Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,631 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7631 Comments

  1. Sara’s info led me to do some digging, and resulted in a few “plums”…….

    1) The Egyptian Trial which began this Ivermectin rush was quickly withdrawn having been found to be fraudulent. But…the horse had already bolted from the stable, still hasn’t been caught.

    2) Farm Suppliers have been selling out their animal Ivermectin PASTE very quickly, It’s a horse and general animal med. The paste is 100 times more powerful than tablets for people and is dangerous for humans..

    3) The first 9 months of 2021 brought a “reported” over 2000 cases of Ivermectin poisoning, 4 times as many as the previous year. Many times those numbers are suspected but not reported.

    4) The big Ivermectin “pusher”,Dr. Pierre Kory, in his interview on Joe Rogan, and his sworn Senate testimony, said that taking it completely PREVENTS getting COVID.

    5) He later excused his own catching COVID (2 days after his daughter caught it) by saying that maybe he should double the dose and take it twice a week instead of once.-very scientific and convincing, I’d say ?????? No info on his present viewpoint. He is now a “former” care dr. and his Senate testimony has been “taken down”.

    6) Many scientists on the bandwagon, are NOT Virologists and have no ex6)perience as such. They are “positive thinkers”………..??

    7) Kory’s testimony was in 2020, and much more has emerged since, showing Ivermectin does not help with COVID.

    8) Even if recovered from COVID after taking Ivermectin, this does not show that the drug caused the cure. Only double blind studies can show this, and they are still being conducted -all with statistically negative results.

    I have not caught COVID, and I don’t take anything. It proves nothing.

  2. @Felix

    “English is a great language to learn. They use it everywhere, even in England! Kinda.'”

    Montgomery Clift “The Search” (1948)

  3. Felix accused me of lacking empathy for Russia or was it Ukraine (the Kurds, the Armenians, Syrians, hard to keep track. ) I’m appalled, shocked and mortified at the very suggestion. In any case, It’s a travesty. A travesty of a mockery of a sham of a mockery of a travesty of two mockeries of a sham. They are my people. I love them.

  4. @MICHAEL-

    I well know the qualifications of you and your wife, Michael, and they are not in question. I thought to do you a service by bringing this issue to your attention for a closer perusal.

    Have your friends used Ivermectin AFTER they contracted severe COVID and were healed in a few days.?? I ask, because that seems to be what you imply. I have no quarrel with it. Taking info account all the false positives and engatives of the very flawed tests……..

    My daughter Sara is brilliant, and a deep researcher. She and I have had many differences concerning items I’ve mentioned to her. she has effectively silenced me every time.

    Just a casual check of Ivermectin says that it is also effective against Dengue, Yellow Fever, and other viral diseases.

    Yet, on looking at establishments like the Mayo Clinic, it becomes clear that they are viruses which have NO cure, only treatment. They say so plainly.

    So, after considering how unlikely it would be that a Parasite med. would be also a cure for a viral disease. it seemed to me that it could be discussed.

    After all, Ivermectin has been available for about 50 years, for animals and 35 years for humans, and we have never seen any proof of it as a cure for anything but parasites….until now.

  5. Hi, Edgar

    I’m sure Sara is doing what she thinks best. You know you live in a medical autocracy, where the only thing harder to get than Ivermectin is truth. My wife (a retired RN Charge Nurse, with over 50 years experience) and I (I have an MS in Chemistry) researched these things long ago. Most of our friends have used Ivermectin effectively to fight COVID-19, without side effects.

    BTW, our Governor, Kate Brown, has set us free from most of the COVID restrictions (which we generally didn’t pay attention to anyway), in order to focus on supplying grade school boys’ bathrooms with menstrual aids:

    I suppose you can see the mental calibre of the people dictating medical policy.

  6. @MICHAEL S.-

    My daughter Sara sent me an article showing conclusively that Ivermectin does NOT cure COVID, and is a fallacy. This is why the WHO had not authorised it.

    Please look it up on the internet. There are many articles about it as being a “fake” cure. The latest research is dated to 2022.

  7. @TedBelman

    By Ted Belman

    From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

    Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

    Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

    The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

    Everyone will be happier.

    THANK YOU!!!

    I’d like to know, however, if someone addresses me here (@Raphael), is there a notification of any kind?

  8. Mayor of Ariel: Palestinians will continue working in our city

    Ariel mayor Eli Shabiro reacted to the deadly terror attack at the entrance to the city on Friday night.

    “The terrorists’ goal is to cause panic in our midst,” said Shabiro. “They won’t succeed in their endeavors,” he added.

