the posts..

    PELONI-. I note all your details and am astounded that there could be so many, all potentially damaging. But to the mask wearer, not others. My own post pointed out that mask wearing prevented the infected wearer from transmitting to others, but you go much further, showing that non infected wearers can suffer possibly fatal or at least chronic afflictions.

    (Can I take it that adequate hydration would alleviate or prevent those rebounding effects.)

    I had no idea that such was so wide ranging. Although I have already seen that Canadian researchers reported finding microscopic particles of polypropylene and plastic in victims’ lungs.

    FELIX- You and I are friends and nothing can change that. It should not deter you from speaking out on your strongly held opinions. My position on Global Warming, already posted here, is that it is irregularly cyclic, caused by what’s occurring on the Sun’s surface, and other naturally occurring phenomena, and that humans have a minimal or no effect.
    The scientific evidence seems overwhelming.

    I have posted her ethat I’ve already lived through winters “the coldest in 80 years” One, vividly recalled was when the German bombs fell across the road from my home. It was January, bitterly cold, 18″ of snow, the ruptured overhead cable lying, spluttering sparks, the tram lines a mangled mess. The canals were frozen over and people skated along them.. (6 years later it was colder, and 6 years after that colder still)

    RIGHT NOW, Ireland has had the coldest winter on record. (130 years) Europe close behind.

    But the rest of the world seems to be warmer. We have NO control over weather-except to be able to cause precipitation at certain times if the clouds co-operate.

  26. TED_ I posted answers to PELONI and FELIX, on one post, which seems not to be present. Please have a look and let me know as I need to then rewrite it.

  27. Durham granted in camara review of documents in Sussman case to assess if the content falls under attorney-client privileged. Big win!

  28. @Edgar
    Something I left off about the masks. Those who are less healthy, have poor nutrition, have established diseases(the more the less merry), or are obese, will be more impacted and be less capable of compensating due the the risks discussed in the previous comment. Kind of an obvious point, but I thought I should not it in any case.

  29. @Edgar

    I really wonder how face masks cause greater death counts.

    Regarding the association with the increase in deaths, there are many ways that masking might result in increase the risk of illness. Some measure of these people will de-compensate and die as a result and many others may simply develop lung compromising illnesses which can lead to their own complications later in life reducing the lifespand.

    If you wear a mask for any length of time you will note that the mask will collect moisture in it, and that your mouth will become somewhat dried out. This will partially be due to the moisture which is being exhaled is not being replaced when you inhale as the moisture is collecting on the mask. This is not an incidental issue, as the moisture level in the respiratory track is a vital component in a primary defense mechanism of the upper airway called the mucociliary escalator or mucociliary clearance which is quite an elegant defense mechanism. In it, the airway has a system of catching inhaled bacteria, viruses and fungi and inanimate particles, which get caught in the mucous covered lining of the airway and pushed back up the respiratory tract into the back of the mouth where it is then swallowed to be eliminated via the GI tract. When a person becomes generally dehydrated or even if the upper airway is selectively dehydrated due to breathing either dry air or room air thru a mask, this reduces the tackiness of the mucous in the airway and defeats this very important respiratory defense. This can allow infectious or toxic inhaled particles to gain access to the deep lung tissues and setup the associated inflammatory/infectious reactions which cause the associated disease states.

    But there is more. The moisture in the mask that is constantly on the mask, from the inhalation of moist air and the exhalation of moist air presents the mask with the ability to adhere bacteria and viruses. Over time the bacteria and viruses will collect on the mask, and the bacteria will actually grow(viruses only grow in living cells). This collection increases the concentration of these bugs and when a person inhales, a larger set of these will enter the airway and defeating the body’s natural defenses is a numbers game, the more you inhale at once, the more that will get to the target site and cause disease.

    The discomfort associated with mask usage often causes people to pull the mask below the nose, and breath in and out over that one little strip just below the nose, making it an even more potent loading point for infectious particles, but it reduces the dehydration of the upper airway.

    Also, masks are not regulated. You can make a mask out of anything, even using nylon shirts pulled up on the face or cut them out of random material or hand towels(they really did this). Due to reusage or simply due to the materials included in a given mask, particles from the masks can break free and may be breathed into the airway, while covered in the bacteria/viruses. These particles, depending on what they are made of, can cause intense inflammatory reactions, besides carrying the filth on them into the deep lungs, again if they evade the defenses of the airway. Nylon particles are known to cause a highly inflammatory reaction in the lung, for instance.

    A recent autopsy of 13 bodies showed 11 had plastic associated with masking in the lungs. I didn’t read the details of that study, so FYI, grain of salt and such.

    There is more to relate the potential effects harsh cleaning chemicals and the effects of increased CO2 inhalation on the blood chemistry, but I think the point is made that masks are not innocuous as they might appear to be.

    I have some strong objections on the 2022 IVM Friendship trial that seems to be abuzz from everyone recently, so I’ll share that in the next day or so.

  30. Edgar

    I am not in medicine. But I have tried to learn.

    I have been put off by you because of your very strong views against global warming.

    But that impinges greatly on discussion of virus.

    And so I hesitate to raise it again. But it impinges so deeply I will of course.

    On masks I have liked Dr Mike Hansen on YouTube and he has talked about masks

    This URL may help or better just do a search.


    Forgive if this is a wrong URL. I write on a tiny phone and checking could be a disaster losing the whole spiel.

    Anyway kindest regards to you and Sara

  31. I want to talk about Edgar and his daughter Sara on Ivermectin and so on

    But Sebastien has brought me up here and I didn’t know it.

    “Felix accused me of lacking empathy for Russia or was it Ukraine (the Kurds, the Armenians, Syrians, hard to keep track. ) I’m appalled, shocked and mortified at the very suggestion. In any case, It’s a travesty. A travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. They are my people. I love them.

    Why the video? I do know a little about class.

    But to the point. Lavrov should be respected because Russians too paid the price for Nazi racism. I don’t recall you referring to that.

  32. Edgar,

    what we have in common is brilliant daughters. The rest is essentially politics. The field of medicine, sadly, has become “cult science”, controlled by extremely self-interested industrialists. So-called “doctors” are killing people for fun and profit. If it were just a matter of adults making informed medical choices, it would be something we could discusss; but we have instead been mandating INSANE medical choices for children. God help us all, including our children and grandchildren. I don’t want to waste time arguing about these matters: Some people trust Fauci, as though he were God; we are dealing with dogma, not medicing.

  33. I really wonder how face masks cause greater death counts. After all they can only contain the virus infected wearer from spreading to others. The Japanese have been using them very successfully for the past century to prevent the spread of flu and other respiratory ailments. And their face masks are mere unshaped strips of cotton.

    Of course co-relation doesn’t mean causation, but the figures are so huge that they must be relevant. But I just don’t see the irrefutable connection. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable will explain it.