Chit Chat

By Ted Belman

From now on comments on every post must relate to the content of the post.

Comments that don’t relate to the post must go here.

Any person who contravenes this demand will be put on moderation. Also their offending comment will be trashed.

The reason for this demand is so that people who want to read comments which pertain to the post, don’t have to wade through the chatter.

Everyone will be happier.

April 16, 2020 | 7,631 Comments »

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50 Comments / 7631 Comments

  1. @Sebastien Zorn

    Wow! talk about Chutzpah!

    Well, Israel doesn’t want the 200,000 Ukrainian Jews so the man wants to seize the opportunity to make Israel finance Ukrainian refugees instead of the Jewish aliyah.

  2. @Sebastien Zorn

    Why Some Jews Are Still Trapped In Ukraine

    Because Israel doesn’t want them.

    Why doesn’t Israel want them?

    Because they are old and/or poor and from Ukraine.

  3. PS, Edgar

    I forgot to answer you last time… No, my sweetie and I have not been vaxed, and we NEVER intend to. She was a nurse for over 50 years, and knows better.

    BTW Sebastien, I don’t want you to think I snubbed you by addressing “Over the Hill…” to Edgar. It has lots of “Gentlemen” stuff in it, which I think of when I think of Edgar. During the Vietnam War, I was in ROTC, right on course to become a “gentleman”; but then I ran out of funds and had to “list” to keep from being “prest”. I managed an early release, to avoid going “over the hills and o’er the main”; but who knows? Maybe under Sleepy Joe, we’ll al have another crack at it!

    Thanks, Sebastien, for the latest news of beating war drums.

  4. Hej, Edgar.

    I thought you might appreciate this, a song for the times:

    “Hark! now the Drums beat up again,
    For all true Soldiers Gentlemen,
    Then let us list, and march I say,
    Over the Hills and far away;

    Over the Hills and o’er the Main,
    To [Poland and to the Ukraine],
    [Bide-Ann] commands, and we’ll obey,
    Over the Hills and far away.

    All Gentlemen that have a Mind,
    To serve the Queen that’s good and kind;
    Come list and enter into Pay,
    Then o’er the Hills and far away;
    Over the Hills, &c.

    Here’s Forty Shillings on the Drum,
    For those that Volunteers do come,
    With Shirts, and Cloaths, and present Pay,
    When o’er the Hills and far away;
    Over the Hills, &c.

    Hear that brave Boys, and let us go,
    Or else we shall be prest you know;
    Then list and enter into Pay,
    And o’er the Hills and far away;
    Over the Hills, &c.

    The Constables they search about,
    To find such brisk young Fellows out;
    Then let’s be Volunteers I say,
    Over the Hills and far away;
    Over the Hills, &c….”

  5. Remember when everybody thought Trump was working for the Russians, would trash the economy and get us in World War III? Pepperidge Farm Remembers and it turns out they were all off by one president.

    Cartoon that popped up on my FB newsfeed.

  6. Why Some Jews Are Still Trapped In Ukraine
    Many of the Jewish community and beyond have managed to escape to relative safety, for now. Some, however, are still left behind.
    Published: 15.02.22 15:40 Updated: 09.03.22 16:59

    The war in Ukraine continues to rage on, as Ukrainian towns are destroyed by bombs. Many of the Jewish community and beyond have managed to escape to relative safety, for now. Some, however, are still left behind: The sick, the eldery, and the poor.

    Many old and unwell residents of the Jewish community were not strong enough to make the trip with suitcase in hand to the border. For that reason many have had no choice but to stay behind in their homes, many of them accompanied by younger family members there to ensure their survival. Others were not able to afford the exorbitant fees to obtain a ride to the border.

    Grocery stores have been looted completely, and roads are unsafe to travel. Bombs continue to fall and destroy buildings.Their only resources are the few volunteers that have traveled into the country to help save their lives.

    These volunteers are collecting money via The Chesed Fund, together with an urgent video from Rabbi Paysach Krohn. Donations go toward food and other basic resources for those still trapped in Ukraine, as well as those who have escaped to the border but are running out of food.

    So far, donors have been able to help buy meals and toiletries, which have meant their survival. As the news grows old however, and international interest dwindles, will Ukraine’s Jews be left to starve?


  7. @Sebastien Zorn

    Nuland said that these are the Ukrainian labs and that the US is working with the Ukrainians to prevent the stuff from falling into the hands of the Russian forces.

    And more recently I saw it printed somewhere that the US is denying that they ever had any labs there at all.

  8. The Ukraine situation has certainly revealed some remarkably clever-foolish posts. Or is it foolishly-clever…I thing the former. You will note that, due to my innate politeness, I refrain from using the more apt term “stupid”.

