Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,631 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7631 Comments

  1. Poll: Yamina falls below minimum threshold as Netanyahu bloc tops 61 seats
    New poll shows Prime Minister Bennett’s party failing to make it into next Knesset, while pro-Netanyahu bloc reaches absolute majority.

    The poll, conducted by Direct Polls and published by Channel 14 Thursday night, found that if new elections were held today, the pro-Netanyahu bloc, including the Likud, the haredi factions, and the Religious Zionist Party alliance with Noam and Otzma Yehudit, would win an absolute majority in the Knesset, with 62 seats, up ten mandates from their current 52.

    Yamina and the New Hope party both fell below the 3.25% electoral threshold, while Yisrael Beytenu declined to six seats, down from seven in the previous poll.

  2. @PELONI-

    You are succinct in focussing right on the main point in a discussion. Then you surround it with reams of corroborating evidence, and roam far afield in your exposition. All very interesting to me personally, as I like to read, understand and follow lines of thought . Like a Rabbi’s after dinner speech at a wedding, you roam far afield,. but gradually bring back the direction to the original principle.

    My opinion, and would never criticise you for “overkill”. I enjoy good prose.

    Adam’s posts, I also enjoy, apart from the often relevant content, contents, for the very same reason.

    TED A post of mine has vanished. It dealt with all democratic countries being capiatlist in economic relations with other countries and socialistic in theie domestic policies.

    So all the gabble-gable criticism of about Marxist, Trotskyist, this-ist and that-ist are extraneous to Democratic countries. My opinion, open to correction AND explanation.

  3. @Edgar
    Yes, it is a great crime that such a man at the height of his personal success took on such a task and has paid such a significant price in the battle to reform his nation, the lone super-power, which reflected more generally on the world and quite specifically on Israel. It is amazing what he achieved against such great odds even as his plans were only half revealed.

    By the way, you are the first to ever describe me as succinct, LOL. I will have to quote you on this some day, LOLOL

  4. PELONI-

    Your succinct, highly accurate description of Trump’s assets, are right on the mark, and exactly my own, although I do not express them as well.

    And it is a constant puzzle to me that every politician in every country in the world, as well as all their citizens, do not see it the same way that we do. They should be thankful that such a brilliant, liberal feeling, activist is living today at such a time of deep crisis.

    The crimes that the Democrats committed in depriving him of his easily won Presidency, and their unsuccessful attempt to totally ruin his first stint, should go down in history as the greatest political scandal of all times. Far worse than such as “The Teapot Dome”. and other s like that

    Considering what he accomplished in his past White House term, whilst mired in fake scandals and hoaxes, as well as hindered by disloyal aides, was almost miraculous. Just imagine what he could have done, unhampered .

    We’d have had a new, far safer world today, and a booming Israel, already planning to extend into all parts of our Land when the 4 year moratorium ended.

  5. With all this talk about Socialism and Capitalism and this-ism and that-ism, we have ben, in my opinion missing the real point. And it has been valid for many years, without being openly stated.

    That is, that all Democratic nations, are Capitalistic in their economic policies and trading between nations. AND.. in their domestic policies are basically socialistic in practice.

    A successful nation preserves a nice balance between the two.

    I would appreciate it if someone pointed out to me where I am wrong- accompanied by an explanation.

  6. @Felix

    Trump is a brilliant negotiator.

    The relevance of Trump’s competence in negotiations is what makes him so valuable in any given crisis. He knows the best won battles are those that are not fought and this would be his manner in responding to Russia. As I stated before, he would use non-military tactics to end the war, and military tactics if pressed to do so, but he would not be, not by Putin because Putin knows a fight with the US is not one he can win. Though Putin has an agenda to secure his security concerns, he would not force a war he could not win towards this agenda, or he would have done so when Trump first began arming the Ukrainians. Neither Trump nor Putin wants war, and Putin’s demands were always reasonable, and in line with Trump’s agenda, again I explained this previously.

