Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

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Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,631 Comments »

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  1. Flynn Intel Group Business Partner Bijan Kian Granted A New Trial

    (As first reported by Josh Gerstein of Politico): Bijan Kian of the Flynn Intel Group and former business partner of @RealGenFlynn has been granted a new trial related to FARA charges brought by the Mueller Investigation.

    Judge Anthony Trenga stated in an extraordinary ruling,

    “The Court finds and concludes that [Kian’s] convictions … were so against the great weight of the evidence that it would be unjust to convict him on either Count and a new trial is warranted in the interests of justice … ORDERED that Defendant [Kian’s] convictions … hereby are, VACATED, and his renewed motion for a new trial …. hereby is, GRANTED”

    By: Adam Carter

    As first reported by veteran Turkish journalist Cüneyt Özdemir and TWP, Joe Biden may have dispatched his brother, Jim Biden, to personally interfere in this case 4 days before Biden’s announcement to run for the Presidency. If true, that could possibly constitute witness tampering, obstruction of justice, or some other criminal act; and potentially constitute “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”.

    For those reasons, Joe Biden needs to be asked 3 simple questions. “What was said during this meeting, what did he know, and when did he know it?”

    Don’t Ignore This Case

    TWP’s reporting seemingly was later corroborated in an interview by @TracybeanzOfficial of Bijan Kian’s co-defendant @EkimAlptekin. Revealed for the first time in the interview, Alptekin detailed how Jim Biden and wife Sara traveled to Istanbul after repeated requests by the Biden camp for a meeting, and offered to have former Obama Attorney General Eric Holder represent him in his criminal trial related to FARA charges brought by the Mueller Investigation.

    “Alptekin reveals associates of Joe Biden had been reaching out, through his attorneys, requesting a meeting with him. Having been railroaded for the better part of two years, Ekim explained he was unwilling to meet with attorneys or intermediaries, and would only agree to meet with a member of the Biden family directly. After a period of time, he received word that Jim and Sara Biden were requesting an invitation to meet with him in Turkey. The trip would need to be a arranged through a “proper organization”, presumably Alptekin’s own Turkey-U.S. Business Council.

    Alptekin proceeds to drop a new bombshell that wasn’t mentioned even in his Turkish language interview with Cüneyt Özdemir. He revealed Jim and Sara Biden recommended he hire former Obama Attorney General and self-described Obama “wingman” Eric Holder, who by that time had left public office and returned to his position as a partner with Covington in the Washington D.C. office. The same Covington that had prepared the FARA filings that were at the heart of the indictments related to Flynn Intel Group and were currently representing Gen. Flynn in his criminal trial.”

  2. FELIX-

    We are supposed to be living in enlightened days where only the savage, barbaric, dictator run nations attack and actually invade a neighbouring country. \You may be influenced by your ideology, but I am not.

    Was this a matter of self defence, like Israel in the 6 day war??

    Ukraine is very much smaller and weaker than Russia militarily and had no intention of invading Russia. But you seem to know much more than I, which is not difficult.

    I and many billions around the globe see the bare facts, it is Russia which is the aggressor, and has acted accordingly with condemnations and sanctions etc.

    I don’t regard Trump as an Imperialist, but a strictly nationalistic figure

    Biden is senile andit is his Hnadlers who are dictating policy. I don’t know about Johnson….. Lyndon Yes but Boris ??

  3. Edgar

    In brief as I usually use one finger on a phone these days

    1. Russia were TOTALLY justified in invading Ukraine

    Why…needs elaboration

    2. But on consideration of the experience Russia and all of us must never use this method again

    Why? Again need elaboration

    But in very brief form…we must from now on be very aware of the mad dogs of Imperialism

    Biden Trump Johnson

    But sadly with no exception all of them

    3. We have some good researchers but must focus on all facts of the Holocaust in all aspects into the present… especially the Denial part


    This is a bit disjointed but the comment from RT which Reader put up must be dealt with..that so many Americans would use nuclear war is so sobering

  4. The Russians, or “RUS” were originally descended from Vikings with eventual Slavic admixture.

    They went up the Western Dvina that runs into the Gulf of Riga, (my dear late father was born on those very same river banks, where my grandparents had a bakery). when they got to the source they portaged to the head of the Dnieper, and down that river. Some went all the way to Byzantium and were known as Varangians, the Emperor’s personal guards. Others founded Novgorod and captured Kiev which became the capital of their new country. They were called Kievan Rus.