    I see that Official Jewish sources say that 300,000 Jews live in Ukraine.

  9. Nachman Shai must be removed from his position for incompetence – there are no Jewish refugees in Poland!

    Daily Briefing Mar. 9 – Minister Shai in Poland: ‘Israel must rescue more refugees’
    Brief interview with Diaspora Minister Shai; senior analyst Haviv Rettig Gur on race and responses to Ukraine; health reporter Nathan Jeffay with a blitz of new Israeli research
    By TOI staff Today, 2:03 pm

    Have they all gone insane there?!

    Right on the same page there are articles about how Jewish families are hopelessly stuck in Ukraine!

  10. A weird situation – they claimed in the beginning that there are 200,000 Jews in Ukraine who are in danger now.

    YET, there doesn’t seem to be any concerted effort on the part of the Jewish State to get them out BUT there is some sort of an agreement to bring to Israel several thousand of non-Jewish refugees from Ukraine (I find it disgusting that the word olim is placed in quotation marks in the text):

    ‘Impossible’ rate

    Authorities say as many as 100,000 “olim” and their families could arrive from both Ukraine and Russia, evoking an earlier wave of about a million people who immigrated from the collapsing former Soviet Union.

    Interior minister Ayelet Shaked estimated Sunday that about 15,000 Ukrainians could reach Israel by the end of March, with 90 percent unqualified for “return” rights. She said that was an “impossible” rate for the country of 9.4 million people.

    “We are the insurance policy for the Jewish people,” Shaked, of Bennett’s religious nationalist Yamina party, told Israeli public radio.

    Israeli citizens who host non-Jewish Ukrainians who are not their immediate relatives must post a NIS 10,000 ($3,046) deposit per traveler, returnable when they depart.

    Diaspora Affairs Minister Nachman Shai wrote on Twitter: “Such a demand at this time is inhuman and immoral and prevents refugees fleeing the war and without family in Israel from seeking refuge here.”

    Ukraine’s ambassador to Israel, Yevgen Korniychuk, told reporters on Monday that an agreement had been reached on deposits for non-Jewish refugees and thanked Shaked, without providing specifics.

    This sounds very fishy to me.

    It looks like they actually want to prevent aliyah from Ukraine which, basically, brands them as murderers if there are 200,000 Jews in the war-tornUkraine, as was stated earlier.

    On the other hand, it appears that they are deliberately taking in non-Jewish refugees (are they being ordered to do this?)

  11. @Ted Belman

    I have removed the post on the alleged pogroms;. Ted Belman

    Funny, it happened at the same time when I tried to comment under that article (which didn’t work, so I’ll post it here).

    I will answer everyone: all Ukrainian Nazism, anti-Semitism and persecution of Jews exist only in the painful imagination of the authors of this garbage dump. R. Wilhelm

    Rabbi Wilhelm is lying here.

    And I mean LYING!!!

  12. Biden announces ban on US imports of Russia oil, escalating response to Ukraine invasion
    By AFP Today, 6:51 pm

    We’re banning all imports of Russian oil and gas and energy. That means Russian oil will no longer be acceptable at US ports and the American people will deal another powerful blow to [President Vladimir] Putin,” Biden says in an address from the White House, adding that the decision was taken “in close consultation” with allies.

    The ban comes with Democrats threatening legislation to force Biden’s hand, despite the likely impact on already soaring gas prices.

  13. @Ted Belman

    It is not a personal fight to replace Putin.

    It is a “Go East, young man!” campaign which is 300 years old.

    Russia (in any of its shapes) is a huge country with a relatively small population and, as far as the West is concerned, is doomed to be conquered by it.

    Once you understand this, you will understand any and all of the collective West’s (led by the US and the Great Britain) actions.

    The idea is to break Russia up and destroy it (including the other Eastern European nations who so naively are trying to become part of the “civilized” West), do to the population what they have done to the American Indians, and rule the world from then on.

    Personally, I prefer the world order where there is mutual respect and cooperation.

    I think this is the only way to bring peace.

    But if there is peace, there won’t be any need for the weapons sales!

  14. Negotiations commence on Monday. I sincerely hope that both the west offer Putin enough for him to climb down. I worry that the west prefers no deal so that Putin can’t climb down and will ultimately be deposed. If Putin goes from leader of Russia will he simply be replaced or will Russia change. And If it changes, will it change for the better?

    I fear that the west doesn’t want to give Putin anything thereby ensuring that the carnage goes on. The west doesn’t care about the carnage. They just want this to be Putin’s Waterloo. Putin is between a rock and a hard place.  He has no good options.

  15. @Edgar
    There’s more.
    Israel didn’t vote in the Security Council resolution which was a binding one but she did vote against Russia in the General Assembly which is non-binding.