    He is Fascistic

    This is not true, not in the least and does not call for any serious response.

    Israel must break totally from the United States of America in total and become the independent Jewish State

    I believe Israel should walk a tight line with the US as Bibi has done over the past more than 10yrs and assert Israels concerns with an open and honest voice. If the US demands she steer from her own interests, it is the US that is introducing daylight in the relationship between the two and Israel should never acquiesce to such follies as they have, simply to preserve a toxic relationship, which is the best way I would describe the US demand that Israel accept an existential threat without responding. There is no need for Israel to “break totally” from the US any more than the US breaks from Israel. To this point, Israel can pivot to Russia or China, but this must be done with more precision, care and competence than is present in this current charade of an America First govt in Jerusalem.

  7. @Felix

    The relevance of Trump’s competence in negotiations is what makes him so valuable in any given crisis. He knows the best won battles are those that are not fought. As I stated before, he would use non-military tactics to end the war, and military tactics if pressed to do so, but he would not be, not by Putin because Putin knows a fight with the US is not one he can win. Though Putin has an agenda to secure his security concerns, he would not force a war he could not win towards this agenda, or he would have done so when Trump first began arming the Ukrainians. Neither Trump nor Putin wants war, and Putin’s demands were always reasonable, and in line with Trump’s agenda, again I explained this previously.

  8. @Felix

    And it is what it is and was at the beginning and WILL ALWAYS BE

    To fight against a world socialism commonwealth

    This conclusion of yours is actually a demonstrably false presumption. More than 9/10 of Europe is run by socialist govts and are organized under the EU and NATO banners. The EU are restricting the non-socialist states to adopt more socialist policies, which only include Poland and Hungary, while NATO seeks out non-socialist states to overthrow, as not one of the nations targeted by NATO for regime change practiced any Socialist type govt.

    Meanwhile, Putin is not a communist, but an authoritarian who pursues a market based govt, far better than most recently. Ukraine is an authoritarian state which is run as a plutocratic organization, though it is presented as a democratic nation, and I am given to understand their elections are as legitimate as those in the US, which makes sense, but is irrelevant to the fight against world Socialism. Even the Nazi menace within the Ukrainian state, which is limited but powerful, is focused upon a racial distinction with the Russo-ethnic Ukrainians, and is not based on their practice of Socialism.

  9. Peloni

    This may bring the alliance back into a proper accordance with its original purpose,

    And it is what it is and was at the beginning and WILL ALWAYS BE

    To fight against a world socialism commonwealth

  10. Peloni writes

    Trump is a brilliant negotiator. Having a background in business,

    What does that matter. He is Fascistic in America and seeks to use first strike nuclear against Russia.

    Israel must break totally from the United States of America in total and become the independent Jewish State

  11. Found it

    This is a reprint minus the ending. The original article ends by saying the curse may have been lifted because Trump was elected and was undoing the damage at the UN.

    But, I have noticed that the dates of Trump’s peace plan and the China Virus coincide. Now we have Biden and even more disasters. The political portion was released and the first case was detected in the US in late January, 2020.

  12. @Felix

    You seem to be in a very hypocritical position Peloni.

    It would appear that you are correct, but only if you believe that Trump would react as a petty tyrant which you likely assume him to be, but which, in point of fact, I can assure you, he is not.

    Trump is a brilliant negotiator. Having a background in business, I can tell you the best way to win an argument, or succeed in any negotiation, is to recognize what motivates those with whom you are negotiating. Regarding Russia, and Putin more directly, the thing that makes him tick is his devotion to his nation. He is no saint, but he values the state of affairs for the Russian state and the Russian oligarchs, his own position and power, and the comforts and desires of his people taken as a whole. I think this is a fair statement of fact and each of these would be upset, crippled actually, should the US raise oil production such that it should fall below $30 a barrel or even far less than this. Such a possibility presents a serious potential threat to Russia that Trump could, should and would employ to put the Russian onslaught in Ukraine back into a position of dormancy that it occupied prior to the president leaving the White House. Whatever Trump cares to threaten Putin with, be it arms to Ukraine, or war with the US, the real threat to Putin has nothing to do with the military and Putin is quite aware of this fact, as is Trump. Likely, this was factored into Putin’s call to action, since Trump is not in the White House threatening him with a Russo-American conflict, something Russia could have no expectation of successfully winning and, again, Putin knows this very well.