    – Arutz Sheva 8:42am

  9. @Edgar In case you didn’t watch the scene, Kirk is responding to their leader who says, literally, “we have no choice but to be killers; it’s in our nature,” which is what you suggested.

    I once played in an orchestra conducted by the pianist/conductor/composer of an original concerto that had the same theme as a famous animated tv show, “The Simpsons.” When I pointed it out to him, he said he had never heard of it.

    I took a playwrighting class in which somebody imaginatively wrote a scene about a place he had never been or read about and somebody from that place was amazed at how realistic it was.

    The old mastesr like Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert liberally borrrowed themes from each other and played with them.

    And everybody turns out a lot of dreck before producing gems. Mozart isn’t generally treated as a serious composer before he reached his 20s, though Mendelssohn is; he was still a teenager when he wrote Midsummer Night’s Dream and the Octet, I believe. Hard to generalize.

    I think one of the reasons that there has been a paucity of really good original music in the west is stringent copyright rules.

    I took a Music theory class, much of which was learning to recognized the styles of established composers so as not to imitate them by mistake.
    Everybody has to be so careful, they can’t play or just write, so they come up with just a few pieces that could be entitled, “in search of a melody.”
    II imagine it’s good for insurance companies, though.
    You know Charles Ives never made a dime as a composer. He composed as a hobby but he cofounded Met Life. Hmmmm. Ha ha.


    I had no idea of this. I watched Startrek only for the first year. What’s his name, pointy ears Nimoy the Shmpok with his hand gesture of the Kohanim…ech…!! As I wrote elsewhere today, all novel writers are necessarily liars with good imaginations-just like actors…

    An aside with no connection to above. A few minutes ago i heard a song, sung by a man….soo..?? I hadn’t heard this particular singer or song since I was a kid, I was 15.on my first trip away from home -to Cork City to stay with an uncle and aunt for the summer.,,,,, It was Arthur Tracy, “The Street Singer” singing “Marta”. They had a wind up gramophone and some records. One of them was a great one, Eddie Carroll’s “Harlem” played by George Scott-Wood and his Swingers”. A really good orchestra. Another was “I’m An Old Cowhand”, played by The Sons of The Pioneers”…I always remember the short fiddle solo, very swingy -almost Jazz. I mean OLD jazz.

    Great stuff. very nostalgic.

    Arthur Tracywas a Yid from Ukraine, became a huge Hollywood star, and lived to be neary 100 years old.

  11. @Edgat

    “as if Homo Sapiens can’t help itself, but MUST kill, -caveman style”


    @Edgar You just quoted a line from a Star Trek episode:

    “We’re human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands, but we can stop it! We can admit that we’re killers, but we’re not going to kill today. That’s all it takes… knowing that we’re not going to kill today.” – “A Taste of Armageddon”Mar 22, 2022 › news › c…
    Captain Kirk’s Wisest Quotes –
    Here’s the scene:

    “In the episode, the crew of the Enterprise visits a planet engaged in a completely computer-simulated war with a neighboring planet, but the casualties, including the Enterprise’s crew, are supposed to be real.”

  12. @Edgar You just quoted a line from a Star Trek episode:

    “We’re human beings with the blood of a million savage years on our hands, but we can stop it! We can admit that we’re killers, but we’re not going to kill today. That’s all it takes… knowing that we’re not going to kill today.” – “A Taste of Armageddon”Mar 22, 2022 › news › c…
    Captain Kirk’s Wisest Quotes –

    Here’s the scene:

    “In the episode, the crew of the Enterprise visits a planet engaged in a completely computer-simulated war with a neighboring planet, but the casualties, including the Enterprise’s crew, are supposed to be real.”

  13. Many have chosen the German program over Israel’s Law of Return

    I think this is shameful.

    They “chose” Germany because Israel didn’t want them.

    Israel cancelled a huge aliyah from Ukraine.

    Wouldn’t it be crazy if Israel demanded all sorts of weird Judaism proofs from them as it usually does but Germany didn’t?

  14. “…Germany offers permanent residence and full social benefits to anyone with a Jewish grandparent (via section 23 of the Residence Law) and approved by the Central Welfare Office of the Jews in Germany.”


  15. “Many have chosen the German program over Israel’s Law of Return, a painful reality for the Jewish state, because Germany offers better social benefits, is closer to Ukraine, and acted quickly to organize transportation for evacuees. ”

    ‘…These Ukrainians refugees, like many of their Syrian predecessors, will continue to receive generous support from German religious and other organizations. But the refrain of “ungrateful refugees,” familiar to emigrants to Germany from the 1970s and 1990s, is becoming common again.”