  16. Edgar,

    I used the language of the Russian Defense Minister. He called the volunteers in Ukraina “foreign mercenaries”. The “International Brigade” could also be called “mercenaries”, in that they were not sanctioned by their home governments. My favorite in the Spanish Civil War was, you might guess, George Orwell.

  17. @TED-

    Israel voted against Russia joining the 87 countries. The Ambassador to the EU was not allowed by Lapid to speak but his deputy made the speech, . showing a down grading of the Israeli response. A political gesture.. Reported in Arutz 7 today.

  18. @ MICHAEL S.-

    There were few mercenaries in that war., There were MANY volunteers and an International Brigade. I suppose they all were paid when money was available as is normal with enlisted troops everywhere. I personally knew several Jewish members, some of our close neighbours, in fact, of our Community who went, and came back, and many stories were told. Beside, one of our school teachers Eddy Edwards was a volunteer in that War on the Republican side as were our Community members. Because of this nobody would give him a job, until he came to Zion School and he was at home there, many years later the Headmaster.

    The odd thing about our school, in that viciously Jew0Hating country, was the All of our teachers were Catholics and loved our children. The headmaster in my time became a member of the dail , the Parliament. Another was the Chief Commissioner of the Catholic Boy Scouts of Ireland , for about 40 years. When I’d return to Dublin to see my family i’d call to see him too. He loved seeing me and others whom I sometimes brought with me. He remembered us all, he said every child he taught he remembered.

    We were really very lucky in our teachers. Of my class of aboutb 30 kids, mostly of poor backgrounds, there were at least 5 doctors, 3 solicitors, 1 barrister, and 3 Rabbis one very famous. He started a girls College in Jerusalem to teach Orthodox girls Talmud and Midrash etc. They became teachers all over Israel and elsewhere in the world

  19. Hi, Reader.

    Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov warned that all foreign mercenaries, detained in Ukraine, would be brought to justice on criminal charges

    In some respects, this conflict in the Ukraine resembles the Spanish Civil War — in that it’s a testing ground for the weapons (cyber, economic, etc.) that the major powers will be using on a wider scale in the general conflict that will surely follow. In the SCW, mercenaries were also employed in large numbers on both sides.

  20. Military operation in Ukraine
    3 Mar, 08:40

    Foreign mercenaries in Ukraine will not have POW status — Russian military
    Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov warned that all foreign mercenaries, detained in Ukraine, would be brought to justice on criminal charges

  21. @ Peloni @ Bear @ Edgar When I first started posting comments here – which was the first place I had ever posted comments, in 2016, I think – not knowing the protocols, or ettiquete, for that matter, I recall assuming that “in moderation” meant my views weren’t moderate enough, which truly baffled me at times since my comments, though often rambling and loquatious, at times veering into the irrelevant and unnecessarily autobiographical, as though I felt the need to prove my right to offer an opinion here, tended to be, what could only have been only be described as modest in the given context, if not to say, moderate7 albeit tendentious, at times, moreover often unknowingly veering into the territory of tesching my grandmothers to suck eggs. “Caviar emptor” as schhols of fish say

  22. @Bear
    I comment a great deal here, as you know, and the moderation thing is common enough. It would be a great loss to lose your input here and I hope to see your continued additions in the days to come. Shalom til then.

  23. @Bear It’s clearly a random AI thing. Just copy and repost. Don’t fight over Ukraine and Russia. It’s Israel we should worry about. Don’t go. Or go and come back when this latest mass hysteria dies down. Anybody would think there are no other wars going on.

  24. Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Gantz announces more relief for Gaza
    Defense Minister tours Gaza Division, says number of Gazan workers allowed into Israel to be increased,

    “Palestinian Arabs planning disturbances in Evyatar
    Top PA official calls on Palestinian Arabs to arrive at outpost on Thursday morning and prevent “settlers” from praying there.” terror attack: Jew stabbed in Hizma village and moderately wounded
    Man says he came to garage and was stabbed out of nationalist motives. Police have opened an investigation.”

    Instead of fighting terror, Bennett is fighting the settlers’
    MK Yariv Levin castigates Bennett over arrest of youths at Homesh yeshiva.

    Every single day

  25. @Sebastien Zorn

    It looks like Israel is turning itself into a ghetto in the middle of a “native Arab land”.

    You can take the Jew out of the ghetto but you cannot the ghetto out of the Jew…

    Maybe Gantz is hoping for an American citizenship as a reward for his work but what does he think the other 7 million Jews are going to do?

    And that Knesset member is simply insane.