    I do respect the need for Russia’s security concerns to be addressed, but however it will be addressed as a result of this current conflict, it will likely be completed prior to Trump’s return to office. Russia has completely exposed the deep divisions in the NATO alliance as to various competing interests across the 30 member states. Actually, I have not a great deal of confidence that the alliance will ever be as unified on European issues as it once was, given this apparent breach now being fully demonstrated. This may bring the alliance back into a proper accordance with its original purpose, but I suspect that would be expecting more responsibility than is likely to be demonstrated by the power-soaked institution that NATO has become. Hence, I am not completely sure how this matter will come to a close, but I do presume that Ukraine will not vanquish the Russian forces and Russia will ultimately be satisfied as she currently holds all the cards that her enemies need. Still, history is sometimes more complicated than we would like to presume, so we shall see how it unfolds.

    Regardless, though, I noted previously that there is absolutely no relationship between my position supporting Trump and that of recognizing the fact that Russia has a right to secure her own security interests. Had Trump been in the White House, this war would never have come to fruition. Zelensky would have kept his threats silent as he did prior to Trump’s displacement which would have prevented a great deal of the building tensions that brought about the invasion. There might have been an attempt to resolve the center of European corruption that has come to be known as Ukraine, but it would not have been conducted at the point of military conflict between anyone, as Trump has no interest in war and had many ways to seek a peaceful outcome without the use of arms. Also, eliminating Ukrainian corruption was always very much in the interest of Trump’s presidency as it would expose the billion dollar frauds that funds both the Dem’s war machine and the Deep State operations, both of which used those funds to targeted Trump during the whole of his first administration, and, consequently, prevented him from actually negotiating anything with the Russians.

    Given the war between Ukraine and Russia, the US will sell significant arms to Ukraine, but the peace will be secured by some geopolitical security arrangement which will satisfy and include Russia, and hopefully not Israel, who has no damned interest in that squalid European cesspool.

    Hope this is a more meaningful answer to this question than my prior answer which seemed to explain why I would support Trump, but failed to explain why this support is in no way contradictory to my belief that all nations have a right to have their security concerns satisfied, most significantly those who can conduct disproportionate wars on unruly neighboring states.

  13. Do you know that every time an American President came up with a plan to divide the land of Israel, America suffered unrelated natural, manmade and political disasters? A couple of Christian evangelicals noted it. One, William Koenig, “Eye to Eye” Through Bush. Amazon has it. Another in an article I can’t find now, “Ten Times God Punished America” for trying to divide the land Israel, through Obama. I noticed that Covid broke out at the same time that Trump and Kushner oresented their peace plan.

    I’m not religious. But 99 percent of applied science is based on noting reliable coincidences.

  14. @Edgar But, as withRes 242’s careful wording and Bush’s guarantees to Sharon that Obama disregarded, and as with San Remo-Palestine Mandate-UN charter, under another president, not to mention Oslo, all anybody would remember is Israel agreeing to fakestinian statehood, not the preconditions. It was right to reject it. Better to maintain the principle and wait for better times. Time is on Israel’s side, if she doesn’t give away the store for illusory short term advantage or grasping at utopia.

    Though, looking at what’s happening now, might it it not have been better to accept it and secure the Jewish communities, holy sites and the Jordan Valley?

  15. @ Edgar absolutely! @Felix The world was more at peace under Trump than under any other president in our lifetimes. By securing the peace through strength, as well as skillful strategies and effective incentives and turning America into an energy exporter we were on the verge of a new era. Biden’s mishandling of Iran, energy, Afghanistan, and Hamas/Houthis has once more generated an Obama style world conflagration.