    ““…If we don’t take care of these women, they might find other communities where they’re taken care of,” he said, referring to Christian missionary groups, like Jews for Jesus and Messianic Jewish emissaries, and others who have been assisting refugees at the Ukrainian border and in nearby countries. On my first day in Berlin, I’d already met volunteers from these groups at the train station, the first point of arrival for many refugees, pushing luggage carts and distributing food to new arrivals.”

    @Ted I am putting this in comments because when I performed a search for “Jewish Refugees” in the Israpundit search box, I got, “Forbidden. Sender Blacklisted.”

  16. Nobody talks about the Vietnam war anymore. 9/11 and the Iraq and Afghan wars already becoming forgotten. There was Syria, the Kurds. So many others. All the tears and public wailing internationally. Yugoslavia. End of the world urgently proclaimed. Companion to the endless succession of environmentalist hysterias. Watch. This war will be old news shortly. In 10 years it will be another generation. Out of sight out of mind.

  17. Zeppo, the fourth brother in that scene:

    One of the handicaps to the thorough enjoyment of the Marx Brothers in their merry escapades is the plight of poor Zeppo Marx. While Groucho, Harpo, and Chico are hogging the show, as the phrase has it, their brother hides in an insignificant role, peeping out now and then to listen to plaudits in which he has no share.[7]
    The popular assumption that Zeppo’s character was superfluous was fueled in part by Groucho. According to Groucho’s own story, when the group became the Three Marx Brothers, the studio wanted to trim their collective salary, and Groucho replied, “We’re twice as funny without Zeppo!”[8]

    Zeppo had great mechanical skills and was largely responsible for keeping the Marx family car running. He later owned a company that machined parts for the war effort during World War II, Marman Products Co. of Inglewood, California, later acquired by the Aeroquip Company.[9][10] This company produced a motorcycle, called the Marman Twin,[11] and the Marman clamps used to hold the “Fat Man” atomic bomb inside the B-29 bomber Bockscar.[citation needed] He obtained patents for a wristwatch that monitored the pulse rate and alarmed if the heartbeat became irregular[12] and a therapeutic pad for delivering moist heat to a patient.[13]

    He also founded a large theatrical agency with his brother Gummo. During their time as theatrical agents, Zeppo and Gummo represented numerous screenwriters and actors, including their brothers.[14]

  18. Celebrate San Remo Day By Steve Feldman, Greater Philadelphia ZOA Executive Director:

    …Every Jewish person is familiar with the dreidel, the spinning top toy associated with Hanukkah. On its four sides, the Hebrew letters are a mnemonic to remind us throughout the ages: “A great miracle happened here” (or for those in the Diaspora: “A great miracle happened there”). Sages realized that at some point, we might forget what G-d did for us. And so for our children’s and our children’s children’s sake, a device was devised to help us remember—or to keep us from forgetting.

    We should not need such a device to remember what took place at San Remo. We can see Israel in all of its glory every day. That should be enough of a reminder.

    We see and hear continuously from our enemies’ efforts to deny and even to undo what was acknowledged and set in motion at San Remo on that April 25. These, too, should be reminders.

    But at our peril, many of us take Israel for granted, and we turn blind eyes and deaf ears to our enemies’ relentless and aggressive work to demonize what occurred at San Remo.

    Some, including the Zionist Organization of America, have called for April 25 to be an international Jewish holiday: Yom San Remo. That is a good beginning. As we know, some holidays are observed merely by rote, without feeling or respect or worse, just another excuse to turn the occasion into sales of electronics or bedsheets.

    More is needed for Yom San Remo: days of pro-Zionist and pro-Israel, and even biblical education; days of activism and advocacy; teach-ins from the youngest of us to the eldest; marches; essay and poster contests; and other activities to make the commemoration tangible and prideful.

  19. @PELONI-

    La Politesse, toujours la politesse. I can think of other bon mots, like…
    “wrongheadedness”, “mulish”, “chazarkopf” (this last my own “invention”..
    “contumacious”, “perverse”. (this last an Inquisition favourite).

    I recall as a child, a joke I read in the now long forgotten Tid-Bits, which I used to get every week.

    “A young boy is being admonished by a parent for being stubborn…(papa)
    “my child, as you grow older you’ll find that nobody is ALWAYS right’.. (child) “are you sure father”, (papa) “yes -I’m certain of it’…(paraphrased, not exactly correctly)

  20. Hi, Peloni.

    Very similar “inconsistencies” already occurred in the last French presidential election in 2017. 4.07 million French people are said to have cast invalid votes in that run-off election – also between Macron and Le Pen. Reports that ballot papers with Marine Le Pen’s name had already been delivered damaged (=invalid) were striking. This happened in various regions of France. The ballot papers were torn or had cut corners. And it was always the ballot papers for the national conservative candidate.