  5. @FELIX-

    Re the “murder” of Maxim Ryndovsky, I wouldn’t take this too seriously, all being the product of an amateur mysterious video. it is totally unproven, there has been no mention of it in any sporting outlet. I am a member of several and posed the question as a topic, and received about 75 negatives, several pointing out that they were positive that the torture picture is very badly photo shopped. Some are computer experts and know their business.

    The pictures showing him as normal, side by side with his being supposedly tortured are very obviously photoshopped. Have another look, and you will see that in both pictures the heads are exactly the SAME size, but in the “tortured” one, the lips are NOT puffed or bruised in any way, which would be the very first thing expected. Also the torture body is enormously elongated,and has a “swerve”…. as well as the “bruises” palpably painted on with no fading out edges but clear edges….and much more

  6. Two Border Police officers killed, 6 seriously wounded in Hadera terror attack
    Terrorists open fire in coastal city of Hadera, killing Border Police officers Yezan Falah and Shirel Abukarat.
    David Rosenberg
    Published: 27.03.22 21:04 Updated: 28.03.22 02:03
    Shooting Attack

    Border Police officers Yezan Falah and Shirel Abukarat were murdered in Sunday’s terrorist attack in the city of Hadera.

    Falah, 19, from Kisra-Sumei, enlisted in the Border Police about a year ago. He is survived by his parents, a brother and a sister.

    Abukarat, 19, a resident of Netanya, enlisted in the Border Police about six months ago. She is survived by her parents and a brother.

    Four other fighters were lightly wounded during the shootout between the Border Police fighters and the armed terrorists and were evacuated to Hillel Yaffe Hospital.

    The commander of the Border Police, Superintendent Amir Cohen, said, “The fighters fought heroically, we send condolences and embrace the families of the heroes Yezen and Shirel who defended civilians with their bodies and thus saved many lives. A highly motivated young man and woman who gave their lives for the security of the citizens of Israel.”

    The police said before midnight that there were no civilians among those wounded in the shooting attack in Hadera.

    A total of 12 victims were evacuated to Hillel Yaffe Hospital. One of them is in serious condition, one in modeate condition, three are in light condition and the rest suffered from shock.

    Initial reports said six people were wounded, including two police officers, when two terrorists carrying automatic weapons opened fire on passersby on Herbert Samuel Street in Hadera.

    United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Shlomo Skittel, who was one of the first responders at the scene relayed: “This was a very difficult scene. Unfortunately, two of the passersby who were shot were pronounced dead. Additionally, together with other first responders at the scene, I treated two people who were in serious condition, one person in moderate condition, and three people who sustained light injuries. All of the injured were transported to Hillel Yaffe Medical Center for further care.”

    Otzma Yehudit Party chief MK Itamar Ben-Gvir said in response Sunday night: “Jewish blood is not cheap! Terror attack after terror attack – you can’t stand it already, all the suffering and destruction. We said and we warned that a government which is dependent on the Islamic Movement will, in the end, seriously harm the country’s security – and that is what is happening.”

  7. Hi, Reader

    When I lived in Australia, still in my teens, the international group living in our boarding house was having a discussion about the prospect of nuclear war. Probably a majority scoffed at the idea that anyone would “press the button”. Then they asked me, as the only American present, whether I would obey the order if told to launch the fatal attack. I said I would, without hesitation.

    The scoffing ended then, and we moved on to a different subject. We had all been drinking, but the conversation quickly sobered up.

    It doesn’t take a concensus, for a nuclear war to start. It only takes one leader, giving the order.

  8. @Michael S.

    About the poll and the willingness to start WWIII.

    I think the reason for the belligerence is that neither these people nor their ancestors ever experienced war in their homeland.

    All they know about war is “our heroes fighting in (fill in the blanks) for our freedoms (whatever that is supposed to mean)” in the far off lands populated by some weird barbarous aborigines whom you can carpetbomb because there always be more left than they started with.

    And it feels great to live in a country which is the best and the freest and which literally owns the whole world (or it seems this way) and tells everybody what to do because it is always right, and if someone refuses to toe the line, that someone will be beaten into submission (for all the right reasons and for their own good).

  9. Hi, Reader. You said,

    More than a third of Americans willing to risk nuclear war over Ukraine – poll

    That poll is probably accurate. The willingness to start WWIII is due to people, like some even here on Israpundit, who are convinced that a nuclear exchange will never happen. The best intelligence analysis of the current situation I have seen, is Dr. Pry’s comments of March 23, 2022:

  10. Worth considering, before volunteering to fight for Ukraine:

    On Wednesday, War is Boring relayed information that wounded foreign fighters were being fatally shot by their own in order to prevent them from falling into Russian hands.