    And, lest we forget, the understanding, I think it was a part of the final documents, was that the ARABS had 4 years, to straightne themselves out into a working mini-state, or then Israel could expand right throughout the remaining 70%.

    He knew that the Arabs had already turned it down without even looking at it, so the Accords included “Israel, you are free, after 4 years, to populate the whole Land at your leisure”…

    Trump has ALWAYS been good for the Jews as was his father before him, funding Kibbutzim and Moshavim….and helping in many other ways.

  17. Peloni

    But your favourite child in short pants slobbering away there is not taking your line at all.

    Indeed this guy Trump last I heard him very recently was gearing to launch nuclear wipeout on Russia.

    You seem to be in a very hypocritical position Peloni.

    Are you not Peloni?

    Please explain how Biden and Trump when it comes to Russia are not United.

  18. @Michael
    Honestly, I was greatly relieved to hear of Orban’s victory, as this was suppose to be a nail-biter election, not a blowout mandate as it turned out to be.. Beyond the fact that the election was suppose to be very close, it is also significant that the election was not conducted by machines, but by hand counts, and that the election results for the entire Hungarian nation was completed in a couple of hours.

  19. Hi, Peloni. re

    Hungarian Prime Minister and Economic Nationalist Viktor Orban Easily Wins Reelection – NATO, Globalists, World Economic Forum and Western War Alliance Very Upset

    They are upset indeed — 70% of Hungary’s voters have endorsed Orban for PM, and this is seen as a blow to democracy. Soros’s own Anne Applebaum went so far as to say,

    Many American politicians would understandably prefer to focus on the long-term competition with China. But as long as Russia is ruled by [Vladimir] Putin, then Russia is at war with us too. So are Belarus, North Korea, Venezuela, Iran, Nicaragua, Hungary, and potentially many others.

    We might not want to compete with them, or even care very much about them. But they care about us. They understand that the language of democracy, anti-corruption, and justice is dangerous to their form of autocratic power — and they know that that language originates in the democratic world, our world.

  20. Sebastien

    The great forces in the world at this point in time are the massive arms of NATO and the United leaders of the Europe and American industrial complex

    This is being played out before our eyes.

    Against that stands the nationalism of Russia, China and India with some others.

    Centred on America they now talk openly about using nuclear in war.

    This is very dangerous for all life on the planet.

    The most dangerous person on the planet on the use of nuclear war is Trump.

    This blustering and reactionary totally clown person and laughable figure but menacing figure too YOU DO NOT NEED OR WANT ON YOUR SIDE

    Look how slavish Netanyahu was and see how Trump treated him

    What will bring you down is your slavishness

    You have now a state. Use it. Stand up like proud Jews and use your state on this our only earth.

    At present you are a pathetic lot. You all show not the spirit of Herzl but of defeat. To any proud Jew Trump and his doings should be laughed at. Please do not embarrass yourselves any more!

  21. @Felix Trump was good to Israel except for his revamped 2 state solution which he exchanged for the Abrahsm Accords. Jerusalem, cut off aid to the PA and UNRWA, Taylor Force Act, allowing Israeli engineers to fix the F35 and sell the fix back to the US, recognized sovereignty over Golan Heights, recognized that Jews living in Yesha was not illegal per se, was prepared to support at least partial sovereignty over Areaa C, extended civil rights protections to Jewish and pro-Israel students, for starters. GOT OUT OF THE IRAN DEAL! Supported all Israeli miltary actions unlike Biden who ordered an end to the last Gaza engagement after 11 days, which is why the Arab violence is exploding because Hamas knows that this government will back down when Biden tells them to so there us little deterrent.

  22. On Ted and Peloni their support for Trump. Trump is dangerous in the extreme on nuclear war. I can post the video later. This is The issue. If honest we have to face this issue.