    New math.

  21. News on the French forces in the Azovstahl plant

    According to reports from Aydinlik, a Turkish media outlet the re-elected French President abandoned French soldiers to die, unacknowledged, in Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol, Ukraine because he did not want their existence and possible deaths to jeopardise his election campaign.

    The Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin reported an estimated 400 foreign mercenaries trapped in Azovstal. Aydinlik reported that it was determined approximately 50 among those 400 were French officers and some were high ranking. Macron, alarmed by the emergence of the secret operation (alleged organised without a mandate) sent a “do not surrender” message to the French Officers.

  22. @Edgar
    Yes, well, he does have the conviction of his arguments, though I think he has tied his convictions so tightly that he is strongly invested in it being accurate, regardless of what contradicts its soundness.

    Well, I do recall, a good long time ago, of a similar situation in which I was doing a bit of research. I wound up proving my hypothesis wrong no matter how I approached trying to prove it correct. Being young and certain of my correctness, I simply refused to accept my theory was soundly proven wrong… LOL… I think back and smile for the lesson, but it was no fun at the time explaining the stupidity of my efforts to the research coordinator. The good old days…

  23. @PELONI-

    Yes Peloni, keep it short. Some have reading difficulties. I recall posting a while ago that “”R. is always “right” even when wrong, and no matter how often.

    I’m reminded of a short story I read named “Last-Word Lonigan”. In it was a parody…. “Last-Word Rongigan”.

    Or …Forrest Gump’s (repetitious) immortal saying…S.I.A.S i.

  24. @Ted Belman

    It’s too bad because I really liked the article.

    It made the most sense on the issue.

    If I were you, I would:

    a) doublecheck the accusations;

    b) even if Blumenthal turned out to be an antisemite, I’d keep the article anyway because there are almost 7 billion antisemites in the world and just because someone is an antisemite, doesn’t mean he is stupid.

  25. @Reader
    A number of people have emailed me to tell me that the author Max Blumenthal is a well-known antisemite.
    I decided that I should not trust anything he writes about Zelensky so I removed the post.

  26. How come I get a 404 error when I try to open:

    How Ukraine’s Jewish President, Volodymyr Zelensky, Made Peace with Neo-Nazi Paramilitaries on Front Lines of War with Russia (35)

  27. The if then proposition, “if,,,,I won’t forgive you” in Korean dramas always gets a big impact from the other character but gets a chuckle from me because nobody talks that way in contemporary English and the normal response would be, “so what,who cares?” and laughter at somebody trying to sound like he stepped out of a nineteenth century novel, or maybe earlier. Another hilarious favorite that isutterly meaningless in our language and culture: “Did you just speak to me, informally????”

    It shouldn’t ever been allowed to happen Israel leadership going back and present are bankrupt. As well as everything else Israel was set up as the Homeland, thereby refuge from Antisemitism, and we have just seen the most awful Antisemitism.

  29. @ Sabastian: Israel, or what I see of it, reminds me of Texas. The flags fly in mass for any occasion. The can-do in-your-face attitude. The appreciation of guns and the military. Texas/Alamo Israel/Massada Stand your ground

  30. @Honeybee The Azov brigade had already chased out the patients and staff but left the sign up. It was no longer a maternity hospital but a military base.

  31. Sabastian: I am sure there are better ways for Russia to handle Ukrainian aggression the bombing of maternity hospitals

  32. I felt the need for a pun so I googled Schelling and war.

    Sixty years ago, a dispute over the placement of Soviet missiles in Cuba pushed Washington and Moscow perilously close to all-out war. The crisis provided history’s most extreme example yet of nuclear brinkmanship, situations in which governments repeatedly escalate a very dangerous situation in an attempt to get their way. It also demonstrated the extraordinary value of the work of Thomas Schelling, an economist then at Harvard University, who used the relatively new tools of game theory to analyse the strategy of war. The war in Ukraine has made Schelling’s work, for which he shared the economics Nobel prize in 2005, more relevant than ever.

  33. @Honeybee Shelling that dramatically intensified this year, right after Biden predicted a Russian invasion.

  34. @Honeybee The proximate cause of the Russian invasion of Ukraine? 8 years of shelling of Russian speaking Luhansk and Donetsk and Russia’s recognition of their independence.

    I 19th century terms, Crimea and Donbass are Texas, Ukraine is Mexico and Russia is the US.