    “They don’t try and help you,” one source told War is Boring’s editor, Andy Wolf. “If you’re hit, you are finished.”

    Similar accounts were also relayed on Telegram, confirming the source’s firsthand accounts.

    “Foreign mercenaries who were wounded in the #Volnovakha hospital were shot by their own before leaving the city so that they could not tell anything. All shot in the temple or the back of the head,” Mango Press reported, “According to Yan Gagin, an adviser to the head of the government of the Donetsk People’s Republic.”

    The graphic video attached to the notice showed the bodies of what are believed to be foreign fighters.

    According to The Intelligencer, many of the foreign volunteers are American, Canadian, and British.

  11. @Sebastien Zorn

    There is no way to stop it, change it, or fight it.

    We need to get out and the Government of Israel needs to understand it ASAP.

    Jews like to discuss things to death and to grossly overestimate their ability to change or influence things.

    It is much simpler than the esteemed professor thinks, it is about GETTING OUT BEFORE IT’S TOO LATE!!!

    The Jewish organizations need to direct all their efforts and funds to accomplish this.

  12. Why is all the coverage of this war the product of either Ukrainian or Russian state media, as it appears to be? How many countries have journalists?

  13. Palestinian Authority TV falsely claims Jews began to ‘to curse Prophet Muhammad inside the Al-Aqsa Mosque’
    MAR 19, 2022 1:00 PM BY ROBERT SPENCER

    It seems to me that Far from the contention of the left that the “Occupation” made life more dangerous and difficult for Jews, Perhaps the main reason that there was the least amount of terror within Israel when Palestinian Arabs lived under Israeli military rule, behind the green line until 1966, and in Yesha and Gaza from ’67 until the Oslo, , is obviously that anttisemitic incitement in any form was simply not permitted.

  14. @FelixQuigley

    Thanks for the great video documentary!

    The truth about the Maidan and Donbass.

    who on Israpundit will take this horrible event seriously

    I wouldn’t be too optimistic.

    Most people want to run with the majority, and if you try to tell them the truth which happens to be different from the accepted emotional response, they will simply refuse to listen and start yelling “Don’t tell me! Don’t tell me!”

    I’ve had this experience within my own family.

  15. @Felix Thankyou for posting this documentary from the Donbass point of view. Eye opening. I had long been wondering why there was no reportage from Donbass where all sides agreed the 8 year shelling and fighting cost 15, 000 lives.

    The same poster has two more videos documenting the history. also on the ground. I just started watching the first of them.
    Interviews with survivors.

  16. To Reader and Sebastien

    I want to see who on Israpundit will take this horrible event seriously (apart from you)

    Or will it be silence?

    All on Israpundit should (if they’re Jews real Jews that is) be striving to publicise this murder because it tells us everything about Zelensky whom Caroline GLICK promoted so strongly.

    The murder of Maxim Ryndovskiy needs to be a vital issue because it tells who Putin has been forced to fight.

    By the way GLICK placed on her article on Israel Hayom a picture of Putin as Hitler???

    I also await to see who on Israpundit is going to write on the facts which are contained in many videos I have placed on Israpundit. I will follow with a fuller list but this video of some 50 minutes tells how Fascist forces rooted in the Holocaust (which Caroline GLICK seeks to hide from Jews today) lie behind the Government of Ukraine. The Government led by her now biggest hero Zelensky.

    It is this that placed Israel in such deep peril.

    Where I stand it is the very worst form of Holocaust Denial I’ve ever come across.

    Let GLICK answer me. She and other such are practicing Holocaust Denial when they seek to hide the historical roots to those in today’s Ukrainian Government.

    And the video I referred to

    Maidan Road to War

  17. @Sebastien Zorn

    Ukrainian neo-Nazi group lays claim to execution

    Well, it looks like the “evil Putin” was right about the need to “denazify” Ukraine.

    What does this episode make the “Ukrainian freedom” supporters look like?

    And what does it say about the Government of Israel which is acting as though nothing in particular is happening to the Jews in Ukraine and there is no real need for aliyah from there but there is a dire need to accept the “Ukrainian refugees” for political reasons.

  18. @Adam Dalgliesh

    BTW, why is it that in the US the Nazis/Neo-Nazis have always enjoyed freedom of speech without ever being sanctioned, campaigned against by the mass media, etc.?