    John Meirsheimer is very sharp. I admire taking of lessons from Sport.

    I admire Putin being Christian as it shows he is not tied to Marxist as a dogma.

  23. Hungarian Prime Minister and Economic Nationalist Viktor Orban Easily Wins Reelection – NATO, Globalists, World Economic Forum and Western War Alliance Very Upset

  24. @FelixQuigley

    I want to ask you a few things.

    From “Trump” to “this defence is extensive”.

    The reasons people get hung up on certain political personalities are:

    1) they are taught that history is essentially a fight between strong personalities (most of the history books and articles are actually written from this perspective), and the MSM completely supports this view and discusses the current events in this vein;

    2) they are fully convinced that a particular politician is a free agent and if only their favorite won, it would finally cause the justice to reign, etc., therefore, if you try to convince them otherwise, you will cause them a lot of emotional pain;

    3) the reason for (1) and (2) is because the Anglos (including the highest-placed political figures) view their internal and foreign politics as a kind of sport with ongoing matches between different teams where ends always justify the means (at least to the politicians).
    This view is also very useful for the application of the divide-and-rule method, both at home and abroad.

    “Russia has lost”

    I don’t think so, it’s just that their view of politics is totally different from the Anglo view, and for a Westerner it is hard to comprehend. I suspect the “Russians” don’t exactly get the Anglo/Western motivations, either.

    “Now switch it to Israel”.

    Yes, what “the West” is doing to Russia can now theoretically be applied to Israel and to any other state by the united “West”.

    I remember that Ariel Sharon was very disturbed by the NATO’s bombing of Serbia for that very reason (among others, I am sure).

    On the other hand, maybe this situation will stop Israelis from idealizing the US as they have tended to to ’til now.

    “Nuclear war”

    I agree with you but there is nothing we can do since we have no influence over the patients who are running the asylum (other than praying a lot?)

  25. Israel left with no political defence.

    Meirsheimer is silent. McGovern keeps fighting

    What needs to be done is tell the whole story especially the issue of USE OF THE STATE TO INDOCTRINATION post Maidan coup.

    PLease comment.

  26. Reader

    I want to ask you a few things. I have been involved in an issue re Trump.

    It concerns the story from Caitlin Johnstone that Trump armed the Ukrainian Fascists starting in 2017 which is immediately.

    Meirsheimer also mentioned that but added Trump was under great pressure. I didn’t buy that.

    Ted and Peloni have cover to Trump against me

    I believe that Trump is an American Imperialist..

    As is Biden and all Presidents.

    Nothing else matters. Yet we have a continual defence of Trump and this defence is extensive

    Russia has lost. Because following February 2014 Ukraine by now is proxy or totally puppet of NATO.

    This defeat could not be more serious

    Now switch it to Israel and Israel doesn’t actually have a leg to stand on.

    Nuclear war will leave .not one human alive. I invite others also.

    Please address these issues in total as they are all connected.

  27. Biden plans to give China over 2:1 nuclear edge by 2026

    “China is now sprinting to achieve nuclear superiority over the United States; the PLA could amass over 4,000 nuclear warheads by late in this decade, while the Biden Administration has limited the U.S. to 1,550 warheads by extending U.S. adherence to the 2010 New Start nuclear reduction treaty to 2026.”