  26. Gantz announces more relief for Gaza
    Defense Minister tours Gaza Division, says number of Gazan workers allowed into Israel to be increased,

    “Palestinian Arabs planning disturbances in Evyatar
    Top PA official calls on Palestinian Arabs to arrive at outpost on Thursday morning and prevent “settlers” from praying there.” terror attack: Jew stabbed in Hizma village and moderately wounded
    Man says he came to garage and was stabbed out of nationalist motives. Police have opened an investigation.”

    Instead of fighting terror, Bennett is fighting the settlers’
    MK Yariv Levin castigates Bennett over arrest of youths at Homesh yeshiva.

    Every single day

  27. Chelsea FC owner Roman Abramvotich (Russian – Israeli) Selling team. He will give the proceeds to charity for Ukrainian Refugees.

    He is owned about $2 billion by Chelsea FC and he will NOT require repayment.

    He always give large amounts of money to those less fortunate wherever he lives and this includes Israel.

    The team could sell in the neighborhood of 2 to 3 billion pounds.

    A truly admirable Man.

  28. Captured Russian soldiers cry as they tell relatives ‘I was sent to my death’

    The Russian prisoners of war broke down in tears as they told their families back home that they had been ‘sent to their deaths’ in the invasion, with Ukraine claiming to have killed 6,000 Russians
    Russian POWs had no idea why they are at war

    ByMatthew DreschNews Reporter

    14:25, 2 Mar 2022Updated19:31, 2 Mar 2022


    Captured Russian soldiers broke down in tears as they told their families they had been ‘sent to their deaths’ in Ukraine.

    The prisoners of war were interviewed on camera by Ukrainian forces and said they had been used as cannon fodder in the war.

    It comes after Ukraine claimed it had killed 6,000 Russian troops durning the first six days of the invasion.

    Now footage is being shared online showing some of the captured invaders complaining about the war.

    One captive was filmed speaking to his mother over the phone, telling her: “They sent us to death, everyone killed everyone.”

    The soldier then broke down crying and told his mum ‘I love you too’.

    In another clip, a different Russian prisoner said: “We came for training. We were lied to and that’s why I am here

  29. I was just looking at the comments that didn’t automatically get approve. Much to my surprise there were about 10 comments over the last week that ended up in Spam or Trash.

    I approved them all.
    I will look daily at these bins.

  30. Trouble is Ted is only focusing on what he perceives as the west’s sins.

    He fails to observe and digest that in regards to Israel: Russia supplies Iran nuclear equipment, takes their side on the nuclear issue, sells them weapons, and sells weapons to everyone of Israel’s enemies. Takes the side of the Palestinians on almost all issues.

    Putin is on the side of Assad in Syria and has kept in him in power and propped him up. He says the Golan belongs to Syria.

    Putin wants to conquer or control other countries. He is trying this now in Ukraine. The West opposes this. Ted is on the side of Putin.

    Ted, tell us what is pro Israel or good about Putin? Did you like it when recently they jammed Israeli flight equipment and planes could not take off safely from Ben Gurion? Do you approve of them selling Iran and Syria equipment to shoot down Israeli planes?

    The USA and other western countries sell weapons to Israel and buy weapons from Israel. Yes the west or much of it has tried to have Israel agree to a two state solution but so does Putin and Russia.

    What is good about Putin again from the standpoint of Israel. So this supposed objectivity in my eyes is not objective but is nothing but a shallow anti American rant that one could hear from a Jihadi and/ or Putin.

  31. @Adam Dalgliesh

    There were rumors that Zelensky was going through Poland (instead of straight to Belarus – out of fear) to participate in Russia-Ukraine negotiations.

    Apparently, he decided not to go there.

    The negotiations have already started.

    Zelensky is an idiot, he should have quit his position immediately and taken his family to an undisclosed location in Africa somewhere, and not because of the “Russkies”.

    Israeli doctors are idiots also.

    Israel has this knee-jerk reaction to dispatch its help to every allegedly suffering nation which usually hates its guts.

  32. Hi, Ted. You said,

    I chose to put the spotlight on the US rather than on Russia to counter the spin put on the Ukraine conflict by the west. In doing so we all got educated more fully on the facts and realities. That’s a good thing…

    Thank you for trying to keep us objective during this crisis. Here is what I GUESS is going on:

    1. There are three major powers in play: a. the Globalists (including Biden), Putin and Xi. Their correspondence to George Orwell’s “Oceania, Eurasia and East Asia” should not be ignored. They continually put on a show of being at war with each other; but in fact, they are linked in their purpose of centralized control of the world

    2. The “other side” is the “deplorables” and the “Lao Bai Xing”, the ordinary people. In Orwellian terms, they are the “proles”.

    3. Israel seems to be moving in lock step with the Globalists or “Oceanians”; but I think this is folly on their part. Time will tell. For the moment, this actually puts them on the same side as the Turks, who definitely do not have Israel’s interests at heart.