    In fact, thousands of them were brought to the US after WWII, ostensibly, to fight against communism.

    But the countries who fought the hardest against the Nazis (the USSR, Serbia, Belarus (now)) are being painted as the DEVILS deserving of death and destruction?

  19. @Adam Dalgliesh

    So, “sanctioning” blind Russian athletes is OK in order to sooth the mythical suffering Ukrainian children?

    What about those Donetzk and Lugansk children who’ve been suffering for the last 8 years from the shelling by the Ukrainian mlitary?

    BTW, if any “Ukrainian children” are suffering right now. it is because the brave Ukrainians are using them as human shields by positioning their military in residential areas and/or not letting the residents leave.

    This war was provoked by the US and NATO, the US and NATO/Europeans don’t give a crap about anyone’s suffering children, especially the Russian or Ukrainian.

    All they care about is destroying the place (the so-called Eurasia) with the hands of their proxies and taking over.

    As far as RT is concerned, it seems to be reporting events rather than propagandizing and playing with their readers emotions.

  20. @Reader. RT is a Russian propaganda mouthpiece. Anything published there should be regarded with skepticism. If it is true that blind Russian athletes have been banned from a competition, that is certainly unjust and stupid. But remember, there are tens of thousands of kids in Ukraine who are suffering much worse things than being denied admission to an athletic competition.

  21. 16 Mar, 2022 12:05

    Ukrainians are Slavic while Russians engaged in ethnic mixing – Kiev
    A stunningly racist theory was published by a government institution

    A Ukrainian state body for historic research has published nine arguments on Monday for why Ukrainians and Russians cannot be called brotherly nations, including one that stated that Ukrainians are pureblood Slavs, while Russians count people from Ugro-Finnish tribes among their ancestors.

  22. While Russia! Russia! Russia! grabs everyone’s attention, Pandemic-cause health care shortage is much worse than imagined:

    Healthcare Staffing Shortages Remain a Challenge
    On October 4th, I reported on the national shortage of healthcare workers and how this affects us locally. Six months ago, when I wrote about it, the US Bureau of Labor Statistics indicated that there were over 290,000 unfilled healthcare positions across the country and it was predicted that this would increase by another 35,000 by the end of 2021, with 1/3 of the total being in registered nurses. Unfortunately, these estimates were off by a large margin. The American Hospital Association (AHA) reported in January that the actual shortage at yearend was closer to 600,000, mostly nurses, and they predict another 500,000 healthcare worker jobs will be vacant by the end of 2022, bringing the potential total to 1.1 million. AHA has called the ballooning shortage of nurses in America a “crisis that demands immediate action.”

  23. Nides: Israeli settlement growth infuriates me, calls it ‘stupid things’
    It is impossible to avert “every single house” built in the West Bank, US ambassador to Israel Thomas Nides explains to Peace Now.
    Published: MARCH 16, 2022 03:04
    Updated: MARCH 16, 2022 12:10

    This is the policy of the US government.

  24. @Sebastien Zorn

    Shaked Succumbs to Pressure

    It is not completely horrible – the visaless entry is only for those who have relatives in Israel, and she removed the quota for those who have relatives in Israel, not for all refugees.

    I think that the lawsuit is an antisemitic trick because the idea that everyone from the former Eastern Bloc is dying to move to Israel because the life in their countries is so horrible is someone’s crazy fantasy.

    Notice that the Arabs also regard it as an antisemitic trick (that’s why they welcome the supposed influx of the Ukrainian women).

    I hope that the Supreme Court doesn’t cave in and deals with this properly, and that Israel really intensifies the aliyah.

  25. Ted, you may have to fetch my latest post to Reader out of the dustbin. I see it on the side column, but not in the main gallery.

    Edgar, I began college in Winter 1967/68, after a bit of walkabout. In those times of universal draft, it seemed wise to enroll in ROTC (Reserve Officers’ Training Corps). I did well there; but I had to drop out of school because of family and money problems. While there, we all addressed one another as “Gentlemen”. Then I enlisted in the Regular Army, where we were all called “dickheads”. It was quite a contrast — left a lasting impression on me.

  26. Hi, Reader. You said,

    “I am only half kidding.”

    I think we all are. “Half-kidding” seems to be all the seriousness we can handle. The world has gone bat-crap crazy. In not too long a time, we will all stand before the Judgment Seat of God, at the entrance to eternity. There won’t be any half-kidding there — only unending bliss or unending horror; and with every threat our leaders give of pressing nuclear buttons, the Day of Judgment seems closer and closer.