  28. A pro-Israel, philosemitic Muslim who is a Facebook friend posted this great story:

    28 Adar II – Purim of Cairo – 1524
    On this day in 1524, the Jews of Cairo were spared from a decree that they should all be exterminated. The day became known to Egyptian Jews as Purim of Cairo.
    When Suleman became the Ottoman Sultan in 1520, he appointed Ahmed Pasha to be the Viser of Cairo. Pasha felt slighted because he expected a much more prominent position in the government, and subsequently began a rebellion against Suleman. As part of his rebellion, he had his name printed instead of the Sultan on local coins. The mint was headed by a Jew Avraham de Castro who asked Pasha to put his request into writing. Castro then went to Constantinople to show the orders to the Sultan.
    When Pasha became aware that he had been betrayed by the Jews, he called in 12 communal leaders and told them that if they could not raise 200 talents of silver (an astronomical amount of money) by the given deadline, all the Jews of Cairo would be slaughtered. The community could only come up with 10% of the amount. Not appeased, Pasha said he would carry out his decree just after his bath. It would be a fateful bath. Pasha was accosted by some of his officials. Though he initially escaped, he was shortly captured and beheaded. The Jews of Cairo had been saved and proclaimed the day Purim of Cairo.
    Naveed Anjum

  29. @Sebastien Zorn

    The reasons (in my opinion) for the “sudden” rise in terror are as follows:

    1) Israel has been offering more and more concessions to the Arabs (both within and outside the Green Line) which was interpreted by them (as usual) as a weakness and an invitation to demand more by terrorizing the Jewish population (because it works);

    2) a push for the Two-State Final Solution “as the only solution for peace in the Middle East”.

  30. @Sebastien Zorn

    I think the US is destroying the European economy and cutting it off from any Russian imports to accomplish 2 things (as a minimum):

    1) to completely take over those imports (or as far as possible).
    Biden ordered to speed up the exploration and production of natural gas (at least), and there are calls to open the US fallow lands:

    Senators call for opening fallow US land to crops amid Ukraine crisis
    GOP lawmakers urge Biden administration to allow farmers to use conservation acreage, help prevent starvation around the world

    The above is absolutely stunning in its hypocrisy because the actual aim is to use the situation to enrich the US and completely take over Europe.

    2) to completely isolate Russia and weaken it (ideally inducing a civil war there and breaking it up) in order to be able to deliver a coup de grace to it by the “free and democratic West” to give the US the full control of “Eurasia”.

    It is also possible that the US is destroying the $ in order to make the 31 trillion $ debt a moot point.

    It is possible that the PTB also want to create a “Putin’s” Great Depression to rile up the population for another Good War.

    With the economy, money, and business being the gods of the US, it is impossible to believe that what was done to them since the beginning of 2020 is being done out of stupidity, or incompetence, etc.

    I think it was well planned with multiple possible outcomes all worked out (please, don’t respond to me that “Biden did it”).

  31. In one month: 52 shooting attacks during March
    Number of terror attacks in March highest since 2017, new report shows.
    The Moatti Information Center has published data on the terror attacks carried out by Palestinian Authority Arabs against Israeli targets throughout the month of March 2022.

    According to the report, the number of terror attacks carried out in March was the highest since 2017: 821 “acts of war” were conducted during the month, killing 12 Israelis and wounding 64. Twenty Palestinian Authority Arabs died as well.

    The report also said that 52 shooting attacks were conducted in March, of which 25 terror attacks were conducted near Jenin. There were nine stabbing attacks or attempted stabbing attacks and two ramming attacks.

    Related articles:
    Terrorist promised, ‘Soon you’ll hear about me’
    Interior Min.: ‘Those who rise up to kill you – kill them first’
    Activists demonstrate outside military HQ, demand security
    ‘Tourists afraid to come to Israel’ because of terror attacks
    In addition, terrorists carried out seven arson attacks on military facilities, 255 rock-hurling attacks, and 28 firebombings.

    In addition, there were 296 incidences of conflict with IDF forces, 119 incidents of conflict with “settlers,” and 47 mass protests against the “occupation.”

    Click here to join the official Israel National News – Arutz S

  32. From Dr. Zelenko:

    My health update.

    Unfortunately, my cancer has progressed and spread to my remaining lung, and may have also spread to my left hip, and low back.

    I will have biopsies of the hip and back soon.

    There are experimental and alternative treatment options that I am exploring.

    I feel good and have no fear. I may have to scale down some of my smaller media events but fully intend to stay in the fight as long as I have consciousness.