  27. @Sebastien Zorn

    I knew exactly what you were referring to when I commented on it.

    In my opinion, it is worse than chutzpah, it is clearly an antisemitic action designed to thwart aliyah or to at least make a contentious issue of it.

    It is the same as conflating the issue of the rescue of Ukrainian Jews with the “plight of the Palestinian refugees”.

    I pointed out why it was happening – because Israel doesn’t want aliyah, otherwise there wouldn’t be a question about the poor Ukrainian refugees or poor Palestinian refugees.

    I knew that you don’t need standing to file a case there but I had no idea that there was a visaless entry for Ukrainians.

    This raises another question – why won’t they easily let the Ukrainian JEWS in using the same law? See the answer above?

    As far as I know, the Ukrainian Jews who are being rescued are transferred to a bunch of European countries instead of Israel.

    The Supreme Court should have thrown the lawsuit out without looking.

  28. @Reader I was referring to the chutzpah of the Ukrainian ambassador who should have no standing whatsoever in an Israeli court on the issue of who Israel allows in trying to get the court to rule that Israel has to allow in hundreds of thousands of non-Jewish refugees just because of a prior visa free agreement that had nothing to do with immigration but just routine visits. I hope the court strikes it down but it seems to think the whole world has standing on every issue anyone brings before it, unlike all the US courts all the way up that evaded hearing the evidence of 2020 election fraud on spurious grounds of standing but with comparable results!

    I really don’t trust open ended international treaties and conventions. They always get twisted into the opposite of what was intended in the end, and used as a weapon against Israel. This is a perfect example.

  29. @Michael S

    In the light of the latest DHS rules, this being ISRApundit, maybe we should switch to talking about something innocuous like new gardening technologies in Israel or something of that nature (while meditating ourselves into mental oblivion) – just to be on the safe side?

    I am only half kidding.

  30. @MICHAEL S-

    Nice that you think of me as a gentleman (if I get your meaning ), because I feel, act, and have the background of one., You also are a gentleman, whom, regardless of personal beliefs, I respect. The “officer and a gentleman, sir,” … became, and rightly so, more of a Music Hall” comedy quip.. For me, all on this site are Gentlemen and Ladies, unfortunately now a term now mostly seen on public washroom doors.

    I like to think that a gentleman, is often not “a gentleman born” but is one because of his behaviour. And have always thought that it was a silly class system that a 12 year old Midshipman could be an “officer and a gentleman”, on occasion, commanding 20-30-40 year old experienced seamen..

    Just like an Army subaltern.-or Ensign…..

    Michael, that song, I’ve heard it many a time in the old days on the radio.

    Always the same tune, sometimes different lyrics. There was also one “Over the Hills and over the Bounding Main”… Very old, maybe from the days of “Bonnie Prince Charlie”, or “The Wild Geese”.

    Jeffery Farnol wrote an interesting novel, “The Amateur Gentleman” set in, I think the late 18th early 19th Century, the Regency period.
    Main character Barnabas Barty, the son of a Chamipon of England (a prizefighter), and later proprietor of a sanded floor “pub”.. fell in love with an unknown girl, whom he met in several circumstances, turning out to be a Lady, daughter of an Earl or Duke.

    His own mother, also the daughter of an Earl or Duke, eloped with the Champion. So he inherited his mother’s gentility, and his father’s brawn and fighting capability. Also a first class horseman.

    He decides to go to London and mingle with the nobility, and become REAL bone fide Gentleman. He has an enemy, the spurned lover of the young lady.

    I liked the book enough to buy most of Farnol’s works. touched some sentimental, switch inside me.


    I recall seeing that movie about George M. Cohan starring Jimmy Cagney. I saw it twice. I always liked Cagney and he was perfect for this movie.
    Great “gangster” too Much better than George Raft, ot Edward G.
    The grapefruit face treatment……All in all, although he was always Cagney, he could play any part, although not exactly a Laughton..

    Never could understand what they saw ijn Bogart, nor Sinatra. But little men in elevator shoes. Of course I knew the tune long before the movie.

    Radio Eireann played a lol this stuff pre television. Lots of John Charles Thomas, John MacCormack, Amelita, Josef Schmidt, Caruso, *I’ve heard that record, also MacCormack and others made many patriotic songs during that time. Allesandro, the last castrato, had a wonderful voice. Although he was very old in that record, maybe his last. “Ave Maria”.

    You bring back memories.