    It has been four years since I was supposed to die. Everyday since has been miraculous and I attribute my continuous survival to the prayers of loving people.

    My Hebrew name is

    Velvel Wolf Zev Ben Leah

    It really isn’t important when and how a person dies. It is much more important how a person lives.

    With much love

    Zev Zelenko

  33. How Israel should respond to the Iranian nuclear deal
    Simple enough: Expand Jerusalem to the Jordan Valley and apply sovereignty now. Op-ed.
    Dr. Mordechai Kedar
    29.03.22 07:34

    ‘…However, we have recently learned that the Palestinian Authority is planning to build two new cities in the Jordan Valley so that these cities and their inhabitants will foil the “Zionist plot to take over the Jordan Valley”. In order to contend with the Palestinian Arab plan and Iran’s war designs, Israel must apply its sovereignty to the Jordan Valley. Once the valley is sovereign Israeli territory, Israel will be able to both thwart the Palestinian plans and stop the Iranian tanks that could cross through Iraq and Jordan in a matter of hours…’

    ‘…Two questions immediately arise. The first: What will Israel’s new allies – the UAE, Bahrain and Morocco, who signed the Abraham Accords in return for Israel not declaring sovereignty over the Jordan Valley – say? And the second, what will the world say and do in the face of such an Israeli step?…’

    ‘The answer to the first question is that Israel’s new friends will denounce and condemn Israel in no uncertain terms, but will not do anything. This is because in view of the growing strength of Iran, which is breathing down their necks and threatening their very existence and as the United States twists the knife it stuck in their backs, they have no alternative to their alliance with Israel. They may take some kind of public steps, but in essence will do nothing.’

    ‘The answer to the second question is a little more complicated and is related to the fact that when Israel established its sovereignty in the areas around Jerusalem that it liberated from Jordanian occupation in 1967, the world took no steps at all against Israel. However, although the world does not recognize any part of Jerusalem, not even the western part of the city, as Israeli territory – the sky did not fall. Israel passed Basic Law: Jerusalem, Capital of Israel and Basic Law: Israel as the Nation-State of the Jewish People, which determine that Jerusalem is Israel’s capital and the world did not go berserk.’

    ‘What Israel needs to do is to expand Jerusalem’s municipal jurisdiction to all of the Jordan Valley, incidentally applying these basic laws and Israeli sovereignty to it. The world will rant and rave but will not do much else, just as it did nothing with regard to Jerusalem as it is today.”‘

  34. Russia’s 3-Step Program To Put The Ruble On A Gold Standard

    “…Why can the West not see what is happening? Because they’re myopic. The mainstream financial press is so focused on the “Russia selling gold” angle because they’re deeply Keynesian that they do not understand that gold is money, rather than the paper that they print, and that the paper only has value because it is still exchangeable for gold. This entire article from the Wall Street Journal for example is completely focused on Russia selling gold, rather than Russia buying it, which is what they are actually doing…’
    “Western financial thought has this idea that if they cheapen Russian gold by sanctioning it, they’re hurting Russia by lessening the amount of stuff they could potentially buy with that gold. In fact, they’re actually helping Russia by encouraging gold inflows into the country and making it much cheaper for the Bank of Russia to amass much more gold to back the Ruble at a credible rate when the time comes.

    When is that time? Nobody knows for sure, or if it will ever indeed come, but the 5,000RUB/gram gold window closes June 30. What happens then? Does the Ruble become a fully backed gold substitute?”…

    This is an investors blog.

  35. Hello, Will Smith!. Did you hear what Vladimir Putin said about your wife?

    – Zelensky on old fashioned telephone. – Satirical Facebook Meme that popped up.

  36. Is Bosnia next? Putin cited the bombing of Serbia by Clinton as the beginning of this new cold war. And look at the timing. Bosnian Serb leader declares secessionist aims and Biden imposes sanctions on him in January, Russia invades Ukraine in February. World War I began in Serbia. Russia regards Serbians as close cousins, much the way the US regards England. Solidarity with England got the US into WWI, albeit indirectly.

    “One of the factors that led to the beginning of World War I was close bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Serbia and the Russian Empire. While Russia and Serbia were not formally allied, Russia openly sought political and religious influence in Serbia. › wiki › Rus…
    Russia–Serbia relations – Wikipedia

  37. Is Bosnia next? Putin cited the bombing of Serbia by Clinton as the beginning of this new cold war. And look at the timing. Bosnian Serb leader declares secessionist aims and Biden imposes sanctions on him in January, Russia invades Ukraine in February. World War I began in Serbia. Russia regards Serbians as close cousins, much the way the US regards England. Solidarity with England got the US into WWI, albeit indirectly.

    “One of the factors that led to the beginning of World War I was close bilateral relations between the Kingdom of Serbia and the Russian Empire. While Russia and Serbia were not formally allied, Russia openly sought political and religious influence in Serbia. › wiki › Rus…
    Russia–Serbia relations – Wikipedia

  38. Edgar I wrote two long replies to you but I cannot see them

    I said Russia is justified and it is in a war which is existential

    I also said that tactically although right is on the side of Putin that he and we must find different and new methods to oppose and defeat this awful evil

    Which is

    US Imperialism

    British and EU Imperialism

    Their brutal hammer… NATO

    If Edgar you disagree with this and in any way take THEIR side in this

    Then just spell it out

  39. The first major massacre in the ‘Holocaust by bullets’: Babi Yar, 80 years on

    Issued on: 29/09/2021 – 10:06

    This is an important report by a reputable outlet but the paragraph which interests me most

    “The victims were led to the ravine in small groups. Members of Einsatzgruppen C opened fire, alongside two groups from the German Order Police and troops from the collaborationist Ukrainian Auxiliary Police. The shooting carried on throughout the day – and into the next.”

    That’s interesting.

    “troops from the collaborationist Ukrainian Auxiliary Police.”

    My obvious questions:

    Who are they?

    Has Welensky spoken on that?

    Perhaps site comments can respond?

  40. Edgar it is little to do with me and as you put kit my ideology.

    It is rather that there is an objective world which exists outside of individual consciousness.

    This is the question of Ukraine today.

    “According to historian Jeffrey Veidlinger, “Over one quarter of the Jewish victims of the Holocaust, approximately 1.5 million people, were killed within the territory of what is now Ukraine.”

    Veidlinger told this dark history in his Jewish Telegraphic Agency op-ed in response to Zelensky’s speech:

    In hundreds of locales with the assistance of local Ukrainian collaborators, [the Germans] gathered Jewish men, women and children, marched them to the outskirts of town, stripped them naked, and shot them in ravines or trenches…

    The largest [massacre in Ukraine] is Babyn Yar, in the suburbs of Kyiv, where over 33,000 Jews were killed on September 29-30, 1941. Weeks before Babyn Yar, 23,600 Jews were executed in the fortress town of Kamianets-Podilskyy. By January 1942, some 500,000 Jews had been killed in Ukraine…

    Because so many Jews were killed at close range, near their homes, by conventional weapons, historians have termed German atrocities in Ukraine the “Holocaust by Bullets.” Indeed, by the spring of 1942, before most of the death camps in German-occupied Poland began operating, nearly two-thirds of Jews in territories now part of Ukraine had been exterminated.

    For some Israelis, this history looms large in the current crisis. When Corey Gil-Shuster, creator of “The Ask Project,” polled Israelis on the question, “Do you support Ukraine or Russia?” one woman responded, “The Ukrainians slaughtered us. The Russians during the Second World War saved the Jews and supported them, and the Ukrainians completely slaughtered us.”. ”

    Is it possible that what she says there is the truth?

    Remember that there were at least two strands to Hitler’s Fascism

    1. Jew Hatred

    2. Russia hatred

    Number 2 has come to the fore.

    And it today marries with Biden Trump Hannity Johnson et al